webapp and assistant glacier support
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 321 additions and 185 deletions
@ -19,18 +19,19 @@ import Annex.Wanted
import Config
{- Drop from local and/or remote when allowed by the preferred content and
- numcopies settings. -}
handleDrops :: Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Assistant ()
handleDrops _ _ Nothing = noop
handleDrops fromhere key f = do
- numcopies settings. If it's known to be present on a particular remote,
- -}
handleDrops :: Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe Remote -> Assistant ()
handleDrops _ _ Nothing _ = noop
handleDrops fromhere key f knownpresentremote = do
syncrs <- syncDataRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
liftAnnex $ do
locs <- loggedLocations key
handleDrops' locs syncrs fromhere key f
handleDrops' locs syncrs fromhere key f knownpresentremote
handleDrops' :: [UUID] -> [Remote] -> Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Annex ()
handleDrops' _ _ _ _ Nothing = noop
handleDrops' locs rs fromhere key (Just f)
handleDrops' :: [UUID] -> [Remote] -> Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe Remote -> Annex ()
handleDrops' _ _ _ _ Nothing _ = noop
handleDrops' locs rs fromhere key (Just f) knownpresentremote
| fromhere = do
n <- getcopies
if checkcopies n
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ handleDrops' locs rs fromhere key (Just f)
dropl n = checkdrop n Nothing $ \numcopies ->
Command.Drop.startLocal f numcopies key
Command.Drop.startLocal f numcopies key knownpresentremote
dropr r n = checkdrop n (Just $ Remote.uuid r) $ \numcopies ->
Command.Drop.startRemote f numcopies key r
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ expensiveScan rs = unless onlyweb $ do
locs <- loggedLocations key
present <- inAnnex key
handleDrops' locs syncrs present key (Just f)
handleDrops' locs syncrs present key (Just f) Nothing
let slocs = S.fromList locs
let use a = return $ catMaybes $ map (a key slocs) syncrs
@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ onDel file = case parseTransferFile file of
threadDelay 10000000 -- 10 seconds
finished t minfo
{- Queue uploads of files we successfully downloaded, spreading them
{- Queue uploads of files downloaded to us, spreading them
- out to other reachable remotes.
- Downloading a file may have caused a remote to not want it;
- so drop it from the remote.
- so check for drops from remotes.
- Uploading a file may cause the local repo, or some other remote to not
- want it; handle that too.
@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ finishedTransfer :: Transfer -> Maybe TransferInfo -> Assistant ()
finishedTransfer t (Just info)
| transferDirection t == Download =
whenM (liftAnnex $ inAnnex $ transferKey t) $ do
handleDrops False (transferKey t) (associatedFile info)
handleDrops False (transferKey t) (associatedFile info) Nothing
queueTransfersMatching (/= transferUUID t) Later
(transferKey t) (associatedFile info) Upload
| otherwise = handleDrops True (transferKey t) (associatedFile info)
| otherwise = handleDrops True (transferKey t) (associatedFile info) Nothing
finishedTransfer _ _ = noop
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Assistant.TransferQueue
import Assistant.TransferSlots
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.Commits
import Assistant.Drop
import Logs.Transfer
import Logs.Location
import Annex.Content
@ -65,6 +66,10 @@ startTransfer program t info = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) o
- so there's no point in bothering the user about
- those. The assistant should recover.
- After a successful upload, handle dropping it from
- here, if desired. In this case, the remote it was
- uploaded to is known to have it.
