poll vote (Initially the lack of direct-mode. Now concerns about the safety of direct mode. Perhaps after the next release.)

This commit is contained in: 2013-01-10 21:10:21 +00:00 committed by admin
parent 8893074c08
commit 4181aed13e

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@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ assistant, please instead fill in this poll on behalf of less technically
adept friends or family -- what's preventing you from introducing them to
the assistant?
[[!poll open=yes expandable=yes 0 "I'm using the assistant!" 0 "I need a Windows port" 4 "I need an Android port" 0 "I need an IPhone port (not holding my breath)" 0 "Well, it's still in beta..." 2 "I want to, but have not had the time to try it" 0 "Just inertia. I've got this dropbox/whatever that already works.." 0 "It's too hard to install (please say why in comments)" 2 "Perceived recent increase of bug reports and thus sitting it out." 3 "Initially the lack of direct-mode. Now concerns about the safety of direct mode. Perhaps after the next release."]]
[[!poll open=yes expandable=yes 0 "I'm using the assistant!" 0 "I need a Windows port" 3 "I need an Android port" 0 "I need an IPhone port (not holding my breath)" 0 "Well, it's still in beta..." 2 "I want to, but have not had the time to try it" 0 "Just inertia. I've got this dropbox/whatever that already works.." 0 "It's too hard to install (please say why in comments)" 2 "Perceived recent increase of bug reports and thus sitting it out." 4 "Initially the lack of direct-mode. Now concerns about the safety of direct mode. Perhaps after the next release."]]
Feel free to write in your own reasons, or add a comment to give me more info.