ssh connection testing and key setup
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 140 additions and 26 deletions
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.BSD
import Network.BSD
import System.Posix.User
import System.Posix.User
import System.Process (CreateProcess(..))
data SshServer = SshServer
data SshServer = SshServer
{ hostname :: Maybe Text
{ hostname :: Maybe Text
@ -56,30 +57,11 @@ data ServerStatus
| UsableRsyncServer
| UsableRsyncServer
| UsableSshServer
| UsableSshServer
{- Test if we can ssh into the server. If ssh doesn't work, fall back to
usable :: ServerStatus -> Bool
- trying rsync protocol.
usable UntestedServer = False
usable (UnusableServer _) = False
- Before sshing in, if the user doesn't have a ssh key, a special one is
usable UsableRsyncServer = True
- generated just for this server, and configured to be used for this
usable UsableSshServer = True
- server. (If the user does have a ssh key, we assume they know what
- they're doing, and don't touch their ssh setup.)
- If we can ssh in, check that git-annex-shell is installed. If not, this
- will need to be a rsync special remote, rather than a git remote, so
- check that rsync is installed.
- When we ssh in, if we set up a ssh key, the server's authorized_keys
- is configured to let it run either git-annex-shell or rsync for that ssh
- key, and nothing else.
- Of course, ssh may ask for a passphrase, etc. We rely on ssh-askpass
- or an equivilant being used by ssh. Or, if the assistant is
- running in the foreground, the password will be asked there.
testServer :: SshServer -> IO ServerStatus
testServer (SshServer { hostname = Nothing }) = return $
UnusableServer "Please enter a host name."
testServer _sshserver = return UsableSshServer
getAddSshR :: Handler RepHtml
getAddSshR :: Handler RepHtml
getAddSshR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
getAddSshR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
@ -91,7 +73,10 @@ getAddSshR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $ sshServerAForm u
runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $ sshServerAForm u
case result of
case result of
FormSuccess sshserver -> do
FormSuccess sshserver -> do
showform form enctype =<< liftIO (testServer sshserver)
(status, sshserver') <- liftIO $ testServer sshserver
if usable status
then error $ "TODO " ++ show sshserver'
else showform form enctype status
_ -> showform form enctype UntestedServer
_ -> showform form enctype UntestedServer
showform form enctype status = do
showform form enctype status = do
@ -106,3 +91,131 @@ getAddSshR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
willTest UntestedServer = True
willTest UntestedServer = True
willTest (UnusableServer _) = True
willTest (UnusableServer _) = True
willTest _ = False
willTest _ = False
{- Test if we can ssh into the server.
- Two probe attempts are made. First, try sshing in using the existing
- condfiguration, but don't let ssh prompt for any password. If
- passwordless login is already enabled, use it. Otherwise,
- a special ssh key is generated just for this server, and the server
- is configured to allow it.
- If we can ssh in, check that git-annex-shell is installed. If not, this
- will need to be a rsync special remote, rather than a git remote, so
- check that rsync is installed.
- When ssh asks for a passphrase, we rely on ssh-askpass
- or an equivilant being used by ssh. Or, if the assistant is
- running in the foreground, the password will be asked there.
testServer :: SshServer -> IO (ServerStatus, SshServer)
testServer sshserver@(SshServer { hostname = Nothing }) = return
(UnusableServer "Please enter a host name.", sshserver)
testServer sshserver = do
home <- myHomeDir
let sshdir = home </> ".ssh"
status <- probe sshdir sshserver [sshopt "NumberOfPasswordPrompts" "0"] Nothing
if usable status
then return (status, sshserver)
else do
(pubkey, sshserver') <- genSshKey sshdir sshserver
status' <- probe sshdir sshserver' [] $ Just $ join ";"
[ "mkdir -p ~/.ssh"
, "touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
, "chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
, "echo " ++ shellEscape pubkey ++ " >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
return (status', sshserver')
probe sshdir s extraopts setupcommand = do
{- This checks the unmangled server name in sshserver. -}
knownhost <- knownHost sshdir sshserver
let remotecommand = join ";" $ nonempty
[ report "loggedin"
, checkcommand "git-annex-shell"
, checkcommand "rsync"
, fromMaybe "" setupcommand
let user = maybe "" (\u -> T.unpack u ++ "@") $ username s
let host = user ++ T.unpack (fromJust $ hostname s)
let sshopts = nonempty $ extraopts ++
{- If this is an already known host, let
- ssh check it as usual.
