use DList for the transfer queue
Some nice efficiency gains here for list appending, although mostly the small size of the transfer queue makes them irrelivant.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 21 additions and 16 deletions
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ getChanges = (atomically . getTList) <<~ changePool
{- Gets all unhandled changes, without blocking. -}
getAnyChanges :: Assistant [Change]
getAnyChanges = (atomically . readTList) <<~ changePool
getAnyChanges = (atomically . takeTList) <<~ changePool
{- Puts unhandled changes back into the pool.
- Note: Original order is not preserved. -}
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ type Reason = String
{- Reads the queue's content without blocking or changing it. -}
getTransferQueue :: Assistant [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getTransferQueue = (atomically . readTVar . queuelist) <<~ transferQueue
getTransferQueue = (atomically . readTList . queuelist) <<~ transferQueue
stubInfo :: AssociatedFile -> Remote -> TransferInfo
stubInfo f r = stubTransferInfo
@ -126,10 +126,9 @@ queueDeferredDownloads reason schedule = do
enqueue :: Reason -> Schedule -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Assistant ()
enqueue reason schedule t info
| schedule == Next = go (new:)
| otherwise = go (\l -> l++[new])
| schedule == Next = go consTList
| otherwise = go snocTList
new = (t, info)
go modlist = whenM (add modlist) $ do
debug [ "queued", describeTransfer t info, ": " ++ reason ]
@ -139,11 +138,11 @@ enqueue reason schedule t info
liftIO $ atomically $ ifM (checkRunningTransferSTM dstatus t)
( return False
, do
l <- readTVar (queuelist q)
l <- readTList (queuelist q)
if (t `notElem` map fst l)
then do
void $ modifyTVar' (queuesize q) succ
void $ modifyTVar' (queuelist q) modlist
void $ modlist (queuelist q) (t, info)
return True
else return False
@ -184,9 +183,9 @@ getNextTransfer acceptable = do
if sz < 1
then retry -- blocks until queuesize changes
else do
(r@(t,info):rest) <- readTVar (queuelist q)
writeTVar (queuelist q) rest
(r@(t,info):rest) <- readTList (queuelist q)
void $ modifyTVar' (queuesize q) pred
setTList (queuelist q) rest
if acceptable info
then do
adjustTransfersSTM dstatus $
@ -218,8 +217,7 @@ dequeueTransfers c = do
dequeueTransfersSTM :: TransferQueue -> (Transfer -> Bool) -> STM [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
dequeueTransfersSTM q c = do
(removed, ts) <- partition (c . fst)
<$> readTVar (queuelist q)
(removed, ts) <- partition (c . fst) <$> readTList (queuelist q)
void $ writeTVar (queuesize q) (length ts)
void $ writeTVar (queuelist q) ts
setTList (queuelist q) ts
return removed
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Utility.TList
data TransferQueue = TransferQueue
{ queuesize :: TVar Int
, queuelist :: TVar [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
, queuelist :: TList (Transfer, TransferInfo)
, deferreddownloads :: TList (Key, AssociatedFile)
@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ data Schedule = Next | Later
newTransferQueue :: IO TransferQueue
newTransferQueue = atomically $ TransferQueue
<$> newTVar 0
<*> newTVar []
<*> newTList
<*> newTList
@ -25,10 +25,14 @@ newTList = newEmptyTMVar
getTList :: TList a -> STM [a]
getTList tlist = D.toList <$> takeTMVar tlist
{- Gets anything currently in the TList, without blocking.
{- Takes anything currently in the TList, without blocking.
- TList is left empty. -}
takeTList :: TList a -> STM [a]
takeTList tlist = maybe [] D.toList <$> tryTakeTMVar tlist
{- Reads anything in the list, without modifying it, or blocking. -}
readTList :: TList a -> STM [a]
readTList tlist = maybe [] D.toList <$> tryTakeTMVar tlist
readTList tlist = maybe [] D.toList <$> tryReadTMVar tlist
{- Mutates a TList. -}
modifyTList :: TList a -> (D.DList a -> D.DList a) -> STM ()
@ -50,3 +54,6 @@ snocTList tlist v = modifyTList tlist $ \dl -> D.snoc dl v
appendTList :: TList a -> [a] -> STM ()
appendTList tlist l = modifyTList tlist $ \dl -> D.append dl (D.fromList l)
setTList :: TList a -> [a] -> STM ()
setTList tlist l = modifyTList tlist $ const $ D.fromList l
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