Added GIT_ANNEX_VECTOR_CLOCK environment variable

Can be used to override the default timestamps used in log files in the
git-annex branch. This is a dangerous environment variable; use with

Note that this only affects writing to the logs on the git-annex branch.
It is not used for metadata in git commits (other env vars can be set for

There are many other places where timestamps are still used, that don't
get committed to git, but do touch disk. Including regular timestamps
of files, and timestamps embedded in some files in .git/annex/, including
the last fsck timestamp and timestamps in transfer log files.

A good way to find such things in git-annex is to get for getPOSIXTime and
getCurrentTime, although some of the results are of course false positives
that never hit disk (unless git-annex gets swapped out..)

So this commit does NOT necessarily make git-annex comply with some HIPPA
privacy regulations; it's up to the user to determine if they can use it in
a way compliant with such regulations.

Benchmarking: It takes 0.00114 milliseconds to call getEnv
"GIT_ANNEX_VECTOR_CLOCK" when that env var is not set. So, 100 thousand log
files can be written with an added overhead of only 0.114 seconds. That
should be by far swamped by the actual overhead of writing the log files
and making the commit containing them.

This commit was supported by the NSF-funded DataLad project.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2017-08-14 13:55:38 -04:00
parent f071d1382e
commit 2cecc8d2a3
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
28 changed files with 185 additions and 138 deletions

Annex/VectorClock.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
{- git-annex vector clocks
- We don't have a way yet to keep true distributed vector clocks.
- The next best thing is a timestamp.
- Copyright 2017 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.VectorClock where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude
import Utility.Env
import Logs.TimeStamp
import Utility.QuickCheck
-- | Some very old logs did not have any time stamp at all;
-- Unknown is used for those.
data VectorClock = Unknown | VectorClock POSIXTime
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- Unknown is oldest.
prop_VectorClock_sane :: Bool
prop_VectorClock_sane = Unknown < VectorClock 1
instance Arbitrary VectorClock where
arbitrary = VectorClock <$> arbitrary
currentVectorClock :: IO VectorClock
currentVectorClock = go =<< getEnv "GIT_ANNEX_VECTOR_CLOCK"
go Nothing = VectorClock <$> getPOSIXTime
go (Just s) = case parsePOSIXTime s of
Just t -> return (VectorClock t)
Nothing -> VectorClock <$> getPOSIXTime

View file

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ git-annex (6.20170521) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Fix build with QuickCheck 2.10.
* fsck: Support --json.
* Added GIT_ANNEX_VECTOR_CLOCK environment variable, which can be used to
override the default timestamps used in log files in the git-annex
branch. This is a dangerous environment variable; use with caution.
-- Joey Hess <> Sat, 17 Jun 2017 13:02:24 -0400

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Logs.UUID
import Logs.MapLog
import Logs.Trust
import Annex.UUID
import Annex.VectorClock
import qualified Remote
import Utility.HumanTime
@ -70,15 +71,15 @@ start (Expire expire) noact actlog descs u =
lastact = changed <$> M.lookup u actlog
whenactive = case lastact of
Just (Date t) -> do
d <- liftIO $ durationSince $ posixSecondsToUTCTime t
Just (VectorClock c) -> do
d <- liftIO $ durationSince $ posixSecondsToUTCTime c
return $ "last active: " ++ fromDuration d ++ " ago"
_ -> return "no activity"
desc = fromUUID u ++ " " ++ fromMaybe "" (M.lookup u descs)
notexpired ent = case ent of
Unknown -> False
Date t -> case lookupexpire of
Just (Just expiretime) -> t >= expiretime
VectorClock c -> case lookupexpire of
Just (Just expiretime) -> c >= expiretime
_ -> True
lookupexpire = headMaybe $ catMaybes $
map (`M.lookup` expire) [Just u, Nothing]

