simplify base64 to only use ByteString
Note the use of fromString and toString from Data.ByteString.UTF8 dated back to commit9b93278e8a
. Back then it was using the dataenc package for base64, which operated on Word8 and String. But with the switch to sandi, it uses ByteString, and indeed fromB64' and toB64' were already using ByteString without that complication. So I think there is no risk of such an encoding related breakage. I also tested the case that9b93278e8a
fixed: git-annex metadata -s foo='a …' x git-annex metadata x metadata x foo=a … In Remote.Helper.Encryptable, it was avoiding using Utility.Base64 because of that UTF8 conversion. Since that's no longer done, it can just use it now.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 27 additions and 71 deletions
@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ toTaggedBranch :: UUID -> Maybe String -> Git.Branch -> Git.Ref
toTaggedBranch u info b = Git.Ref $ S.intercalate "/" $ catMaybes
[ Just "refs/synced"
, Just $ fromUUID u
, toB64' . encodeBS <$> info
, toB64 . encodeBS <$> info
, Just $ Git.fromRef' $ Git.Ref.base b
fromTaggedBranch :: Git.Ref -> Maybe (UUID, Maybe String)
fromTaggedBranch :: Git.Ref -> Maybe (UUID, Maybe S.ByteString)
fromTaggedBranch b = case splitc '/' $ Git.fromRef b of
("refs":"synced":u:info:_base) ->
Just (toUUID u, fromB64Maybe info)
Just (toUUID u, fromB64Maybe (encodeBS info))
("refs":"synced":u:_base) ->
Just (toUUID u, Nothing)
_ -> Nothing
@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ setRemoteCredPair' pc encsetup gc storage mcreds = case mcreds of
cmd <- gpgCmd <$> Annex.getGitConfig
s <- liftIO $ encrypt cmd (pc, gc) cipher
(feedBytes $ L.pack $ encodeCredPair creds)
(readBytesStrictly $ return . S.unpack)
storeconfig' key (Accepted (toB64 s))
(readBytesStrictly return)
storeconfig' key (Accepted (decodeBS (toB64 s)))
storeconfig creds key Nothing =
storeconfig' key (Accepted (toB64 $ encodeCredPair creds))
storeconfig' key (Accepted (decodeBS $ toB64 $ encodeBS $ encodeCredPair creds))
storeconfig' key val = return $ pc
{ parsedRemoteConfigMap = M.insert key (RemoteConfigValue val) (parsedRemoteConfigMap pc)
@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ getRemoteCredPair c gc storage = maybe fromcache (return . Just) =<< fromenv
case (getval, mcipher) of
(Nothing, _) -> return Nothing
(Just enccreds, Just (cipher, storablecipher)) ->
fromenccreds enccreds cipher storablecipher
fromenccreds (encodeBS enccreds) cipher storablecipher
(Just bcreds, Nothing) ->
fromcreds $ fromB64 bcreds
fromcreds $ decodeBS $ fromB64 $ encodeBS bcreds
fromenccreds enccreds cipher storablecipher = do
cmd <- gpgCmd <$> Annex.getGitConfig
mcreds <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ decrypt cmd (c, gc) cipher
(feedBytes $ L.pack $ fromB64 enccreds)
(feedBytes $ L.fromStrict $ fromB64 enccreds)
(readBytesStrictly $ return . S.unpack)
case mcreds of
Just creds -> fromcreds creds
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ getRemoteCredPair c gc storage = maybe fromcache (return . Just) =<< fromenv
case storablecipher of
SharedCipher {} -> showLongNote "gpg error above was caused by an old git-annex bug in credentials storage. Working around it.."
_ -> giveup "*** Insecure credentials storage detected for this remote! See"
fromcreds $ fromB64 enccreds
fromcreds $ decodeBS $ fromB64 enccreds
fromcreds creds = case decodeCredPair creds of
Just credpair -> do
writeCacheCredPair credpair storage
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ buildContentIdentifierList l = case l of
buildcid (ContentIdentifier c)
| S8.any (`elem` [':', '\r', '\n']) c || "!" `S8.isPrefixOf` c =
charUtf8 '!' <> byteString (toB64' c)
charUtf8 '!' <> byteString (toB64 c)
| otherwise = byteString c
go [] = mempty
go (c:[]) = buildcid c
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ parseContentIdentifierList = do
cidparser = do
b <- A8.takeWhile (/= ':')
return $ if "!" `S8.isPrefixOf` b
then ContentIdentifier $ fromMaybe b (fromB64Maybe' (S.drop 1 b))
then ContentIdentifier $ fromMaybe b (fromB64Maybe (S.drop 1 b))
else ContentIdentifier b
listparser first rest = ifM A8.atEnd
( return (first :| reverse rest)
@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ module Remote.Helper.Encryptable (
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified "sandi" Codec.Binary.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Annex.Common
@ -39,6 +37,7 @@ import Types.Crypto
import Types.ProposedAccepted
import qualified Annex
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
import Utility.Base64
-- Used to ensure that encryption has been set up before trying to
-- eg, store creds in the remote config that would need to use the
@ -272,7 +271,7 @@ storeCipher cip = case cip of
(EncryptedCipher t _ ks) -> addcipher t . storekeys ks cipherkeysField
(SharedPubKeyCipher t ks) -> addcipher t . storekeys ks pubkeysField
addcipher t = M.insert cipherField (Accepted (toB64bs t))
addcipher t = M.insert cipherField (Accepted (decodeBS (toB64 (encodeBS t))))
