tighter --json parsing for metadata
metadata --batch --json: Reject input whose "fields" does not consist of arrays of strings. Such invalid input used to be silently ignored. Used to be that parseJSON for a JSONActionItem ran parseJSON separately for the itemAdded, and if that failed, did not propagate the error. That allowed different items with differently named fields to be parsed. But it was actually only used to parse "fields" for metadata, so that flexability is not needed. The fix is just to parse "fields" as-is. AddJSONActionItemFields is needed only because of the wonky way Command.MetaData adds onto the started json object. Note that this line got a dummy type signature added, just because the type checker needs it to be some type. itemFields = Nothing :: Maybe Bool Since it's Nothing, it doesn't really matter what type it is, and the value gets turned into json and is then thrown away. Sponsored-by: Kevin Mueller on Patreon
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 38 additions and 31 deletions
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ git-annex (8.20211029) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* metadata --batch: Avoid crashing when a non-annexed file is input,
instead output a blank line like other batch commands do.
* metadata --batch --json: Reject input whose "fields" does not consist
of arrays of strings. Such invalid input used to be silently ignored.
-- Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> Mon, 01 Nov 2021 13:19:46 -0400
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Annex.MetaData
import Annex.VectorClock
import Logs.MetaData
import Annex.WorkTree
import Messages.JSON (JSONActionItem(..))
import Messages.JSON (JSONActionItem(..), AddJSONActionItemFields(..))
import Types.Messages
import Utility.Aeson
import Limit
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ perform c o k = case getSet o of
cleanup :: Key -> CommandCleanup
cleanup k = do
m <- getCurrentMetaData k
case toJSON' (MetaDataFields m) of
case toJSON' (AddJSONActionItemFields m) of
Object o -> maybeShowJSON $ AesonObject o
_ -> noop
showLongNote $ unlines $ concatMap showmeta $
@ -135,32 +135,13 @@ cleanup k = do
unwrapmeta (f, v) = (fromMetaField f, map fromMetaValue (S.toList v))
showmeta (f, vs) = map ((T.unpack f ++ "=") ++) (map decodeBS vs)
-- Metadata serialized to JSON in the field named "fields" of
-- a larger object.
newtype MetaDataFields = MetaDataFields MetaData
deriving (Show)
instance ToJSON' MetaDataFields where
toJSON' (MetaDataFields m) = object [ (fieldsField, toJSON' m) ]
instance FromJSON MetaDataFields where
parseJSON (Object v) = do
f <- v .: fieldsField
case f of
Nothing -> return (MetaDataFields emptyMetaData)
Just v' -> MetaDataFields <$> parseJSON v'
parseJSON _ = fail "expected an object"
fieldsField :: T.Text
fieldsField = T.pack "fields"
parseJSONInput :: String -> Annex (Either String (Either RawFilePath Key, MetaData))
parseJSONInput i = case eitherDecode (BU.fromString i) of
Left e -> return (Left e)
Right v -> do
let m = case itemAdded v of
let m = case itemFields v of
Nothing -> emptyMetaData
Just (MetaDataFields m') -> m'
Just m' -> m'
case (itemKey v, itemFile v) of
(Just k, _) -> return $
Right (Right k, m)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex command-line JSON output and input
- Copyright 2011-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Copyright 2011-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module Messages.JSON (
) where
import Control.Applicative
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ start command file key si _ = case j of
{ itemCommand = Just command
, itemKey = key
, itemFile = fromRawFilePath <$> file
, itemAdded = Nothing
, itemFields = Nothing :: Maybe Bool
, itemSeekInput = si
@ -179,19 +180,21 @@ data JSONActionItem a = JSONActionItem
{ itemCommand :: Maybe String
, itemKey :: Maybe Key
, itemFile :: Maybe FilePath
, itemAdded :: Maybe a -- for additional fields added by `add`
, itemFields :: Maybe a
, itemSeekInput :: SeekInput
deriving (Show)
instance ToJSON' (JSONActionItem a) where
instance ToJSON' a => ToJSON' (JSONActionItem a) where
toJSON' i = object $ catMaybes
[ Just $ "command" .= itemCommand i
, case itemKey i of
Just k -> Just $ "key" .= toJSON' k
Nothing -> Nothing
, Just $ "file" .= toJSON' (itemFile i)
-- itemAdded is not included; must be added later by 'add'
, case itemFields i of
Just f -> Just $ "fields" .= toJSON' f
Nothing -> Nothing
, Just $ "input" .= fromSeekInput (itemSeekInput i)
@ -200,8 +203,14 @@ instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (JSONActionItem a) where
<$> (v .:? "command")
<*> (maybe (return Nothing) parseJSON =<< (v .:? "key"))
<*> (v .:? "file")
<*> parseadded
<*> (v .:? "fields")
<*> pure (SeekInput [])
parseadded = (Just <$> parseJSON (Object v)) <|> return Nothing
parseJSON _ = mempty
-- This can be used to populate the "fields" after a JSONActionItem
-- has already been started.
newtype AddJSONActionItemFields a = AddJSONActionItemFields a
deriving (Show)
instance ToJSON' a => ToJSON' (AddJSONActionItemFields a) where
toJSON' (AddJSONActionItemFields a) = object [ ("fields", toJSON' a) ]
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
When setting file metadata using `git-annex metadata --batch --json --json-error-messages`, if the "fields" field of an input line is not 100% an object whose values are arrays of strings, then git-annex will silently ignore the "fields" field and act as though the user simply requested the metadata for the given file/key. It would be more useful if, whenever the input contains a "fields" field that does not match the required schema, git annex treats it as an error. This would make it easier for users to figure out that they are doing something wrong.
[[!meta author=jwodder]]
> [[fixed|done]] --[[Joey]]
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
For example with this input:
It leaves the author field set to whatever it was before.
Add table
Reference in a new issue