concurrent-output, first pass
Output without -Jn should be unchanged from before. With -Jn, concurrent-output is used for messages, but regions are not used yet, so it's a mess.
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 125 additions and 61 deletions
@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ buildFlags = filter (not . null)
#warning Building without XMPP.
, "ConcurrentOutput"
#ifdef WITH_DNS
, "DNS"
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Annex.Action
import Annex.Environment
import Command
import Types.Messages
import Messages.Concurrent
{- Runs the passed command line. -}
dispatch :: Bool -> CmdParams -> [Command] -> [GlobalOption] -> [(String, String)] -> IO Git.Repo -> String -> String -> IO ()
@ -45,8 +46,9 @@ dispatch fuzzyok allargs allcmds globaloptions fields getgitrepo progname progde
whenM (annexDebug <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $
liftIO enableDebugOutput
performCommandAction cmd seek $
shutdown $ cmdnocommit cmd
withConcurrentOutput $
performCommandAction cmd seek $
shutdown $ cmdnocommit cmd
go (Left norepo) = do
let ingitrepo = \a -> a =<<
-- Parse command line with full cmdparser first,
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ performCommandAction Command { cmdcheck = c, cmdname = name } seek cont = do
commandAction :: CommandStart -> Annex ()
commandAction a = withOutputType go
go (ParallelOutput n) = do
go (ConcurrentOutput n) = do
ws <- Annex.getState Annex.workers
(st, ws') <- if null ws
then do
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ jsonOption = globalFlag (Annex.setOutput JSONOutput)
jobsOption :: GlobalOption
jobsOption = globalSetter (Annex.setOutput . ParallelOutput) $
jobsOption = globalSetter (Annex.setOutput . ConcurrentOutput) $
option auto
( long "jobs" <> short 'J' <> metavar paramNumber
<> help "enable concurrent jobs"
@ -52,16 +52,15 @@ import Types.Key
import qualified Annex
showStart :: String -> FilePath -> Annex ()
showStart command file = handleMessage (JSON.start command $ Just file) $
flushed $ putStr $ command ++ " " ++ file ++ " "
showStart command file = outputMessage (JSON.start command $ Just file) $
command ++ " " ++ file ++ " "
showStart' :: String -> Key -> Maybe FilePath -> Annex ()
showStart' command key afile = showStart command $
fromMaybe (key2file key) afile
showNote :: String -> Annex ()
showNote s = handleMessage (JSON.note s) $
flushed $ putStr $ "(" ++ s ++ ") "
showNote s = outputMessage (JSON.note s) $ "(" ++ s ++ ") "
showAction :: String -> Annex ()
showAction s = showNote $ s ++ "..."
@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ showSideAction m = Annex.getState Annex.output >>= go
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.output = st' }
| sideActionBlock st == InBlock = return ()
| otherwise = p
p = handleMessage q $ putStrLn $ "(" ++ m ++ "...)"
p = outputMessage q $ "(" ++ m ++ "...)\n"
showStoringStateAction :: Annex ()
showStoringStateAction = showSideAction "recording state in git"
@ -101,11 +100,10 @@ doSideAction' b a = do
{- Make way for subsequent output of a command. -}
showOutput :: Annex ()
showOutput = unlessM commandProgressDisabled $
handleMessage q $ putStr "\n"
outputMessage q "\n"
showLongNote :: String -> Annex ()
showLongNote s = handleMessage (JSON.note s) $
putStrLn $ '\n' : indent s
showLongNote s = outputMessage (JSON.note s) ('\n' : indent s ++ "\n")
showEndOk :: Annex ()
showEndOk = showEndResult True
@ -114,7 +112,7 @@ showEndFail :: Annex ()
showEndFail = showEndResult False
showEndResult :: Bool -> Annex ()
showEndResult ok = handleMessage (JSON.end ok) $ putStrLn $ endResult ok
showEndResult ok = outputMessage (JSON.end ok) $ endResult ok ++ "\n"
endResult :: Bool -> String
endResult True = "ok"
@ -129,11 +127,10 @@ warning = warning' True . indent
warning' :: Bool -> String -> Annex ()
warning' makeway w = do
when makeway $
handleMessage q $ putStr "\n"
liftIO $ do
hFlush stdout
hPutStrLn stderr w
outputMessage q "\n"
outputError (w ++ "\n")
{- Not concurrent output safe. -}
warningIO :: String -> IO ()
warningIO w = do
putStr "\n"
@ -145,7 +142,10 @@ indent = intercalate "\n" . map (\l -> " " ++ l) . lines
{- Shows a JSON fragment only when in json mode. -}
maybeShowJSON :: JSON a => [(String, a)] -> Annex ()
maybeShowJSON v = handleMessage (JSON.add v) q
maybeShowJSON v = withOutputType $ liftIO . go
go JSONOutput = JSON.add v
go _ = return ()
{- Shows a complete JSON value, only when in json mode. -}
showFullJSON :: JSON a => [(String, a)] -> Annex Bool
@ -157,19 +157,19 @@ showFullJSON v = withOutputType $ liftIO . go
{- Performs an action that outputs nonstandard/customized output, and
- in JSON mode wraps its output in JSON.start and JSON.end, so it's
- a complete JSON document.
