implement journalledRepoSizes
Plan is to run this when populating Annex.reposizes on demand. So Annex.reposizes will be up-to-date with the journal, including crucially journal entries for private repositories. But also anything that has been written to the journal by another process, especially if the process was ran with annex.alwayscommit=false. From there, Annex.reposizes can be kept up to date with changes made by the running process.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 148 additions and 66 deletions
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module Annex.Branch (
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ module Annex.Branch (
) where
@ -1010,7 +1012,7 @@ overBranchFileContents
-- and in this case it's also possible for the callback to be
-- passed some of the same file content repeatedly.
-> (RawFilePath -> Maybe v)
-> (Annex (Maybe (v, RawFilePath, Maybe L.ByteString)) -> Annex a)
-> (Annex (Maybe (v, RawFilePath, Maybe (L.ByteString, Maybe Bool))) -> Annex a)
-> Annex (UnmergedBranches (a, Git.Sha))
overBranchFileContents ignorejournal select go = do
st <- update
@ -1024,7 +1026,7 @@ overBranchFileContents ignorejournal select go = do
:: (RawFilePath -> Maybe v)
-> (Annex (Maybe (v, RawFilePath, Maybe L.ByteString)) -> Annex a)
-> (Annex (Maybe (v, RawFilePath, Maybe (L.ByteString, Maybe Bool))) -> Annex a)
-> BranchState
-> Annex (a, Git.Sha)
overBranchFileContents' select go st = do
@ -1038,11 +1040,14 @@ overBranchFileContents' select go st = do
buf <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
let go' reader = go $ liftIO reader >>= \case
Just ((v, f), content) -> do
content' <- checkjournal f content
content' <- checkjournal f content >>= return . \case
Nothing -> Nothing
Just c -> Just (c, Just False)
return (Just (v, f, content'))
| journalIgnorable st -> return Nothing
| otherwise -> overJournalFileContents' buf (handlestale branchsha) select
| otherwise ->
overJournalFileContents' buf (handlestale branchsha) select
res <- catObjectStreamLsTree l (select' . getTopFilePath . Git.LsTree.file) g go'
`finally` liftIO (void cleanup)
return (res, branchsha)
@ -1059,29 +1064,33 @@ overBranchFileContents' select go st = do
handlestale branchsha f journalledcontent = do
-- This is expensive, but happens only when there is a
-- private journal file.
content <- getRef branchsha f
return (content <> journalledcontent)
branchcontent <- getRef branchsha f
return (combineStaleJournalWithBranch branchcontent journalledcontent, Just True)
combineStaleJournalWithBranch :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
combineStaleJournalWithBranch branchcontent journalledcontent =
branchcontent <> journalledcontent
{- Like overBranchFileContents but only reads the content of journalled
- files. Note that when there are private UUIDs, the journal files may
- only include information about the private UUID, while information about
- other UUIDs has been committed to the git-annex branch.
- files.
:: (RawFilePath -> Maybe v)
-> (Annex (Maybe (v, RawFilePath, Maybe L.ByteString)) -> Annex a)
:: (RawFilePath -> L.ByteString -> Annex (L.ByteString, Maybe b))
-- ^ Called with the journalled file content when the journalled
-- content may be stale or lack information committed to the
-- git-annex branch.
