rework subcommand invocation logic
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 85 additions and 63 deletions
@ -27,12 +27,18 @@ import Core
import qualified Remotes
import qualified TypeInternals
{- A subcommand can take one of several kinds of input parameters. -}
data SubCmdInput = FilesInGit FilePath | FilesNotInGit FilePath |
FilesMissing FilePath | Description String | Keys String |
Tempfile FilePath | FilesToBeCommitted FilePath
{- A subcommand runs in three stages. Each stage can return the next stage
- to run.
- 1. The start stage is run before anything is printed about the
- subcommand, and can early abort it if the input does not make sense.
- It should run quickly and should not modify Annex state.
- subcommand, is passed some input, and can early abort it
- if the input does not make sense. It should run quickly and
- should not modify Annex state.
- 2. The perform stage is run after a message is printed about the subcommand
- being run, and it should be where the bulk of the work happens.
@ -40,18 +46,18 @@ import qualified TypeInternals
- 3. The cleanup stage is run only if the perform stage succeeds, and it
- returns the overall success/fail of the subcommand.
type SubCmdStart = String -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
type SubCmdStart = Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
type SubCmdPerform = Annex (Maybe SubCmdCleanup)
type SubCmdCleanup = Annex Bool
{- Runs a subcommand through its three stages. -}
doSubCmd :: String -> SubCmdStart -> String -> Annex Bool
doSubCmd cmdname start param = do
startres <- start param :: Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
doSubCmd :: String -> SubCmdStart -> Annex Bool
doSubCmd cmdname start = do
startres <- start :: Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
case (startres) of
Nothing -> return True
Just perform -> do
showStart cmdname param
--showStart cmdname param
performres <- perform :: Annex (Maybe SubCmdCleanup)
case (performres) of
Nothing -> do
@ -68,15 +74,10 @@ doSubCmd cmdname start param = do
return False
{- A subcommand can broadly want one of several kinds of input parameters.
- This allows a first stage of filtering before starting a subcommand. -}
data SubCmdWants = FilesInGit | FilesNotInGit | FilesMissing
| Description | Keys | Tempfile | FilesToBeCommitted
data SubCommand = SubCommand {
subcmdname :: String,
subcmdaction :: SubCmdStart,
subcmdwants :: SubCmdWants,
subcmdaction :: (SubCmdInput -> SubCmdStart),
subcmdinput :: (String -> SubCmdInput),
subcmddesc :: String
subCmds :: [SubCommand]
@ -139,40 +140,53 @@ usage = usageInfo header options ++ "\nSubcommands:\n" ++ cmddescs
showcmd c =
(subcmdname c) ++
(pad 11 (subcmdname c)) ++
(descWanted (subcmdwants c)) ++
(pad 13 (descWanted (subcmdwants c))) ++
(descSubCmdInput (subcmdinput c)) ++
(pad 13 (descSubCmdInput (subcmdinput c))) ++
(subcmddesc c)
indent l = " " ++ l
pad n s = take (n - (length s)) $ repeat ' '
{- Generate descriptions of wanted parameters for subcommands. -}
descWanted :: SubCmdWants -> String
descWanted Description = "DESCRIPTION"
descWanted Keys = "KEY ..."
descWanted _ = "PATH ..."
descSubCmdInput :: (String -> SubCmdInput) -> String
descSubCmdInput Description = "DESCRIPTION"
descSubCmdInput Keys = "KEY ..."
descSubCmdInput _ = "PATH ..."
