change keys database to use IKey type with more efficient serialization
This breaks any existing keys database! IKey serializes more efficiently than SKey, although this limits the use of its Read/Show instances. This makes the keys database use less disk space, and so should be a win. Updated benchmark: benchmarking keys database/getAssociatedFiles from 1000 (hit) time 64.04 μs (63.95 μs .. 64.13 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 64.02 μs (63.96 μs .. 64.08 μs) std dev 218.2 ns (172.5 ns .. 299.3 ns) benchmarking keys database/getAssociatedFiles from 1000 (miss) time 52.53 μs (52.18 μs .. 53.21 μs) 0.999 R² (0.998 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 52.31 μs (52.18 μs .. 52.91 μs) std dev 734.6 ns (206.2 ns .. 1.623 μs) benchmarking keys database/getAssociatedKey from 1000 (hit) time 64.60 μs (64.46 μs .. 64.77 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 64.74 μs (64.57 μs .. 65.20 μs) std dev 900.2 ns (389.7 ns .. 1.733 μs) benchmarking keys database/getAssociatedKey from 1000 (miss) time 52.46 μs (52.29 μs .. 52.68 μs) 1.000 R² (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 52.63 μs (52.35 μs .. 53.37 μs) std dev 1.362 μs (562.7 ns .. 2.608 μs) variance introduced by outliers: 24% (moderately inflated) benchmarking keys database/addAssociatedFile to 1000 (old) time 487.3 μs (484.7 μs .. 490.1 μs) 1.000 R² (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 490.9 μs (487.8 μs .. 496.5 μs) std dev 13.95 μs (6.841 μs .. 22.03 μs) variance introduced by outliers: 20% (moderately inflated) benchmarking keys database/addAssociatedFile to 1000 (new) time 6.633 ms (5.741 ms .. 7.751 ms) 0.905 R² (0.850 R² .. 0.965 R²) mean 8.252 ms (7.803 ms .. 8.602 ms) std dev 1.126 ms (900.3 μs .. 1.430 ms) variance introduced by outliers: 72% (severely inflated) benchmarking keys database/getAssociatedFiles from 10000 (hit) time 65.36 μs (64.71 μs .. 66.37 μs) 0.998 R² (0.995 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 65.28 μs (64.72 μs .. 66.45 μs) std dev 2.576 μs (920.8 ns .. 4.122 μs) variance introduced by outliers: 42% (moderately inflated) benchmarking keys database/getAssociatedFiles from 10000 (miss) time 52.34 μs (52.25 μs .. 52.45 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 52.49 μs (52.42 μs .. 52.59 μs) std dev 255.4 ns (205.8 ns .. 312.9 ns) benchmarking keys database/getAssociatedKey from 10000 (hit) time 64.76 μs (64.67 μs .. 64.84 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 64.67 μs (64.62 μs .. 64.72 μs) std dev 177.3 ns (148.1 ns .. 217.1 ns) benchmarking keys database/getAssociatedKey from 10000 (miss) time 52.75 μs (52.66 μs .. 52.82 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 52.69 μs (52.63 μs .. 52.75 μs) std dev 210.6 ns (173.7 ns .. 265.9 ns) benchmarking keys database/addAssociatedFile to 10000 (old) time 489.7 μs (488.7 μs .. 490.7 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 490.4 μs (489.6 μs .. 492.2 μs) std dev 3.990 μs (2.435 μs .. 7.604 μs) benchmarking keys database/addAssociatedFile to 10000 (new) time 9.994 ms (9.186 ms .. 10.74 ms) 0.959 R² (0.928 R² .. 0.979 R²) mean 9.906 ms (9.343 ms .. 10.40 ms) std dev 1.384 ms (1.051 ms .. 2.100 ms) variance introduced by outliers: 69% (severely inflated)
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 53 additions and 35 deletions
@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ populateAssociatedFiles h num = do
SQL.addAssociatedFile (keyN n) (fileN n) (SQL.WriteHandle h)
H.flushDbQueue h
keyN :: Int -> SKey
keyN n = SKey ("key" ++ show n)
keyN :: Int -> IKey
keyN n = IKey ("key" ++ show n)
fileN :: Int -> TopFilePath
fileN n = asTopFilePath ("file" ++ show n)
