converted Log
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 38 additions and 29 deletions
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import qualified Command.Find
import qualified Command.FindRef
import qualified Command.Whereis
import qualified Command.List
--import qualified Command.Log
import qualified Command.Log
import qualified Command.Merge
import qualified Command.ResolveMerge
import qualified Command.Info
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ cmds =
, Command.FindRef.cmd
, Command.Whereis.cmd
, Command.List.cmd
-- , Command.Log.cmd
, Command.Log.cmd
, Command.Merge.cmd
, Command.ResolveMerge.cmd
, Command.Info.cmd
@ -39,52 +39,61 @@ data RefChange = RefChange
type Outputter = Bool -> POSIXTime -> [UUID] -> Annex ()
cmd :: Command
cmd = withGlobalOptions options $
cmd = withGlobalOptions annexedMatchingOptions $
command "log" SectionQuery "shows location log"
paramPaths (withParams seek)
paramPaths (seek <$$> optParser)
options :: [GlobalOption]
options = passthruOptions ++ [gourceOption] ++ annexedMatchingOptions
data LogOptions = LogOptions
{ logFiles :: CmdParams
, gourceOption :: Bool
, passthruOptions :: [CommandParam]
passthruOptions :: [Option]
passthruOptions = map odate ["since", "after", "until", "before"] ++
[ fieldOption ['n'] "max-count" paramNumber
"limit number of logs displayed"
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser LogOptions
optParser desc = LogOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> switch
( long "gource"
<> help "format output for gource"
<*> (concat <$> many passthru)
odate n = fieldOption [] n paramDate $ "show log " ++ n ++ " date"
passthru :: Parser [CommandParam]
passthru = datepassthru "since"
<|> datepassthru "after"
<|> datepassthru "until"
<|> datepassthru "before"
<|> (mkpassthru "max-count" <$> strOption
( long "max-count" <> metavar paramNumber
<> help "limit number of logs displayed"
datepassthru n = mkpassthru n <$> strOption
( long n <> metavar paramDate
<> help ("show log " ++ n ++ " date")
mkpassthru n v = [Param ("--" ++ n), Param v]
gourceOption :: Option
gourceOption = flagOption [] "gource" "format output for gource"
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek ps = do
seek :: LogOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = do
m <- Remote.uuidDescriptions
zone <- liftIO getCurrentTimeZone
os <- concat <$> mapM getoption passthruOptions
gource <- getOptionFlag gourceOption
withFilesInGit (whenAnnexed $ start m zone os gource) ps
getoption o = maybe [] (use o) <$>
Annex.getField (optionName o)
use o v = [Param ("--" ++ optionName o), Param v]
withFilesInGit (whenAnnexed $ start m zone o) (logFiles o)
:: M.Map UUID String
-> TimeZone
-> [CommandParam]
-> Bool
-> LogOptions
-> FilePath
-> Key
-> CommandStart
start m zone os gource file key = do
showLog output =<< readLog <$> getLog key os
start m zone o file key = do
showLog output =<< readLog <$> getLog key (passthruOptions o)
-- getLog produces a zombie; reap it
liftIO reapZombies
| gource = gourceOutput lookupdescription file
| (gourceOption o) = gourceOutput lookupdescription file
| otherwise = normalOutput lookupdescription file zone
lookupdescription u = fromMaybe (fromUUID u) $ M.lookup u m
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