{- Prepares a set of actions to run to handle a subcommand, based on
- the parameters passed to it. -}
prepSubCmd :: SubCommand -> Git.Repo -> [String] -> IO [Annex Bool]
prepSubCmd SubCommand { subcmdname = name, subcmdaction = action,
subcmdinput = input, subcmddesc = _ } repo params = do
input <- findInput input params repo
return $ map (doSubCmd name action) input
{- Finds the type of parameters a subcommand wants, from among the passed
- parameter list. -}
findWanted :: SubCmdWants -> [String] -> Git.Repo -> IO [String]
findWanted FilesNotInGit params repo = do
findInput :: (String -> SubCmdInput) -> [String] -> Git.Repo -> IO [SubCmdInput]
findInput FilesNotInGit params repo = do
files <- mapM (Git.notInRepo repo) params
return $ foldl (++) [] files
findWanted FilesInGit params repo = do
return $ map FilesNotInGit $ notState $ foldl (++) [] files
findInput FilesInGit params repo = do
files <- mapM (Git.inRepo repo) params
return $ foldl (++) [] files
findWanted FilesMissing params _ = do
return $ map FilesInGit $ notState $ foldl (++) [] files
findInput FilesMissing params _ = do
files <- liftIO $ filterM missing params
return $ files
return $ map FilesMissing $ notState $ files
missing f = do
e <- doesFileExist f
return $ not e
findWanted Description params _ = do
return $ [unwords params]
findWanted FilesToBeCommitted params repo = do
findInput Description params _ = do
return $ map Description $ [unwords params]
findInput FilesToBeCommitted params repo = do
files <- mapM (Git.stagedFiles repo) params
return $ foldl (++) [] files
findWanted _ params _ = return params
return $ map FilesToBeCommitted $ notState $ foldl (++) [] files
findInput Keys params _ = return $ map Keys params
findInput Tempfile params _ = return $ map Tempfile params
{- filter out files from the state directory -}
notState :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
notState fs = filter (\f -> stateLoc /= take (length stateLoc) f) fs
{- Parses command line and returns two lists of actions to be
- run in the Annex monad. The first actions configure it
@ -184,20 +198,15 @@ parseCmd argv state = do
when (null params) $ error usage
case lookupCmd (params !! 0) of
[] -> error usage
[SubCommand { subcmdname = name, subcmdaction = action,
subcmdwants = want, subcmddesc = _ }] -> do
files <- findWanted want (drop 1 params)
(TypeInternals.repo state)
let actions = map (doSubCmd name action) $
filter notstate files
[subcommand] -> do
let repo = TypeInternals.repo state
actions <- prepSubCmd subcommand repo (drop 1 params)
let configactions = map (\flag -> do
return True) flags
return (configactions, actions)
_ -> error "internal error: multiple matching subcommands"
-- never include files from the state directory
notstate f = stateLoc /= take (length stateLoc) f
getopt = case getOpt Permute options argv of
(flags, params, []) -> return (flags, params)
(_, _, errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usage))
@ -206,8 +215,8 @@ parseCmd argv state = do
{- The add subcommand annexes a file, storing it in a backend, and then
- moving it into the annex directory and setting up the symlink pointing
- to its content. -}
addStart :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
addStart file = notAnnexed file $ do
addStart :: SubCmdInput -> SubCmdStart
addStart (FilesNotInGit file) = notAnnexed file $ do
s <- liftIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus file
if ((isSymbolicLink s) || (not $ isRegularFile s))
then return Nothing
@ -231,8 +240,8 @@ addCleanup file key = do
return True
{- The unannex subcommand undoes an add. -}
unannexStart :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
unannexStart file = isAnnexed file $ \(key, backend) -> do
unannexStart :: SubCmdInput -> SubCmdStart
unannexStart (FilesInGit file) = isAnnexed file $ \(key, backend) -> do
return $ Just $ unannexPerform file key backend
unannexPerform :: FilePath -> Key -> Backend -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdCleanup)
unannexPerform file key backend = do
@ -255,8 +264,8 @@ unannexCleanup file key = do
return True
{- Gets an annexed file from one of the backends. -}
getStart :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
getStart file = isAnnexed file $ \(key, backend) -> do
getStart :: SubCmdInput -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
getStart (FilesInGit file) = isAnnexed file $ \(key, backend) -> do
inannex <- inAnnex key
if (inannex)
then return Nothing
@ -270,8 +279,8 @@ getPerform key backend = do
{- Indicates a file's content is not wanted anymore, and should be removed
- if it's safe to do so. -}
dropStart :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
