converted 2 more threads.. only 2 more to go
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 126 additions and 132 deletions
@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ startAssistant assistant daemonize webappwaiter = withThreadState $ \st -> do
, assist $ pushThread
, assist $ pushRetryThread
, assist $ mergeThread
, assist $ transferWatcherThread st dstatus transferqueue
, assist $ transferWatcherThread
, assist $ transferPollerThread
, assist $ transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue transferslots commitchan
, assist $ daemonStatusThread
, assist $ sanityCheckerThread
, assist $ mountWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
, assist $ mountWatcherThread
, assist $ netWatcherThread
, assist $ netWatcherFallbackThread
, assist $ transferScannerThread
@ -11,11 +11,8 @@
module Assistant.Threads.MountWatcher where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.ThreadedMonad
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.ScanRemotes
import Assistant.Sync
import Assistant.Pushes
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
@ -39,70 +36,70 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as E
thisThread :: ThreadName
thisThread = "MountWatcher"
mountWatcherThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> NamedThread
mountWatcherThread st handle scanremotes pushnotifier = thread $ liftIO $
mountWatcherThread :: NamedThread
mountWatcherThread = NamedThread "MountWatcher" $
dbusThread st handle scanremotes pushnotifier
pollingThread st handle scanremotes pushnotifier
thread = NamedThread thisThread
dbusThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> IO ()
dbusThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier =
E.catch (runClient getSessionAddress go) onerr
go client = ifM (checkMountMonitor client)
( do
{- Store the current mount points in an mvar,
- to be compared later. We could in theory
- work out the mount point from the dbus
- message, but this is easier. -}
mvar <- newMVar =<< currentMountPoints
forM_ mountChanged $ \matcher ->
listen client matcher $ \_event -> do
nowmounted <- currentMountPoints
wasmounted <- swapMVar mvar nowmounted
handleMounts st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier wasmounted nowmounted
, do
runThreadState st $
warning "No known volume monitor available through dbus; falling back to mtab polling"
onerr :: E.SomeException -> IO ()
onerr e = do
{- If the session dbus fails, the user probably
- logged out of their desktop. Even if they log
- back in, we won't have access to the dbus
- session key, so polling is the best that can be
- done in this situation. -}
runThreadState st $
warning $ "dbus failed; falling back to mtab polling (" ++ show e ++ ")"
pollinstead = pollingThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
dbusThread :: Assistant ()
dbusThread = do
runclient <- asIO go
r <- liftIO $ E.try $ runClient getSessionAddress runclient
either onerr (const noop) r
go client = ifM (checkMountMonitor client)
( do
{- Store the current mount points in an MVar, to be
- compared later. We could in theory work out the
- mount point from the dbus message, but this is
- easier. -}
mvar <- liftIO $ newMVar =<< currentMountPoints
handleevent <- asIO $ \_event -> do
nowmounted <- liftIO $ currentMountPoints
wasmounted <- liftIO $ swapMVar mvar nowmounted
handleMounts wasmounted nowmounted
liftIO $ forM_ mountChanged $ \matcher ->
listen client matcher handleevent
, do
liftAnnex $
warning "No known volume monitor available through dbus; falling back to mtab polling"
onerr :: E.SomeException -> Assistant ()
onerr e = do
{- If the session dbus fails, the user probably
- logged out of their desktop. Even if they log
- back in, we won't have access to the dbus
- session key, so polling is the best that can be
- done in this situation. -}
liftAnnex $
warning $ "dbus failed; falling back to mtab polling (" ++ show e ++ ")"
{- Examine the list of services connected to dbus, to see if there
- are any we can use to monitor mounts. If not, will attempt to start one. -}
checkMountMonitor :: Client -> IO Bool
checkMountMonitor :: Client -> Assistant Bool
checkMountMonitor client = do
running <- filter (`elem` usableservices)
<$> listServiceNames client
<$> liftIO (listServiceNames client)
case running of
[] -> startOneService client startableservices
[] -> liftIO $ startOneService client startableservices
(service:_) -> do
brokendebug thisThread [ "Using running DBUS service"
debug [ "Using running DBUS service"
, service
, "to monitor mount events."