keyMiss :: SKey
keyMiss :: IKey
keyMiss = keyN 0 -- 0 is never stored
fileMiss :: TopFilePath
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ benchDb tmpdir num = do
instance NFData TopFilePath where
rnf = rnf . getTopFilePath
instance NFData SKey where
rnf (SKey s) = rnf s
instance NFData IKey where
rnf (IKey s) = rnf s
-- can't use Criterion's defaultMain here because it looks at
-- command-line parameters
@ -133,20 +133,20 @@ openDb createdb _ = withExclusiveLock gitAnnexKeysDbLock $ do
open db = liftIO $ DbOpen <$> H.openDbQueue db SQL.containedTable
addAssociatedFile :: Key -> TopFilePath -> Annex ()
addAssociatedFile k f = runWriterIO $ SQL.addAssociatedFile (toSKey k) f
addAssociatedFile k f = runWriterIO $ SQL.addAssociatedFile (toIKey k) f
{- Note that the files returned were once associated with the key, but
- some of them may not be any longer. -}
getAssociatedFiles :: Key -> Annex [TopFilePath]
getAssociatedFiles = runReaderIO . SQL.getAssociatedFiles . toSKey
getAssociatedFiles = runReaderIO . SQL.getAssociatedFiles . toIKey
{- Gets any keys that are on record as having a particular associated file.
- (Should be one or none but the database doesn't enforce that.) -}
getAssociatedKey :: TopFilePath -> Annex [Key]
getAssociatedKey = map fromSKey <$$> runReaderIO . SQL.getAssociatedKey
getAssociatedKey = map fromIKey <$$> runReaderIO . SQL.getAssociatedKey
removeAssociatedFile :: Key -> TopFilePath -> Annex ()
removeAssociatedFile k = runWriterIO . SQL.removeAssociatedFile (toSKey k)
removeAssociatedFile k = runWriterIO . SQL.removeAssociatedFile (toIKey k)
{- Find all unlocked associated files. This is expensive, and so normally
- the associated files are updated incrementally when changes are noticed. -}
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ scanAssociatedFiles = whenM (isJust <$> inRepo Git.Branch.current) $
isregfile i = Git.Types.toBlobType (Git.LsTree.mode i) == Just Git.Types.FileBlob
add h i k = liftIO $ flip SQL.queueDb h $
void $ insertUnique $ SQL.Associated
(toSKey k)
(toIKey k)
(getTopFilePath $ Git.LsTree.file i)
{- Stats the files, and stores their InodeCaches. -}
@ -177,12 +177,12 @@ storeInodeCaches k fs = withTSDelta $ \d ->
addInodeCaches k . catMaybes =<< liftIO (mapM (`genInodeCache` d) fs)
addInodeCaches :: Key -> [InodeCache] -> Annex ()
addInodeCaches k is = runWriterIO $ SQL.addInodeCaches (toSKey k) is
addInodeCaches k is = runWriterIO $ SQL.addInodeCaches (toIKey k) is
{- A key may have multiple InodeCaches; one for the annex object, and one
- for each pointer file that is a copy of it. -}
getInodeCaches :: Key -> Annex [InodeCache]
getInodeCaches = runReaderIO . SQL.getInodeCaches . toSKey
getInodeCaches = runReaderIO . SQL.getInodeCaches . toIKey
removeInodeCaches :: Key -> Annex ()
removeInodeCaches = runWriterIO . SQL.removeInodeCaches . toSKey
removeInodeCaches = runWriterIO . SQL.removeInodeCaches . toIKey
@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ import Control.Monad
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateKeysDb"] [persistLowerCase|
key SKey
key IKey
file FilePath
KeyFileIndex key file
FileKeyIndex file key
key SKey
key IKey
cache SInodeCache
KeyCacheIndex key cache
@ -58,51 +58,51 @@ queueDb a (WriteHandle h) = H.queueDb h checkcommit a
now <- getCurrentTime
return $ diffUTCTime lastcommittime now > 300
addAssociatedFile :: SKey -> TopFilePath -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
addAssociatedFile sk f = queueDb $ do
addAssociatedFile :: IKey -> TopFilePath -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
addAssociatedFile ik f = queueDb $ do
-- If the same file was associated with a different key before,
-- remove that.
