make storeExport throw exceptions
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 99 additions and 105 deletions
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import qualified Git.Ref
import Git.Types
import Git.FilePath
import Git.Sha
import qualified Remote
import Types.Remote
import Types.Export
import Annex.Export
@ -280,7 +281,8 @@ performExport r db ek af contentsha loc allfilledvar = do
let rollback = void $
performUnexport r db [ek] loc
sendAnnex k rollback $ \f ->
storer f k loc pm
Remote.action $
storer f k loc pm
, do
showNote "not available"
return False
@ -291,7 +293,8 @@ performExport r db ek af contentsha loc allfilledvar = do
b <- catObject contentsha
liftIO $ L.hPut h b
liftIO $ hClose h
storer tmp sha1k loc nullMeterUpdate
Remote.action $
storer tmp sha1k loc nullMeterUpdate
let failedsend = liftIO $ modifyMVar_ allfilledvar (pure . const (AllFilled False))
case sent of
Right True -> next $ cleanupExport r db ek loc True
@ -287,15 +287,15 @@ testExportTree runannex mkr mkk1 mkk2 =
, check "remove export when not present" $ \ea k1 _k2 ->
removeexport ea k1
, check "store export" $ \ea k1 _k2 ->
storeexport ea k1
isRight <$> tryNonAsync (storeexport ea k1)
, check "check present export after store" $ \ea k1 _k2 ->
checkpresentexport ea k1
, check "store export when already present" $ \ea k1 _k2 ->
storeexport ea k1
isRight <$> tryNonAsync (storeexport ea k1)
, check "retrieve export" $ \ea k1 _k2 ->
retrieveexport ea k1
, check "store new content to export" $ \ea _k1 k2 ->
storeexport ea k2
isRight <$> tryNonAsync (storeexport ea k2)
, check "check present export after store of new content" $ \ea _k1 k2 ->
checkpresentexport ea k2
, check "retrieve export new content" $ \ea _k1 k2 ->
@ -234,8 +234,10 @@ androidHashDir adir k = AndroidPath $
hdir = replace [pathSeparator] "/" (fromRawFilePath (hashDirLower def k))
storeExportM :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeExportM serial adir src _k loc _p = store' serial dest src
storeExportM :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
storeExportM serial adir src _k loc _p =
unlessM (store' serial dest src) $
giveup "adb failed"
dest = androidExportLocation adir loc
@ -317,19 +319,19 @@ retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM serial adir loc cid dest mkkey _p = catchDe
src = androidExportLocation adir loc
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Either String ContentIdentifier)
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ContentIdentifier
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM serial adir src _k loc overwritablecids _p =
-- Check if overwrite is safe before sending, because sending the
-- file is expensive and don't want to do it unncessarily.
ifM checkcanoverwrite
( ifM (store'' serial dest src checkcanoverwrite)
( getExportContentIdentifier serial adir loc >>= return . \case
Right (Just cid) -> Right cid
Right Nothing -> Left "adb failed to store file"
Left _ -> Left "unable to get content identifier for file stored on adtb"
, return $ Left "adb failed to store file"
( getExportContentIdentifier serial adir loc >>= \case
Right (Just cid) -> return cid
Right Nothing -> giveup "adb failed to store file"
Left _ -> giveup "unable to get content identifier for file stored by adb"
, giveup "adb failed to store file"
, return $ Left "unsafe to overwrite file"
, giveup "unsafe to overwrite file"
dest = androidExportLocation adir loc
@ -264,13 +264,12 @@ checkPresentGeneric' d check = ifM check
storeExportM :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeExportM d src _k loc p = liftIO $ catchBoolIO $ do
storeExportM :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
storeExportM d src _k loc p = liftIO $ do
createDirectoryUnder d (takeDirectory dest)
-- Write via temp file so that checkPresentGeneric will not
-- see it until it's fully stored.
