log: Support --json and --json-error-messages
Also in passing the --all display was fixed up to not quote keys like filenames. Note that the check added to compareChanges was needed to avoid logging when nothing changed. Sponsored-By: the NIH-funded NICEMAN (ReproNim TR&D3) project
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 62 additions and 29 deletions
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ git-annex (10.20230408) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
of core.sharedRepository and umask.
* initremote: Avoid creating a remote that is not encrypted when gpg is
* rmurl, unannex: Support --json and --json-error-messages.
* log, rmurl, unannex: Support --json and --json-error-messages.
* log: When --raw-date is used, display only seconds from the epoch, as
documented, omitting a trailing "s" that was included in the output
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ seek o = ifM (null <$> Annex.Branch.getUnmergedRefs)
( do
m <- Remote.uuidDescriptions
zone <- liftIO getCurrentTimeZone
let outputter = mkOutputter m zone o
outputter <- mkOutputter m zone o <$> jsonOutputEnabled
let seeker = AnnexedFileSeeker
{ startAction = start o outputter
, checkContentPresent = Nothing
@ -107,17 +107,18 @@ seek o = ifM (null <$> Annex.Branch.getUnmergedRefs)
ww = WarnUnmatchLsFiles "log"
start :: LogOptions -> (FilePath -> Outputter) -> SeekInput -> RawFilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start o outputter _ file key = do
start :: LogOptions -> (ActionItem -> SeekInput -> Outputter) -> SeekInput -> RawFilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start o outputter si file key = do
(changes, cleanup) <- getKeyLog key (passthruOptions o)
showLogIncremental (outputter (fromRawFilePath file)) changes
let ai = mkActionItem (file, key)
showLogIncremental (outputter ai si) changes
void $ liftIO cleanup
startAll :: LogOptions -> (String -> Outputter) -> CommandStart
startAll :: LogOptions -> (ActionItem -> SeekInput -> Outputter) -> CommandStart
startAll o outputter = do
(changes, cleanup) <- getAllLog (passthruOptions o)
showLog outputter changes
showLog (\ai -> outputter ai (SeekInput [])) changes
void $ liftIO cleanup
@ -152,24 +153,25 @@ showLogIncremental outputter ps = do
{- Displays changes made. Streams, and can display changes affecting
- different keys, but does twice as much reading of logged values
- as showLogIncremental. -}
showLog :: (String -> Outputter) -> [RefChange] -> Annex ()
showLog :: (ActionItem -> Outputter) -> [RefChange] -> Annex ()
showLog outputter cs = forM_ cs $ \c -> do
let keyname = serializeKey (changekey c)
let ai = mkActionItem (changekey c)
new <- S.fromList <$> loggedLocationsRef (newref c)
old <- S.fromList <$> loggedLocationsRef (oldref c)
sequence_ $ compareChanges (outputter keyname)
sequence_ $ compareChanges (outputter ai)
[(changetime c, new, old)]
mkOutputter :: UUIDDescMap -> TimeZone -> LogOptions -> FilePath -> Outputter
mkOutputter m zone o file
| rawDateOption o = normalOutput lookupdescription file rawTimeStamp
| gourceOption o = gourceOutput lookupdescription file
| otherwise = normalOutput lookupdescription file (showTimeStamp zone)
mkOutputter :: UUIDDescMap -> TimeZone -> LogOptions -> Bool -> ActionItem -> SeekInput -> Outputter
mkOutputter m zone o jsonenabled ai si
| jsonenabled = jsonOutput m ai si
| rawDateOption o = normalOutput lookupdescription ai rawTimeStamp
| gourceOption o = gourceOutput lookupdescription ai
| otherwise = normalOutput lookupdescription ai (showTimeStamp zone)
lookupdescription u = maybe (fromUUID u) (fromUUIDDesc) (M.lookup u m)
normalOutput :: (UUID -> String) -> FilePath -> (POSIXTime -> String) -> Outputter
normalOutput lookupdescription file formattime logchange ts us = do
normalOutput :: (UUID -> String) -> ActionItem -> (POSIXTime -> String) -> Outputter
normalOutput lookupdescription ai formattime logchange ts us = do
qp <- coreQuotePath <$> Annex.getGitConfig
liftIO $ mapM_ (B8.putStrLn . quote qp . format) us
@ -177,19 +179,38 @@ normalOutput lookupdescription file formattime logchange ts us = do
addel = case logchange of
Added -> "+"
Removed -> "-"
format u = UnquotedString addel <> " " <> UnquotedString time <> " "
<> QuotedPath (toRawFilePath file) <> " | " <> UnquotedByteString (fromUUID u)
<> " -- " <> UnquotedString (lookupdescription u)
format u = UnquotedString addel <> " "
<> UnquotedString time <> " "
<> actionItemDesc ai <> " | "
<> UnquotedByteString (fromUUID u) <> " -- "
<> UnquotedString (lookupdescription u)
gourceOutput :: (UUID -> String) -> FilePath -> Outputter
gourceOutput lookupdescription file logchange ts us =
jsonOutput :: UUIDDescMap -> ActionItem -> SeekInput -> Outputter
jsonOutput m ai si logchange ts us = do
showStartMessage $ StartMessage "log" ai si
maybeShowJSON $ JSONChunk
[ ("logged", case logchange of
Added -> "addition"
Removed -> "removal")
, ("date", rawTimeStamp ts)
void $ Remote.prettyPrintUUIDsDescs "locations" m us
gourceOutput :: (UUID -> String) -> ActionItem -> Outputter
gourceOutput lookupdescription ai logchange ts us =
liftIO $ mapM_ (putStrLn . intercalate "|" . format) us
time = takeWhile isDigit $ show ts
addel = case logchange of
Added -> "A"
Removed -> "M"
format u = [ time, lookupdescription u, addel, file ]
format u =
[ time
, lookupdescription u
, addel
, decodeBS (noquote (actionItemDesc ai))
{- Generates a display of the changes.
- Uses a formatter to generate a display of items that are added and
@ -197,10 +218,12 @@ gourceOutput lookupdescription file logchange ts us =
compareChanges :: Ord a => (LogChange -> POSIXTime -> [a] -> b) -> [(POSIXTime, S.Set a, S.Set a)] -> [b]
compareChanges format changes = concatMap diff changes
diff (ts, new, old) =
[ format Added ts $ S.toList $ S.difference new old
, format Removed ts $ S.toList $ S.difference old new
diff (ts, new, old)
| new == old = []
| otherwise =
[ format Added ts $ S.toList $ S.difference new old
, format Removed ts $ S.toList $ S.difference old new
{- Streams the git log for a given key's location log file.
@ -39,6 +39,16 @@ false, information may not have been committed to the branch yet.
Generates output suitable for the `gource` visualization program.
* `--json`
Enable JSON output. This is intended to be parsed by programs that use
git-annex. Each line of output is a JSON object.
* `--json-error-messages`
Messages that would normally be output to standard error are included in
the JSON instead.
* matching options
The [[git-annex-matching-options]](1)
@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ While looking for various spots where `core.quotepath=true` is now treated by gi
These commands have been updated to support --json:
* git-annex-unannex
* git-annex-rmurl
* git-annex-log
Provisional list of commands that don't support --json and maybe should:
(Feel free to reorder things to the top)
* git-annex-log
* git-annex-rmurl
* git-annex-addunused
* git-annex-adjust
* git-annex-assistant
Add table
Reference in a new issue