- Otherwise, trust the host key. -}
[ if knownhost then "" else sshopt "StrictHostKeyChecking" "no"
, "-n" -- don't read from stdin
, host
, remotecommand
parsetranscript <$> sshTranscript sshopts
parsetranscript s
| reported "git-annex-shell" = UsableSshServer
| reported "rsync" = UsableRsyncServer
| reported "loggedin" = UnusableServer
"Neither rsync nor git-annex are installed on the server. Perhaps you should go install them?"
| otherwise = UnusableServer $ T.pack $
"Failed to ssh to the server. Transcript: " ++ s
reported r = token r `isInfixOf` s
nonempty = filter $ not . null
checkcommand c = "if which " ++ c ++ "; then " ++ report c ++ "; fi"
token r = "git-annex-probe " ++ r
report r = "echo " ++ token r
sshopt k v = concat ["-o", k, "=", v]
sshTranscript :: [String] -> IO String
sshTranscript opts = do
(readf, writef) <- createPipe
readh <- fdToHandle readf
writeh <- fdToHandle writef
(_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess $
(proc "ssh" opts)
{ std_in = Inherit
, std_out = UseHandle writeh
, std_err = UseHandle writeh
hClose writeh
transcript <- hGetContentsStrict readh
hClose readh
void $ waitForProcess pid
return transcript
{- Returns the public key content, and SshServer with a mangled hostname
- to use that will enable use of the key. This way we avoid changing the
- user's regular ssh experience at all. -}
genSshKey :: FilePath -> SshServer -> IO (String, SshServer)
genSshKey _ (SshServer { hostname = Nothing }) = undefined
genSshKey sshdir sshserver@(SshServer { hostname = Just h }) = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True sshdir
unlessM (doesFileExist $ sshdir </> sshprivkeyfile) $
unlessM genkey $
error "ssh-keygen failed"
unlessM (catchBoolIO $ isInfixOf mangledhost <$> readFile configfile) $
appendFile configfile $ unlines
[ ""
, "# Added automatically by git-annex"
, "Host " ++ mangledhost
, "\tHostname " ++ T.unpack h
, "\tIdentityFile ~/.ssh/" ++ sshprivkeyfile
pubkey <- readFile $ sshdir </> sshpubkeyfile
return (pubkey, sshserver { hostname = Just $ T.pack mangledhost })
configfile = sshdir </> "config"
sshprivkeyfile = "key." ++ mangledhost
sshpubkeyfile = sshprivkeyfile ++ ".pub"
mangledhost = "git-annex-" ++ T.unpack h ++ user
user = maybe "" (\u -> "-" ++ T.unpack u) (username sshserver)
genkey = boolSystem "ssh-keygen"
[ Param "-P", Param "" -- no password
, Param "-f", File $ sshdir </> sshprivkeyfile
{- Does ssh have known_hosts data for a hostname? -}
knownHost :: FilePath -> SshServer -> IO Bool
knownHost _ (SshServer { hostname = Nothing }) = return False
knownHost sshdir (SshServer { hostname = Just h }) =
ifM (doesFileExist $ sshdir </> "known_hosts")
( not . null <$> readProcess "ssh-keygen" ["-F", T.unpack h]
, return False
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@ $if willTest status
Testing server ...
Testing server ...
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Making a ssh connection to the server to check it. #
Checking ssh connection to the server. This could take a minute.
You may be prompted for your password to log into the server.
You may be prompted for your password to log into the server.
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