- Also, after a successful transfer, the location
- log has changed. Indicate that a commit has been
- made, in order to queue a push of the git-annex
@ -74,6 +79,10 @@ startTransfer program t info = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) o
whenM (liftIO $ (==) ExitSuccess <$> waitForProcess pid) $ do
void $ addAlert $ makeAlertFiller True $
transferFileAlert direction True file
unless isdownload $
handleDrops True (transferKey t)
(associatedFile info)
(Just remote)
params =
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ onAddSymlink file filestatus = go =<< liftAnnex (Backend.lookupFile file)
if present
then queueTransfers Next key (Just file) Upload
else queueTransfers Next key (Just file) Download
handleDrops present key (Just file)
handleDrops present key (Just file) Nothing
| otherwise = noop
onDel :: Handler
@ -21,9 +21,7 @@ import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Edit
import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Local
import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Ssh
import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Pairing
#ifdef WITH_S3
import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.S3
import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.AWS
import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.WebDAV
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ repoList reposelector
#ifdef WITH_S3
Just "S3" -> val True EnableS3R
Just "glacier" -> val True EnableGlacierR
Just "webdav" -> val True EnableWebDAVR
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
{- git-annex assistant webapp configurators for Amazon AWS services
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes #-}
module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.AWS where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.MakeRemote
import Assistant.Sync
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar
import Utility.Yesod
#ifdef WITH_S3
import qualified Remote.S3 as S3
import qualified Remote.Glacier as Glacier
import qualified Remote.Helper.AWS as AWS
import Logs.Remote
import qualified Remote
import Types.Remote (RemoteConfig)
import Types.StandardGroups
import Logs.PreferredContent
import Yesod
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
awsConfigurator :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
awsConfigurator a = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
setTitle "Add an Amazon repository"
glacierConfigurator :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
glacierConfigurator a = do
ifM (liftIO $ inPath "glacier")
( awsConfigurator a
, awsConfigurator needglaciercli
needglaciercli = $(widgetFile "configurators/needglaciercli")
data StorageClass = StandardRedundancy | ReducedRedundancy
deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded)
instance Show StorageClass where
show StandardRedundancy = "STANDARD"
show ReducedRedundancy = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"
data AWSInput = AWSInput
{ accessKeyID :: Text
, secretAccessKey :: Text
-- Free form text for datacenter because Amazon adds new ones.
, datacenter :: Text
-- Only used for S3, not Glacier.
, storageClass :: StorageClass
, repoName :: Text
data AWSCreds = AWSCreds Text Text
extractCreds :: AWSInput -> AWSCreds
extractCreds i = AWSCreds (accessKeyID i) (secretAccessKey i)
s3InputAForm :: AForm WebApp WebApp AWSInput
s3InputAForm = AWSInput
<$> areq textField "Access Key ID" Nothing
<*> areq passwordField "Secret Access Key" Nothing
<*> areq textField "Datacenter" (Just "US")
<*> areq (selectFieldList storageclasses) "Storage class" (Just StandardRedundancy)
<*> areq textField "Repository name" (Just "S3")
storageclasses :: [(Text, StorageClass)]
storageclasses =
[ ("Standard redundancy", StandardRedundancy)
, ("Reduced redundancy (costs less)", ReducedRedundancy)
glacierInputAForm :: AForm WebApp WebApp AWSInput
glacierInputAForm = AWSInput
<$> areq textField "Access Key ID" Nothing
<*> areq passwordField "Secret Access Key" Nothing
<*> areq textField "Datacenter" (Just "us-east-1")
<*> pure StandardRedundancy
<*> areq textField "Repository name" (Just "glacier")
awsCredsAForm :: AForm WebApp WebApp AWSCreds
awsCredsAForm = AWSCreds
<$> areq textField "Access Key ID" Nothing
<*> areq passwordField "Secret Access Key" Nothing
getAddS3R :: Handler RepHtml
#ifdef WITH_S3
getAddS3R = awsConfigurator $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
runFormGet $ renderBootstrap s3InputAForm
case result of
FormSuccess input -> lift $ do
let name = T.unpack $ repoName input
makeAWSRemote S3.remote (extractCreds input) name setgroup $ M.fromList
[ ("encryption", "shared")
, ("type", "S3")
