add liftH shim between yesod versions, to avoid needing zillions of ifdefs
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 66 additions and 51 deletions
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ newNotifier getbroadcaster = liftAssistant $ do
- every form. -}
webAppFormAuthToken :: Widget
webAppFormAuthToken = do
webapp <- handlerToWidget getYesod
webapp <- liftH getYesod
[whamlet|<input type="hidden" name="auth" value="#{secretToken webapp}">|]
{- A button with an icon, and maybe label or tooltip, that can be
@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ postAddS3R :: Handler RepHtml
#ifdef WITH_S3
postAddS3R = awsConfigurator $ do
defcreds <- liftAnnex previouslyUsedAWSCreds
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ s3InputAForm defcreds
case result of
FormSuccess input -> handlerToWidget $ do
FormSuccess input -> liftH $ do
let name = T.unpack $ repoName input
makeAWSRemote S3.remote (extractCreds input) name setgroup $ M.fromList
[ configureEncryption $ enableEncryption input
@ -145,10 +145,10 @@ postAddGlacierR :: Handler RepHtml
#ifdef WITH_S3
postAddGlacierR = glacierConfigurator $ do
defcreds <- liftAnnex previouslyUsedAWSCreds
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ glacierInputAForm defcreds
case result of
FormSuccess input -> handlerToWidget $ do
FormSuccess input -> liftH $ do
let name = T.unpack $ repoName input
makeAWSRemote Glacier.remote (extractCreds input) name setgroup $ M.fromList
[ configureEncryption $ enableEncryption input
@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ enableAWSRemote :: RemoteType -> UUID -> Widget
#ifdef WITH_S3
enableAWSRemote remotetype uuid = do
defcreds <- liftAnnex previouslyUsedAWSCreds
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ awsCredsAForm defcreds
case result of
FormSuccess creds -> handlerToWidget $ do
FormSuccess creds -> liftH $ do
m <- liftAnnex readRemoteLog
let name = fromJust $ M.lookup "name" $
fromJust $ M.lookup uuid m
@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ postDeleteCurrentRepositoryR = deleteCurrentRepository
deleteCurrentRepository :: Handler RepHtml
deleteCurrentRepository = dangerPage $ do
reldir <- fromJust . relDir <$> handlerToWidget getYesod
reldir <- fromJust . relDir <$> liftH getYesod
havegitremotes <- haveremotes syncGitRemotes
havedataremotes <- haveremotes syncDataRemotes
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ sanityVerifierAForm $
SanityVerifier magicphrase
case result of
FormSuccess _ -> handlerToWidget $ do
FormSuccess _ -> liftH $ do
dir <- liftAnnex $ fromRepo Git.repoPath
liftIO $ removeAutoStartFile dir
@ -177,10 +177,10 @@ editForm new uuid = page "Configure repository" (Just Configuration) $ do
mremote <- liftAnnex $ Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid
curr <- liftAnnex $ getRepoConfig uuid mremote
liftAnnex $ checkAssociatedDirectory curr mremote
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ editRepositoryAForm curr
case result of
FormSuccess input -> handlerToWidget $ do
FormSuccess input -> liftH $ do
setRepoConfig uuid mremote curr input
liftAnnex $ checkAssociatedDirectory input mremote
redirect DashboardR
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ postAddIAR :: Handler RepHtml
#ifdef WITH_S3
postAddIAR = iaConfigurator $ do
defcreds <- liftAnnex previouslyUsedIACreds
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ iaInputAForm defcreds
case result of
FormSuccess input -> handlerToWidget $ do
FormSuccess input -> liftH $ do
let name = escapeBucket $ T.unpack $ itemName input
AWS.makeAWSRemote S3.remote (extractCreds input) name setgroup $
M.fromList $ catMaybes
@ -167,10 +167,10 @@ postEnableIAR _ = error "S3 not supported by this build"
enableIARemote :: UUID -> Widget
enableIARemote uuid = do
defcreds <- liftAnnex previouslyUsedIACreds
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ iaCredsAForm defcreds
case result of
FormSuccess creds -> handlerToWidget $ do
FormSuccess creds -> liftH $ do
m <- liftAnnex readRemoteLog
let name = fromJust $ M.lookup "name" $
