glacier, S3: Fix bug that caused embedded creds to not be encypted using the remote's key.
encryptionSetup must be called before setRemoteCredPair. Otherwise,
the RemoteConfig doesn't have the cipher in it, and so no cipher is used to
encrypt the embedded creds.
This is a security fix for non-shared encryption methods!
For encryption=shared, there's no security problem, just an
inconsistentency in whether the embedded creds are encrypted.
This is very important to get right, so used some types to help ensure that
setRemoteCredPair is only run after encryptionSetup. Note that the external
special remote bypasses the type safety, since creds can be set after the
initial remote config, if the external special remote program requests it.
Also note that IA remotes never use encryption, so encryptionSetup is not
run for them at all, and again the type safety is bypassed.
This leaves two open questions:
1. What to do about S3 and glacier remotes that were set up
using encryption=pubkey/hybrid with embedcreds?
Such a git repo has a security hole embedded in it, and this needs to be
communicated to the user. Is the changelog enough?
2. enableremote won't work in such a repo, because git-annex will
try to decrypt the embedded creds, which are not encrypted, so fails.
This needs to be dealt with, especially for ecryption=shared repos,
which are not really broken, just inconsistently configured.
Noticing that problem for encryption=shared is what led to commit
, which tried to
fix the problem by not decrypting the embedded creds.
This commit was sponsored by Josh Taylor.
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 67 additions and 37 deletions
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Annex.Perms
import Utility.FileMode
import Crypto
import Types.Remote (RemoteConfig, RemoteConfigKey)
import Remote.Helper.Encryptable (remoteCipher, embedCreds)
import Remote.Helper.Encryptable (remoteCipher, embedCreds, EncryptionIsSetup)
import Utility.Env (getEnv)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
@ -40,12 +40,17 @@ data CredPairStorage = CredPairStorage
{- Stores creds in a remote's configuration, if the remote allows
- that. Otherwise, caches them locally.
- The creds are found in storage if not provided. -}
setRemoteCredPair :: RemoteConfig -> CredPairStorage -> Maybe CredPair -> Annex RemoteConfig
setRemoteCredPair c storage Nothing =
maybe (return c) (setRemoteCredPair c storage . Just)
- The creds are found in storage if not provided.
- The remote's configuration should have already had a cipher stored in it
- if that's going to be done, so that the creds can be encrypted using the
- cipher. The EncryptionIsSetup phantom type ensures that is the case.
setRemoteCredPair :: EncryptionIsSetup -> RemoteConfig -> CredPairStorage -> Maybe CredPair -> Annex RemoteConfig
setRemoteCredPair encsetup c storage Nothing =
maybe (return c) (setRemoteCredPair encsetup c storage . Just)
=<< getRemoteCredPair c storage
setRemoteCredPair c storage (Just creds)
setRemoteCredPair _ c storage (Just creds)
| embedCreds c = case credPairRemoteKey storage of
Nothing -> localcache
Just key -> storeconfig key =<< remoteCipher c
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ bupSetup mu _ c = do
-- verify configuration is sane
let buprepo = fromMaybe (error "Specify buprepo=") $
M.lookup "buprepo" c
c' <- encryptionSetup c
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
-- bup init will create the repository.