return True
startableservices = [gvfs]
usableservices = startableservices ++ [kde]
gvfs = "org.gtk.Private.GduVolumeMonitor"
kde = "org.kde.DeviceNotifications"
startableservices = [gvfs]
usableservices = startableservices ++ [kde]
gvfs = "org.gtk.Private.GduVolumeMonitor"
kde = "org.kde.DeviceNotifications"
startOneService :: Client -> [ServiceName] -> IO Bool
startOneService _ [] = return False
@ -144,26 +141,29 @@ mountChanged = [gvfs True, gvfs False, kde, kdefallback]
pollingThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> IO ()
pollingThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier = go =<< currentMountPoints
pollingThread :: Assistant ()
pollingThread = go =<< liftIO currentMountPoints
go wasmounted = do
threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 10)
nowmounted <- currentMountPoints
handleMounts st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier wasmounted nowmounted
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 10)
nowmounted <- liftIO currentMountPoints
handleMounts wasmounted nowmounted
go nowmounted
handleMounts :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> MountPoints -> MountPoints -> IO ()
handleMounts st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier wasmounted nowmounted =
mapM_ (handleMount st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier . mnt_dir) $
handleMounts :: MountPoints -> MountPoints -> Assistant ()
handleMounts wasmounted nowmounted =
mapM_ (handleMount . mnt_dir) $
S.toList $ newMountPoints wasmounted nowmounted
handleMount :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> FilePath -> IO ()
handleMount st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier dir = do
brokendebug thisThread ["detected mount of", dir]
reconnectRemotes thisThread st dstatus scanremotes (Just pushnotifier)
=<< filter (Git.repoIsLocal . Remote.repo)
<$> remotesUnder st dstatus dir
handleMount :: FilePath -> Assistant ()
handleMount dir = do
debug ["detected mount of", dir]
rs <- filter (Git.repoIsLocal . Remote.repo) <$> remotesUnder dir
d <- getAssistant id
liftIO $
reconnectRemotes (threadName d) (threadState d)
(daemonStatusHandle d) (scanRemoteMap d)
(Just $ pushNotifier d) rs
{- Finds remotes located underneath the mount point.
@ -173,15 +173,15 @@ handleMount st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier dir = do
- at startup time, or may have changed (it could even be a different
- repository at the same remote location..)
remotesUnder :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> FilePath -> IO [Remote]
remotesUnder st dstatus dir = runThreadState st $ do
repotop <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
rs <- remoteList
pairs <- mapM (checkremote repotop) rs
remotesUnder :: FilePath -> Assistant [Remote]
remotesUnder dir = do
repotop <- liftAnnex $ fromRepo Git.repoPath
rs <- liftAnnex remoteList
pairs <- liftAnnex $ mapM (checkremote repotop) rs
let (waschanged, rs') = unzip pairs
when (any id waschanged) $ do
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.remotes = rs' }
updateSyncRemotes dstatus
liftAnnex $ Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.remotes = rs' }
liftAnnex . updateSyncRemotes =<< getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
return $ map snd $ filter fst pairs
checkremote repotop r = case Remote.localpath r of
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
module Assistant.Threads.TransferWatcher where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.ThreadedMonad
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.TransferQueue
import Assistant.Drop
@ -20,76 +19,69 @@ import qualified Remote
import Control.Concurrent
thisThread :: ThreadName
thisThread = "TransferWatcher"
{- This thread watches for changes to the gitAnnexTransferDir,
- and updates the DaemonStatus's map of ongoing transfers. -}
transferWatcherThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> NamedThread
transferWatcherThread st dstatus transferqueue = thread $ liftIO $ do
g <- runThreadState st gitRepo
let dir = gitAnnexTransferDir g
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
let hook a = Just $ runHandler st dstatus transferqueue a
transferWatcherThread :: NamedThread
transferWatcherThread = NamedThread "TransferWatcher" $ do
dir <- liftAnnex $ gitAnnexTransferDir <$> gitRepo
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
let hook a = Just <$> asIO2 (runHandler a)
addhook <- hook onAdd
delhook <- hook onDel
modifyhook <- hook onModify
errhook <- hook onErr
let hooks = mkWatchHooks
{ addHook = hook onAdd
, delHook = hook onDel
, modifyHook = hook onModify
, errHook = hook onErr
{ addHook = addhook
, delHook = delhook
, modifyHook = modifyhook
, errHook = errhook
void $ watchDir dir (const False) hooks id
brokendebug thisThread ["watching for transfers"]
thread = NamedThread thisThread
void $ liftIO $ watchDir dir (const False) hooks id
debug ["watching for transfers"]
type Handler = ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> IO ()
type Handler = FilePath -> Assistant ()
{- Runs an action handler.