fromJust $ M.lookup uuid m
@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ postFirstRepositoryR = page "Getting started" (Just Configuration) $ do
let path = "/sdcard/annex"
let androidspecial = False
path <- liftIO . defaultRepositoryPath =<< handlerToWidget inFirstRun
path <- liftIO . defaultRepositoryPath =<< liftH inFirstRun
((res, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $ runFormPost $ newRepositoryForm path
((res, form), enctype) <- liftH $ runFormPost $ newRepositoryForm path
case res of
FormSuccess (RepositoryPath p) -> handlerToWidget $
FormSuccess (RepositoryPath p) -> liftH $
startFullAssistant (T.unpack p) ClientGroup
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/newrepository/first")
@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ getNewRepositoryR = postNewRepositoryR
postNewRepositoryR :: Handler RepHtml
postNewRepositoryR = page "Add another repository" (Just Configuration) $ do
home <- liftIO myHomeDir
((res, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $ runFormPost $ newRepositoryForm home
((res, form), enctype) <- liftH $ runFormPost $ newRepositoryForm home
case res of
FormSuccess (RepositoryPath p) -> do
let path = T.unpack p
isnew <- liftIO $ makeRepo path False
u <- liftIO $ initRepo isnew True path Nothing
handlerToWidget $ liftAnnexOr () $ setStandardGroup u ClientGroup
liftH $ liftAnnexOr () $ setStandardGroup u ClientGroup
liftIO $ addAutoStartFile path
liftIO $ startAssistant path
askcombine u path
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ postNewRepositoryR = page "Add another repository" (Just Configuration) $ do
askcombine newrepouuid newrepopath = do
newrepo <- liftIO $ relHome newrepopath
mainrepo <- fromJust . relDir <$> handlerToWidget getYesod
mainrepo <- fromJust . relDir <$> liftH getYesod
$(widgetFile "configurators/newrepository/combine")
getCombineRepositoryR :: FilePathAndUUID -> Handler RepHtml
@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ postAddDriveR = page "Add a removable drive" (Just Configuration) $ do
removabledrives <- liftIO $ driveList
writabledrives <- liftIO $
filterM (canWrite . T.unpack . mountPoint) removabledrives
((res, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $ runFormPost $
((res, form), enctype) <- liftH $ runFormPost $
selectDriveForm (sort writabledrives)
case res of
FormSuccess drive -> handlerToWidget $ redirect $ ConfirmAddDriveR drive
FormSuccess drive -> liftH $ redirect $ ConfirmAddDriveR drive
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/adddrive")
{- The repo may already exist, when adding removable media
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ getFinishLocalPairR = postFinishLocalPairR
postFinishLocalPairR :: PairMsg -> Handler RepHtml
postFinishLocalPairR msg = promptSecret (Just msg) $ \_ secret -> do
repodir <- handlerToWidget $ repoPath <$> liftAnnex gitRepo
repodir <- liftH $ repoPath <$> liftAnnex gitRepo
liftIO $ setup repodir
startLocalPairing PairAck (cleanup repodir) alert uuid "" secret
@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ getRunningLocalPairR _ = noLocalPairing
startLocalPairing :: PairStage -> IO () -> (AlertButton -> Alert) -> Maybe UUID -> Text -> Secret -> Widget
startLocalPairing stage oncancel alert muuid displaysecret secret = do
urlrender <- handlerToWidget getUrlRender
reldir <- fromJust . relDir <$> handlerToWidget getYesod
urlrender <- liftH getUrlRender
reldir <- fromJust . relDir <$> liftH getYesod
sendrequests <- liftAssistant $ asIO2 $ mksendrequests urlrender
{- Generating a ssh key pair can take a while, so do it in the
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ startLocalPairing stage oncancel alert muuid displaysecret secret = do
startSending pip stage $ sendrequests sender
void $ liftIO $ forkIO thread
handlerToWidget $ redirect $ RunningLocalPairR $ toSecretReminder displaysecret
liftH $ redirect $ RunningLocalPairR $ toSecretReminder displaysecret
{- Sends pairing messages until the thread is killed,
- and shows an activity alert while doing it.