View file

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ import Command
import qualified Annex.Branch as Branch
import Logs.Transitions
import qualified Annex
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Annex.VectorClock
cmd :: Command
cmd = command "forget" SectionMaintenance
@ -36,10 +35,10 @@ seek = commandAction . start
start :: ForgetOptions -> CommandStart
start o = do
showStart "forget" "git-annex"
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
let basets = addTransition now ForgetGitHistory noTransitions
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
let basets = addTransition c ForgetGitHistory noTransitions
let ts = if dropDead o
then addTransition now ForgetDeadRemotes basets
then addTransition c ForgetDeadRemotes basets
else basets
next $ perform ts =<< Annex.getState Annex.force

View file

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Command.MetaData where
import Command
import Annex.MetaData
import Annex.VectorClock
import Logs.MetaData
import Annex.WorkTree
import Messages.JSON (JSONActionItem(..))
@ -18,7 +19,6 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BU
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Aeson
import Control.Concurrent
@ -68,28 +68,28 @@ optParser desc = MetaDataOptions
seek :: MetaDataOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = case batchOption o of
NoBatch -> do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
let seeker = case getSet o of
Get _ -> withFilesInGit
GetAll -> withFilesInGit
Set _ -> withFilesInGitNonRecursive
"Not recursively setting metadata. Use --force to do that."
withKeyOptions (keyOptions o) False
(startKeys now o)
(seeker $ whenAnnexed $ start now o)
(startKeys c o)
(seeker $ whenAnnexed $ start c o)
(forFiles o)
Batch -> withMessageState $ \s -> case outputType s of
JSONOutput _ -> batchInput parseJSONInput $
commandAction . startBatch
_ -> giveup "--batch is currently only supported in --json mode"
start :: POSIXTime -> MetaDataOptions -> FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start now o file k = startKeys now o k (mkActionItem afile)
start :: VectorClock -> MetaDataOptions -> FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start c o file k = startKeys c o k (mkActionItem afile)
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
startKeys :: POSIXTime -> MetaDataOptions -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
startKeys now o k ai = case getSet o of
startKeys :: VectorClock -> MetaDataOptions -> Key -> ActionItem -> CommandStart
startKeys c o k ai = case getSet o of
Get f -> do
l <- S.toList . currentMetaDataValues f <$> getCurrentMetaData k
liftIO $ forM_ l $
@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ startKeys now o k ai = case getSet o of
_ -> do
showStart' "metadata" k ai
next $ perform now o k
next $ perform c o k
perform :: POSIXTime -> MetaDataOptions -> Key -> CommandPerform
perform now o k = case getSet o of
perform :: VectorClock -> MetaDataOptions -> Key -> CommandPerform
perform c o k = case getSet o of
Set ms -> do
oldm <- getCurrentMetaData k
let m = combineMetaData $ map (modMeta oldm) ms
addMetaData' k m now
addMetaData' k m c
next $ cleanup k
_ -> next $ cleanup k
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ startBatch (i, (MetaData m)) = case i of
, keyOptions = Nothing
, batchOption = NoBatch
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
t <- liftIO currentVectorClock
-- It would be bad if two batch mode changes used exactly
-- the same timestamp, since the order of adds and removals
-- of the same metadata value would then be indeterminate.
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ startBatch (i, (MetaData m)) = case i of
-- probably less expensive than cleaner methods,
-- such as taking from a list of increasing timestamps.
liftIO $ threadDelay 1
next $ perform now o k
next $ perform t o k
mkModMeta (f, s)
| S.null s = DelMeta f Nothing
| otherwise = SetMeta f s

View file

@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ module Logs.Activity (
) where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Logs
@ -24,9 +22,9 @@ data Activity = Fsck
recordActivity :: Activity -> UUID -> Annex ()
recordActivity act uuid = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change activityLog $
showLog show . changeLog ts uuid act . parseLog readish
showLog show . changeLog c uuid act . parseLog readish
lastActivities :: Maybe Activity -> Annex (Log Activity)
lastActivities wantact = parseLog onlywanted <$> Annex.Branch.get activityLog