, ("datacenter", T.unpack $ datacenter input)
, ("storageclass", show $ storageClass input)
_ -> do
let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
$(widgetFile "configurators/adds3")
setgroup r = runAnnex () $
setStandardGroup (Remote.uuid r) TransferGroup
getAddS3R = error "S3 not supported by this build"
getAddGlacierR :: Handler RepHtml
getAddGlacierR = glacierConfigurator $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
runFormGet $ renderBootstrap glacierInputAForm
case result of
FormSuccess input -> lift $ do
let name = T.unpack $ repoName input
makeAWSRemote Glacier.remote (extractCreds input) name setgroup $ M.fromList
[ ("encryption", "shared")
, ("type", "glacier")
, ("datacenter", T.unpack $ datacenter input)
_ -> do
let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
$(widgetFile "configurators/addglacier")
setgroup r = runAnnex () $
setStandardGroup (Remote.uuid r) SmallArchiveGroup
getEnableS3R :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
#ifdef WITH_S3
getEnableS3R = awsConfigurator . enableAWSRemote S3.remote
getEnableS3R _ = error "S3 not supported by this build"
getEnableGlacierR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
getEnableGlacierR = glacierConfigurator . enableAWSRemote Glacier.remote
enableAWSRemote :: RemoteType -> UUID -> Widget
enableAWSRemote remotetype uuid = do
((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
runFormGet $ renderBootstrap awsCredsAForm
case result of
FormSuccess creds -> lift $ do
m <- runAnnex M.empty readRemoteLog
let name = fromJust $ M.lookup "name" $
fromJust $ M.lookup uuid m
makeAWSRemote remotetype creds name (const noop) M.empty
_ -> do
let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
description <- lift $ runAnnex "" $
T.pack . concat <$> Remote.prettyListUUIDs [uuid]
$(widgetFile "configurators/enableaws")
makeAWSRemote :: RemoteType -> AWSCreds -> String -> (Remote -> Handler ()) -> RemoteConfig -> Handler ()
makeAWSRemote remotetype (AWSCreds ak sk) name setup config = do
remotename <- runAnnex name $ fromRepo $ uniqueRemoteName name 0
liftIO $ AWS.setCredsEnv (T.unpack ak, T.unpack sk)
r <- liftAssistant $ liftAnnex $ addRemote $ do
makeSpecialRemote name remotetype config
return remotename
setup r
liftAssistant $ syncNewRemote r
redirect $ EditNewCloudRepositoryR $ Remote.uuid r
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
{- git-annex assistant webapp configurator for Amazon S3
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes #-}
module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.S3 where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.MakeRemote
import Assistant.Sync
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar
import Utility.Yesod
import qualified Remote.S3 as S3
import qualified Remote.Helper.AWS as AWS
import Logs.Remote
import qualified Remote
import Types.Remote (RemoteConfig)
import Types.StandardGroups
import Logs.PreferredContent
import Yesod
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
s3Configurator :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
s3Configurator a = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
setTitle "Add an Amazon S3 repository"
data StorageClass = StandardRedundancy | ReducedRedundancy
deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded)
instance Show StorageClass where
show StandardRedundancy = "STANDARD"
show ReducedRedundancy = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"
data S3Input = S3Input
{ accessKeyID :: Text
, secretAccessKey :: Text
-- Free form text for datacenter because Amazon adds new ones.
, datacenter :: Text
, storageClass :: StorageClass
, repoName :: Text
data S3Creds = S3Creds Text Text
extractCreds :: S3Input -> S3Creds
extractCreds i = S3Creds (accessKeyID i) (secretAccessKey i)
s3InputAForm :: AForm WebApp WebApp S3Input
s3InputAForm = S3Input
<$> areq textField "Access Key ID" Nothing
<*> areq passwordField "Secret Access Key" Nothing
<*> areq textField "Datacenter" (Just "US")
<*> areq (selectFieldList storageclasses) "Storage class" (Just StandardRedundancy)
<*> areq textField "Repository name" (Just "S3")
storageclasses :: [(Text, StorageClass)]
storageclasses =
[ ("Standard redundancy", StandardRedundancy)
, ("Reduced redundancy (costs less)", ReducedRedundancy)
s3CredsAForm :: AForm WebApp WebApp S3Creds
s3CredsAForm = S3Creds
<$> areq textField "Access Key ID" Nothing
<*> areq passwordField "Secret Access Key" Nothing
getAddS3R :: Handler RepHtml
getAddS3R = s3Configurator $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
runFormGet $ renderBootstrap s3InputAForm
case result of
FormSuccess s3input -> lift $ do
let name = T.unpack $ repoName s3input