-> (RawFilePath -> Maybe v)
-> (Annex (Maybe (v, RawFilePath, Maybe (L.ByteString, Maybe b))) -> Annex a)
-> Annex a
overJournalFileContents select go = do
overJournalFileContents handlestale select go = do
buf <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
go $ overJournalFileContents' buf handlestale select
handlestale _f journalledcontent = return journalledcontent
:: MVar ([RawFilePath], [RawFilePath])
-> (RawFilePath -> L.ByteString -> Annex L.ByteString)
-> (RawFilePath -> L.ByteString -> Annex (L.ByteString, Maybe b))
-> (RawFilePath -> Maybe a)
-> Annex (Maybe (a, RawFilePath, Maybe L.ByteString))
-> Annex (Maybe (a, RawFilePath, (Maybe (L.ByteString, Maybe b))))
overJournalFileContents' buf handlestale select =
liftIO (tryTakeMVar buf) >>= \case
Nothing -> do
@ -1096,7 +1105,7 @@ overJournalFileContents' buf handlestale select =
content <- getJournalFileStale (GetPrivate True) f >>= \case
NoJournalledContent -> return Nothing
JournalledContent journalledcontent ->
return (Just journalledcontent)
return (Just (journalledcontent, Nothing))
PossiblyStaleJournalledContent journalledcontent ->
Just <$> handlestale f journalledcontent
return (Just (v, f, content))
@ -22,23 +22,43 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
- The map includes the UUIDs of all known repositories, including
- repositories that are empty.
- Note that private repositories, which do not get recorded in
- the git-annex branch, will have 0 size. journalledRepoSizes
- takes care of getting repo sizes for those.
calcBranchRepoSizes :: Annex (M.Map UUID RepoSize, Sha)
calcBranchRepoSizes = do
knownuuids <- M.keys <$> uuidDescMap
let startmap = M.fromList $ map (\u -> (u, RepoSize 0)) knownuuids
overLocationLogs True startmap accum >>= \case
overLocationLogs True startmap accumsizes >>= \case
UnmergedBranches v -> return v
NoUnmergedBranches v -> return v
addksz ksz (Just (RepoSize sz)) = Just $ RepoSize $ sz + ksz
addksz ksz Nothing = Just $ RepoSize ksz
accum k locs m = return $
let sz = fromMaybe 0 $ fromKey keySize k
in foldl' (flip $ M.alter $ addksz sz) m locs
accumsizes k locs m = return $
foldl' (flip $ M.alter $ addKeyRepoSize k) m locs
{- Given the RepoSizes calculated from the git-annex branch, updates it with
- data from journalled location logs.
journalledRepoSizes :: M.Map UUID RepoSize -> Sha -> Annex (M.Map UUID RepoSize)
journalledRepoSizes m branchsha = undefined --- XXX
journalledRepoSizes startmap branchsha =
overLocationLogsJournal startmap branchsha accumsizes
accumsizes k (newlocs, removedlocs) m = return $
let m' = foldl' (flip $ M.alter $ addKeyRepoSize k) m newlocs
in foldl' (flip $ M.alter $ removeKeyRepoSize k) m' removedlocs
addKeyRepoSize :: Key -> Maybe RepoSize -> Maybe RepoSize
addKeyRepoSize k mrs = case mrs of
Just (RepoSize sz) -> Just $ RepoSize $ sz + ksz
Nothing -> Just $ RepoSize ksz
ksz = fromMaybe 0 $ fromKey keySize k
removeKeyRepoSize :: Key -> Maybe RepoSize -> Maybe RepoSize
removeKeyRepoSize k mrs = case mrs of
Just (RepoSize sz) -> Just $ RepoSize $ sz - ksz
Nothing -> Nothing
ksz = fromMaybe 0 $ fromKey keySize k
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ updateFromLog db@(ImportFeedDbHandle h) (oldtree, currtree)
| otherwise = Nothing
goscan reader = reader >>= \case
Just ((), f, Just content)
Just ((), f, Just (content, _))
| isUrlLog f -> do
knownurls (parseUrlLog content)
goscan reader
@ -599,10 +599,11 @@ limitFullyBalanced mu getgroupmap groupname = Right $ MatchFiles
M.lookup g (uuidsByGroup gm)
maxsizes <- getMaxSizes
-- XXX do not calc this every time!