viaTmp (\tmp () -> withMeteredFile src p (L.writeFile tmp)) dest ()
return True
dest = exportPath d loc
@ -407,37 +406,36 @@ retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM dir loc cid dest mkkey p =
| currcid == Just cid = cont
| otherwise = return Nothing
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Either String ContentIdentifier)
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM dir src _k loc overwritablecids p =
catchNonAsync go (return . Left . show)
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ContentIdentifier
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM dir src _k loc overwritablecids p = do
liftIO $ createDirectoryUnder dir destdir
withTmpFileIn destdir template $ \tmpf tmph -> do
liftIO $ withMeteredFile src p (L.hPut tmph)
liftIO $ hFlush tmph
liftIO $ hClose tmph
liftIO (getFileStatus tmpf) >>= liftIO . mkContentIdentifier tmpf >>= \case
Nothing -> giveup "unable to generate content identifier"
Just newcid -> do
checkExportContent dir loc
(giveup "unsafe to overwrite file")
(const $ liftIO $ rename tmpf dest)
return newcid
go = do
liftIO $ createDirectoryUnder dir destdir
withTmpFileIn destdir template $ \tmpf tmph -> do
liftIO $ withMeteredFile src p (L.hPut tmph)
liftIO $ hFlush tmph
liftIO $ hClose tmph
liftIO (getFileStatus tmpf) >>= liftIO . mkContentIdentifier tmpf >>= \case
Nothing ->
return $ Left "unable to generate content identifier"
Just newcid ->
checkExportContent dir loc (newcid:overwritablecids) (Left "unsafe to overwrite file") $ const $ do
liftIO $ rename tmpf dest
return (Right newcid)
dest = exportPath dir loc
(destdir, base) = splitFileName dest
template = relatedTemplate (base ++ ".tmp")
removeExportWithContentIdentifierM :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> Annex Bool
removeExportWithContentIdentifierM dir k loc removeablecids =
checkExportContent dir loc removeablecids False $ \case
checkExportContent dir loc removeablecids (return False) $ \case
DoesNotExist -> return True
KnownContentIdentifier -> removeExportM dir k loc
checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifierM :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> Annex Bool
checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifierM dir _k loc knowncids =
checkPresentGeneric' dir $
checkExportContent dir loc knowncids False $ \case
checkExportContent dir loc knowncids (return False) $ \case
DoesNotExist -> return False
KnownContentIdentifier -> return True
@ -458,18 +456,18 @@ data CheckResult = DoesNotExist | KnownContentIdentifier
-- So, it suffices to check if the destination file's current
-- content is known, and immediately run the callback.
checkExportContent :: FilePath -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> a -> (CheckResult -> Annex a) -> Annex a
checkExportContent :: FilePath -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> Annex a -> (CheckResult -> Annex a) -> Annex a
checkExportContent dir loc knowncids unsafe callback =
tryWhenExists (liftIO $ getFileStatus dest) >>= \case
Just destst
| not (isRegularFile destst) -> return unsafe
| not (isRegularFile destst) -> unsafe
| otherwise -> catchDefaultIO Nothing (liftIO $ mkContentIdentifier dest destst) >>= \case
Just destcid
| destcid `elem` knowncids -> callback KnownContentIdentifier
-- dest exists with other content
| otherwise -> return unsafe
| otherwise -> unsafe
-- should never happen
Nothing -> return unsafe
Nothing -> unsafe
-- dest does not exist
Nothing -> callback DoesNotExist
@ -279,19 +279,16 @@ whereisKeyM external k = handleRequestKey external WHEREIS k Nothing $ \resp ->
_ -> Nothing
storeExportM :: External -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeExportM external f k loc p = safely $
handleRequestExport external loc req k (Just p) $ \resp -> case resp of
TRANSFER_SUCCESS Upload k' | k == k' -> result True
TRANSFER_FAILURE Upload k' errmsg | k == k' ->
Just $ do
warning $ respErrorMessage "TRANSFER" errmsg
return (Result False)
warning "TRANSFEREXPORT not implemented by external special remote"
return (Result False)
_ -> Nothing
storeExportM :: External -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
storeExportM external f k loc p = either giveup return =<< go
go = handleRequestExport external loc req k (Just p) $ \resp -> case resp of
TRANSFER_SUCCESS Upload k' | k == k' -> result $ Right ()
TRANSFER_FAILURE Upload k' errmsg | k == k' ->
result $ Left $ respErrorMessage "TRANSFER" errmsg
result $ Left "TRANSFEREXPORT not implemented by external special remote"
_ -> Nothing
req sk = TRANSFEREXPORT Upload sk f
retrieveExportM :: External -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ instance HasExportUnsupported (ParsedRemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex Bo
instance HasExportUnsupported (ExportActions Annex) where
exportUnsupported = ExportActions
{ storeExport = \_ _ _ _ -> do
warning "store export is unsupported"
return False
{ storeExport = nope
, retrieveExport = \_ _ _ _ -> return False
, checkPresentExport = \_ _ -> return False
, removeExport = \_ _ -> return False
, removeExportDirectory = Just $ \_ -> return False
, renameExport = \_ _ _ -> return Nothing
nope = giveup "export not supported"
-- | Use for remotes that do not support imports.
