Merge commit '402551561624cd83ec8c15d09411210111edc557'
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1 changed files with 39 additions and 19 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
module Annex.Notification where
module Annex.Notification (NotifyWitness, notifyTransfer, notifyDrop) where
import Common.Annex
import Logs.Transfer
@ -29,22 +29,16 @@ notifyTransfer _ Nothing a = a NotifyWitness
notifyTransfer direction (Just f) a = do
wanted <- Annex.getState Annex.desktopnotify
let action = if direction == Upload then "uploading" else "downloading"
let basedesc = action ++ " " ++ f
let startdesc = "started " ++ basedesc
let enddesc ok = if ok
then "finished " ++ basedesc
else basedesc ++ " failed"
if (notifyStart wanted || notifyFinish wanted)
then do
client <- liftIO DBus.Client.connectSession
startnotification <- liftIO $ if notifyStart wanted
then Just <$> Notify.notify client (mkNote startdesc)
then Just <$> Notify.notify client (startedTransferNote direction f)
else pure Nothing
ok <- a NotifyWitness
when (notifyFinish wanted) $ liftIO $ void $ maybe
(Notify.notify client $ mkNote $ enddesc ok)
(\n -> Notify.replace client n $ mkNote $ enddesc ok)
(Notify.notify client $ finishedTransferNote ok direction f)
(\n -> Notify.replace client n $ finishedTransferNote ok direction f)
return ok
else a NotifyWitness
@ -59,22 +53,48 @@ notifyDrop (Just f) ok = do
wanted <- Annex.getState Annex.desktopnotify
when (notifyFinish wanted) $ liftIO $ do
client <- DBus.Client.connectSession
let msg = if ok
then "dropped " ++ f
else "failed to drop" ++ f
void $ Notify.notify client (mkNote msg)
void $ Notify.notify client (droppedNote ok f)
notifyDrop (Just _) _ = noop
mkNote :: String -> Notify.Note
mkNote desc = Notify.blankNote
startedTransferNote :: Direction -> FilePath -> Notify.Note
startedTransferNote Upload = mkNote Notify.Transfer Notify.Low iconUpload
startedTransferNote Download = mkNote Notify.Transfer Notify.Low iconDownload
finishedTransferNote :: Bool -> Direction -> FilePath -> Notify.Note
finishedTransferNote False Upload = mkNote Notify.TransferError Notify.Normal iconFailure
"Failed to upload"
finishedTransferNote False Download = mkNote Notify.TransferError Notify.Normal iconFailure
"Failed to download"
finishedTransferNote True Upload = mkNote Notify.TransferComplete Notify.Low iconSuccess
"Finished uploading"
finishedTransferNote True Download = mkNote Notify.TransferComplete Notify.Low iconSuccess
"Finished downloading"
droppedNote :: Bool -> FilePath -> Notify.Note
droppedNote False = mkNote Notify.TransferError Notify.Normal iconFailure
"Failed to drop"
droppedNote True = mkNote Notify.TransferComplete Notify.Low iconSuccess
iconUpload, iconDownload, iconFailure, iconSuccess :: String
iconUpload = "network-transmit"
iconDownload = "network-receive"
iconFailure = "dialog-error"
iconSuccess = "git-annex" -- Is there a standard icon for success/completion?
mkNote :: Notify.Category -> Notify.UrgencyLevel -> String -> String -> FilePath -> Notify.Note
mkNote category urgency icon desc path = Notify.blankNote
{ Notify.appName = "git-annex"
, Notify.body = Just $ Notify.Text desc
, Notify.appImage = Just (Notify.Icon icon)
, Notify.summary = desc ++ " " ++ path
, Notify.hints =
[ Notify.Category Notify.Transfer
, Notify.Urgency Notify.Low
[ Notify.Category category
, Notify.Urgency urgency
, Notify.SuppressSound True
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