View file

@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ import Logs.Chunk.Pure
import qualified Annex
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
chunksStored :: UUID -> Key -> ChunkMethod -> ChunkCount -> Annex ()
chunksStored u k chunkmethod chunkcount = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
Annex.Branch.change (chunkLogFile config k) $
showLog . changeMapLog ts (u, chunkmethod) chunkcount . parseLog
showLog . changeMapLog c (u, chunkmethod) chunkcount . parseLog
chunksRemoved :: UUID -> Key -> ChunkMethod -> Annex ()
chunksRemoved u k chunkmethod = chunksStored u k chunkmethod 0

View file

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import Logs
import Logs.MapLog
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Map as M
type ConfigName = String
@ -33,9 +32,9 @@ setGlobalConfig name new = do
setGlobalConfig' :: ConfigName -> ConfigValue -> Annex ()
setGlobalConfig' name new = do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change configLog $
showMapLog id id . changeMapLog now name new . parseGlobalConfig
showMapLog id id . changeMapLog c name new . parseGlobalConfig
unsetGlobalConfig :: ConfigName -> Annex ()
unsetGlobalConfig name = do

View file

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ module Logs.Difference (
module Logs.Difference.Pure
) where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Annex.Common
@ -24,9 +23,9 @@ import Logs.Difference.Pure
recordDifferences :: Differences -> UUID -> Annex ()
recordDifferences ds@(Differences {}) uuid = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change differenceLog $
showLog id . changeLog ts uuid (showDifferences ds) . parseLog Just
showLog id . changeLog c uuid (showDifferences ds) . parseLog Just
recordDifferences UnknownDifferences _ = return ()
-- Map of UUIDs that have Differences recorded.

View file

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ module Logs.Group (
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Annex.Common
import Logs
@ -36,10 +35,10 @@ lookupGroups u = (fromMaybe S.empty . M.lookup u) . groupsByUUID <$> groupMap
groupChange :: UUID -> (S.Set Group -> S.Set Group) -> Annex ()
groupChange uuid@(UUID _) modifier = do
curr <- lookupGroups uuid
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change groupLog $
showLog (unwords . S.toList) .
changeLog ts uuid (modifier curr) .
changeLog c uuid (modifier curr) .
parseLog (Just . S.fromList . words)
-- The changed group invalidates the preferred content cache.

View file

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Logs
import Logs.Presence
import Annex.UUID
import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.VectorClock
import Git.Types (RefDate, Ref)
import qualified Annex
@ -107,7 +108,10 @@ setDead key = do
setDead' :: LogLine -> LogLine
setDead' l = l
{ status = InfoDead
, date = date l + realToFrac (picosecondsToDiffTime 1)
, date = case date l of
VectorClock c -> VectorClock $
c + realToFrac (picosecondsToDiffTime 1)
Unknown -> Unknown
{- Finds all keys that have location log information.

