testremote: Fix over-allocation of resources and bad caching
Including starting up a large number of external special remote processes. (Regression introduced in version 8.20200501)
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 81 additions and 32 deletions
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ git-annex (8.20200618) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
vfat filesystems, possibly others.
* Build with the http-client-restricted and git-lfs libraries when
available, otherwise use the vendored copy as before.
* testremote: Fix over-allocation of resources and bad caching,
including starting up a large number of external special remote processes.
(Regression introduced in version 8.20200501)
-- Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> Thu, 18 Jun 2020 12:21:14 -0400
@ -75,7 +75,9 @@ seek = commandAction . start
start :: TestRemoteOptions -> CommandStart
start o = starting "testremote" (ActionItemOther (Just (testRemote o))) $ do
fast <- Annex.getState Annex.fast
r <- either giveup disableExportTree =<< Remote.byName' (testRemote o)
cache <- liftIO newRemoteVariantCache
r <- either giveup (disableExportTree cache)
=<< Remote.byName' (testRemote o)
ks <- case testReadonlyFile o of
[] -> if Remote.readonly r
then giveup "This remote is readonly, so you need to use the --test-readonly option."
@ -88,11 +90,11 @@ start o = starting "testremote" (ActionItemOther (Just (testRemote o))) $ do
else r { Remote.readonly = True }
let drs = if Remote.readonly r'
then [Described "remote" (pure (Just r'))]
else remoteVariants (Described "remote" (pure r')) basesz fast
else remoteVariants cache (Described "remote" (pure r')) basesz fast
unavailr <- Remote.mkUnavailable r'
let exportr = if Remote.readonly r'
then return Nothing
else exportTreeVariant r'
else exportTreeVariant cache r'
perform drs unavailr exportr ks
basesz = fromInteger $ sizeOption o
@ -114,61 +116,79 @@ perform drs unavailr exportr ks = do
desck k = unwords [ "key size", show (fromKey keySize k) ]
remoteVariants :: Described (Annex Remote) -> Int -> Bool -> [Described (Annex (Maybe Remote))]
remoteVariants dr basesz fast =
concatMap encryptionVariants $
remoteVariants :: RemoteVariantCache -> Described (Annex Remote) -> Int -> Bool -> [Described (Annex (Maybe Remote))]
remoteVariants cache dr basesz fast =
concatMap (encryptionVariants cache) $
map chunkvariant (chunkSizes basesz fast)
chunkvariant sz = Described (getDesc dr ++ " chunksize=" ++ show sz) $ do
r <- getVal dr
adjustChunkSize r sz
adjustChunkSize cache r sz
adjustChunkSize :: Remote -> Int -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
adjustChunkSize r chunksize = adjustRemoteConfig r $
adjustChunkSize :: RemoteVariantCache -> Remote -> Int -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
adjustChunkSize cache r chunksize = adjustRemoteConfig cache r $
M.insert chunkField (Proposed (show chunksize))
-- Variants of a remote with no encryption, and with simple shared
-- encryption. Gpg key based encryption is not tested.
encryptionVariants :: Described (Annex (Maybe Remote)) -> [Described (Annex (Maybe Remote))]
encryptionVariants dr = [noenc, sharedenc]
encryptionVariants :: RemoteVariantCache -> Described (Annex (Maybe Remote)) -> [Described (Annex (Maybe Remote))]
encryptionVariants cache dr = [noenc, sharedenc]
noenc = Described (getDesc dr ++ " encryption=none") $
getVal dr >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just r -> adjustRemoteConfig r $
Just r -> adjustRemoteConfig cache r $
M.insert encryptionField (Proposed "none")
sharedenc = Described (getDesc dr ++ " encryption=shared") $
getVal dr >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just r -> adjustRemoteConfig r $
Just r -> adjustRemoteConfig cache r $
M.insert encryptionField (Proposed "shared") .