makeS3Remote (extractCreds s3input) name setgroup $ M.fromList
[ ("encryption", "shared")
, ("type", "S3")
, ("datacenter", T.unpack $ datacenter s3input)
, ("storageclass", show $ storageClass s3input)
_ -> do
let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
$(widgetFile "configurators/adds3")
setgroup r = runAnnex () $
setStandardGroup (Remote.uuid r) TransferGroup
getEnableS3R :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
getEnableS3R uuid = s3Configurator $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
runFormGet $ renderBootstrap s3CredsAForm
case result of
FormSuccess s3creds -> lift $ do
m <- runAnnex M.empty readRemoteLog
let name = fromJust $ M.lookup "name" $
fromJust $ M.lookup uuid m
makeS3Remote s3creds name (const noop) M.empty
_ -> do
let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
description <- lift $ runAnnex "" $
T.pack . concat <$> Remote.prettyListUUIDs [uuid]
$(widgetFile "configurators/enables3")
makeS3Remote :: S3Creds -> String -> (Remote -> Handler ()) -> RemoteConfig -> Handler ()
makeS3Remote (S3Creds ak sk) name setup config = do
remotename <- runAnnex name $ fromRepo $ uniqueRemoteName name 0
liftIO $ AWS.setCredsEnv (T.unpack ak, T.unpack sk)
r <- liftAssistant $ liftAnnex $ addRemote $ do
makeSpecialRemote name S3.remote config
return remotename
setup r
liftAssistant $ syncNewRemote r
redirect $ EditNewCloudRepositoryR $ Remote.uuid r
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
/config/repository/add/ssh/make/rsync/#SshData MakeSshRsyncR GET
/config/repository/add/cloud/rsync.net AddRsyncNetR GET
/config/repository/add/cloud/S3 AddS3R GET
/config/repository/add/cloud/glacier AddGlacierR GET
/config/repository/add/cloud/box.com AddBoxComR GET
/config/repository/pair/local/start StartLocalPairR GET
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@
/config/repository/enable/rsync/#UUID EnableRsyncR GET
/config/repository/enable/directory/#UUID EnableDirectoryR GET
/config/repository/enable/S3/#UUID EnableS3R GET
/config/repository/enable/glacier/#UUID EnableGlacierR GET
/config/repository/enable/webdav/#UUID EnableWebDAVR GET
/transfers/#NotificationId TransfersR GET
@ -34,29 +34,32 @@ start :: Maybe Remote -> FilePath -> (Key, Backend) -> CommandStart
start from file (key, _) = autoCopiesWith file key (>) $ \numcopies ->
stopUnless (checkAuto $ wantDrop (Remote.uuid <$> from) (Just file)) $
case from of
Nothing -> startLocal file numcopies key
Nothing -> startLocal file numcopies key Nothing
Just remote -> do
u <- getUUID
if Remote.uuid remote == u
then startLocal file numcopies key
then startLocal file numcopies key Nothing
else startRemote file numcopies key remote
startLocal :: FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Key -> CommandStart
startLocal file numcopies key = stopUnless (inAnnex key) $ do
startLocal :: FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Key -> Maybe Remote -> CommandStart
startLocal file numcopies key knownpresentremote = stopUnless (inAnnex key) $ do
showStart "drop" file
next $ performLocal key numcopies
next $ performLocal key numcopies knownpresentremote
startRemote :: FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Key -> Remote -> CommandStart
startRemote file numcopies key remote = do
showStart ("drop " ++ Remote.name remote) file
next $ performRemote key numcopies remote
performLocal :: Key -> Maybe Int -> CommandPerform
performLocal key numcopies = lockContent key $ do
performLocal :: Key -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Remote -> CommandPerform
performLocal key numcopies knownpresentremote = lockContent key $ do
(remotes, trusteduuids) <- Remote.keyPossibilitiesTrusted key
let trusteduuids' = case knownpresentremote of
Nothing -> trusteduuids
Just r -> nub (Remote.uuid r:trusteduuids)
untrusteduuids <- trustGet UnTrusted
let tocheck = Remote.remotesWithoutUUID remotes (trusteduuids++untrusteduuids)
stopUnless (canDropKey key numcopies trusteduuids tocheck []) $ do
let tocheck = Remote.remotesWithoutUUID remotes (trusteduuids'++untrusteduuids)
stopUnless (canDropKey key numcopies trusteduuids' tocheck []) $ do
whenM (inAnnex key) $ removeAnnex key
next $ cleanupLocal key
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ perform key = maybe droplocal dropremote =<< Remote.byName =<< from
showAction $ "from " ++ Remote.name r
ok <- Remote.removeKey r key
next $ Command.Drop.cleanupRemote key r ok
droplocal = Command.Drop.performLocal key (Just 0) -- force drop
droplocal = Command.Drop.performLocal key (Just 0) Nothing -- force drop
from = Annex.getField $ Option.name Command.Drop.fromOption
performOther :: (Key -> Git.Repo -> FilePath) -> Key -> CommandPerform