View file

@ -11,20 +11,21 @@
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.MapLog where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
module Logs.MapLog (
module Logs.MapLog,
) where
import Common
import Annex.VectorClock
import Logs.TimeStamp
import Logs.Line
data TimeStamp = Unknown | Date POSIXTime
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
import qualified Data.Map as M
data LogEntry v = LogEntry
{ changed :: TimeStamp
{ changed :: VectorClock
, value :: v
} deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ type MapLog f v = M.Map f (LogEntry v)
showMapLog :: (f -> String) -> (v -> String) -> MapLog f v -> String
showMapLog fieldshower valueshower = unlines . map showpair . M.toList
showpair (f, LogEntry (Date p) v) =
unwords [show p, fieldshower f, valueshower v]
showpair (f, LogEntry (VectorClock c) v) =
unwords [show c, fieldshower f, valueshower v]
showpair (f, LogEntry Unknown v) =
unwords ["0", fieldshower f, valueshower v]
@ -44,14 +45,14 @@ parseMapLog fieldparser valueparser = M.fromListWith best . mapMaybe parse . spl
parse line = do
let (ts, rest) = splitword line
(sf, sv) = splitword rest
date <- Date <$> parsePOSIXTime ts
c <- VectorClock <$> parsePOSIXTime ts
f <- fieldparser sf
v <- valueparser sv
Just (f, LogEntry date v)
Just (f, LogEntry c v)
splitword = separate (== ' ')
changeMapLog :: Ord f => POSIXTime -> f -> v -> MapLog f v -> MapLog f v
changeMapLog t f v = M.insert f $ LogEntry (Date t) v
changeMapLog :: Ord f => VectorClock -> f -> v -> MapLog f v -> MapLog f v
changeMapLog c f v = M.insert f $ LogEntry c v
{- Only add an LogEntry if it's newer (or at least as new as) than any
- existing LogEntry for a field. -}
@ -69,15 +70,11 @@ best new old
| changed old > changed new = old
| otherwise = new
-- Unknown is oldest.
prop_TimeStamp_sane :: Bool
prop_TimeStamp_sane = Unknown < Date 1
prop_addMapLog_sane :: Bool
prop_addMapLog_sane = newWins && newestWins
newWins = addMapLog ("foo") (LogEntry (Date 1) "new") l == l2
newestWins = addMapLog ("foo") (LogEntry (Date 1) "newest") l2 /= l2
newWins = addMapLog ("foo") (LogEntry (VectorClock 1) "new") l == l2
newestWins = addMapLog ("foo") (LogEntry (VectorClock 1) "newest") l2 /= l2
l = M.fromList [("foo", LogEntry (Date 0) "old")]
l2 = M.fromList [("foo", LogEntry (Date 1) "new")]
l = M.fromList [("foo", LogEntry (VectorClock 0) "old")]
l2 = M.fromList [("foo", LogEntry (VectorClock 1) "new")]

View file

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ module Logs.MetaData (
import Annex.Common
import Types.MetaData
import Annex.MetaData.StandardFields
import Annex.VectorClock
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Annex
import Logs
@ -44,7 +45,6 @@ import Logs.TimeStamp
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
instance SingleValueSerializable MetaData where
serialize = Types.MetaData.serialize
@ -83,26 +83,29 @@ getCurrentMetaData k = do
let MetaData m = value l
ts = lastchangedval l
in (const ts) m
lastchangedval l = S.singleton $ toMetaValue $ showts $ changed l
lastchangedval l = S.singleton $ toMetaValue $ showts $
case changed l of
VectorClock t -> t
Unknown -> 0
showts = formatPOSIXTime "%F@%H-%M-%S"
{- Adds in some metadata, which can override existing values, or unset
- them, but otherwise leaves any existing metadata as-is. -}
addMetaData :: Key -> MetaData -> Annex ()
addMetaData k metadata = addMetaData' k metadata =<< liftIO getPOSIXTime
addMetaData k metadata = addMetaData' k metadata =<< liftIO currentVectorClock
{- Reusing the same timestamp when making changes to the metadata
{- Reusing the same VectorClock when making changes to the metadata
- of multiple keys is a nice optimisation. The same metadata lines
- will tend to be generated across the different log files, and so
- git will be able to pack the data more efficiently. -}
addMetaData' :: Key -> MetaData -> POSIXTime -> Annex ()
addMetaData' k d@(MetaData m) now
addMetaData' :: Key -> MetaData -> VectorClock -> Annex ()
addMetaData' k d@(MetaData m) c
| d == emptyMetaData = noop
| otherwise = do
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
Annex.Branch.change (metaDataLogFile config k) $
showLog . simplifyLog
. S.insert (LogEntry now metadata)
. S.insert (LogEntry c metadata)
. parseLog
metadata = MetaData $ M.filterWithKey (\f _ -> not (isLastChangedField f)) m

