allow tests to be split for more granularity
Unit tests are the main bulk of runtime, so splitting them into 2 or 3 parts should help. For now, the number of parts is still 1, because on my 4 core laptop, 2 was a little bit slower, and 3 slower yet. However, this probably does vary based on the number of cores, so needs to be revisited, and perhaps made dynamic. Since each test mode gets split into the specified number of parts, plus property and remote tests, 2 gives 8 parts, and 3 gives 11 parts. Load went to maybe 18, so there was probably contention slowing things down. So probably it needs to start N workers with some parts, and when a worker finishes, run it with the next part, until all parts are processed. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's Datalad project
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 18 additions and 9 deletions
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ import qualified Utility.Gpg
optParser :: Parser TestOptions
optParser = TestOptions
<$> snd (tastyParser (tests False True mempty))
<$> snd (tastyParser (tests 1 False True mempty))
<*> switch
( long "keep-failures"
<> help "preserve repositories on test failure"
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ optParser = TestOptions
runner :: TestOptions -> IO ()
runner opts = parallelTestRunner opts tests
tests :: Bool -> Bool -> TestOptions -> [TestTree]
tests crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts =
tests :: Int -> Bool -> Bool -> TestOptions -> [TestTree]
tests n crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts =
: withTestMode remotetestmode Nothing testRemotes
: map (\(d, te) -> withTestMode te (Just initTests) (unitTests d)) testmodes
: concatMap mkunittests testmodes
testmodes = catMaybes
[ canadjust ("v8 adjusted unlocked branch", (testMode opts (RepoVersion 8)) { adjustedUnlockedBranch = True })
@ -122,6 +122,9 @@ tests crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts =
canadjust v
| adjustedbranchok = Just v
| otherwise = Nothing
mkunittests (d, te) = map
(\uts -> withTestMode te (Just initTests) uts)
(unitTests d n)
properties :: TestTree
properties = localOption (QuickCheckTests 1000) $ testGroup "QuickCheck" $
@ -248,8 +251,8 @@ initTests = testGroup "Init Tests"
, testCase "add" test_add
unitTests :: String -> TestTree
unitTests note = testGroup ("Unit Tests " ++ note)
unitTests :: String -> Int -> [TestTree]
unitTests note numparts = map (testGroup ("Unit Tests " ++ note)) $ sep
[ testCase "add dup" test_add_dup
, testCase "add extras" test_add_extras
, testCase "readonly remote" test_readonly_remote
@ -328,6 +331,11 @@ unitTests note = testGroup ("Unit Tests " ++ note)
, testCase "add subdirs" test_add_subdirs
, testCase "addurl" test_addurl
sep = sep' (replicate numparts [])
sep' (p:ps) (l:ls) = sep' (ps++[l:p]) ls
sep' ps [] = ps
sep' [] _ = []
-- this test case creates the main repo
test_init :: Assertion
@ -679,11 +679,12 @@ make_writeable d = void $
- leave open are closed before finalCleanup is run at the end. This
- prevents some failures to clean up after the test suite.
parallelTestRunner :: TestOptions -> (Bool -> Bool -> TestOptions -> [TestTree]) -> IO ()
parallelTestRunner :: TestOptions -> (Int -> Bool -> Bool -> TestOptions -> [TestTree]) -> IO ()
parallelTestRunner opts mkts
| fakeSsh opts = runFakeSsh (internalData opts)
| otherwise = go =<< Utility.Env.getEnv subenv
numparts = 1
go Nothing = do
ensuredir tmpdir
@ -691,7 +692,7 @@ parallelTestRunner opts mkts
(toRawFilePath tmpdir)
Nothing Nothing False
adjustedbranchok <- Annex.AdjustedBranch.isGitVersionSupported
let ts = mkts crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts
let ts = mkts numparts crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts
let warnings = fst (tastyParser ts)
unless (null warnings) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr "warnings from tasty:"
@ -722,7 +723,7 @@ parallelTestRunner opts mkts
go (Just subenvval) = case readish subenvval of
Nothing -> error ("Bad " ++ subenv)
Just (n, crippledfilesystem, adjustedbranchok) -> isolateGitConfig $ do
let ts = mkts crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts
let ts = mkts numparts crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts
let t = topLevelTestGroup
-- This group is needed to avoid what
-- seems to be a tasty bug which causes a
Add table
Reference in a new issue