assistant: Set StrictHostKeyChecking yes when creating ssh remotes, and add it to the configuration for any ssh remotes previously created by the assistant. This avoids repeated prompts by ssh if the host key changes, instead syncing with such a remote will fail. Closes: #732602
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 181 additions and 23 deletions
@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ module Assistant.Install where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.Install.AutoStart
import Assistant.Ssh
import Config.Files
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.Shell
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.Env
import Utility.SshConfig
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
import Utility.OSX
@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ module Assistant.Ssh where
import Common.Annex
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.UserInfo
import Utility.Shell
import Utility.Rsync
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.SshConfig
import Git.Remote
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -54,11 +54,6 @@ type SshPubKey = String
sshOpt :: String -> String -> String
sshOpt k v = concat ["-o", k, "=", v]
sshDir :: IO FilePath
sshDir = do
home <- myHomeDir
return $ home </> ".ssh"
{- user@host or host -}
genSshHost :: Text -> Maybe Text -> String
genSshHost host user = maybe "" (\v -> T.unpack v ++ "@") user ++ T.unpack host
@ -228,6 +223,10 @@ genSshKeyPair = withTmpDir "git-annex-keygen" $ \dir -> do
- Similarly, IdentitiesOnly is set in the ssh config to prevent the
- ssh-agent from forcing use of a different key.
- Force strict host key checking to avoid repeated prompts
- when git-annex and git try to access the remote, if its
- host key has changed.
setupSshKeyPair :: SshKeyPair -> SshData -> IO SshData
setupSshKeyPair sshkeypair sshdata = do
@ -242,29 +241,22 @@ setupSshKeyPair sshkeypair sshdata = do
setSshConfig sshdata
[ ("IdentityFile", "~/.ssh/" ++ sshprivkeyfile)
, ("IdentitiesOnly", "yes")
, ("StrictHostKeyChecking", "yes")
sshprivkeyfile = "git-annex" </> "key." ++ mangleSshHostName sshdata
sshpubkeyfile = sshprivkeyfile ++ ".pub"
{- Fixes git-annex ssh key pairs configured in .ssh/config
- by old versions to set IdentitiesOnly. -}
fixSshKeyPair :: IO ()
fixSshKeyPair = do
sshdir <- sshDir
let configfile = sshdir </> "config"
whenM (doesFileExist configfile) $ do
ls <- lines <$> readFileStrict configfile
let ls' = fixSshKeyPair' ls
when (ls /= ls') $
viaTmp writeFile configfile $ unlines ls'
{- Strategy: Search for IdentityFile lines in for files with key.git-annex
- by old versions to set IdentitiesOnly.
- Strategy: Search for IdentityFile lines with key.git-annex
- in their names. These are for git-annex ssh key pairs.
- Add the IdentitiesOnly line immediately after them, if not already
- present. -}
fixSshKeyPair' :: [String] -> [String]
fixSshKeyPair' = go []
- present.
fixSshKeyPairIdentitiesOnly :: IO ()
fixSshKeyPairIdentitiesOnly = changeUserSshConfig $ unlines . go [] . lines
go c [] = reverse c
go c (l:[])
@ -277,6 +269,20 @@ fixSshKeyPair' = go []
indicators = ["IdentityFile", "key.git-annex"]
fixedline tmpl = takeWhile isSpace tmpl ++ "IdentitiesOnly yes"
{- Add StrictHostKeyChecking to any ssh config stanzas that were written
- by git-annex. -}
fixUpSshRemotes :: IO ()
fixUpSshRemotes = modifyUserSshConfig (map go)
go c@(HostConfig h _)
| "git-annex-" `isPrefixOf` h = fixupconfig c
| otherwise = c
go other = other
fixupconfig c = case findHostConfigKey c "StrictHostKeyChecking" of
Nothing -> addToHostConfig c "StrictHostKeyChecking" "yes"
Just _ -> c
{- Setups up a ssh config with a mangled hostname.
- Returns a modified SshData containing the mangled hostname. -}
setSshConfig :: SshData -> [(String, String)] -> IO SshData
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.Repair
import Assistant.Ssh
import qualified Git.LsFiles
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.Config
@ -53,6 +54,9 @@ sanityCheckerStartupThread startupdelay = namedThreadUnchecked "SanityCheckerSta
modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s { forceRestage = True }
{- Fix up ssh remotes set up by past versions of the assistant. -}
liftIO $ fixUpSshRemotes
{- If there's a startup delay, it's done here. -}
liftIO $ maybe noop (threadDelaySeconds . Seconds . fromIntegral . durationSeconds) startupdelay
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ getUpgradeRepositoryR r = go =<< liftAnnex (repoIdRemote r)
go Nothing = redirect DashboardR
go (Just rmt) = do
liftIO fixSshKeyPair
liftIO fixSshKeyPairIdentitiesOnly
liftAnnex $ setConfig
(remoteConfig (Remote.repo rmt) "ignore")
(Git.Config.boolConfig False)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
{- ssh config file parsing and modification
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Utility.SshConfig where
import Common
import Utility.UserInfo
import Utility.Tmp
import Data.Char
import Data.Ord
import Data.Either
data SshConfig
= GlobalConfig SshSetting
| HostConfig Host [Either Comment SshSetting]
| CommentLine Comment
deriving (Show)
data Comment = Comment Indent String
deriving (Show)
data SshSetting = SshSetting Indent Key Value
deriving (Show)
type Indent = String
type Host = String
type Key = String
type Value = String
{- Parses ~/.ssh/config. Comments and indentation are preserved.