View file

@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module Logs.Multicast (
) where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Logs
@ -25,9 +23,9 @@ newtype Fingerprint = Fingerprint String
recordFingerprint :: Fingerprint -> UUID -> Annex ()
recordFingerprint fp uuid = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change multicastLog $
showLog show . changeLog ts uuid fp . parseLog readish
showLog show . changeLog c uuid fp . parseLog readish
knownFingerPrints :: Annex (M.Map UUID Fingerprint)
knownFingerPrints = simpleMap . parseLog readish <$> Annex.Branch.get activityLog

View file

@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
module Logs.PreferredContent.Raw where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Annex
@ -19,6 +16,8 @@ import Logs.MapLog
import Types.StandardGroups
import Types.Group
import qualified Data.Map as M
{- Changes the preferred content configuration of a remote. -}
preferredContentSet :: UUID -> PreferredContentExpression -> Annex ()
preferredContentSet = setLog preferredContentLog
@ -28,10 +27,10 @@ requiredContentSet = setLog requiredContentLog
setLog :: FilePath -> UUID -> PreferredContentExpression -> Annex ()
setLog logfile uuid@(UUID _) val = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change logfile $
showLog id
. changeLog ts uuid val
. changeLog c uuid val
. parseLog Just
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s
{ Annex.preferredcontentmap = Nothing
@ -42,10 +41,10 @@ setLog _ NoUUID _ = error "unknown UUID; cannot modify"
{- Changes the preferred content configuration of a group. -}
groupPreferredContentSet :: Group -> PreferredContentExpression -> Annex ()
groupPreferredContentSet g val = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change groupPreferredContentLog $
showMapLog id id
. changeMapLog ts g val
. changeMapLog c g val
. parseMapLog Just Just
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.preferredcontentmap = Nothing }

View file

@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ module Logs.Presence (
) where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Logs.Presence.Pure as X
import Annex.Common
import Annex.VectorClock
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Git.Types (RefDate)
@ -49,11 +48,11 @@ maybeAddLog file line = Annex.Branch.maybeChange file $ \s -> do
readLog :: FilePath -> Annex [LogLine]
readLog = parseLog <$$> Annex.Branch.get
{- Generates a new LogLine with the current date. -}
{- Generates a new LogLine with the current time. -}
logNow :: LogStatus -> String -> Annex LogLine
logNow s i = do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
return $ LogLine now s i
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
return $ LogLine c s i
{- Reads a log and returns only the info that is still in effect. -}
currentLogInfo :: FilePath -> Annex [String]

View file

@ -7,18 +7,18 @@
module Logs.Presence.Pure where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Annex.Common
import Annex.VectorClock
import Logs.TimeStamp
import Logs.Line
import Utility.QuickCheck
data LogLine = LogLine {
date :: POSIXTime,
status :: LogStatus,
info :: String
import qualified Data.Map as M
data LogLine = LogLine
{ date :: VectorClock
, status :: LogStatus
, info :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data LogStatus = InfoPresent | InfoMissing | InfoDead
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ parseLog :: String -> [LogLine]
parseLog = mapMaybe parseline . splitLines
parseline l = LogLine
<$> parsePOSIXTime d
<$> (VectorClock <$> parsePOSIXTime d)
<*> parseStatus s
<*> pure rest

View file

@ -18,22 +18,21 @@ module Logs.Remote (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Char
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Types.Remote
import Logs
import Logs.UUIDBased
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
{- Adds or updates a remote's config in the log. -}
configSet :: UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex ()
configSet u c = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
configSet u cfg = do
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change remoteLog $
showLog showConfig . changeLog ts u c . parseLog parseConfig
showLog showConfig . changeLog c u cfg . parseLog parseConfig
{- Map of remotes by uuid containing key/value config maps. -}
readRemoteLog :: Annex (M.Map UUID RemoteConfig)

View file

@ -17,16 +17,15 @@ import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Annex
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
type RemoteState = String
setRemoteState :: UUID -> Key -> RemoteState -> Annex ()
setRemoteState u k s = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
Annex.Branch.change (remoteStateLogFile config k) $
showLogNew id . changeLog ts u s . parseLogNew Just
showLogNew id . changeLog c u s . parseLogNew Just
getRemoteState :: UUID -> Key -> Annex (Maybe RemoteState)
getRemoteState u k = do

