pull from one of the remotes in a push notification

Still need to do something about transfer queueing, however. This could be
a real can of worms.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2012-10-24 16:21:45 -04:00
parent 32254488da
commit 422b426460
3 changed files with 39 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ reconnectRemotes threadname st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier rs = void $
(gitremotes, _specialremotes) =
partition (Git.repoIsUrl . Remote.repo) rs
sync (Just branch) = do
diverged <- manualPull st (Just branch) gitremotes
diverged <- snd <$> manualPull st (Just branch) gitremotes
now <- getCurrentTime
ok <- pushToRemotes threadname now st pushnotifier Nothing gitremotes
return (ok, diverged)
{- No local branch exists yet, but we can try pulling. -}
sync Nothing = do
diverged <- manualPull st Nothing gitremotes
diverged <- snd <$> manualPull st Nothing gitremotes
return (True, diverged)
{- Updates the local sync branch, then pushes it to all remotes, in
@ -147,15 +147,15 @@ pushToRemotes threadname now st mpushnotifier mpushmap remotes = do
where s = show $ Git.Ref.base b
{- Manually pull from remotes and merge their branches. -}
manualPull :: ThreadState -> Maybe Git.Ref -> [Remote] -> IO Bool
manualPull :: ThreadState -> Maybe Git.Ref -> [Remote] -> IO ([Bool], Bool)
manualPull st currentbranch remotes = do
g <- runThreadState st gitRepo
forM_ remotes $ \r ->
results <- forM remotes $ \r ->
Git.Command.runBool "fetch" [Param $ Remote.name r] g
haddiverged <- runThreadState st Annex.Branch.forceUpdate
forM_ remotes $ \r ->
runThreadState st $ Command.Sync.mergeRemote r currentbranch
return haddiverged
return (results, haddiverged)
{- Start syncing a newly added remote, using a background thread. -}
syncNewRemote :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> Remote -> IO ()

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.ThreadedMonad
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.Pushes
import Assistant.Sync
import qualified Remote
import Network.Protocol.XMPP
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Utility.FileMode
import qualified Git.Branch
thisThread :: ThreadName
thisThread = "PushNotifier"
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ pushNotifierThread st dstatus pushnotifier = NamedThread thisThread $ do
s <- getStanza
case s of
ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = PresenceAvailable, presenceID = Just t }) ->
maybe noop (liftIO . pull dstatus)
maybe noop (liftIO . pull st dstatus)
(decodePushNotification t)
_ -> noop
@ -118,11 +120,31 @@ decodePushNotification :: T.Text -> Maybe [UUID]
decodePushNotification t = map (toUUID . T.unpack) . T.splitOn delim
<$> T.stripPrefix prefix t
pull :: DaemonStatusHandle -> [UUID] -> IO ()
pull _ [] = noop
pull dstatus us = do
{- We only pull from one remote out of the set listed in the push
- notification, as an optimisation.
- Note that it might be possible (though very unlikely) for the push
- notification to take a while to be sent, and multiple pushes happen
- before it is sent, so it includes multiple remotes that were pushed
- to at different times.
- It could then be the case that the remote we choose had the earlier
- push sent to it, but then failed to get the later push, and so is not
- fully up-to-date. If that happens, the pushRetryThread will come along
- and retry the push, and we'll get another notification once it succeeds,
- and pull again. -}
pull :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> [UUID] -> IO ()
pull _ _ [] = noop
pull st dstatus us = do
rs <- filter matching . syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
print ("TODO pull from", rs)
debug thisThread $ "push notification for" :
map (fromUUID . Remote.uuid ) rs
pullone rs =<< runThreadState st (inRepo Git.Branch.current)
matching r = Remote.uuid r `S.member` s
s = S.fromList us
pullone [] _ = noop
pullone (r:rs) branch =
unlessM (all id . fst <$> manualPull st branch [r]) $
pullone rs branch

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@ -52,6 +52,13 @@ the assistant will transfer the file from the cloud to Bob.
* Make the git-annex clients invisible, so a user can use their regular
account without always seeming to be present when git-annex is logged in.
See <http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0126.html>
* webapp configuration
* After pulling from a remote, may need to scan for transfers, which
could involve other remotes (ie, S3). Since the remote client is not able to
talk to us directly, it won't be able to upload any new files to us.
Need a fast way to find new files, and get them transferring. The expensive
transfer scan may be needed to get fully in sync, but is too expensive to
run every time this happens.
### jabber security