dropStart file = isAnnexed file $ \(key, backend) -> do
dropStart :: SubCmdInput -> SubCmdStart
dropStart (FilesInGit file) = isAnnexed file $ \(key, backend) -> do
inbackend <- Backend.hasKey key
if (not inbackend)
then return Nothing
@ -295,8 +304,8 @@ dropCleanup key = do
else return True
{- Drops cached content for a key. -}
dropKeyStart :: String -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
dropKeyStart keyname = do
dropKeyStart :: SubCmdInput -> SubCmdStart
dropKeyStart (Keys keyname) = do
backends <- Backend.list
let key = genKey (backends !! 0) keyname
present <- inAnnex key
@ -318,8 +327,8 @@ dropKeyCleanup key = do
return True
{- Sets cached content for a key. -}
setKeyStart :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
setKeyStart tmpfile = do
setKeyStart :: SubCmdInput -> SubCmdStart
setKeyStart (Tempfile tmpfile) = do
keyname <- Annex.flagGet "key"
when (null keyname) $ error "please specify the key with --key"
backends <- Backend.list
@ -339,8 +348,11 @@ setKeyCleanup key = do
return True
{- Fixes the symlink to an annexed file. -}
fixStart :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
fixStart file = isAnnexed file $ \(key, _) -> do
fixStart :: SubCmdInput -> SubCmdStart
fixStart (FilesInGit file) = fixStart' file
fixStart (FilesToBeCommitted file) = fixStart' file
fixStart' :: FilePath -> SubCmdStart
fixStart' file = isAnnexed file $ \(key, _) -> do
link <- calcGitLink file key
l <- liftIO $ readSymbolicLink file
if (link == l)
@ -358,8 +370,8 @@ fixCleanup file = do
return True
{- Stores description for the repository etc. -}
initStart :: String -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
initStart description = do
initStart :: SubCmdInput -> SubCmdStart
initStart (Description description) = do
when (null description) $ error $
"please specify a description of this repository\n" ++ usage
return $ Just $ initPerform description
@ -380,8 +392,8 @@ initCleanup = do
return True
{- Adds a file pointing at a manually-specified key -}
fromKeyStart :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
fromKeyStart file = do
fromKeyStart :: SubCmdInput -> SubCmdStart
fromKeyStart (FilesMissing file) = do
keyname <- Annex.flagGet "key"
when (null keyname) $ error "please specify the key with --key"
backends <- Backend.list
@ -406,8 +418,8 @@ fromKeyCleanup file = do
- This only operates on the cached file content; it does not involve
- moving data in the key-value backend. -}
moveStart :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe SubCmdPerform)
moveStart file = do
moveStart :: SubCmdInput -> SubCmdStart
moveStart (FilesInGit file) = do
fromName <- Annex.flagGet "fromrepository"
toName <- Annex.flagGet "torepository"
case (fromName, toName) of
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ git-annex (0.03) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
from git before starting, and will be much faster with large repos.
* Fix crash on unknown symlinks.
* Added remote.annex-scp-options and remote.annex-ssh-options.
* The backends to use when adding different sets of files can be configured
via gitattributes.
-- Joey Hess <> Thu, 28 Oct 2010 13:46:59 -0400
@ -159,8 +159,7 @@ Many git-annex subcommands will stage changes for later `git commit` by you.
* --backend=name
Specify the default key-value backend to use, adding it to the front
of the list normally configured by `annex.backends`.
Specifies the key-value backend to use when adding a file.
* --key=name
@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ Here are all the supported configuration settings.
repositories (default: 1)
* `annex.backends` -- space-separated list of names of
the key-value backends to use. The first listed is used to store
new files. (default: "WORM SHA1 URL")
new files by default. (default: "WORM SHA1 URL")
* `remote.<name>.annex-cost` -- When determining which repository to
transfer annexed files from or to, ones with lower costs are preferred.
The default cost is 100 for local repositories, and 200 for remote
@ -204,6 +203,15 @@ Here are all the supported configuration settings.
* `annex.scp-options` and `annex.ssh-options` -- Default scp and ssh
options to use if a remote does not have specific options.
The backend used when adding a new file to the annex can be configured
on a per-file-type basis via the `.gitattributes` file. In the file,
the `git-annex-backend` attribute can be set to the name of the backend to
use. For example, this here's how to use the WORM backend by default,
but the SHA1 backend for ogg files:
* git-annex-backend=WORM
*.ogg git-annex-backend=SHA1
These files are used, in your git repository:
Add table
Reference in a new issue