(sizemap, _sha) <- calcBranchRepoSizes
(sizemap, sha) <- calcBranchRepoSizes
sizemap' <- journalledRepoSizes sizemap sha
let keysize = fromMaybe 0 (fromKey keySize key)
currentlocs <- S.fromList <$> loggedLocations key
let hasspace u = case (M.lookup u maxsizes, M.lookup u sizemap) of
let hasspace u = case (M.lookup u maxsizes, M.lookup u sizemap') of
(Just (MaxSize maxsize), Just (RepoSize reposize)) ->
if u `S.member` currentlocs
then reposize <= maxsize
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ module Logs.Location (
@ -35,6 +34,7 @@ module Logs.Location (
) where
import Annex.Common
@ -222,38 +222,96 @@ loggedKeysFor' u = loggedKeys' isthere
:: Bool
-> v
-> (Key -> [UUID]
-> v
-> Annex v)
-> (Key -> [UUID] -> v -> Annex v)
-> Annex (Annex.Branch.UnmergedBranches (v, Sha))
overLocationLogs ignorejournal v =
overLocationLogs' ignorejournal v (flip const)
:: Bool
-> v
-> (Annex (Maybe (Key, RawFilePath, Maybe L.ByteString)) -> Annex v -> Annex v)
-> v
-> (Annex (Maybe (Key, RawFilePath, Maybe (L.ByteString, Maybe Bool))) -> Annex v -> Annex v)
-> (Key -> [UUID] -> v -> Annex v)
-> Annex (Annex.Branch.UnmergedBranches (v, Sha))
overLocationLogs' ignorejournal iv discarder keyaction = do
overLocationLogs' ignorejournal =
(Annex.Branch.overBranchFileContents ignorejournal)
(\locparser _ _ content -> pure (locparser (fst <$> content)))
type LocChanges =
( S.Set UUID
-- ^ locations that are in the journal, but not in the
-- git-annex branch
, S.Set UUID
-- ^ locations that are in the git-annex branch,
-- but have been removed in the journal
{- Like overLocationLogs, but only adds changes in journalled files
- compared with what was logged in the git-annex branch at the specified
- commit sha. -}
:: v
-> Sha
-> (Key -> LocChanges -> v -> Annex v)
-> Annex v
overLocationLogsJournal v branchsha keyaction =
(Annex.Branch.overJournalFileContents handlestale)
-- ^ do not precache journalled content, which may be stale
v (flip const) keyaction
handlestale _ journalcontent = return (journalcontent, Just True)
changedlocs locparser _key logf (Just (journalcontent, isstale)) = do
branchcontent <- Annex.Branch.getRef branchsha logf
let branchlocs = S.fromList $ locparser $ Just branchcontent
let journallocs = S.fromList $ locparser $ Just $ case isstale of
Just True -> Annex.Branch.combineStaleJournalWithBranch
branchcontent journalcontent
_ -> journalcontent
( S.difference journallocs branchlocs
, S.difference branchlocs journallocs
changedlocs _ _ _ Nothing = pure (S.empty, S.empty)
:: ( (RawFilePath -> Maybe Key)
-> (Annex (Maybe (Key, RawFilePath, Maybe (L.ByteString, Maybe b))) -> Annex v)
-> Annex a
-> ((Maybe L.ByteString -> [UUID]) -> Key -> RawFilePath -> Maybe (L.ByteString, Maybe b) -> Annex u)
-> Bool
-> v
-> (Annex (Maybe (Key, RawFilePath, Maybe (L.ByteString, Maybe b))) -> Annex v -> Annex v)
-> (Key -> u -> v -> Annex v)
-> Annex a
overLocationLogsHelper runner locparserrunner canprecache iv discarder keyaction = do
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
clusters <- getClusters
let locparser = maybe [] (parseLoggedLocations clusters)
let getk = locationLogFileKey config
let go v reader = reader >>= \case
Just (k, f, content) -> discarder reader $ do
-- precache to make checkDead fast, and also to
-- make any accesses done in keyaction fast.
maybe noop (Annex.Branch.precache f) content
when canprecache $
maybe noop (Annex.Branch.precache f . fst) content
ifM (checkDead k)
( go v reader
, do
!v' <- keyaction k (maybe [] (parseLoggedLocations clusters) content) v
!locs <- locparserrunner locparser k f content
!v' <- keyaction k locs v
go v' reader
Nothing -> return v
Annex.Branch.overBranchFileContents ignorejournal getk (go iv)
runner getk (go iv)
-- Cannot import Logs.Cluster due to a cycle.
