first version of the Evil Splicer!

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2013-04-13 16:00:36 -04:00
parent dbb791a13b
commit 36d581f08d

Build/EvilSplicer.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
{- Expands template haskell splices
- First, the code must be built with a ghc that supports TH,
- and the splices dumped to a log. For example:
- cabal build --ghc-options=-ddump-splices 2>&1 | tee log
- Along with the log, a "headers" file may also be provided, containing
- additional imports needed by the template haskell code.
- This program will parse the log, and expand all splices therein,
- modifying files in the source tree. They can then be built a second
- time, with a ghc that does not support TH.
- Note that template haskell code may refer to symbols that are not
- exported by the library that defines the TH code. In this case,
- the library has to be modifed to export those symbols.
- There can also be other problems with the generated code; it may
- need modifications to compile.
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.String.Utils
import Data.Char
import Utility.Monad
import Utility.Misc
import Utility.Exception
data Coord = Coord
{ coordLine :: Int
, coordColumn :: Int
deriving (Read, Show)
offsetCoord :: Coord -> Coord -> Coord
offsetCoord a b = Coord
(coordLine a - coordLine b)
(coordColumn a - coordColumn b)
data Splice = Splice
{ splicedFile :: FilePath
, spliceStart :: Coord
, spliceEnd :: Coord
, splicedExpression :: String
, splicedResult :: String
deriving (Read, Show)
number :: Parser Int
number = read <$> many1 digit
{- A pair of Coords is written in one of two ways:
- "95:21-73" or "(92,25)-(94,2)"
coordsParser :: Parser (Coord, Coord)
coordsParser = (singleline <|> multiline) <?> "Coords"
singleline = do
line <- number
char ':'
startcol <- number
char '-'
endcol <- number
return $ (Coord line startcol, Coord line endcol)
multiline = do
start <- fromparens
char '-'
end <- fromparens
return $ (start, end)
fromparens = between (char '(') (char ')') $ do
line <- number
char ','
col <- number
return $ Coord line col
indent :: Parser String
indent = many1 $ char ' '
restOfLine :: Parser String
restOfLine = newline `after` many (noneOf "\n")
indentedLine :: Parser String
indentedLine = indent >> restOfLine
spliceParser :: Parser Splice
spliceParser = do
file <- many1 (noneOf ":\n")
char ':'
(start, end) <- coordsParser
string ": Splicing expression"
expression <- indentedLine
string "======>"
{- All lines of the splice result will start with the same
- indent, which is stripped. Any other indentation is preserved. -}
i <- lookAhead indent
result <- unlines <$> many1 (string i >> restOfLine)
return $ Splice file start end expression result
{- Extracts the splices, ignoring the rest of the compiler output. -}
splicesExtractor :: Parser [Splice]
splicesExtractor = rights <$> many extract
extract = try (Right <$> spliceParser) <|> (Left <$> compilerJunkLine)
compilerJunkLine = restOfLine
{- Modifies the source file, expanding the splices, which all must
- have the same splicedFile.
- Each splice's Coords refer to the original position in the file,
- and not to its position after any previous splices may have inserted
- or removed lines.
- To deal with this complication, the file is broken into logical lines
- (which can contain any String, including a multiline or empty string).
- Each splice is assumed to be on its own block of lines; two
- splices on the same line is not currently supported.
- This means that a splice can modify the logical lines within its block
- as it likes, without interfering with the Coords of other splices.
- As well as expanding splices, this can add a block of imports to the
- file. These are put right before the first line in the file that
- starts with "import "
applySplices :: Maybe String -> [Splice] -> IO ()
applySplices imports l@(first:_) = do
let f = splicedFile first
lls <- map (++ "\n") . lines <$> readFileStrict f
writeFile f $ concat $ addimports $ expand lls l
expand lls [] = lls
expand lls (s:rest) = expand (expandSplice s lls) rest
addimports lls = case imports of
Nothing -> lls
Just v ->
let (start, end) = break ("import " `isPrefixOf`) lls
in if null end
then start
else concat
[ start
, [v]
, end
expandSplice :: Splice -> [String] -> [String]
expandSplice s lls = concat [before, new:splicerest, end]
cs = spliceStart s
ce = spliceEnd s
(before, rest) = splitAt (coordLine cs - 1) lls
(oldlines, end) = splitAt (1 + coordLine (offsetCoord ce cs)) rest
(splicestart, splicerest) = case oldlines of
l:r -> (expandtabs l, take (length r) (repeat []))
_ -> ([], [])
new = concat
[ let s = deqqstart $ take (coordColumn cs - 1) splicestart
in if all isSpace s
then ""
else s
, addindent (findindent splicestart) (mangleCode $ splicedResult s)
, deqqend $ drop (coordColumn ce) splicestart
{- coordinates assume tabs are expanded to 8 spaces -}
expandtabs = replace "\t" (take 8 $ repeat ' ')
{- splicing leaves $() quasiquote behind; remove it -}
deqqstart s = case reverse s of
('(':'$':rest) -> reverse rest
_ -> s
deqqend (')':s) = s
deqqend s = s
findindent = length . takeWhile isSpace
addindent n = unlines . map (i ++) . lines
i = take n $ repeat ' '
{- Tweaks code output by GHC in splices to actually build. Yipes. -}
mangleCode :: String -> String
mangleCode =
{- ghc mayb incorrectly escape "}" within a multi-line string. -}
replace " \\}" " }"
main = do
r <- parseFromFile splicesExtractor "log"
case r of
Left e -> error $ show e
Right splices -> do
let groups = groupBy (\a b -> splicedFile a == splicedFile b) splices
imports <- catchMaybeIO $ readFile "imports"
mapM_ (applySplices imports) groups