finally fixed v6 get/drop git status
After updating the worktree for an add/drop, update git's index, so git
status will not show the files as modified.
What actually happens is that the index update removes the inode
information from the index. The next git status (or similar) run
then has to do some work. It runs the clean filter.
So, this depends on the clean filter being reasonably fast and on git
not leaking memory when running it. Both problems were fixed in
, but only for git 2.5. Anyone
using an older git will see very expensive git status after an add/drop.
This uses the same git update-index queue as other parts of git-annex, so
the actual index update is fairly efficient. Of course, updating the index
does still have some overhead. The annex.queuesize config will control how
often the index gets updated when working on a lot of files.
This is an imperfect workaround... Added several todos about new
problems this workaround causes. Still, this seems a lot better than the
old behavior.
This commit was supported by the NSF-funded DataLad project.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 76 additions and 102 deletions
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ module Annex.Content (
@ -545,7 +546,7 @@ moveAnnex key src = ifM (checkSecureHashes key)
fs <- map (`fromTopFilePath` g)
<$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
unless (null fs) $ do
mapM_ (populatePointerFile key dest) fs
mapM_ (populatePointerFile (Restage True) key dest) fs
Database.Keys.storeInodeCaches key (dest:fs)
storeindirect = storeobject =<< calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation key)
@ -586,14 +587,23 @@ checkSecureHashes key
, return True
populatePointerFile :: Key -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex ()
populatePointerFile k obj f = go =<< liftIO (isPointerFile f)
newtype Restage = Restage Bool
{- Populates a pointer file with the content of a key. -}
populatePointerFile :: Restage -> Key -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex ()
populatePointerFile (Restage restage) k obj f = go =<< liftIO (isPointerFile f)
go (Just k') | k == k' = do
destmode <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fileMode <$> getFileStatus f
liftIO $ nukeFile f
ifM (linkOrCopy k obj f destmode)
( thawContent f
( do
thawContent f
-- The pointer file is re-staged,
-- so git won't think it's been modified.
when restage $ do
pointersha <- hashPointerFile k
stagePointerFile f destmode pointersha
, liftIO $ writePointerFile f k destmode
go _ = return ()
@ -816,12 +826,6 @@ cleanObjectLoc key cleaner = do
<=< catchMaybeIO $ removeDirectory dir
{- Removes a key's file from .git/annex/objects/
- When a key has associated pointer files, they are checked for
- modifications, and if unmodified, are reset.
- In direct mode, deletes the associated files or files, and replaces
- them with symlinks.
removeAnnex :: ContentRemovalLock -> Annex ()
removeAnnex (ContentRemovalLock key) = withObjectLoc key remove removedirect
@ -834,22 +838,33 @@ removeAnnex (ContentRemovalLock key) = withObjectLoc key remove removedirect
=<< Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
Database.Keys.removeInodeCaches key
Direct.removeInodeCache key
-- Check associated pointer file for modifications, and reset if
-- it's unmodified.
resetpointer file = ifM (isUnmodified key file)
( do
mode <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fileMode <$> getFileStatus file
secureErase file
liftIO $ nukeFile file
liftIO $ writePointerFile file key mode
-- Can't delete the pointer file.
-- Re-stage the pointer, so git won't think it's
-- been modified.
pointersha <- hashPointerFile key
stagePointerFile file mode pointersha
-- Modified file, so leave it alone.
-- If it was a hard link to the annex object,
-- that object might have been frozen as part of the
-- removal process, so thaw it.
, void $ tryIO $ thawContent file
-- In direct mode, deletes the associated files or files, and replaces
-- them with symlinks.
removedirect fs = do
cache <- Direct.recordedInodeCache key
Direct.removeInodeCache key
mapM_ (resetfile cache) fs
resetfile cache f = whenM (Direct.sameInodeCache f cache) $ do
l <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLink f key
secureErase f
@ -140,14 +140,13 @@ ingestAdd' ld@(Just (LockedDown cfg source)) mk = do
return (Just k)
{- Ingests a locked down file into the annex. Does not update the working
- tree or the index.
