lock journal before reading journal files
This is not currently necessary; journal files are updated atomically. However, for faster appends to large journal files, locking on read will be needed, because appends are not atomic. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's DANDI project
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 20 additions and 19 deletions
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ updateTo' pairs = do
else return $ "merging " ++
unwords (map Git.Ref.describe branches) ++
" into " ++ fromRef name
localtransitions <- getLocalTransitions
localtransitions <- getLocalTransitions jl
unless (null tomerge) $ do
showSideAction merge_desc
mapM_ checkBranchDifferences refs
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ updateTo' pairs = do
-- Gather any transitions that are new to either the
-- local branch or a remote ref, which will need to be
-- applied on the fly.
localts <- getLocalTransitions
localts <- lockJournal getLocalTransitions
remotets <- mapM getRefTransitions refs
ts <- if all (localts ==) remotets
then return []
@ -305,13 +305,14 @@ get file = do
content <- if journalIgnorable st
then getRef fullname file
else if null (unmergedRefs st)
then getLocal file
then lockJournal $
\jl -> getLocal jl file
else unmergedbranchfallback st
setCache file content
return content
unmergedbranchfallback st = do
l <- getLocal file
l <- lockJournal $ \jl -> getLocal jl file
bs <- forM (unmergedRefs st) $ \ref -> getRef ref file
let content = l <> mconcat bs
return $ applytransitions (unhandledTransitions st) content
@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ precache file branchcontent = do
st <- getState
content <- if journalIgnorable st
then pure branchcontent
else getJournalFileStale (GetPrivate True) file >>= return . \case
else lockJournal $ \jl -> getJournalFile jl (GetPrivate True) file >>= return . \case
NoJournalledContent -> branchcontent
JournalledContent journalcontent -> journalcontent
PossiblyStaleJournalledContent journalcontent ->
@ -352,13 +353,13 @@ precache file branchcontent = do
- reflect changes in remotes.
- (Changing the value this returns, and then merging is always the
- same as using get, and then changing its value.) -}
getLocal :: RawFilePath -> Annex L.ByteString
getLocal = getLocal' (GetPrivate True)
getLocal :: JournalLocked -> RawFilePath -> Annex L.ByteString
getLocal jl = getLocal' jl (GetPrivate True)
getLocal' :: GetPrivate -> RawFilePath -> Annex L.ByteString
getLocal' getprivate file = do
getLocal' :: JournalLocked -> GetPrivate -> RawFilePath -> Annex L.ByteString
getLocal' jl getprivate file = do
fastDebug "Annex.Branch" ("read " ++ fromRawFilePath file)
go =<< getJournalFileStale getprivate file
go =<< getJournalFile jl getprivate file
go NoJournalledContent = getRef fullname file
go (JournalledContent journalcontent) = return journalcontent
@ -392,12 +393,12 @@ getRef ref file = withIndex $ catFile ref file
- modifes the current content of the file on the branch.
change :: Journalable content => RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> (L.ByteString -> content) -> Annex ()
change ru file f = lockJournal $ \jl -> f <$> getToChange ru file >>= set jl ru file
change ru file f = lockJournal $ \jl -> f <$> getToChange jl ru file >>= set jl ru file
{- Applies a function which can modify the content of a file, or not. -}
maybeChange :: Journalable content => RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> (L.ByteString -> Maybe content) -> Annex ()
maybeChange ru file f = lockJournal $ \jl -> do
v <- getToChange ru file
v <- getToChange jl ru file
case f v of
Just jv ->
let b = journalableByteString jv
@ -405,8 +406,8 @@ maybeChange ru file f = lockJournal $ \jl -> do
_ -> noop
{- Only get private information when the RegardingUUID is itself private. -}
getToChange :: RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> Annex L.ByteString
getToChange ru f = flip getLocal' f . GetPrivate =<< regardingPrivateUUID ru
getToChange :: JournalLocked -> RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> Annex L.ByteString
getToChange jl ru f = flip (getLocal' jl) f . GetPrivate =<< regardingPrivateUUID ru
{- Records new content of a file into the journal.
@ -678,10 +679,10 @@ stageJournal jl commitindex = withIndex $ withOtherTmp $ \tmpdir -> do
removeWhenExistsWith (R.removeLink) (toRawFilePath jlogf)
openjlog tmpdir = liftIO $ openTmpFileIn tmpdir "jlog"
getLocalTransitions :: Annex Transitions
getLocalTransitions =
getLocalTransitions :: JournalLocked -> Annex Transitions
getLocalTransitions jl =
parseTransitionsStrictly "local"
<$> getLocal transitionsLog
<$> getLocal jl transitionsLog
{- This is run after the refs have been merged into the index,
- but before the result is committed to the branch.
@ -930,7 +931,7 @@ overBranchFileContents' select go st = do
-- Check the journal, in case it did not get committed to the branch
checkjournal f branchcontent
| journalIgnorable st = return branchcontent
| otherwise = getJournalFileStale (GetPrivate True) f >>= return . \case
| otherwise = lockJournal $ \jl -> getJournalFile jl (GetPrivate True) f >>= return . \case
NoJournalledContent -> branchcontent
JournalledContent journalledcontent ->
Just journalledcontent
@ -940,7 +941,7 @@ overBranchFileContents' select go st = do
drain buf fs = case getnext fs of
Just (v, f, fs') -> do
liftIO $ putMVar buf fs'
content <- getJournalFileStale (GetPrivate True) f >>= \case
content <- lockJournal $ \jl -> getJournalFile jl (GetPrivate True) f >>= \case
NoJournalledContent -> return Nothing
JournalledContent journalledcontent ->
return (Just journalledcontent)
Reference in a new issue