-- (If the repository already exists, bup init again appears safe.)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ ddarSetup mu _ c = do
-- verify configuration is sane
let ddarrepo = fromMaybe (error "Specify ddarrepo=") $
M.lookup "ddarrepo" c
c' <- encryptionSetup c
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
-- The ddarrepo is stored in git config, as well as this repo's
-- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ directorySetup mu _ c = do
absdir <- liftIO $ absPath dir
liftIO $ unlessM (doesDirectoryExist absdir) $
error $ "Directory does not exist: " ++ absdir
c' <- encryptionSetup c
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
-- The directory is stored in git config, not in this remote's
-- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ externalSetup mu _ c = do
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
let externaltype = fromMaybe (error "Specify externaltype=") $
M.lookup "externaltype" c
c' <- encryptionSetup c
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
external <- newExternal externaltype u c'
handleRequest external INITREMOTE Nothing $ \resp -> case resp of
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ handleRequest' lck external req mp responsehandler
send $ VALUE value
handleRemoteRequest (SETCREDS setting login password) = do
c <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTMVar $ externalConfig external
c' <- setRemoteCredPair c (credstorage setting) $
c' <- setRemoteCredPair encryptionAlreadySetup c (credstorage setting) $
Just (login, password)
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ swapTMVar (externalConfig external) c'
handleRemoteRequest (GETCREDS setting) = do
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ gCryptSetup mu _ c = go $ M.lookup "gitrepo" c
remotename = fromJust (M.lookup "name" c)
go Nothing = error "Specify gitrepo="
go (Just gitrepo) = do
c' <- encryptionSetup c
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
inRepo $
[ Params "remote add"
, Param remotename
@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ gen r u c gc = new <$> remoteCost gc veryExpensiveRemoteCost
glacierSetup :: Maybe UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
glacierSetup mu mcreds c = do
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
c' <- setRemoteCredPair c (AWS.creds u) mcreds
glacierSetup' (isJust mu) u c'
glacierSetup' :: Bool -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
glacierSetup' enabling u c = do
c' <- encryptionSetup c
let fullconfig = c' `M.union` defaults
glacierSetup' (isJust mu) u mcreds c
glacierSetup' :: Bool -> UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
glacierSetup' enabling u mcreds c = do
(c', encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
c'' <- setRemoteCredPair encsetup c' (AWS.creds u) mcreds
let fullconfig = c'' `M.union` defaults
unless enabling $
genVault fullconfig u
gitConfigSpecialRemote u fullconfig "glacier" "true"
@ -5,7 +5,17 @@
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote.Helper.Encryptable where
module Remote.Helper.Encryptable (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -16,11 +26,26 @@ import Types.Crypto
import qualified Annex
import Utility.Base64
-- Used to ensure that encryption has been set up before trying to
-- eg, store creds in the remote config that would need to use the
-- encryption setup.
data EncryptionIsSetup = EncryptionIsSetup | NoEncryption
-- Remotes that don't use encryption can use this instead of
-- encryptionSetup.
noEncryptionUsed :: EncryptionIsSetup
noEncryptionUsed = NoEncryption
-- Using this avoids the type-safe check, so you'd better be sure
-- of what you're doing.
encryptionAlreadySetup :: EncryptionIsSetup
encryptionAlreadySetup = EncryptionIsSetup
{- Encryption setup for a remote. The user must specify whether to use
- an encryption key, or not encrypt. An encrypted cipher is created, or is
- updated to be accessible to an additional encryption key. Or the user
- could opt to use a shared cipher, which is stored unencrypted. -}
encryptionSetup :: RemoteConfig -> Annex RemoteConfig
encryptionSetup :: RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, EncryptionIsSetup)
encryptionSetup c = maybe genCipher updateCipher $ extractCipher c
-- The type of encryption
@ -28,7 +53,7 @@ encryptionSetup c = maybe genCipher updateCipher $ extractCipher c
-- Generate a new cipher, depending on the chosen encryption scheme
genCipher = case encryption of
_ | M.member "cipher" c || M.member "cipherkeys" c -> cannotchange
Just "none" -> return c
Just "none" -> return (c, NoEncryption)
Just "shared" -> use "encryption setup" . genSharedCipher
=<< highRandomQuality
-- hybrid encryption is the default when a keyid is
@ -48,7 +73,7 @@ encryptionSetup c = maybe genCipher updateCipher $ extractCipher c
cannotchange = error "Cannot set encryption type of existing remotes."