delete $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val (getTopFilePath f) &&. not_ (r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val sk))
void $ insertUnique $ Associated sk (getTopFilePath f)
where_ (r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val (getTopFilePath f) &&. not_ (r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val ik))
void $ insertUnique $ Associated ik (getTopFilePath f)
{- Note that the files returned were once associated with the key, but
- some of them may not be any longer. -}
getAssociatedFiles :: SKey -> ReadHandle -> IO [TopFilePath]
getAssociatedFiles sk = readDb $ do
getAssociatedFiles :: IKey -> ReadHandle -> IO [TopFilePath]
getAssociatedFiles ik = readDb $ do
l <- select $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val sk)
where_ (r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val ik)
return (r ^. AssociatedFile)
return $ map (asTopFilePath . unValue) l
{- Gets any keys that are on record as having a particular associated file.
- (Should be one or none but the database doesn't enforce that.) -}
getAssociatedKey :: TopFilePath -> ReadHandle -> IO [SKey]
getAssociatedKey :: TopFilePath -> ReadHandle -> IO [IKey]
getAssociatedKey f = readDb $ do
l <- select $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val (getTopFilePath f))
return (r ^. AssociatedKey)
return $ map unValue l
removeAssociatedFile :: SKey -> TopFilePath -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
removeAssociatedFile sk f = queueDb $
removeAssociatedFile :: IKey -> TopFilePath -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
removeAssociatedFile ik f = queueDb $
delete $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val sk &&. r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val (getTopFilePath f))
where_ (r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val ik &&. r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val (getTopFilePath f))
addInodeCaches :: SKey -> [InodeCache] -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
addInodeCaches sk is = queueDb $
forM_ is $ \i -> insertUnique $ Content sk (toSInodeCache i)
addInodeCaches :: IKey -> [InodeCache] -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
addInodeCaches ik is = queueDb $
forM_ is $ \i -> insertUnique $ Content ik (toSInodeCache i)
{- A key may have multiple InodeCaches; one for the annex object, and one
- for each pointer file that is a copy of it. -}
getInodeCaches :: SKey -> ReadHandle -> IO [InodeCache]
getInodeCaches sk = readDb $ do
getInodeCaches :: IKey -> ReadHandle -> IO [InodeCache]
getInodeCaches ik = readDb $ do
l <- select $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. ContentKey ==. val sk)
where_ (r ^. ContentKey ==. val ik)
return (r ^. ContentCache)
return $ map (fromSInodeCache . unValue) l
removeInodeCaches :: SKey -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
removeInodeCaches sk = queueDb $
removeInodeCaches :: IKey -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
removeInodeCaches ik = queueDb $
delete $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. ContentKey ==. val sk)
where_ (r ^. ContentKey ==. val ik)
@ -27,6 +27,24 @@ fromSKey (SKey s) = fromMaybe (error $ "bad serialied Key " ++ s) (file2key s)
derivePersistField "SKey"
-- A Key index. More efficient than SKey, but its Read instance does not
-- work when it's used in any kind of complex data structure.
newtype IKey = IKey String
instance Read IKey where
readsPrec _ s = [(IKey s, "")]
instance Show IKey where
show (IKey s) = s
toIKey :: Key -> IKey
toIKey = IKey . key2file
fromIKey :: IKey -> Key
fromIKey (IKey s) = fromMaybe (error $ "bad serialied Key " ++ s) (file2key s)
derivePersistField "IKey"
-- A serialized InodeCache
newtype SInodeCache = I String
deriving (Show, Read)
Add table
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