remove duration from Schedule
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 28 additions and 40 deletions
@ -9,30 +9,42 @@ module Types.ScheduledActivity where
import Common
import Utility.Scheduled
import Utility.HumanTime
import Types.UUID
data ScheduledActivity
= ScheduledSelfFsck Schedule
| ScheduledRemoteFsck UUID Schedule
= ScheduledSelfFsck Schedule Duration
| ScheduledRemoteFsck UUID Schedule Duration
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord)
getSchedule :: ScheduledActivity -> Schedule
getSchedule (ScheduledSelfFsck s _) = s
getSchedule (ScheduledRemoteFsck _ s _) = s
getDuration :: ScheduledActivity -> Duration
getDuration (ScheduledSelfFsck _ d) = d
getDuration (ScheduledRemoteFsck _ _ d) = d
fromScheduledActivity :: ScheduledActivity -> String
fromScheduledActivity (ScheduledSelfFsck s) =
"fsck self " ++ fromSchedule s
fromScheduledActivity (ScheduledRemoteFsck u s) =
"fsck " ++ fromUUID u ++ fromSchedule s
fromScheduledActivity (ScheduledSelfFsck s d) = unwords
[ "fsck self", fromDuration d, fromSchedule s ]
fromScheduledActivity (ScheduledRemoteFsck u s d) = unwords
[ "fsck", fromUUID u, fromDuration d, fromSchedule s ]
toScheduledActivity :: String -> Maybe ScheduledActivity
toScheduledActivity = eitherToMaybe . parseScheduledActivity
parseScheduledActivity :: String -> Either String ScheduledActivity
parseScheduledActivity s = case words s of
("fsck":"self":rest) -> qualified $ ScheduledSelfFsck
("fsck":"self":d:rest) -> qualified $ ScheduledSelfFsck
<$> parseSchedule (unwords rest)
("fsck":u:rest) -> qualified $ ScheduledRemoteFsck
<*> getduration d
("fsck":u:d:rest) -> qualified $ ScheduledRemoteFsck
<$> pure (toUUID u)
<*> parseSchedule (unwords rest)
<*> getduration d
_ -> qualified $ Left "unknown activity"
qualified (Left e) = Left $ e ++ " in \"" ++ s ++ "\""
qualified v = v
getduration d = maybe (Left $ "failed to parse duration \""++d++"\"") Right (parseDuration d)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Utility.Scheduled (
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate
import Data.Tuple.Utils
{- Some sort of scheduled event. -}
data Schedule = Schedule Recurrance ScheduledTime Duration
data Schedule = Schedule Recurrance ScheduledTime
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord)
data Recurrance
@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ data ScheduledTime
type Hour = Int
type Minute = Int
data Duration = MinutesDuration Int
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord)
{- Next time a Schedule should take effect. The NextTimeWindow is used
- when a Schedule is allowed to start at some point within the window. -}
data NextTime
@ -72,7 +69,7 @@ nextTime schedule lasttime = do
{- Calculate the next time that fits a Schedule, based on the
- last time it occurred, and the current time. -}
calcNextTime :: Schedule -> Maybe LocalTime -> LocalTime -> Maybe NextTime
calcNextTime (Schedule recurrance scheduledtime _duration) lasttime currenttime
calcNextTime (Schedule recurrance scheduledtime) lasttime currenttime
| scheduledtime == AnyTime = do
start <- findfromtoday
return $ NextTimeWindow
@ -196,22 +193,11 @@ toScheduledTime s =
let (h, m) = separate (== ':') s
in SpecificTime <$> readish h <*> readish m
fromDuration :: Duration -> String
fromDuration (MinutesDuration n) = show n ++ " minutes"
toDuration :: String -> Maybe Duration
toDuration s = case words s of
(n:"minutes":[]) -> MinutesDuration <$> readish n
(n:"minute":[]) -> MinutesDuration <$> readish n
_ -> Nothing
fromSchedule :: Schedule -> String
fromSchedule (Schedule recurrance scheduledtime duration) = unwords
fromSchedule (Schedule recurrance scheduledtime) = unwords
[ fromRecurrance recurrance
, "at"
, fromScheduledTime scheduledtime
, "for"
, fromDuration duration
toSchedule :: String -> Maybe Schedule
@ -223,22 +209,14 @@ parseSchedule s = do
(toRecurrance recurrance)
t <- maybe (Left $ "bad time of day: " ++ scheduledtime) Right
(toScheduledTime scheduledtime)
d <- maybe (Left $ "bad duration: " ++ duration) Right
(toDuration duration)
Right $ Schedule r t d
Right $ Schedule r t
ws = words s
(rws, ws') = separate (== "at") ws
(tws, dws) = separate (== "for") ws'
(rws, tws) = separate (== "at") (words s)
recurrance = unwords rws
scheduledtime = unwords tws
duration = unwords dws
instance Arbitrary Schedule where
arbitrary = Schedule <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Duration where
arbitrary = MinutesDuration <$> nonNegative arbitrary
arbitrary = Schedule <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary ScheduledTime where
arbitrary = oneof
@ -265,6 +243,4 @@ instance Arbitrary Recurrance where
prop_schedule_roundtrips :: Schedule -> Bool
prop_schedule_roundtrips s = case toSchedule $ fromSchedule s of
Just s' | s == s' -> True
_ -> False
prop_schedule_roundtrips s = toSchedule (fromSchedule s) == Just s
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