storekeys (KeyIds l) n = M.insert n (Accepted (intercalate "," l))
{- Extracts an StorableCipher from a remote's configuration. -}
@ -281,13 +280,13 @@ extractCipher c = case (getRemoteConfigValue cipherField c,
(getRemoteConfigValue cipherkeysField c <|> getRemoteConfigValue pubkeysField c),
getRemoteConfigValue encryptionField c) of
(Just t, Just ks, Just HybridEncryption) ->
Just $ EncryptedCipher (fromB64bs t) Hybrid (readkeys ks)
Just $ EncryptedCipher (decodeBS (fromB64 (encodeBS t))) Hybrid (readkeys ks)
(Just t, Just ks, Just PubKeyEncryption) ->
Just $ EncryptedCipher (fromB64bs t) PubKey (readkeys ks)
Just $ EncryptedCipher (decodeBS (fromB64 (encodeBS t))) PubKey (readkeys ks)
(Just t, Just ks, Just SharedPubKeyEncryption) ->
Just $ SharedPubKeyCipher (fromB64bs t) (readkeys ks)
Just $ SharedPubKeyCipher (decodeBS (fromB64 (encodeBS t))) (readkeys ks)
(Just t, Nothing, Just SharedEncryption) ->
Just $ SharedCipher (fromB64bs t)
Just $ SharedCipher (decodeBS (fromB64 (encodeBS t)))
_ -> Nothing
readkeys = KeyIds . splitc ','
@ -321,14 +320,3 @@ describeCipher c = case c of
(SharedPubKeyCipher _ ks) -> showkeys ks
showkeys (KeyIds { keyIds = ks }) = "to gpg keys: " ++ unwords ks
{- Not using Utility.Base64 because these "Strings" are really
- bags of bytes and that would convert to unicode and not round-trip
- cleanly. -}
toB64bs :: String -> String
toB64bs = w82s . B.unpack . B64.encode . B.pack . s2w8
fromB64bs :: String -> String
fromB64bs s = either (const bad) (w82s . B.unpack) (B64.decode $ B.pack $ s2w8 s)
bad = giveup "bad base64 encoded data"
@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ import qualified Utility.Hash
import qualified Utility.Scheduled
import qualified Utility.Scheduled.QuickCheck
import qualified Utility.HumanTime
import qualified Utility.Base64
import qualified Utility.Tmp.Dir
import qualified Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import qualified Utility.Aeson
@ -184,7 +183,6 @@ properties = localOption (QuickCheckTests 1000) $ testGroup "QuickCheck" $
, testProperty "prop_viewPath_roundtrips" Annex.View.prop_viewPath_roundtrips
, testProperty "prop_view_roundtrips" Annex.View.prop_view_roundtrips
, testProperty "prop_viewedFile_rountrips" Annex.View.ViewedFile.prop_viewedFile_roundtrips
, testProperty "prop_b64_roundtrips" Utility.Base64.prop_b64_roundtrips
, testProperty "prop_standardGroups_parse" Logs.PreferredContent.prop_standardGroups_parse
] ++ map (uncurry testProperty) combos
@ -137,14 +137,14 @@ instance MetaSerializable MetaValue where
serialize (MetaValue isset v) =
serialize isset <>
if B8.any (`elem` [' ', '\r', '\n']) v || "!" `B8.isPrefixOf` v
then "!" <> toB64' v
then "!" <> toB64 v
else v
deserialize b = do
(isset, b') <- B8.uncons b
case B8.uncons b' of
Just ('!', b'') -> MetaValue
<$> deserialize (B8.singleton isset)
<*> fromB64Maybe' b''
<*> fromB64Maybe b''
_ -> MetaValue
<$> deserialize (B8.singleton isset)
<*> pure b'
@ -1,55 +1,25 @@
{- Simple Base64 encoding
- Copyright 2011-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2011-2023 Joey Hess <>
- License: BSD-2-clause
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module Utility.Base64 where
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import Utility.QuickCheck
import Utility.Exception
import qualified "sandi" Codec.Binary.Base64 as B64
import Codec.Binary.Base64 as B64
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString, toString)
import Data.Char
-- | This uses the FileSystemEncoding, so it can be used on Strings
-- that represent filepaths containing arbitrarily encoded characters.
toB64 :: String -> String
toB64 = toString . B64.encode . encodeBS
toB64 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
toB64 = B64.encode
toB64' :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
toB64' = B64.encode
fromB64Maybe :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (B.ByteString)
fromB64Maybe = either (const Nothing) Just . B64.decode
fromB64Maybe :: String -> Maybe String
fromB64Maybe s = either (const Nothing) (Just . decodeBS)
(B64.decode $ fromString s)
fromB64Maybe' :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (B.ByteString)
fromB64Maybe' = either (const Nothing) Just . B64.decode
fromB64 :: String -> String
fromB64 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
fromB64 = fromMaybe bad . fromB64Maybe
bad = giveup "bad base64 encoded data"
fromB64' :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
fromB64' = fromMaybe bad . fromB64Maybe'
bad = giveup "bad base64 encoded data"
-- Only ascii strings are tested, because an arbitrary string may contain
-- characters not encoded using the FileSystemEncoding, which would thus
-- not roundtrip, as decodeBS always generates an output encoded that way.
prop_b64_roundtrips :: TestableString -> Bool
prop_b64_roundtrips ts
| all (isAscii) s = s == decodeBS (fromB64' (toB64' (encodeBS s)))
| otherwise = True
s = fromTestableString ts
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