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ data InputSecret = InputSecret { secretText :: Maybe Text }
- that can validate it. -}
promptSecret :: Maybe PairMsg -> (Text -> Secret -> Widget) -> Handler RepHtml
promptSecret msg cont = pairPage $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $
InputSecret <$> aopt textField "Secret phrase" Nothing
case result of
@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ getPreferencesR :: Handler RepHtml
getPreferencesR = postPreferencesR
postPreferencesR :: Handler RepHtml
postPreferencesR = page "Preferences" (Just Configuration) $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $ do
current <- liftAnnex getPrefs
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ prefsAForm current
case result of
FormSuccess new -> handlerToWidget $ do
FormSuccess new -> liftH $ do
liftAnnex $ storePrefs new
redirect ConfigurationR
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/preferences")
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ getAddSshR = postAddSshR
postAddSshR :: Handler RepHtml
postAddSshR = sshConfigurator $ do
u <- liftIO $ T.pack <$> myUserName
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ sshInputAForm textField $
SshInput Nothing (Just u) Nothing 22
case result of
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ postAddSshR = sshConfigurator $ do
s <- liftIO $ testServer sshinput
case s of
Left status -> showform form enctype status
Right sshdata -> handlerToWidget $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR sshdata
Right sshdata -> liftH $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR sshdata
_ -> showform form enctype UntestedServer
showform form enctype status = $(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/add")
@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ postEnableRsyncR u = do
m <- fromMaybe M.empty . M.lookup u <$> liftAnnex readRemoteLog
case (parseSshRsyncUrl =<< M.lookup "rsyncurl" m, M.lookup "name" m) of
(Just sshinput, Just reponame) -> sshConfigurator $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ sshInputAForm textField sshinput
case result of
FormSuccess sshinput'
| isRsyncNet (inputHostname sshinput') ->
void $ handlerToWidget $ makeRsyncNet sshinput' reponame (const noop)
void $ liftH $ makeRsyncNet sshinput' reponame (const noop)
| otherwise -> do
s <- liftIO $ testServer sshinput'
case s of
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ postEnableRsyncR u = do
showform form enctype status = do
description <- liftAnnex $ T.pack <$> prettyUUID u
$(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/enable")
enable sshdata = handlerToWidget $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR $
enable sshdata = liftH $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR $
sshdata { rsyncOnly = True }
{- Converts a rsyncurl value to a SshInput. But only if it's a ssh rsync
@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ postAddBoxComR :: Handler RepHtml
postAddBoxComR = boxConfigurator $ do
defcreds <- liftAnnex $ previouslyUsedWebDAVCreds ""
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ boxComAForm defcreds
case result of
FormSuccess input -> handlerToWidget $
FormSuccess input -> liftH $
makeWebDavRemote "" (toCredPair input) setgroup $ M.fromList
[ configureEncryption $ enableEncryption input
, ("embedcreds", if embedCreds input then "yes" else "no")
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ postEnableWebDAVR uuid = do
mcreds <- liftAnnex $
getRemoteCredPairFor "webdav" c (WebDAV.davCreds uuid)
case mcreds of
Just creds -> webDAVConfigurator $ handlerToWidget $
Just creds -> webDAVConfigurator $ liftH $
makeWebDavRemote name creds (const noop) M.empty
| "" `isInfixOf` url ->
@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ postEnableWebDAVR uuid = do
defcreds <- liftAnnex $