- Exceptions are ignored, otherwise a whole thread could be crashed.
runHandler :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> Handler -> FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> IO ()
runHandler st dstatus transferqueue handler file filestatus = void $
either print (const noop) =<< tryIO go
go = handler st dstatus transferqueue file filestatus
runHandler :: Handler -> FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> Assistant ()
runHandler handler file _filestatus =
either (liftIO . print) (const noop) =<< tryIO <~> handler file
{- Called when there's an error with inotify. -}
onErr :: Handler
onErr _ _ _ msg _ = error msg
onErr msg = error msg
{- Called when a new transfer information file is written. -}
onAdd :: Handler
onAdd st dstatus _ file _ = case parseTransferFile file of
onAdd file = case parseTransferFile file of
Nothing -> noop
Just t -> go t =<< runThreadState st (checkTransfer t)
go _ Nothing = noop -- transfer already finished
go t (Just info) = do
brokendebug thisThread
[ "transfer starting:"
, show t
r <- headMaybe . filter (sameuuid t)
<$> runThreadState st Remote.remoteList
updateTransferInfo dstatus t info
{ transferRemote = r }
sameuuid t r = Remote.uuid r == transferUUID t
Just t -> go t =<< liftAnnex (checkTransfer t)
go _ Nothing = noop -- transfer already finished
go t (Just info) = do
debug [ "transfer starting:", show t]
r <- headMaybe . filter (sameuuid t)
<$> liftAnnex Remote.remoteList
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
liftIO $ updateTransferInfo dstatus t info { transferRemote = r }
sameuuid t r = Remote.uuid r == transferUUID t
{- Called when a transfer information file is updated.
- The only thing that should change in the transfer info is the
- bytesComplete, so that's the only thing updated in the DaemonStatus. -}
onModify :: Handler
onModify _ dstatus _ file _ = do
onModify file = do
case parseTransferFile file of
Nothing -> noop
Just t -> go t =<< readTransferInfoFile Nothing file
Just t -> go t =<< liftIO (readTransferInfoFile Nothing file)
go _ Nothing = noop
go t (Just newinfo) = alterTransferInfo t
(\i -> i { bytesComplete = bytesComplete newinfo })
<<~ daemonStatusHandle
{- This thread can only watch transfer sizes when the DirWatcher supports
- tracking modificatons to files. -}
@ -98,21 +90,19 @@ watchesTransferSize = modifyTracked
{- Called when a transfer information file is removed. -}
onDel :: Handler
onDel st dstatus transferqueue file _ = case parseTransferFile file of
onDel file = case parseTransferFile file of
Nothing -> noop
Just t -> do
brokendebug thisThread
[ "transfer finishing:"
, show t
minfo <- removeTransfer dstatus t
debug [ "transfer finishing:", show t]
minfo <- flip removeTransfer t <<~ daemonStatusHandle
void $ forkIO $ do
finished <- asIO2 finishedTransfer
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ do
{- XXX race workaround delay. The location
- log needs to be updated before finishedTransfer
- runs. -}
threadDelay 10000000 -- 10 seconds
finishedTransfer st dstatus transferqueue t minfo
finished t minfo
{- Queue uploads of files we successfully downloaded, spreading them
- out to other reachable remotes.
@ -123,15 +113,19 @@ onDel st dstatus transferqueue file _ = case parseTransferFile file of
- Uploading a file may cause the local repo, or some other remote to not
- want it; handle that too.
finishedTransfer :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> Transfer -> Maybe TransferInfo -> IO ()
finishedTransfer st dstatus transferqueue t (Just info)
| transferDirection t == Download = runThreadState st $
whenM (inAnnex $ transferKey t) $ do
handleDrops dstatus False
finishedTransfer :: Transfer -> Maybe TransferInfo -> Assistant ()
finishedTransfer t (Just info)
| transferDirection t == Download =
whenM (liftAnnex $ inAnnex $ transferKey t) $ do
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
transferqueue <- getAssistant transferQueue
liftAnnex $ handleDrops dstatus False
(transferKey t) (associatedFile info)
queueTransfersMatching (/= transferUUID t)
liftAnnex $ queueTransfersMatching (/= transferUUID t)
Later transferqueue dstatus
(transferKey t) (associatedFile info) Upload
| otherwise = runThreadState st $
handleDrops dstatus True (transferKey t) (associatedFile info)
finishedTransfer _ _ _ _ _ = noop
| otherwise = do
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
liftAnnex $ handleDrops dstatus True (transferKey t) (associatedFile info)
finishedTransfer _ _ = noop
Add table
Reference in a new issue