ensure that git-annex branch is pushed after a successful transfer
I now have this topology working: assistant ---> {bare repo, special remote} <--- assistant And, I think, also this one: +----------- bare repo --------+ v v assistant ---> special remote <--- assistant While before with assistant <---> assistant connections, both sides got location info updated after a transfer, in this topology, the bare repo *might* get its location info updated, but the other assistant has no way to know that it did. And a special remote doesn't record location info, so transfers to it won't propigate out location log changes at all. So, for these to work, after a transfer succeeds, the git-annex branch needs to be pushed. This is done by recording a synthetic commit has occurred, which lets the pusher handle pushing out the change (which will include actually committing any still journalled changes to the git-annex branch). Of course, this means rather a lot more syncing action than happened before. At least the pusher bundles together very close together pushes, somewhat. Currently it just waits 2 seconds between each push.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 41 additions and 28 deletions
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ startAssistant assistant daemonize webappwaiter = withThreadState $ \st -> do
mapM_ (startthread dstatus)
[ watch $ commitThread st changechan commitchan transferqueue dstatus
, assist $ webAppThread (Just st) dstatus scanremotes transferqueue transferslots pushnotifier urlrenderer Nothing webappwaiter
, assist $ webAppThread (Just st) dstatus scanremotes transferqueue transferslots pushnotifier commitchan urlrenderer Nothing webappwaiter
, assist $ pairListenerThread st dstatus scanremotes urlrenderer
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ startAssistant assistant daemonize webappwaiter = withThreadState $ \st -> do
, assist $ mergeThread st dstatus transferqueue branchhandle
, assist $ transferWatcherThread st dstatus transferqueue
, assist $ transferPollerThread st dstatus
, assist $ transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue transferslots
, assist $ transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue transferslots commitchan
, assist $ daemonStatusThread st dstatus
, assist $ sanityCheckerThread st dstatus transferqueue changechan
, assist $ mountWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ module Assistant.Commits where
import Utility.TSet
import Data.Time.Clock
type CommitChan = TSet Commit
data Commit = Commit UTCTime
deriving (Show)
data Commit = Commit
newCommitChan :: IO CommitChan
newCommitChan = newTSet
@ -30,5 +27,5 @@ refillCommits :: CommitChan -> [Commit] -> IO ()
refillCommits = putTSet
{- Records a commit in the channel. -}
recordCommit :: CommitChan -> Commit -> IO ()
recordCommit = putTSet1
recordCommit :: CommitChan -> IO ()
recordCommit = flip putTSet1 Commit
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ commitThread st changechan commitchan transferqueue dstatus = thread $ do
void $ alertWhile dstatus commitAlert $
runThreadState st commitStaged
recordCommit commitchan (Commit time)
recordCommit commitchan
else refill readychanges
else refill changes
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import qualified Git.LsTree as LsTree
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Annex
import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Data.Set as S
thisThread :: ThreadName
@ -56,8 +55,7 @@ configMonitorThread st dstatus branchhandle commitchan = thread $ do
reloadConfigs st dstatus changedconfigs
{- Record a commit to get this config
- change pushed out to remotes. -}
time <- getCurrentTime
recordCommit commitchan (Commit time)
recordCommit commitchan
go r new
{- Config files, and their checksums. -}
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap pushnotifier = thread $ runEvery (Secon
-- Next, wait until at least one commit has been made
commits <- getCommits commitchan
-- Now see if now's a good time to push.
now <- getCurrentTime
if shouldPush now commits
if shouldPush commits
then do
remotes <- filter pushable . syncRemotes
<$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
unless (null remotes) $
unless (null remotes) $ do
now <- getCurrentTime
void $ alertWhile dstatus (pushAlert remotes) $
pushToRemotes thisThread now st (Just pushnotifier) (Just pushmap) remotes
else do
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap pushnotifier = thread $ runEvery (Secon
- already determines batches of changes, so we can't easily determine
- batches better.
