refactor database handle code

Use same, simpler method to make only one thread open the export db as
is used for the ContentIdentifier db.

And, always update the export db once before using.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2019-03-05 15:42:39 -04:00
parent fd2a1aaa17
commit 354aafce1a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38

View file

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ adjustExportImport r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
Just c -> case yesNo c of
Just True -> ifM (isExportSupported r)
( do
exportdbv <- liftIO $ newTVarIO Nothing
exportdbv <- prepexportdb
r' <- isexport exportdbv
if importTree (config r)
then isimport r' exportdbv
@ -132,24 +132,7 @@ adjustExportImport r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
isimport r' exportdbv = do
lcklckv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
dbtv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
-- Only open the database once it's needed, and take an
-- exclusive write lock. The write lock will then remain
-- held while the process is running.
let getdb = liftIO (atomically (tryReadTMVar dbtv)) >>= \case
Just (db, _lck) -> return db
-- let only one thread take the lock
Nothing -> ifM (liftIO $ atomically $ tryPutTMVar lcklckv ())
( do
lck <- takeExclusiveLock gitAnnexContentIdentifierLock
db <- ContentIdentifier.openDb
liftIO $ atomically (putTMVar dbtv (db, lck))
return db
-- loser waits for winner to open the db and
-- can then also use its handle
, liftIO $ fst <$> atomically (readTMVar dbtv)
ciddbv <- prepciddb
let getknowncids db loc = do
exportdb <- getexportdb exportdbv
@ -160,7 +143,7 @@ adjustExportImport r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
return $ r'
{ exportActions = (exportActions r')
{ storeExport = \f k loc p -> do
db <- getdb
db <- getciddb ciddbv
knowncids <- getknowncids db loc
storeExportWithContentIdentifier (importActions r') f k loc knowncids p >>= \case
Nothing -> return False
@ -169,7 +152,7 @@ adjustExportImport r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
recordContentIdentifier (uuid r') newcid k
return True
, removeExport = \k loc -> do
db <- getdb
db <- getciddb ciddbv
removeExportWithContentIdentifier (importActions r') k loc
=<< getknowncids db loc
, removeExportDirectory = removeExportDirectoryWhenEmpty (importActions r')
@ -182,48 +165,10 @@ adjustExportImport r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
getexportdb dbv = liftIO (atomically (readTVar dbv)) >>= \case
Just db -> return db
Nothing -> do
db <- Export.openDb (uuid r)
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar dbv $ Just db
return db
isexport dbv = do
updateflag <- liftIO $ newTVarIO Nothing
-- When multiple threads run this, all except the first
-- will block until the first runs doneupdateonce.
-- Returns True when an update should be done and False
-- when the update has already been done.
let startupdateonce = liftIO $ atomically $
readTVar updateflag >>= \case
Nothing -> do
writeTVar updateflag (Just True)
return True
Just True -> retry
Just False -> return False
let doneupdateonce = \updated ->
when updated $
liftIO $ atomically $
writeTVar updateflag (Just False)
exportinconflict <- liftIO $ newTVarIO False
-- Get export locations for a key. Checks once
-- if the export log is different than the database and
-- updates the database, to notice when an export has been
-- updated from another repository.
-- Get export locations for a key.
let getexportlocs = \k -> do
db <- getexportdb dbv
bracket startupdateonce doneupdateonce $ \updatenow ->
when updatenow $
Export.updateExportTreeFromLog db >>= \case
Export.ExportUpdateSuccess -> return ()
Export.ExportUpdateConflict -> do
warnExportConflict r
liftIO $ atomically $
writeTVar exportinconflict True
liftIO $ Export.getExportTree db k
return $ r
@ -245,7 +190,7 @@ adjustExportImport r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
-- so don't need to use retrieveExport. However,
-- fall back to it if retrieveKeyFile fails.
, retrieveKeyFile = \k af dest p ->
let retrieveexport = retrieveKeyFileFromExport getexportlocs exportinconflict k af dest p
let retrieveexport = retrieveKeyFileFromExport getexportlocs (getexportinconflict dbv) k af dest p
in if appendonly r
then do
ret@(ok, _v) <- retrieveKeyFile r k af dest p
@ -298,6 +243,64 @@ adjustExportImport r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
is <- getInfo r
return (is++[("export", "yes"), ("exportedtree", unwords ts)])
prepciddb = do
lcklckv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
dbtv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
return (dbtv, lcklckv)
prepexportdb = do
lcklckv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
dbv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
exportinconflict <- liftIO $ newTVarIO False
return (dbv, lcklckv, exportinconflict)
-- Only open the database once it's needed, and take an
-- exclusive write lock. The write lock will then remain
-- held while the process is running.
getciddb (dbtv, lcklckv) =
liftIO (atomically (tryReadTMVar dbtv)) >>= \case
Just (db, _lck) -> return db
-- let only one thread take the lock
Nothing -> ifM (liftIO $ atomically $ tryPutTMVar lcklckv ())
( do
lck <- takeExclusiveLock gitAnnexContentIdentifierLock
db <- ContentIdentifier.openDb
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar dbtv (db, lck)
return db
-- loser waits for winner to open the db and
-- can then also use its handle
, liftIO $ fst <$> atomically (readTMVar dbtv)
getexportdb (dbv, lcklckv, exportinconflict) =
liftIO (atomically (tryReadTMVar dbv)) >>= \case
Just db -> return db
-- let only one thread take the lock
Nothing -> ifM (liftIO $ atomically $ tryPutTMVar lcklckv ())
( do
db <- Export.openDb (uuid r)
updateexportdb db exportinconflict
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar dbv db
return db
-- loser waits for winner to open the db and
-- can then also use its handle
, liftIO $ atomically (readTMVar dbv)
getexportinconflict (_, _, v) = v
-- Check if the export log is different than the database and
-- updates the database, to notice when an export has been
-- updated from another repository.
updateexportdb db exportinconflict =
Export.updateExportTreeFromLog db >>= \case
Export.ExportUpdateSuccess -> return ()
Export.ExportUpdateConflict -> do
warnExportConflict r
liftIO $ atomically $
writeTVar exportinconflict True
retrieveKeyFileFromExport getexportlocs exportinconflict k _af dest p = unVerified $
if maybe False (isJust . verifyKeyContent) (maybeLookupBackendVariety (keyVariety k))
then do