maybe (pure Nothing) previouslyUsedWebDAVCreds $
urlHost url
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ webDAVCredsAForm defcreds
case result of
FormSuccess input -> handlerToWidget $
FormSuccess input -> liftH $
makeWebDavRemote name (toCredPair input) (const noop) M.empty
_ -> do
description <- liftAnnex $
@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ postXMPPConfigForPairSelfR = xmppform StartXMPPPairSelfR
xmppform :: Route WebApp -> Handler RepHtml
#ifdef WITH_XMPP
xmppform next = xmppPage $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- handlerToWidget $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $ do
oldcreds <- liftAnnex getXMPPCreds
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ xmppAForm $
creds2Form <$> oldcreds
let showform problem = $(widgetFile "configurators/xmpp")
case result of
FormSuccess f -> either (showform . Just) (handlerToWidget . storecreds)
FormSuccess f -> either (showform . Just) (liftH . storecreds)
=<< liftIO (validateForm f)
_ -> showform Nothing
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ import Control.Concurrent
{- A display of currently running and queued transfers. -}
transfersDisplay :: Bool -> Widget
transfersDisplay warnNoScript = do
webapp <- handlerToWidget getYesod
current <- handlerToWidget $ M.toList <$> getCurrentTransfers
webapp <- liftH getYesod
current <- liftH $ M.toList <$> getCurrentTransfers
queued <- take 10 <$> liftAssistant getTransferQueue
autoUpdate ident NotifierTransfersR (10 :: Int) (10 :: Int)
let transfers = simplifyTransfers $ current ++ queued
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ repoListDisplay reposelector = do
addScript $ StaticR jquery_ui_mouse_js
addScript $ StaticR jquery_ui_sortable_js
repolist <- handlerToWidget $ repoList reposelector
repolist <- liftH $ repoList reposelector
let addmore = nudgeAddMore reposelector
let nootherrepos = length repolist < 2
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ sideBarDisplay :: Widget
sideBarDisplay = do
let content = do
{- Add newest alerts to the sidebar. -}
alertpairs <- handlerToWidget $ M.toList . alertMap
alertpairs <- liftH $ M.toList . alertMap
<$> liftAssistant getDaemonStatus
mapM_ renderalert $
take displayAlerts $ reverse $ sortAlertPairs alertpairs
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ instance LiftAnnex Handler where
liftAnnex = liftAnnexOr $ error "internal liftAnnex"
instance LiftAnnex (WidgetT WebApp IO) where
liftAnnex = handlerToWidget . liftAnnex
liftAnnex = liftH . liftAnnex
class LiftAssistant m where
liftAssistant :: Assistant a -> m a
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ instance LiftAssistant Handler where
=<< assistantData <$> getYesod
instance LiftAssistant (WidgetT WebApp IO) where
liftAssistant = handlerToWidget . liftAssistant
liftAssistant = liftH . liftAssistant
type Form x = MForm Handler (FormResult x, Widget)
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
{- Yesod stuff, that's typically found in the scaffolded site.
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Also a bit of a compatability layer to make it easier to support yesod
- 1.1 and 1.2 in the same code base.
- Copyright 2012, 2013 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes #-}
module Utility.Yesod where
@ -16,6 +19,9 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Data.Default (def)
import Text.Hamlet
#if MIN_VERSION_yesod_default(1,2,0)
import Yesod.Core
widgetFile :: String -> Q Exp
#if ! MIN_VERSION_yesod_default(1,1,0)
@ -31,3 +37,12 @@ widgetFile = widgetFileNoReload $ def
hamletTemplate :: FilePath -> FilePath
hamletTemplate f = globFile "hamlet" f
{- Lift Handler to Widget -}
#if ! MIN_VERSION_yesod(1,2,0)
liftH :: forall t. Lift t => t -> Q Exp
liftH = lift
liftH :: Monad m => HandlerT site m a -> WidgetT site m a
liftH = liftH
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