-- Update an existing cipher if possible.
updateCipher v = case v of
SharedCipher _ | maybe True (== "shared") encryption -> return c'
SharedCipher _ | maybe True (== "shared") encryption -> return (c', EncryptionIsSetup)
EncryptedCipher _ variant _
| maybe True (== if variant == Hybrid then "hybrid" else "pubkey") encryption ->
use "encryption update" $ updateEncryptedCipher newkeys v
@ -57,7 +82,7 @@ encryptionSetup c = maybe genCipher updateCipher $ extractCipher c
showNote m
cipher <- liftIO a
showNote $ describeCipher cipher
return $ storeCipher c' cipher
return (storeCipher c' cipher, EncryptionIsSetup)
highRandomQuality =
(&&) (maybe True ( /= "false") $ M.lookup "highRandomQuality" c)
<$> fmap not (Annex.getState
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ hookSetup mu _ c = do
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
let hooktype = fromMaybe (error "Specify hooktype=") $
M.lookup "hooktype" c
c' <- encryptionSetup c
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' "hooktype" hooktype
return (c', u)
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ rsyncSetup mu _ c = do
-- verify configuration is sane
let url = fromMaybe (error "Specify rsyncurl=") $
M.lookup "rsyncurl" c
c' <- encryptionSetup c
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
-- The rsyncurl is stored in git config, not only in this remote's
-- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
@ -77,10 +77,9 @@ gen r u c gc = new <$> remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
s3Setup :: Maybe UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
s3Setup mu mcreds c = do
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
c' <- setRemoteCredPair c (AWS.creds u) mcreds
s3Setup' u c'
s3Setup' :: UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
s3Setup' u c = if isIA c then archiveorg else defaulthost
s3Setup' u mcreds c
s3Setup' :: UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
s3Setup' u mcreds c = if isIA c then archiveorg else defaulthost
remotename = fromJust (M.lookup "name" c)
defbucket = remotename ++ "-" ++ fromUUID u
@ -97,13 +96,15 @@ s3Setup' u c = if isIA c then archiveorg else defaulthost
return (fullconfig, u)
defaulthost = do
c' <- encryptionSetup c
let fullconfig = c' `M.union` defaults
(c', encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
c'' <- setRemoteCredPair encsetup c' (AWS.creds u) mcreds
let fullconfig = c'' `M.union` defaults
genBucket fullconfig u
use fullconfig
archiveorg = do
showNote "Internet Archive mode"
void $ setRemoteCredPair noEncryptionUsed c (AWS.creds u) mcreds
-- Ensure user enters a valid bucket name, since
-- this determines the name of the item.
let bucket = replace " " "-" $ map toLower $
@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ webdavSetup mu mcreds c = do
url <- case M.lookup "url" c of
Nothing -> error "Specify url="
Just url -> return url
c' <- encryptionSetup c
(c', encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c
creds <- maybe (getCreds c' u) (return . Just) mcreds
testDav url creds
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' "webdav" "true"
c'' <- setRemoteCredPair c' (davCreds u) creds
c'' <- setRemoteCredPair encsetup c' (davCreds u) creds
return (c'', u)
-- Opens a http connection to the DAV server, which will be reused
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
git-annex (5.20140916) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Security fix for S3 and glacier when using embedcreds=yes with
encryption=pubkey or encryption=hybrid.
The creds embedded in the git repo were *not* encrypted.
* assistant: Detect when repository has been deleted or moved, and
automatically shut down the assistant. Closes: #761261
* Windows: Avoid crashing trying to list gpg secret keys, for gcrypt
@ -8,8 +11,6 @@ git-annex (5.20140916) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
(Bug introduced in version 5.20140817.)
* add: In direct mode, adding an annex symlink will check it into git,
as was already done in indirect mode.
* Fix reversion in handling creds with encryption=shared embedcreds=yes
introduced in 5.20140817.
-- Joey Hess <> Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:39:17 -0400
@ -31,5 +31,3 @@ Mac OS X 10.9.4
# End of transcript or log.
> [[fixed|done]] --[[Joey]]
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