- tree or the index. -}
ingest :: Maybe LockedDown -> Maybe Key -> Annex (Maybe Key, Maybe InodeCache)
ingest = ingest' Nothing
ingest ld mk = ingest' Nothing ld mk (Restage True)
ingest' :: Maybe Backend -> Maybe LockedDown -> Maybe Key -> Annex (Maybe Key, Maybe InodeCache)
ingest' _ Nothing _ = return (Nothing, Nothing)
ingest' preferredbackend (Just (LockedDown cfg source)) mk = withTSDelta $ \delta -> do
ingest' :: Maybe Backend -> Maybe LockedDown -> Maybe Key -> Restage -> Annex (Maybe Key, Maybe InodeCache)
ingest' _ Nothing _ _ = return (Nothing, Nothing)
ingest' preferredbackend (Just (LockedDown cfg source)) mk restage = withTSDelta $ \delta -> do
k <- case mk of
Nothing -> do
backend <- maybe (chooseBackend $ keyFilename source) (return . Just) preferredbackend
@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ ingest' preferredbackend (Just (LockedDown cfg source)) mk = withTSDelta $ \delt
golocked key mcache s =
tryNonAsync (moveAnnex key $ contentLocation source) >>= \case
Right True -> do
populateAssociatedFiles key source
populateAssociatedFiles key source restage
success key mcache s
Right False -> giveup "failed to add content to annex"
Left e -> restoreFile (keyFilename source) key e
@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ ingest' preferredbackend (Just (LockedDown cfg source)) mk = withTSDelta $ \delt
linkToAnnex key (keyFilename source) (Just cache) >>= \case
LinkAnnexFailed -> failure "failed to link to annex"
_ -> do
finishIngestUnlocked' key source
finishIngestUnlocked' key source restage
success key (Just cache) s
gounlocked _ _ _ = failure "failed statting file"
@ -218,23 +217,23 @@ finishIngestDirect key source = do
finishIngestUnlocked :: Key -> KeySource -> Annex ()
finishIngestUnlocked key source = do
cleanCruft source
finishIngestUnlocked' key source
finishIngestUnlocked' key source (Restage True)
finishIngestUnlocked' :: Key -> KeySource -> Annex ()
finishIngestUnlocked' key source = do
finishIngestUnlocked' :: Key -> KeySource -> Restage -> Annex ()
finishIngestUnlocked' key source restage = do
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile key =<< inRepo (toTopFilePath (keyFilename source))
populateAssociatedFiles key source
populateAssociatedFiles key source restage
{- Copy to any other locations using the same key. -}
populateAssociatedFiles :: Key -> KeySource -> Annex ()
populateAssociatedFiles key source = do
populateAssociatedFiles :: Key -> KeySource -> Restage -> Annex ()
populateAssociatedFiles key source restage = do
obj <- calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation key)
g <- Annex.gitRepo
ingestedf <- flip fromTopFilePath g
<$> inRepo (toTopFilePath (keyFilename source))
afs <- map (`fromTopFilePath` g) <$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
forM_ (filter (/= ingestedf) afs) $
populatePointerFile key obj
populatePointerFile restage key obj
cleanCruft :: KeySource -> Annex ()
cleanCruft source = when (contentLocation source /= keyFilename source) $
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ git-annex (6.20180808) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* v6 add: Take advantage of improved SIGPIPE handler in git 2.5 to
speed up the clean filter by not reading the file content from the
pipe. This also avoids git buffering the whole file content in memory.
* v6: After updating the worktree for an add/drop, update git's index,
so git status will not show the files as modified.
-- Joey Hess <> Wed, 08 Aug 2018 11:24:08 -0400
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ clean file = do
<$> catKeyFile file
liftIO . emitPointer
=<< go
=<< (\ld -> ingest' currbackend ld Nothing)
=<< (\ld -> ingest' currbackend ld Nothing norestage)
=<< lockDown cfg file
, liftIO $ B.hPut stdout b
@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ clean file = do
{ lockingFile = False
, hardlinkFileTmp = False
-- Can't restage associated files because git add runs this and has
-- the index locked.
norestage = Restage False
shouldAnnex :: FilePath -> Annex Bool
shouldAnnex file = do
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 2"""
One of v6's big problems is that dropping or getting an annexed file
updates the file in the working tree, which makes git status think
the file is modified, even though the clean filter will output
the same pointer as before. Runing `git add` to clear it up is quite
expensive since the large file content has to be read.
Maybe a long-running filter process could avoid this problem.
If git can be coaxed somehow into re-running the smudge filter,
git-annex could provide the new worktree content to git via it,
and let git update the working tree.