@ -7,31 +7,35 @@
module Types.StandardGroups where
data StandardGroup = ClientGroup | TransferGroup | ArchiveGroup | BackupGroup
data StandardGroup = ClientGroup | TransferGroup | BackupGroup | SmallArchiveGroup | FullArchiveGroup
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
fromStandardGroup :: StandardGroup -> String
fromStandardGroup ClientGroup = "client"
fromStandardGroup TransferGroup = "transfer"
fromStandardGroup ArchiveGroup = "archive"
fromStandardGroup BackupGroup = "backup"
fromStandardGroup SmallArchiveGroup = "smallarchive"
fromStandardGroup FullArchiveGroup = "archive"
toStandardGroup :: String -> Maybe StandardGroup
toStandardGroup "client" = Just ClientGroup
toStandardGroup "transfer" = Just TransferGroup
toStandardGroup "archive" = Just ArchiveGroup
toStandardGroup "backup" = Just BackupGroup
toStandardGroup "smallarchive" = Just SmallArchiveGroup
toStandardGroup "archive" = Just FullArchiveGroup
toStandardGroup _ = Nothing
descStandardGroup :: StandardGroup -> String
descStandardGroup ClientGroup = "client: a repository on your computer"
descStandardGroup TransferGroup = "transfer: distributes files to clients"
descStandardGroup ArchiveGroup = "archive: collects files that are not archived elsewhere"
descStandardGroup BackupGroup = "backup: collects all files"
descStandardGroup BackupGroup = "backup: backs up all files"
descStandardGroup SmallArchiveGroup = "small archive: archives files located in \"archive\" directories"
descStandardGroup FullArchiveGroup = "full archive: archives all files not archived elsewhere"
{- See doc/preferred_content.mdwn for explanations of these expressions. -}
preferredContent :: StandardGroup -> String
preferredContent ClientGroup = "exclude=*/archive/*"
preferredContent ClientGroup = "exclude=*/archive/* and exclude=archive/*"
preferredContent TransferGroup = "not (inallgroup=client and copies=client:2) and " ++ preferredContent ClientGroup
preferredContent ArchiveGroup = "not copies=archive:1"
preferredContent BackupGroup = "" -- all content is preferred
preferredContent SmallArchiveGroup = "(include=*/archive/* or include=archive/*) and " ++ preferredContent FullArchiveGroup
preferredContent FullArchiveGroup = "not (copies=archive:1 or copies=smallarchive:1)"
@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ git-annex (3.20121113) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Allow controlling whether login credentials for S3 and webdav are
committed to the repository, by setting embedcreds=yes|no when running
* Added smallarchive repository group, that only archives files that are
in archive directories.
* assistant: Fixed handling of toplevel archive directory and
client repository group.
* assistant: Apply preferred content settings when a new symlink
is created, or a symlink gets renamed. Made archive directories work.
-- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:17:07 -0400
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ interface to add repositories and control the git-annex assistant.
Follow the [[pairing_walkthrough]].
* Want to share a synchronised folder with a friend?
Follow the [[share_with_a_friend_walkthrough]].
* Want to archive data to a drive or the cloud?
Follow the [[archival_walkthrough]]
## command line startup
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB |
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
When a file is moved to an archive directory, the assistant uploads it to
glacier correctly, but then fails to drop it locally, unless it was
started with `--trust-glacier`.
Since it just uploaded the file, it should be able to drop it, without
needing to trust glacier's inventory. Note that `git annex move` works.
Need to handle retrying downloads of files from glacier after 4 hours.
[[!tag /design/assistant]]
@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ something smart with such remotes.
log is not updated in time, it will fail to drop unwanted content.
(There's a 10 second sleep there now to avoid the race, but that's hardly
a fix.)
* When a file is renamed into an archive directory, it's not immediately
transferred to archive remotes. (Next expensive scan does successfully
cause the transfer to happen).
### dropping no longer preferred content
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ to "standard", and put it in one of these groups:
All content is preferred, unless it's in a "archive" directory.
`exclude=*/archive/* and exclude=archive/*`
### transfer
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ USB drive used in a sneakernet.
The preferred content expression for these causes them to get and retain
data until all clients have a copy.