M.insert highRandomQualityField (Proposed "false")
-- Variant of a remote with exporttree disabled.
disableExportTree :: Remote -> Annex Remote
disableExportTree r = maybe (error "failed disabling exportree") return
=<< adjustRemoteConfig r (M.delete exportTreeField)
disableExportTree :: RemoteVariantCache -> Remote -> Annex Remote
disableExportTree cache r = maybe (error "failed disabling exportree") return
=<< adjustRemoteConfig cache r (M.delete exportTreeField)
-- Variant of a remote with exporttree enabled.
exportTreeVariant :: Remote -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
exportTreeVariant r = ifM (Remote.isExportSupported r)
( adjustRemoteConfig r $
exportTreeVariant :: RemoteVariantCache -> Remote -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
exportTreeVariant cache r = ifM (Remote.isExportSupported r)
( adjustRemoteConfig cache r $
M.insert encryptionField (Proposed "none") .
M.insert exportTreeField (Proposed "yes")
, return Nothing
-- The Annex wrapper is used by Test; it should return the same TMVar
-- each time run.
type RemoteVariantCache = Annex (TVar (M.Map RemoteConfig Remote))
newRemoteVariantCache :: IO RemoteVariantCache
newRemoteVariantCache = newTVarIO M.empty >>= return . pure
-- Regenerate a remote with a modified config.
adjustRemoteConfig :: Remote -> (Remote.RemoteConfig -> Remote.RemoteConfig) -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
adjustRemoteConfig r adjustconfig = do
repo <- Remote.getRepo r
adjustRemoteConfig :: RemoteVariantCache -> Remote -> (Remote.RemoteConfig -> Remote.RemoteConfig) -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
adjustRemoteConfig getcache r adjustconfig = do
cache <- getcache
m <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTVar cache
let ParsedRemoteConfig _ origc = Remote.config r
Remote.generate (Remote.remotetype r)
(Remote.uuid r)
(adjustconfig origc)
(Remote.gitconfig r)
(Remote.remoteStateHandle r)
let newc = adjustconfig origc
case M.lookup newc m of
Just r' -> return (Just r')
Nothing -> do
repo <- Remote.getRepo r
v <- Remote.generate (Remote.remotetype r)
(Remote.uuid r)
(Remote.gitconfig r)
(Remote.remoteStateHandle r)
case v of
Just r' -> liftIO $ atomically $
modifyTVar' cache $ M.insert newc r'
Nothing -> return ()
return v
data Described t = Described
{ getDesc :: String
@ -257,22 +257,25 @@ testRemote remotetype config preinitremote =
@? "init failed"
r <- annexeval $ either error return
=<< Remote.byName' remotename
cache <- Command.TestRemote.newRemoteVariantCache
unavailr <- annexeval $ Types.Remote.mkUnavailable r
exportr <- annexeval $ Command.TestRemote.exportTreeVariant r
exportr <- annexeval $ Command.TestRemote.exportTreeVariant cache r
ks <- annexeval $ mapM Command.TestRemote.randKey keysizes
v <- getv
cv <- annexeval cache
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar v
(r, (unavailr, (exportr, ks)))
(r, (unavailr, (exportr, (ks, cv))))
go getv = Command.TestRemote.mkTestTrees runannex mkrs mkunavailr mkexportr mkks
runannex = inmainrepo . annexeval
mkrs = Command.TestRemote.remoteVariants mkr basesz False
mkrs = Command.TestRemote.remoteVariants cache mkr basesz False
mkr = descas (remotetype ++ " remote") (fst <$> v)
mkunavailr = fst . snd <$> v
mkexportr = fst . snd . snd <$> v
mkks = map (\(sz, n) -> desckeysize sz (getk n))
(zip keysizes [0..])
getk n = fmap (!! n) (snd . snd . snd <$> v)
getk n = fmap (!! n) (fst . snd . snd . snd <$> v)
cache = snd . snd . snd . snd <$> v
v = liftIO $ atomically . readTMVar =<< getv
descas = Command.TestRemote.Described
desckeysize sz = descas ("key size " ++ show sz)
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
There should be 4-8, because it does make that many remote
variants, each with a different config.
But, each individual test case is starting a process.
This is a reversion from around [[!commit 9fa940569c7941ad794637017ae5296e657c7f8d]].
To make git-annex test be able to use testremote, that deferred generating
Remote objects to inside the TestTree.. So it generates them when running
each test case.
Other remotes that allocate other resources will also allocate too many,
not cache http connections in testremote, etc.
The test suite was also affected in its use of testremote, but only
tested a directory special remote so I think avoided any bad behavior.
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