class HasImportUnsupported a where
@ -57,11 +57,13 @@ instance HasImportUnsupported (ImportActions Annex) where
importUnsupported = ImportActions
{ listImportableContents = return Nothing
, retrieveExportWithContentIdentifier = \_ _ _ _ _ -> return Nothing
, storeExportWithContentIdentifier = \_ _ _ _ _ -> return (Left "import not supported")
, storeExportWithContentIdentifier = nope
, removeExportWithContentIdentifier = \_ _ _ -> return False
, removeExportDirectoryWhenEmpty = Just $ \_ -> return False
, checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifier = \_ _ _ -> return False
nope = giveup "import not supported"
exportIsSupported :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex Bool
exportIsSupported = \_ _ -> return True
@ -151,16 +153,11 @@ adjustExportImport r rs = case getRemoteConfigValue exportTreeField (config r) o
oldks <- liftIO $ Export.getExportTreeKey exportdb loc
oldcids <- liftIO $ concat
<$> mapM (ContentIdentifier.getContentIdentifiers db rs) oldks
storeExportWithContentIdentifier (importActions r') f k loc oldcids p >>= \case
Left err -> do
warning err
return False
Right newcid -> do
withExclusiveLock gitAnnexContentIdentifierLock $ do
liftIO $ ContentIdentifier.recordContentIdentifier db rs newcid k
liftIO $ ContentIdentifier.flushDbQueue db
recordContentIdentifier rs newcid k
return True
newcid <- storeExportWithContentIdentifier (importActions r') f k loc oldcids p
withExclusiveLock gitAnnexContentIdentifierLock $ do
liftIO $ ContentIdentifier.recordContentIdentifier db rs newcid k
liftIO $ ContentIdentifier.flushDbQueue db
recordContentIdentifier rs newcid k
, removeExport = \k loc ->
removeExportWithContentIdentifier (importActions r') k loc
=<< keycids k
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ readonlyRemoveKey _ = readonlyFail
readonlyStorer :: Storer
readonlyStorer _ _ _ = readonlyFail
readonlyStoreExport :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
readonlyStoreExport _ _ _ _ = readonlyFail'
readonlyStoreExport :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
readonlyStoreExport _ _ _ _ = readonlyFail
readonlyRemoveExport :: Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
readonlyRemoveExport _ _ = readonlyFail'
@ -65,14 +65,13 @@ readonlyRemoveExportDirectory _ = readonlyFail'
readonlyRenameExport :: Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> Annex (Maybe Bool)
readonlyRenameExport _ _ _ = return Nothing
readonlyStoreExportWithContentIdentifier :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Either String ContentIdentifier)
readonlyStoreExportWithContentIdentifier _ _ _ _ _ =
return $ Left readonlyWarning
readonlyStoreExportWithContentIdentifier :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ContentIdentifier
readonlyStoreExportWithContentIdentifier _ _ _ _ _ = readonlyFail
readonlyRemoveExportWithContentIdentifier :: Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> Annex Bool
readonlyRemoveExportWithContentIdentifier _ _ _ = readonlyFail'
readonlyFail :: Annex ()
readonlyFail :: Annex a
readonlyFail = giveup readonlyWarning
readonlyFail' :: Annex Bool
@ -308,9 +308,9 @@ checkPresentGeneric o rsyncurls = do
proc "rsync" $ toCommand $ opts ++ [Param u]
return True
storeExportM :: RsyncOpts -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeExportM :: RsyncOpts -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
storeExportM o src _k loc meterupdate =
storeGeneric' o meterupdate basedest populatedest
storeGeneric o meterupdate basedest populatedest
basedest = fromRawFilePath (fromExportLocation loc)
populatedest = liftIO . createLinkOrCopy src
@ -460,22 +460,19 @@ checkKeyHelper' info h o limit = liftIO $ runResourceT $ do