- Note that there is no parse failure. If a line cannot be parsed, it will
- be taken to be a SshSetting that contains the whole line as the key,
- and has no value. -}
parseSshConfig :: String -> [SshConfig]
parseSshConfig = go [] . lines
go c [] = reverse c
go c (l:ls)
| iscomment l = collect $ CommentLine $ mkcomment l
| otherwise = case splitline l of
(indent, k, v)
| isHost k -> hoststanza v c [] ls
| otherwise -> collect $ GlobalConfig $ SshSetting indent k v
collect v = go (v:c) ls
hoststanza host c hc [] = go (HostConfig host (reverse hc):c) []
hoststanza host c hc (l:ls)
| iscomment l = hoststanza host c ((Left $ mkcomment l):hc) ls
| otherwise = case splitline l of
(indent, k, v)
| isHost k -> hoststanza v
(HostConfig host (reverse hc):c) [] ls
| otherwise -> hoststanza host c
((Right $ SshSetting indent k v):hc) ls
iscomment l = all isSpace l || "#" `isPrefixOf` (dropWhile isSpace l)
splitline l = (indent, k, v)
(indent, rest) = span isSpace l
(k, v) = separate isSpace rest
mkcomment l = Comment indent c
(indent, c) = span isSpace l
isHost v = map toLower v == "host"
genSshConfig :: [SshConfig] -> String
genSshConfig = unlines . concatMap gen
gen (CommentLine c) = [comment c]
gen (GlobalConfig s) = [setting s]
gen (HostConfig h cs) = ("Host " ++ h) : map (either comment setting) cs
setting (SshSetting indent k v) = indent ++ k ++ " " ++ v
comment (Comment indent c) = indent ++ c
findHostConfigKey :: SshConfig -> Key -> Maybe Value
findHostConfigKey (HostConfig _ cs) wantk = go (rights cs) (map toLower wantk)
go [] _ = Nothing
go ((SshSetting _ k v):rest) wantk'
| map toLower k == wantk' = Just v
| otherwise = go rest wantk'
findHostConfigKey _ _ = Nothing
{- Adds a particular Key and Value to a HostConfig. -}
addToHostConfig :: SshConfig -> Key -> Value -> SshConfig
addToHostConfig (HostConfig host cs) k v =
HostConfig host $ Right (SshSetting indent k v) : cs
{- The indent is taken from any existing SshSetting
- in the HostConfig (largest indent wins). -}
indent = fromMaybe "\t" $ headMaybe $ reverse $
sortBy (comparing length) $ map getindent cs
getindent (Right (SshSetting i _ _)) = i
getindent (Left (Comment i _)) = i
addToHostConfig other _ _ = other
modifyUserSshConfig :: ([SshConfig] -> [SshConfig]) -> IO ()
modifyUserSshConfig modifier = changeUserSshConfig $
genSshConfig . modifier . parseSshConfig
changeUserSshConfig :: (String -> String) -> IO ()
changeUserSshConfig modifier = do
sshdir <- sshDir
let configfile = sshdir </> "config"
whenM (doesFileExist configfile) $ do
c <- readFileStrict configfile
let c' = modifier c
when (c /= c') $
viaTmp writeFile configfile c'
sshDir :: IO FilePath
sshDir = do
home <- myHomeDir
return $ home </> ".ssh"
@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ git-annex (5.20131214) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* assistant: Always batch changes found in startup scan.
* assistant: Fix OSX-specific bug that caused the startup scan to try to
follow symlinks to other directories, and add their contents to the annex.
* assistant: Set StrictHostKeyChecking yes when creating ssh remotes,
and add it to the configuration for any ssh remotes previously created
by the assistant. This avoids repeated prompts by ssh if the host key
changes, instead syncing with such a remote will fail. Closes: #732602
-- Joey Hess <> Sun, 15 Dec 2013 13:32:49 -0400
@ -13,3 +13,22 @@ I don't understand why this is happening.
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
1 Nov 2013 Linux tarball on Ubuntu Raring 13.04
> [[fixed|done]]; assistant now sets `StrictHostKeyChecking yes`
> when creating ssh remotes. It also fixes up any ssh remotes it already
> created to have that setting (unless StrictHostKeyChecking is already
> being set).
> So, when the host key changes, syncing with the remote will now fail,
> rather than letting ssh prompt for the y/n response. In the local
> pairing case, this is completely right, when on a different lan
> and it tries to communicate with the wrong host there. OTOH, if the ssh
> key of a ssh server has really changed, the assistant does not currently
> help dealing with that.
> Any ssh remotes not set up by the assistant are left as-is, so this
> could still happen if the ssh host key of such a ssh remote changes.
> I'll assume that if someone can set up their ssh remotes at the command
> line, they can also read the dialog box ssh pops up, ignore the
> misleading "passphrase request" in the title, and see that it's actually
> prompting about a host key change. --[[Joey]]
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