annex.numcopies works

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2010-10-14 17:37:20 -04:00
parent aa2f4bd810
commit 508a3b65ed
5 changed files with 71 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
module Backend (
) where
@ -77,6 +78,18 @@ retrieveKeyFile backend key dest = (B.retrieveKeyFile backend) key dest
removeKey :: Backend -> Key -> Annex Bool
removeKey backend key = (B.removeKey backend) key
{- Checks if any backend has a key. -}
hasKey :: Key -> Annex Bool
hasKey key = do
b <- backendList
hasKey' b key
hasKey' [] key = return False
hasKey' (b:bs) key = do
has <- (B.hasKey b) key
if (has)
then return True
else hasKey' bs key
{- Looks up the key and backend corresponding to an annexed file,
- by examining what the file symlinks to. -}
lookupFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Key, Backend))

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import qualified Remotes
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import Utility
import Core
import qualified Annex
import UUID
backend = Backend {
name = "file",
@ -49,6 +51,9 @@ checkKeyFile k = inAnnex backend k
copyKeyFile :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex (Bool)
copyKeyFile key file = do
remotes <- Remotes.withKey key
if (0 == length remotes)
then cantfind
else return ()
trycopy remotes remotes
trycopy full [] = error $ "unable to get: " ++ (keyFile key) ++ "\n" ++
@ -68,6 +73,14 @@ copyKeyFile key file = do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr (show err)
trycopy full rs
Right succ -> return True
cantfind = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
uuids <- liftIO $ keyLocations g key
error $ "no available git remotes have: " ++
(keyFile key) ++ (uuidlist uuids)
uuidlist [] = ""
uuidlist uuids = "\nIt has been seen before in these repositories:\n" ++
prettyPrintUUIDs uuids
{- Tries to copy a file from a remote, exception on error. -}
copyFromRemote :: Git.Repo -> Key -> FilePath -> IO ()

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import System.Posix.Files
import System.Directory
import Data.String.Utils
import List
import IO
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import qualified Annex
import Utility
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import UUID
import LocationLog
import Types
import Core
import qualified Remotes
options :: [OptDescr (String -> Annex ())]
options =
@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ wantCmd file = do error "not implemented" -- TODO
{- Indicates a file is not wanted. -}
dropCmd :: FilePath -> Annex ()
dropCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
-- TODO only remove if enough copies are present elsewhere
requireEnoughCopies key
success <- Backend.removeKey backend key
if (success)
then do
@ -181,3 +183,40 @@ inBackend file yes no = do
Just v -> yes v
Nothing -> no
notinBackend file yes no = inBackend file no yes
{- Checks remotes to verify that enough copies of a key exist to allow
- for a key to be safely removed (with no data loss), and fails with an
- error if not. -}
requireEnoughCopies :: Key -> Annex ()
requireEnoughCopies key = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let numcopies = read $ Git.configGet g config "1"
remotes <- Remotes.withKey key
if (numcopies > length remotes)
then error $ "I only know about " ++ (show $ length remotes) ++
" out of " ++ (show numcopies) ++
" necessary copies of: " ++ (keyFile key) ++
else findcopies numcopies remotes []
findcopies 0 _ _ = return () -- success, enough copies found
findcopies _ [] bad = die bad
findcopies n (r:rs) bad = do
result <- liftIO $ try $ haskey r
case (result) of
Right True -> findcopies (n-1) rs bad
Left _ -> findcopies n rs (r:bad)
haskey r = do
-- To check if a remote has a key, construct a new
-- Annex monad and query its backend.
a <- r
(result, _) <- a (Backend.hasKey key)
return result
die bad =
error $ "I failed to find enough other copies of: " ++
(keyFile key) ++ "\n" ++
"I was unable to access these remotes: " ++
(Remotes.list bad) ++ unsafe
unsafe = "\n -- According to the " ++ config ++
" setting, it is not safe to remove it!"
config = "annex.numcopies"

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@ -40,15 +40,7 @@ withKey key = do
mayberemotes <- mapM tryGitConfigRead allremotes
let allremotes' = catMaybes mayberemotes
remotes' <- reposByUUID allremotes' uuids
if (0 == length remotes')
then err uuids
else return remotes'
err uuids =
error $ "no available git remotes have: " ++
(keyFile key) ++ (uuidlist uuids)
uuidlist [] = ""
uuidlist uuids = "\nIt has been seen before in these repositories:\n" ++
prettyPrintUUIDs uuids
return remotes'
{- Cost Ordered list of remotes. -}
remotesByCost :: Annex [Git.Repo]

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
* bug when annexing files while in a subdir of a git repo
* bug when specifying absolute path to files when annexing
* need to include backend name as part of the key, because currently
if two backends have overlapping key spaces, it can confuse things
* --push/--pull/--want
* how to handle git mv file?