req = limit $ S3.headObject (bucket info) o
storeExportS3 :: S3HandleVar -> Remote -> RemoteStateHandle -> S3Info -> Maybe Magic -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeExportS3 hv r rs info magic f k loc p = fst
<$> storeExportS3' hv r rs info magic f k loc p
storeExportS3 :: S3HandleVar -> Remote -> RemoteStateHandle -> S3Info -> Maybe Magic -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
storeExportS3 hv r rs info magic f k loc p = void $ storeExportS3' hv r rs info magic f k loc p
storeExportS3' :: S3HandleVar -> Remote -> RemoteStateHandle -> S3Info -> Maybe Magic -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Bool, (Maybe S3Etag, Maybe S3VersionID))
storeExportS3' :: S3HandleVar -> Remote -> RemoteStateHandle -> S3Info -> Maybe Magic -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Maybe S3Etag, Maybe S3VersionID)
storeExportS3' hv r rs info magic f k loc p = withS3Handle hv $ \case
Just h -> catchNonAsync (go h) (\e -> warning (show e) >> return (False, (Nothing, Nothing)))
Nothing -> do
warning $ needS3Creds (uuid r)
return (False, (Nothing, Nothing))
Just h -> go h
Nothing -> giveup $ needS3Creds (uuid r)
go h = do
let o = T.pack $ bucketExportLocation info loc
(metag, mvid) <- storeHelper info h magic f o p
setS3VersionID info rs k mvid
return (True, (metag, mvid))
return (metag, mvid)
retrieveExportS3 :: S3HandleVar -> Remote -> S3Info -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
retrieveExportS3 hv r info _k loc f p =
@ -671,7 +668,7 @@ rewritePreconditionException a = catchJust (Url.matchStatusCodeException want) a
-- When the bucket is not versioned, data loss can result.
-- This is why that configuration requires --force to enable.
storeExportWithContentIdentifierS3 :: S3HandleVar -> Remote -> RemoteStateHandle -> S3Info -> Maybe Magic -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Either String ContentIdentifier)
storeExportWithContentIdentifierS3 :: S3HandleVar -> Remote -> RemoteStateHandle -> S3Info -> Maybe Magic -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ContentIdentifier
storeExportWithContentIdentifierS3 hv r rs info magic src k loc _overwritablecids p
| versioning info = go
-- FIXME Actual aws version that supports getting Etag for a store
@ -680,18 +677,16 @@ storeExportWithContentIdentifierS3 hv r rs info magic src k loc _overwritablecid
#if MIN_VERSION_aws(0,99,0)
| otherwise = go
| otherwise = return $
Left "git-annex is built with too old a version of the aws library to support this operation"
| otherwise = giveup "git-annex is built with too old a version of the aws library to support this operation"
go = storeExportS3' hv r rs info magic src k loc p >>= \case
(False, _) -> return $ Left "failed to store content in S3 bucket"
(True, (_, Just vid)) -> return $ Right $
(_, Just vid) -> return $
mkS3VersionedContentIdentifier vid
(True, (Just etag, Nothing)) -> return $ Right $
(Just etag, Nothing) -> return $
mkS3UnversionedContentIdentifier etag
(True, (Nothing, Nothing)) ->
return $ Left "did not get ETag for store to S3 bucket"
(Nothing, Nothing) ->
giveup "did not get ETag for store to S3 bucket"
-- Does not guarantee that the removed object has the content identifier,
-- but when the bucket is versioned, the removed object content can still
@ -206,19 +206,16 @@ checkKey hv r chunkconfig k = withDavHandle hv $ \dav -> do
existsDAV (keyLocation k)
either giveup return v
storeExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
storeExportDav hdl f k loc p = case exportLocation loc of
Right dest -> withDavHandle' hdl $ \mh -> runExport mh $ \dav -> do
Right dest -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> runExport h $ \dav -> do
reqbody <- liftIO $ httpBodyStorer f p
