index file recovery
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 69 additions and 16 deletions
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Git.RecoverRepository (
) where
@ -19,17 +20,21 @@ import Git.Command
import Git.Fsck
import Git.Objects
import Git.Sha
import Git.Types
import qualified Git.Config
import qualified Git.Construct
import qualified Git.LsTree as LsTree
import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
import qualified Git.Ref as Ref
import qualified Git.RefLog as RefLog
import qualified Git.UpdateIndex as UpdateIndex
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.Rsync
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import System.Log.Logger
import Data.Tuple.Utils
{- Finds and removes corrupt objects from the repository, returning a list
- of all such objects, which need to be found elsewhere to finish
@ -349,6 +354,30 @@ verifyTree missing treesha r
-- as long as ls-tree succeeded, we're good
else cleanup
{- Rewrites the index file, removing from it any files whose blobs are
- missing. Returns the list of affected files. -}
rewriteIndex :: MissingObjects -> Repo -> IO [FilePath]
rewriteIndex missing r
| repoIsLocalBare r = return []
| otherwise = do
(indexcontents, cleanup) <- LsFiles.stagedDetails [Git.repoPath r] r
let (missing, present) = partition ismissing indexcontents
unless (null missing) $ do
nukeFile (localGitDir r </> "index")
UpdateIndex.streamUpdateIndex r
=<< (catMaybes <$> mapM reinject present)
void cleanup
return $ map fst3 missing
getblob (_file, Just sha, Just _mode) = Just sha
getblob _ = Nothing
ismissing = maybe False (`S.member` missing) . getblob
reinject (file, Just sha, Just mode) = case toBlobType mode of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just blobtype -> Just <$>
UpdateIndex.stageFile sha blobtype file r
reinject _ = return Nothing
newtype GoodCommits = GoodCommits (S.Set Sha)
emptyGoodCommits :: GoodCommits
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Git.Types where
import Network.URI
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Posix.Types
{- Support repositories on local disk, and repositories accessed via an URL.
@ -81,3 +82,9 @@ readBlobType "100644" = Just FileBlob
readBlobType "100755" = Just ExecutableBlob
readBlobType "120000" = Just SymlinkBlob
readBlobType _ = Nothing
toBlobType :: FileMode -> Maybe BlobType
toBlobType 0o100644 = Just FileBlob
toBlobType 0o100755 = Just ExecutableBlob
toBlobType 0o120000 = Just SymlinkBlob
toBlobType _ = Nothing
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Git.UpdateIndex (
) where
@ -61,6 +62,11 @@ updateIndexLine :: Sha -> BlobType -> TopFilePath -> String
updateIndexLine sha filetype file =
show filetype ++ " blob " ++ show sha ++ "\t" ++ indexPath file
stageFile :: Sha -> BlobType -> FilePath -> Repo -> IO Streamer
stageFile sha filetype file repo = do
p <- toTopFilePath file repo
return $ pureStreamer $ updateIndexLine sha filetype p
{- A streamer that removes a file from the index. -}
unstageFile :: FilePath -> Repo -> IO Streamer
unstageFile file repo = do
@ -148,8 +148,5 @@ that was found for it.
if none was found. **done**
* (Decided not to touch tags.)
TODO: The index file can still refer to objects that were missing.
This prevents git commit from working. And simply re-staging things doesn't
seem to help; git sees the sha is "known" and does not re-add it,
apparently. So, need to do something to clean up the index, while ideally
not losing any staged changes.
The index file can still refer to objects that were missing.
Rewrite to remove them. **done**
@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ It does by deleting all corrupt objects, and retreiving all missing
objects that it can from the remotes of the repository.
If that is not sufficient to fully recover the repository, it can also
reset branches back to commits before the corruption happened, and delete
branches that are no longer available due to the lost data. It will only
do this if run with the `--force` option, since that rewrites history
and throws out missing data. Note that the `--force` option never touches
tags, even if they are no longer usable due to missing data.
reset branches back to commits before the corruption happened, delete
branches that are no longer available due to the lost data, and remove any
missing files from the index. It will only do this if run with the
`--force` option, since that rewrites history and throws out missing data.
Note that the `--force` option never touches tags, even if they are no
longer usable due to missing data.
After running this command, you will probably want to run `git fsck` to
verify it fixed the repository. Note that fsck may still complain about
@ -68,12 +68,13 @@ main = do
, "remote tracking branches that referred to missing objects"
(resetbranches, deletedbranches, _) <- Git.RecoverRepository.resetLocalBranches stillmissing goodcommits g
unless (null resetbranches) $ do
putStrLn "Reset these local branches to old versions before the missing objects were committed:"
putStr $ unlines $ map show resetbranches
unless (null deletedbranches) $ do
putStrLn "Deleted these local branches, which could not be recovered due to missing objects:"
putStr $ unlines $ map show deletedbranches
printList (map show resetbranches)
"Reset these local branches to old versions before the missing objects were committed:"
printList (map show deletedbranches)
"Deleted these local branches, which could not be recovered due to missing objects:"
deindexedfiles <- Git.RecoverRepository.rewriteIndex stillmissing g
printList deindexedfiles
"Removed these missing files from the index. You should look at what files are present in your working tree and git add them back to the index when appropriate."
mcurr <- Git.Branch.currentUnsafe g
case mcurr of
Nothing -> return ()
@ -84,3 +85,15 @@ main = do
, "checked out. You may have staged changes in the index that can be committed to recover the lost state of this branch!"
else putStrLn "To force a recovery to a usable state, run this command again with the --force parameter."
printList :: [String] -> String -> IO ()
printList items header
| null items = return ()
| otherwise = do
putStrLn header
putStr $ unlines $ map (\i -> "\t" ++ i) truncateditems
numitems = length items
| numitems > 10 = take 10 items ++ ["(and " ++ show (numitems - 10) ++ " more)"]
| otherwise = items
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