shouldPush :: UTCTime -> [Commit] -> Bool
shouldPush _now commits
shouldPush :: [Commit] -> Bool
shouldPush commits
| not (null commits) = True
| otherwise = False
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.TransferQueue
import Assistant.TransferSlots
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.Commits
import Logs.Transfer
import Logs.Location
import Annex.Content
@ -30,20 +31,20 @@ maxTransfers :: Int
maxTransfers = 1
{- Dispatches transfers from the queue. -}
transfererThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> TransferSlots -> NamedThread
transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue slots = thread $ go =<< readProgramFile
transfererThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> TransferSlots -> CommitChan -> NamedThread
transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue slots commitchan = thread $ go =<< readProgramFile
thread = NamedThread thisThread
go program = forever $ inTransferSlot dstatus slots $
maybe (return Nothing) (uncurry $ startTransfer st dstatus program)
maybe (return Nothing) (uncurry $ startTransfer st dstatus commitchan program)
=<< getNextTransfer transferqueue dstatus notrunning
{- Skip transfers that are already running. -}
notrunning = isNothing . startedTime
{- By the time this is called, the daemonstatus's transfer map should
- already have been updated to include the transfer. -}
startTransfer :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> FilePath -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> TransferGenerator
startTransfer st dstatus program t info = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) of
startTransfer :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> CommitChan -> FilePath -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> TransferGenerator
startTransfer st dstatus commitchan program t info = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) of
(Just remote, Just file) -> ifM (runThreadState st $ shouldTransfer t info)
( do
debug thisThread [ "Transferring:" , show t ]
@ -66,11 +67,19 @@ startTransfer st dstatus program t info = case (transferRemote info, associatedF
{- Alerts are only shown for successful transfers.
- Transfers can temporarily fail for many reasons,
- so there's no point in bothering the user about
- those. The assistant should recover. -}
whenM ((==) ExitSuccess <$> waitForProcess pid) $ void $
addAlert dstatus $
- those. The assistant should recover.
- Also, after a successful transfer, the location
- log has changed. Indicate that a commit has been
- made, in order to queue a push of the git-annex
- branch out to remotes that did not participate
- in the transfer.
whenM ((==) ExitSuccess <$> waitForProcess pid) $ do
void $ addAlert dstatus $
makeAlertFiller True $
transferFileAlert direction True file
recordCommit commitchan
params =
[ Param "transferkey"
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Assistant.ScanRemotes
import Assistant.TransferQueue
import Assistant.TransferSlots
import Assistant.Pushes
import Assistant.Commits
import Utility.WebApp
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.TempFile
@ -57,11 +58,12 @@ webAppThread
-> TransferQueue
-> TransferSlots
-> PushNotifier
-> CommitChan
-> UrlRenderer
-> Maybe (IO String)
-> Maybe (Url -> FilePath -> IO ())
-> NamedThread
webAppThread mst dstatus scanremotes transferqueue transferslots pushnotifier urlrenderer postfirstrun onstartup = thread $ do
webAppThread mst dstatus scanremotes transferqueue transferslots pushnotifier commitchan urlrenderer postfirstrun onstartup = thread $ do
webapp <- WebApp
<$> pure mst
<*> pure dstatus
@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ webAppThread mst dstatus scanremotes transferqueue transferslots pushnotifier ur
<*> pure transferqueue
<*> pure transferslots
<*> pure pushnotifier
<*> pure commitchan
<*> (pack <$> genRandomToken)
<*> getreldir mst
<*> pure $(embed "static")
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Assistant.ScanRemotes
import Assistant.TransferQueue
import Assistant.TransferSlots
import Assistant.Pushes
import Assistant.Commits
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.Pairing
import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ data WebApp = WebApp
, transferQueue :: TransferQueue
, transferSlots :: TransferSlots
, pushNotifier :: PushNotifier
, commitChan :: CommitChan
, secretToken :: Text
, relDir :: Maybe FilePath
, getStatic :: Static
@ -135,9 +135,10 @@ startTransfer t = do
let st = fromJust $ threadState webapp
let dstatus = daemonStatus webapp
let slots = transferSlots webapp
let commitchan = commitChan webapp
liftIO $ inImmediateTransferSlot dstatus slots $ do
program <- readProgramFile
Transferrer.startTransfer st dstatus program t info
Transferrer.startTransfer st dstatus commitchan program t info
getCurrentTransfers :: Handler TransferMap
getCurrentTransfers = currentTransfers
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Assistant.ScanRemotes
import Assistant.TransferQueue
import Assistant.TransferSlots
import Assistant.Pushes
import Assistant.Commits
import Assistant.Threads.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.Install
@ -106,11 +107,13 @@ firstRun = do
transferslots <- newTransferSlots
urlrenderer <- newUrlRenderer
pushnotifier <- newPushNotifier
commitchan <- newCommitChan
v <- newEmptyMVar
let callback a = Just $ a v
void $ runNamedThread dstatus $
webAppThread Nothing dstatus scanremotes
transferqueue transferslots pushnotifier urlrenderer
transferqueue transferslots pushnotifier commitchan
(callback signaler) (callback mainthread)
signaler v = do
Add table
Reference in a new issue