Git would make a copy, which git-annex currently does, so the only
added overhead would be sending the file content to git down the pipe.
(Well and it won't use reflink for the copy on COW filesystems.)
annex.thin is a complication, but it could be handled by hard linking the
work tree file that git writes back into the annex, overwriting the file that
was there. (This approach could also make git checkout of a branch honor
How to make git re-run the smudge filter? It needs to want to update the
working tree. One way is to touch the worktree files and then run
`git checkout`. Although this risks losing modifications the user made
to the files so would need to be done with care.
That seems like it would defer working tree updates until the git-annex
get command was done processing all files. Sometimes I want to use a
file while the same get command is still running for other files.
It might work to use the "delay" capability of the filter process
interface. Get git to re-smudge all affected files, and when it
asks for content for each, send "delayed". Then as git-annex gets
each file, respond to git's "list_available_blobs" with a single blob,
which git should request and use to update the working tree.
@ -12,39 +12,39 @@ git-annex should use smudge/clean filters.
# because it doesn't know it has that name
# git commit clears up this mess
* Dropping a smudged file causes git status (and git annex status)
to show it as modified, because the timestamp has changed.
Getting a smudged file can also cause this.
Upgrading a direct mode repo also leaves files in this state.
User can use `git add` to clear it up, but better to avoid this,
by updating stat info in the index.
* If an annexed file's content is not present, and its pointer file
is copied to a new name and added, it does not get added as an
associated file. (If the content is present, it does get added.)
May need to use libgit2 to do this efficiently, cannot find
any plumbing except git-update-index, which is very inneficient for
smudged files; updating a file feeds its whole content through the clean
filter again.
* If an unlocked file's content is not present, and a new file with
identical content is added with `git add`, the unlocked file is
populated, but git-annex is unable to update the index, so git status
will say that it has been modified.
Part of the problem is that the clean filter needs to consume the whole
of stdin. (And git has to write the whole file content to stdout from the
file it mmaps). A more efficient smudge/clean interface that let the filter
read the file itself would let git-annex short-circuit when the file it's
cleaning is one it already knows about. I've proposed extending git with
such an interface:
* If an annexed file is deleted in the index, and another annexed file
uses the same key, and git annex get/drop is run, the index update
that's done to prevent status showing the file as modified adds
the deleted file back to the index.
And developed a patch set: [[git-patches]]
* Also, if the user is getting files, and modifying files at the same
time, and they stage their modifications, the modification may get
unstaged in a race when a file is got and the updated worktree file
staged in the index.
I don't know if this is worth worrying about,
because there's also of course a race where the modification to the
worktree file may get reverted when git-annex updates the content. Those
races are much smaller, but do exist.
> Thanks to [[!commit a96972015dd76271b46432151e15d5d38d7151ff]],
> the clean filter is now very quick, so, this can be fixed by running
> git update-index with files affected by get/drop.
> In case a file's content quickly changes after get/drop, git
> update-index would add the new content. To avoid this, use
> `git update-index --index-info`. The next run of `git status`
> then runs the clean filter, and will detect if the file has gotten
> modified after the get/drop. TODO
* get/drop operations on unlocked files lead to an update of the index.
Only one process can update the index at one time, so eg, git annex get
at the same time as a git commit may display a ugly warning
(or the git commit could fail to start if run at just the right time).
* Use git's new `filter.<driver>.process` interface, which will
Two git-annex get processes can also try to update the index at the
same time and encounter this problem (git annex get -J is ok).
* Potentially: Use git's new `filter.<driver>.process` interface, which will
let only 1 git-annex process be started by git when processing
multiple files, and so should be faster.
@ -66,12 +66,8 @@ git-annex should use smudge/clean filters.
git-annex adjust and git-annex sync could both use that internally
when checking out the adjusted branch, and merging a branch into HEAD.
Since this approach modifies work tree files, it again causes git status
to think files are modified. So, the above todo item about that needs to
be sorted out first; it would not do for git annex adjust to cause
the whole work tree to be considered to be modified!
My enhanced smudge/clean patch set also fixes this problem.
(My enhanced smudge/clean patch set also fixed this problem, in a much
nicer way...)
* When git runs the smudge filter, it buffers all its output in ram before
writing it to a file. So, checking out a branch with a large v6 unlocked files
Reference in a new issue