-- Annex.clusters gets populated when starting up git-annex.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- A line of the log will look like: "date N INFO"
- Where N=1 when the INFO is present, 0 otherwise.
- Copyright 2010-2022 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2010-2024 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Logs.Presence (
) where
import Logs.Presence.Pure as X
@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ import Annex.VectorClock
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Git.Types (RefDate)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
{- Adds to the log, removing any LogLines that are obsoleted. -}
addLog :: Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> LogStatus -> LogInfo -> Annex ()
addLog ru file logstatus loginfo =
@ -82,5 +85,8 @@ notPresentLogInfo file = map info . filterNotPresent <$> readLog file
- The date is formatted as shown in gitrevisions man page.
historicalLogInfo :: RefDate -> RawFilePath -> Annex [LogInfo]
historicalLogInfo refdate file = map info . filterPresent . parseLog
historicalLogInfo refdate file = parseLogInfo
<$> Annex.Branch.getHistorical refdate file
parseLogInfo :: L.ByteString -> [LogInfo]
parseLogInfo = map info . filterPresent . parseLog
@ -51,48 +51,36 @@ Planned schedule of work:
* `git-annex info` can use maxsize to display how full repositories are
* overBranchFileContents can improve its handling of journalled files
by first going over the branch, and then at the end, feeding
the journalled filenames into catObjectStream (run on the same branch
sha) to check if the file was in the branch. Only pass the journalled
file to the callback when it was not. This will avoid innaccuracies
in calcRepoSizes and git-annex info.
calcRepoSizes currently skips log files in private journals,
when they are for a key that does not appear in the git-annex branch.
It needs to include those.
* Implement [[track_free_space_in_repos_via_git-annex_branch]]:
* Goal is for limitFullyBalanced not to need to calcRepoSizes.
* Load Annex.reposizes from Database.RepoSizes on demand.
* Add git-annex branch sha to Database.RepoSizes.
* When Annex.reposizes does not list the size of a UUID, and
that UUID's size is needed eg for balanced preferred
content, use calcRepoSizes and store in
* Load Annex.reposizes from Database.RepoSizes on demand,
supplimenting with journalledRepoSizes.
* Update Annex.reposizes in Logs.Location.logChange,
when it makes a change and when Annex.reposizes has a size
for the UUID. So Annex.reposizes is kept up-to-date
for each transfer and drop.
* Update Database.RepoSizes during merge of git-annex branch.
* When calling journalledRepoSizes make sure that the current
process is prevented from making changes to the journal in another
thread. Probably lock the journal? (No need to worry about changes made
by other processes; Annex.reposizes does not need to be kept current
with what other processes might be doing.)
* Update Database.RepoSizes incrementally during merge of
git-annex branch, and after commit of git-annex branch.
(Also update Annex.reposizes)
* On commit of git-annex branch, update Database.RepoSize to reflect
the size changes in the commit.
Probably cannot use Annex.reposizes for the values, since they must
match the sizes in the location log files being committed. Note
that other processes may journal location log changes, which will be
part of the commit. So need to read all the changed location logs,
and update Database.RepoSize accordingly.
Also private journals complicate this.
(Annex.reposizes can be updated to the resulting values.)
(Annex.reposizes can be updated to the resulting values as well.)
* Perhaps: setRepoSize to 0 when initializing a new repo or a
new special remote (but not when reinitializing),
Add table
Reference in a new issue