- This is only needed when showStart and showEndOk is not used. -}
- This is only needed when showStart and showEndOk is not used.
showCustom :: String -> Annex Bool -> Annex ()
showCustom command a = do
handleMessage (JSON.start command Nothing) q
outputMessage (JSON.start command Nothing) ""
r <- a
handleMessage (JSON.end r) q
outputMessage (JSON.end r) ""
showHeader :: String -> Annex ()
showHeader h = handleMessage q $
flushed $ putStr $ h ++ ": "
showHeader h = outputMessage q $ (h ++ ": ")
showRaw :: String -> Annex ()
showRaw s = handleMessage q $ putStrLn s
showRaw = outputMessage q
setupConsole :: IO ()
setupConsole = do
@ -207,6 +207,6 @@ debugEnabled = do
commandProgressDisabled :: Annex Bool
commandProgressDisabled = withOutputType $ \t -> return $ case t of
QuietOutput -> True
ParallelOutput _ -> True
JSONOutput -> True
NormalOutput -> False
ConcurrentOutput _ -> True
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
{- git-annex concurrent output
- Copyright 2015 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Messages.Concurrent where
import Common.Annex
import Messages.Internal
import Types.Messages
import qualified System.Console.Concurrent as Console
{- Enable concurrent output when that has been requested.
- This should only be run once per git-annex lifetime, with
- everything that might generate messages run inside it.
withConcurrentOutput :: Annex a -> Annex a
withConcurrentOutput a = withOutputType go
go (ConcurrentOutput _) = Console.withConcurrentOutput a
go _ = a
withConcurrentOutput = id
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Messages.Internal where
import Common
@ -12,14 +14,38 @@ import Types
import Types.Messages
import qualified Annex
handleMessage :: IO () -> IO () -> Annex ()
handleMessage json normal = withOutputType go
import System.Console.Concurrent
outputMessage :: IO () -> String -> Annex ()
outputMessage json s = withOutputType go
go NormalOutput = liftIO normal
go NormalOutput = liftIO $
flushed $ putStr s
go QuietOutput = q
go (ParallelOutput _) = q
go (ConcurrentOutput _) = liftIO $
outputConcurrent s
go JSONOutput = liftIO $ flushed json
outputError :: String -> Annex ()
outputError s = withOutputType go
go (ConcurrentOutput _) = liftIO $
errorConcurrent s
go _ = liftIO $ do
hFlush stdout
hPutStr stderr s
hFlush stderr
q :: Monad m => m ()
q = noop
@ -17,15 +17,14 @@ import Types
import Types.Messages
import Types.Key
import System.Console.AsciiProgress
import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as Terminal
import System.Console.Concurrent
import System.Console.Regions
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Progress.Meter
import Data.Progress.Tracker
import Data.Quantity
{- Shows a progress meter while performing a transfer of a key.
