delete content lock file safely after shared lock
Upgrade the shared lock to an exclusive lock, and then delete the lock file. If there is another process still holding the shared lock, the first process will fail taking the exclusive lock, and not delete the lock file; then the other process will later delete it. Note that, in the time period where the exclusive lock is held, other attempts to lock the content in place would fail. This is unlikely to be a problem since it's a short period. Other attempts to lock the content for removal would also fail in that time period, but that's no different than a removal failing because content is locked to prevent removal. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's Datalad project
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 67 additions and 43 deletions
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
- rather than running the action.
lockContentShared :: Key -> (VerifiedCopy -> Annex a) -> Annex a
lockContentShared key a = lockContentUsing lock True key notpresent $
lockContentShared key a = lockContentUsing lock key notpresent $
ifM (inAnnex key)
( do
u <- getUUID
@ -119,8 +119,14 @@ lockContentShared key a = lockContentUsing lock True key notpresent $
notpresent = giveup $ "failed to lock content: not present"
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
lock _ (Just lockfile) = posixLocker tryLockShared lockfile
lock contentfile Nothing = tryLockShared Nothing contentfile
lock _ (Just lockfile) =
( posixLocker tryLockShared lockfile
, Just (posixLocker tryLockExclusive lockfile)
lock contentfile Nothing =
( tryLockShared Nothing contentfile
, Nothing
lock = winLocker lockShared
@ -135,27 +141,28 @@ lockContentShared key a = lockContentUsing lock True key notpresent $
- present when this succeeds.
lockContentForRemoval :: Key -> Annex a -> (ContentRemovalLock -> Annex a) -> Annex a
lockContentForRemoval key fallback a = lockContentUsing lock False key fallback $
lockContentForRemoval key fallback a = lockContentUsing lock key fallback $
a (ContentRemovalLock key)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
lock _ (Just lockfile) = posixLocker tryLockExclusive lockfile
lock _ (Just lockfile) = (posixLocker tryLockExclusive lockfile, Nothing)
{- No lock file, so the content file itself is locked.
- Since content files are stored with the write bit
- disabled, have to fiddle with permissions to open
- for an exclusive lock. -}
lock contentfile Nothing =
lock contentfile Nothing =
let lck = bracket_
(thawContent contentfile)
(freezeContent contentfile)
(tryLockExclusive Nothing contentfile)
in (lck, Nothing)
lock = winLocker lockExclusive
{- Passed the object content file, and maybe a separate lock file to use,
- when the content file itself should not be locked. -}
type ContentLocker = RawFilePath -> Maybe LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
type ContentLocker = RawFilePath -> Maybe LockFile -> (Annex (Maybe LockHandle), Maybe (Annex (Maybe LockHandle)))
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
posixLocker :: (Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)) -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
@ -163,48 +170,50 @@ posixLocker takelock lockfile = do
mode <- annexFileMode
modifyContent lockfile $
takelock (Just mode) lockfile
winLocker :: (LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)) -> ContentLocker
winLocker takelock _ (Just lockfile) = do
modifyContent lockfile $
void $ liftIO $ tryIO $
writeFile (fromRawFilePath lockfile) ""
liftIO $ takelock lockfile
winLocker takelock _ (Just lockfile) =
let lck = do
modifyContent lockfile $
void $ liftIO $ tryIO $
writeFile (fromRawFilePath lockfile) ""
liftIO $ takelock lockfile
in (lck, Nothing)
-- never reached; windows always uses a separate lock file
winLocker _ _ Nothing = return Nothing
winLocker _ _ Nothing = (return Nothing, Nothing)
{- The fallback action is run if the ContentLocker throws an IO exception
- and the content is not present. It's not guaranteed to always run when
- the content is not present, because the content file is not always
- the file that is locked. -}
lockContentUsing :: ContentLocker -> Bool -> Key -> Annex a -> Annex a -> Annex a
lockContentUsing locker sharedlock key fallback a = do
lockContentUsing :: ContentLocker -> Key -> Annex a -> Annex a -> Annex a
lockContentUsing contentlocker key fallback a = do
contentfile <- calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation key)
mlockfile <- contentLockFile key
let (locker, sharedtoexclusive) = contentlocker contentfile mlockfile
(lock contentfile mlockfile)
(either (const noop) (unlock mlockfile))
(lock locker mlockfile)
(either (const noop) (unlock sharedtoexclusive mlockfile))
alreadylocked = giveup "content is locked"
failedtolock e = giveup $ "failed to lock content: " ++ show e
lock contentfile mlockfile = tryIO $
locker contentfile mlockfile >>= \case
Nothing -> alreadylocked
Just h
lock locker mlockfile = tryIO $ locker >>= \case
Nothing -> alreadylocked
Just h ->
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
| sharedlock -> case mlockfile of
Nothing -> return h
Just lockfile ->
ifM (checkSaneLock lockfile h)
( return h
, alreadylocked
case mlockfile of
Nothing -> return h
Just lockfile ->
ifM (checkSaneLock lockfile h)
( return h
, alreadylocked
return h
| otherwise -> return h
go (Right _) = a
go (Left e) = ifM (inAnnex key)
@ -213,20 +222,35 @@ lockContentUsing locker sharedlock key fallback a = do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
unlock mlockfile lck = do
-- When we took a shared lock, another process might
-- have also, and so the lock file cannot be deleted.
-- But when we took an exclusive lock to drop content,
-- no other process can have the file locked, so it's ok to
-- delete it. For this deletion to be fully safe against
-- races (eg, the other process opened the lock file right
-- before it was deleted, and locks it after it is deleted),
-- checkSaneLock has to be used for shared locks.
when (not sharedlock) $
unlock sharedtoexclusive mlockfile lck = case (sharedtoexclusive, mlockfile) of
-- We have a shared lock, so other processes may also
-- have shared locks of the same lock file. To avoid
-- deleting the lock file when there are other shared
-- locks, try to convert to an exclusive lock, and only
-- delete it when that succeeds.
-- Since other processes might be doing the same,
-- a race is possible where we open the lock file
-- and then another process takes the exclusive lock and
-- deletes it, leaving us with an invalid lock. To avoid
-- that race, checkSaneLock is used after taking the lock
-- here, and above.
(Just exclusivelocker, Just lockfile) -> do
liftIO $ dropLock lck
exclusivelocker >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just h -> do
whenM (checkSaneLock lockfile h) $ do
cleanuplockfile lockfile
liftIO $ dropLock h
-- We have an exclusive lock, so no other process can have
-- the file locked, and so it's safe to remove it, as long
-- as all attempts to lock the file use checkSaneLock.
_ -> do
maybe noop cleanuplockfile mlockfile
liftIO $ dropLock lck
liftIO $ dropLock lck
unlock mlockfile lck = do
unlock _ mlockfile lck = do
-- Can't delete a locked file on Windows,
-- so close our lock first. If there are other shared
-- locks, they will prevent the file deletion from
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