`not (inallgroup=client and copies=client:2) and exclude=*/archive/*`
`not (inallgroup=client and copies=client:2) and exclude=*/archive/* and exclude=archive/*`
The "copies=client:2" part of the above handles the case where
there is only one client repository. It makes a transfer repository
@ -112,17 +112,24 @@ speculatively prefer content in this case, even though it as of yet
has nowhere to transfer it to. Presumably, another client repository
will be added later.
### archive
### backup
All content is preferred.
### small archive
Only prefers content that's located in an "archive" directory, and
only if it's not already been archived somewhere else.
`(include=*/archive/* or include=archive/*) and not (copies=archive:1 or copies=smallarchive:1)`
### full archive
All content is preferred, unless it's already been archived somewhere else.
`not copies=archive:1`
`not (copies=archive:1 or copies=smallarchive:1)`
Note that if you want to archive multiple copies (not a bad idea!),
you should instead configure all your archive repositories with a
version of the above preferred content expression with a larger
number of copies.
### backup
All content is preferred.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<div .span9 .hero-unit>
Adding an Amazon Glacier repository
<a href="http://aws.amazon.com/glacier/">Amazon Glacier</a> is an #
offline cloud storage provider. It takes several hours for requested #
files to be retrieved from Glacier, making it mostly suitable for #
backups and long-term data archival. #
<a href="http://aws.amazon.com/glacier/pricing/">
Pricing details
<i .icon-warning-sign></i> By default, only files you place in #
"archive" directories will be archived in Amazon Glacier. #
You will be charged by Amazon for data #
uploaded to Glacier, as well as data downloaded from Glacier, and a #
monthly fee for data storage.
All data will be encrypted before being sent to Amazon Glacier.
When you sign up to Amazon Glacier, they provide you with an Access #
Key ID, and a Secret Access Key. You will need to enter both below. #
These access keys will be stored in a file that only you can #
access. #
<a href="https://portal.aws.amazon.com/gp/aws/securityCredentials#id_block">
Look up your access keys
<form .form-horizontal enctype=#{enctype}>
<div .form-actions>
<button .btn .btn-primary type=submit onclick="$('#workingmodal').modal('show');">
Add Glacier repository
<div .modal .fade #workingmodal>
<div .modal-header>
Making repository ...
<div .modal-body>
Setting up your Amazon Glacier repository. This could take a minute.
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
Enabling #{description}
To use this Amazon S3 repository, you need an Access Key ID, and a #
To use this Amazon repository, you need an Access Key ID, and a #
Secret Access Key. These access keys will be stored in a file that #
only you can access.
If this repository uses your Amazon S3 account, you can #
If this repository uses your Amazon account, you can #
<a href="https://portal.aws.amazon.com/gp/aws/securityCredentials#id_block">
look up your access keys. #
If this repository uses someone else's Amazon S3 account, they #
If this repository uses someone else's Amazon account, they #
can generate access keys for you, using their #
<a href="https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home">
IAM Management Console.
@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
<div .form-actions>
<button .btn .btn-primary type=submit onclick="$('#workingmodal').modal('show');">
Enable S3 repository
Enable Amazon repository
<div .modal .fade #workingmodal>
<div .modal-header>
Enabling repository ...
<div .modal-body>
Enabling this Amazon S3 repository. This could take a minute.
Enabling this Amazon repository. This could take a minute.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<div .span9 .hero-unit>
Need glacier-cli
To use Amazon Glacier, you need to install #
<a href="https://github.com/basak/glacier-cli">
<a .btn .btn-primary .btn-large href="">
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
<a href="@{AddBoxComR}">
<i .icon-plus-sign></i> Box.com
Provides <b>free</b> cloud storage for small amounts of data.
<a href="@{AddRsyncNetR}">
<i .icon-plus-sign></i> Rsync.net
@ -8,19 +14,14 @@
<a href="@{AddS3R}">
<i .icon-plus-sign></i> Amazon S3
Good choice for professional storage quality and low prices.
Good choice for professional quality storage.
<i .icon-plus-sign></i> Amazon Glacier
<a href="@{AddGlacierR}">
<i .icon-plus-sign></i> Amazon Glacier
Low cost offline data archival.
<a href="@{AddBoxComR}">
<i .icon-plus-sign></i> Box.com
Provides <b>free</b> cloud storage for small amounts of data.
<a href="@{AddSshR}">
<i .icon-plus-sign></i> Remote server
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