- The action is passed a callback to use to update the meter. -}
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ metered combinemeterupdate key af a = case keySize key of
go _ QuietOutput = nometer
go _ JSONOutput = nometer
#if 0
go size _ = do
liftIO $ putStrLn ""
@ -65,8 +64,8 @@ metered combinemeterupdate key af a = case keySize key of
return r
-- Old progress bar code, not suitable for parallel output.
go _ (ParallelOutput _) = do
-- Old progress bar code, not suitable for concurrent output.
go _ (ConcurrentOutput _) = do
r <- nometer
liftIO $ putStrLn $ fromMaybe (key2file key) af
return r
@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ metered combinemeterupdate key af a = case keySize key of
return r
#if 0
pupdate pg n = do
let i = fromBytesProcessed n
sofar <- stCompleted <$> getProgressStats pg
@ -95,24 +94,17 @@ metered combinemeterupdate key af a = case keySize key of
nometer = a (const noop)
truncatepretty n s
| length s > n = take (n-2) s ++ ".."
| otherwise = s
{- Use when the progress meter is only desired for parallel
- mode; as when a command's own progress output is preferred. -}
parallelMetered :: Maybe MeterUpdate -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex a) -> Annex a
parallelMetered combinemeterupdate key af a = withOutputType go
{- Use when the progress meter is only desired for concurrent
- output; as when a command's own progress output is preferred. -}
concurrentMetered :: Maybe MeterUpdate -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex a) -> Annex a
concurrentMetered combinemeterupdate key af a = withOutputType go
go (ParallelOutput _) = metered combinemeterupdate key af a
go (ConcurrentOutput _) = metered combinemeterupdate key af a
go _ = a (fromMaybe (const noop) combinemeterupdate)
{- Progress dots. -}
showProgressDots :: Annex ()
showProgressDots = handleMessage q $
flushed $ putStr "."
showProgressDots = outputMessage q "."
{- Runs a command, that may output progress to either stdout or
- stderr, as well as other messages.
@ -149,5 +141,7 @@ mkStderrRelayer = do
mkStderrEmitter :: Annex (String -> IO ())
mkStderrEmitter = withOutputType go
go (ParallelOutput _) = return $ \s -> hPutStrLn stderr ("E: " ++ s)
go (ConcurrentOutput _) = return errorConcurrent
go _ = return (hPutStrLn stderr)
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ lockKey r key callback
{- Tries to copy a key's content from a remote's annex to a file. -}
copyFromRemote :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Bool, Verification)
copyFromRemote r key file dest p = parallelMetered (Just p) key file $
copyFromRemote r key file dest p = concurrentMetered (Just p) key file $
copyFromRemote' r key file dest
copyFromRemote' :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Bool, Verification)
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ copyFromRemoteCheap r key af file
| Git.repoIsSsh (repo r) =
ifM (Annex.Content.preseedTmp key file)
( fst <$> parallelMetered Nothing key af
( fst <$> concurrentMetered Nothing key af
(copyFromRemote' r key af file)
, return False
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ copyFromRemoteCheap _ _ _ _ = return False
{- Tries to copy a key's content to a remote's annex. -}
copyToRemote :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
copyToRemote r key file p = parallelMetered (Just p) key file $ copyToRemote' r key file
copyToRemote r key file p = concurrentMetered (Just p) key file $ copyToRemote' r key file
copyToRemote' :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
copyToRemote' r key file p
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Types.Messages where
import Data.Default
data OutputType = NormalOutput | QuietOutput | ParallelOutput Int | JSONOutput
data OutputType = NormalOutput | QuietOutput | ConcurrentOutput Int | JSONOutput
data SideActionBlock = NoBlock | StartBlock | InBlock
deriving (Eq)
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
git-annex (5.20151102.2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Use concurrent-output library for -Jn mode.
-- Joey Hess <> Wed, 04 Nov 2015 12:50:20 -0400
git-annex (5.20151102.1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Avoid installing desktop file and program file if cabal install
@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ Flag DesktopNotify
Flag TorrentParser
Description: Use haskell torrent library to parse torrent files
Flag AsciiProgress
Description: Use ascii-progress library (experimental)
Flag ConcurrentOutput
Description: Use concurrent-output library
Default: False
Flag EKG
@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ Executable git-annex
Build-Depends: esqueleto, persistent-sqlite, persistent, persistent-template
if flag(AsciiProgress)
Build-Depends: ascii-progress (<=, terminal-size
if flag(ConcurrentOutput)
Build-Depends: concurrent-output (>= 1.4.1)
if flag(EKG)
Build-Depends: ekg
Add table
Reference in a new issue