git-remote-annex: incremental pushing
Untested Sponsored-by: Joshua Antonishen on Patreon
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 128 additions and 27 deletions
@ -226,8 +226,7 @@ push st rmt ls = do
| otherwise -> ifM (isfastforward srcref tr)
( okresp $
M.insert tr srcref trackingrefs
, errresp $ fromRef' (dstRef r)
<> " non-fast-forward"
, errresp "non-fast-forward"
Nothing -> okresp $ M.delete tr trackingrefs
@ -237,8 +236,8 @@ push st rmt ls = do
-- before git push checks that, it actually tells us to push.
-- That seems likely to be a bug in git, and this is a workaround.
isfastforward newref tr = case M.lookup tr (trackingRefs st) of
Nothing -> pure False
Just prevsha -> inRepo $ Git.Ref.isAncestor prevsha newref
Nothing -> pure True
-- Send responses followed by newline to indicate end of push.
sendresponses responses = liftIO $ do
@ -260,24 +259,92 @@ push st rmt ls = do
-- manifest, which will appear as if all tracking branches were deleted
-- from it.
fullPush :: State -> Remote -> [Ref] -> Annex (Bool, State)
fullPush st rmt refs = flip catchNonAsync failed $ do
fullPush st rmt refs = guardPush st $ do
oldmanifest <- maybe (downloadManifest rmt) pure (manifestCache st)
bundlekey <- generateAndUploadGitBundle rmt refs oldmanifest
let bs = map Git.Bundle.fullBundleSpec refs
bundlekey <- generateAndUploadGitBundle rmt bs oldmanifest
uploadManifest rmt (Manifest [bundlekey])
let st' = st { manifestCache = Nothing }
ok <- allM (dropKey rmt) $
filter (/= bundlekey) (inManifest oldmanifest)
return (ok, st')
failed ex = do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $
"Push faild (" ++ show ex ++ ")"
return (False, st)
return (ok, st { manifestCache = Nothing })
guardPush :: State -> Annex (Bool, State) -> Annex (Bool, State)
guardPush st a = catchNonAsync a $ \ex -> do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $
"Push faild (" ++ show ex ++ ")"
return (False, st { manifestCache = Nothing })
-- Incremental push of only the refs that changed.
-- No refs were deleted (that causes a fullPush), but new refs may
-- have been added.
incrementalPush :: State -> Remote -> M.Map Ref Sha -> M.Map Ref Sha -> Annex (Bool, State)
incrementalPush st rmt oldtrackingrefs newtrackingrefs = do
error "TODO incrementalPush"
incrementalPush st rmt oldtrackingrefs newtrackingrefs = guardPush st $ do
bs <- calc [] (M.toList newtrackingrefs)
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr (show bs)
oldmanifest <- maybe (downloadManifest rmt) pure (manifestCache st)
bundlekey <- generateAndUploadGitBundle rmt bs oldmanifest
uploadManifest rmt (Manifest [bundlekey])
return (True, st { manifestCache = Nothing })
calc c [] = return (reverse c)
calc c ((ref, sha):refs) = case M.lookup ref oldtrackingrefs of
Just oldsha
| oldsha == sha -> calc c refs -- unchanged
| otherwise ->
ifM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.isAncestor oldsha ref)
( use $ checkprereq oldsha ref
, use $ findotherprereq ref sha
Nothing -> use $ findotherprereq ref sha
use a = do
bs <- a
calc (bs:c) refs
-- Unfortunately, git bundle will let a prerequisite specified
-- for one ref prevent it including another ref. For example,
-- where x is a ref that points at A, and y is a ref that points at
-- B (which has A as its parent), git bundle x A..y
-- will omit including the x ref in the bundle at all.
-- But we need to include all (changed) refs that the user
-- specified to push in the bundle. So, only include the sha
-- as a prerequisite when it will not prevent including another
-- changed ref in the bundle.
checkprereq prereq ref =
ifM (anyM shadows $ M.elems $ M.delete ref changedrefs)
( pure $ Git.Bundle.fullBundleSpec ref
, pure $ Git.Bundle.BundleSpec
{ Git.Bundle.preRequisiteRef = Just prereq
, Git.Bundle.includeRef = ref
shadows s
| s == prereq = pure True
| otherwise = inRepo $ Git.Ref.isAncestor s prereq
changedrefs = M.differenceWith
(\a b -> if a == b then Nothing else Just a)
newtrackingrefs oldtrackingrefs
-- When the old tracking ref is not able to be used as a
-- prerequisite, this to find some other ref that was previously
-- pushed that can be used as a prerequisite instead. This can
-- optimise the bundle size a bit in edge cases.