storeHelper dav (keyTmpLocation k) dest reqbody
return True
Left err -> do
warning err
return False
Left err -> giveup err
retrieveExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
retrieveExportDav hdl _k loc d p = case exportLocation loc of
Right src -> withDavHandle' hdl $ \mh -> runExport mh $ \_dav -> do
Right src -> withDavHandle' hdl $ \mh -> runExport' mh $ \_dav -> do
retrieveHelper src d p
return True
Left _err -> return False
@ -234,7 +231,7 @@ checkPresentExportDav hdl _ _k loc = case exportLocation loc of
removeExportDav :: DavHandleVar-> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
removeExportDav hdl _k loc = case exportLocation loc of
Right p -> withDavHandle' hdl $ \mh -> runExport mh $ \_dav ->
Right p -> withDavHandle' hdl $ \mh -> runExport' mh $ \_dav ->
removeHelper p
-- When the exportLocation is not legal for webdav,
-- the content is certianly not stored there, so it's ok for
@ -244,7 +241,7 @@ removeExportDav hdl _k loc = case exportLocation loc of
Left _err -> return True
removeExportDirectoryDav :: DavHandleVar -> ExportDirectory -> Annex Bool
removeExportDirectoryDav hdl dir = withDavHandle' hdl $ \mh -> runExport mh $ \_dav -> do
removeExportDirectoryDav hdl dir = withDavHandle' hdl $ \mh -> runExport' mh $ \_dav -> do
let d = fromRawFilePath $ fromExportDirectory dir
debugDav $ "delContent " ++ d
safely (inLocation d delContentM)
@ -258,7 +255,7 @@ renameExportDav hdl _k src dest = case (exportLocation src, exportLocation dest)
-- so avoid renaming when using it.
| boxComUrl `isPrefixOf` baseURL h -> return Nothing
| otherwise -> do
v <- runExport (Right h) $ \dav -> do
v <- runExport' (Right h) $ \dav -> do
maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent destl)
moveDAV (baseURL dav) srcl destl
return True
@ -266,9 +263,12 @@ renameExportDav hdl _k src dest = case (exportLocation src, exportLocation dest)
Left _e -> return (Just False)
_ -> return (Just False)
runExport :: Either String DavHandle -> (DavHandle -> DAVT IO Bool) -> Annex Bool
runExport (Left _e) _ = return False
runExport (Right h) a = fromMaybe False <$> liftIO (goDAV h $ safely (a h))
runExport' :: Either String DavHandle -> (DavHandle -> DAVT IO Bool) -> Annex Bool
runExport' (Left _e) _ = return False
runExport' (Right h) a = fromMaybe False <$> liftIO (goDAV h $ safely (a h))
runExport :: DavHandle -> (DavHandle -> DAVT IO a) -> Annex a
runExport h a = liftIO (goDAV h (a h))
configUrl :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> Maybe URLString
configUrl c = fixup <$> getRemoteConfigValue urlField c
@ -231,7 +231,8 @@ data ExportActions a = ExportActions
-- Exports content to an ExportLocation.
-- The exported file should not appear to be present on the remote
-- until all of its contents have been transferred.
{ storeExport :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> a Bool
-- Throws exception on failure.
{ storeExport :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> a ()
-- Retrieves exported content to a file.
-- (The MeterUpdate does not need to be used if it writes
-- sequentially to the file.)
@ -293,6 +294,8 @@ data ImportActions a = ImportActions
-- needs to make sure that the ContentIdentifier it returns
-- corresponds to what it wrote, not to what some other writer
-- wrote.
-- Throws exception on failure.
, storeExportWithContentIdentifier
:: FilePath
-> Key
@ -300,7 +303,7 @@ data ImportActions a = ImportActions
-- old content that it's safe to overwrite
-> [ContentIdentifier]
-> MeterUpdate
-> a (Either String ContentIdentifier)
-> a ContentIdentifier
-- This is used rather than removeExport when a special remote
-- supports imports.
Add table
Reference in a new issue