-- For example, a forced push of branch foo that resets it back
-- several commits can use a previously pushed bar as a prerequisite
-- if it's an ancestor of foo.
findotherprereq ref sha =
findotherprereq' ref sha (M.elems oldtrackingrefs)
findotherprereq' ref _ [] = pure (Git.Bundle.fullBundleSpec ref)
findotherprereq' ref sha (l:ls)
| l == sha = findotherprereq' ref sha ls
| otherwise = ifM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.isAncestor l ref)
( checkprereq l ref
, findotherprereq' ref sha ls
-- When the push deletes all refs from the remote, drop the manifest
-- and all bundles that were listed in it. The manifest is dropped
@ -506,7 +573,7 @@ downloadManifest rmt = ifM (Remote.checkPresent rmt mk)
-- Note that if this is interrupted or loses access to the remote part
-- way through, it may leave the remote without a manifest file. That will
-- appear as if all refs have been deleted from the remote.
-- FIXME It should be possible to remember when that happened, by writing
-- XXX It should be possible to remember when that happened, by writing
-- state to a file before, and then the next time git-remote-annex is run, it
-- could recover from the situation.
uploadManifest :: Remote -> Manifest -> Annex ()
@ -571,19 +638,23 @@ uploadGitBundle rmt k =
unlessM (upload rmt k (AssociatedFile Nothing) stdRetry noNotification) $
giveup $ "Failed to upload " ++ serializeKey k
-- Generates a git bundle that contains the specified refs, ingests
-- it into the local objects directory, and uploads its key to the special
-- remote.
-- Generates a git bundle, ingests it into the local objects directory,
-- and uploads its key to the special remote.
-- If the key is present in the provided manifest, avoids uploading it.
-- If the key is already present in the provided manifest, avoids
-- uploading it.
-- On failure, an exception is thrown, and nothing is added to the local
-- objects directory.
generateAndUploadGitBundle :: Remote -> [Ref] -> Manifest -> Annex Key
generateAndUploadGitBundle rmt refs manifest =
:: Remote
-> [Git.Bundle.BundleSpec]
-> Manifest
-> Annex Key
generateAndUploadGitBundle rmt bs manifest =
withTmpFile "GITBUNDLE" $ \tmp tmph -> do
liftIO $ hClose tmph
inRepo $ Git.Bundle.create tmp refs
inRepo $ Git.Bundle.create tmp bs
bundlekey <- genGitBundleKey (Remote.uuid rmt)
(toRawFilePath tmp) nullMeterUpdate
unless (bundlekey `elem` (inManifest manifest)) $ do
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Git.Bundle where
import Common
@ -24,15 +26,43 @@ listHeads bundle repo = map gen . S8.lines <$>
unbundle :: FilePath -> Repo -> IO ()
unbundle bundle = runQuiet [Param "bundle", Param "unbundle", File bundle]
create :: FilePath -> [Ref] -> Repo -> IO ()
create bundle refs repo = pipeWrite
-- Specifies what to include in the bundle.
data BundleSpec = BundleSpec
{ preRequisiteRef :: Maybe Ref
-- ^ Do not include this Ref, or any objects reachable from it
-- in the bundle. This should be an ancestor of the includeRef.
, includeRef :: Ref
-- ^ Include this Ref and objects reachable from it in the bundle,
-- unless filtered out by the preRequisiteRef of this BundleSpec
-- or any other one that is included in the bundle.
deriving (Show)
-- Include the ref and all objects reachable from it in the bundle.
-- (Unless another BundleSpec is included that has a preRequisiteRef
-- that filters out the ref or other objects.)
fullBundleSpec :: Ref -> BundleSpec
fullBundleSpec r = BundleSpec
{ preRequisiteRef = Nothing
, includeRef = r
create :: FilePath -> [BundleSpec] -> Repo -> IO ()
create bundle revs repo = pipeWrite
[ Param "bundle"
, Param "create"
, Param "--quiet"
, File bundle
, Param "--stdin"
] repo writerefs
] repo writer
writerefs h = do
mapM_ (S8.hPutStrLn h . fromRef') refs
writer h = do
forM_ revs $ \bs ->
case preRequisiteRef bs of
Nothing -> S8.hPutStrLn h $
fromRef' (includeRef bs)
Just pr -> S8.hPutStrLn h $
fromRef' pr
<> ".." <>
fromRef' (includeRef bs)
hClose h
Add table
Reference in a new issue