View file

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ module Logs.Schedule (
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Annex.Common
@ -31,9 +30,9 @@ import Utility.Tmp
scheduleSet :: UUID -> [ScheduledActivity] -> Annex ()
scheduleSet uuid@(UUID _) activities = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change scheduleLog $
showLog id . changeLog ts uuid val . parseLog Just
showLog id . changeLog c uuid val . parseLog Just
val = fromScheduledActivities activities
scheduleSet NoUUID _ = error "unknown UUID; cannot modify"

View file

@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Logs.TimeStamp
import Logs.Line
import Annex.VectorClock
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
class SingleValueSerializable v where
serialize :: v -> String
deserialize :: String -> Maybe v
data LogEntry v = LogEntry
{ changed :: POSIXTime
{ changed :: VectorClock
, value :: v
} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ parseLog = S.fromList . mapMaybe parse . splitLines
parse line = do
let (ts, s) = splitword line
date <- parsePOSIXTime ts
c <- VectorClock <$> parsePOSIXTime ts
v <- deserialize s
Just (LogEntry date v)
Just (LogEntry c v)
splitword = separate (== ' ')
newestValue :: Log v -> Maybe v
@ -60,6 +60,6 @@ getLog = newestValue <$$> readLog
setLog :: (SingleValueSerializable v) => FilePath -> v -> Annex ()
setLog f v = do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
let ent = LogEntry now v
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
let ent = LogEntry c v
Annex.Branch.change f $ \_old -> showLog (S.singleton ent)

View file

@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
module Logs.Transitions where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Annex.Common
import Annex.VectorClock
import Logs.TimeStamp
import Logs.Line
import qualified Data.Set as S
transitionsLog :: FilePath
transitionsLog = "transitions.log"
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ data Transition
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Read)
data TransitionLine = TransitionLine
{ transitionStarted :: POSIXTime
{ transitionStarted :: VectorClock
, transition :: Transition
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ describeTransition ForgetDeadRemotes = "forget dead remotes"
noTransitions :: Transitions
noTransitions = S.empty
addTransition :: POSIXTime -> Transition -> Transitions -> Transitions
addTransition ts t = S.insert $ TransitionLine ts t
addTransition :: VectorClock -> Transition -> Transitions -> Transitions
addTransition c t = S.insert $ TransitionLine c t
showTransitions :: Transitions -> String
showTransitions = unlines . map showTransitionLine . S.elems
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ showTransitionLine (TransitionLine ts t) = unwords [show t, show ts]
parseTransitionLine :: String -> Maybe TransitionLine
parseTransitionLine s = TransitionLine
<$> parsePOSIXTime ds
<$> (VectorClock <$> parsePOSIXTime ds)
<*> readish ts
ws = words s

View file

@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module Logs.Trust.Basic (
) where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Annex.Common
import Types.TrustLevel
import qualified Annex.Branch
@ -24,10 +22,10 @@ import Logs.Trust.Pure as X
{- Changes the trust level for a uuid in the trustLog. -}
trustSet :: UUID -> TrustLevel -> Annex ()
trustSet uuid@(UUID _) level = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change trustLog $
showLog showTrustLog .
changeLog ts uuid level .
changeLog c uuid level .
parseLog (Just . parseTrustLog)
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.trustmap = Nothing }
trustSet NoUUID _ = error "unknown UUID; cannot modify"

View file

@ -21,23 +21,23 @@ module Logs.UUID (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Types.UUID
import Annex.Common
import Annex.VectorClock
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Logs
import Logs.UUIDBased
import qualified Annex.UUID
import qualified Data.Map as M
{- Records a description for a uuid in the log. -}
describeUUID :: UUID -> String -> Annex ()
describeUUID uuid desc = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
c <- liftIO currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change uuidLog $
showLog id . changeLog ts uuid desc . fixBadUUID . parseLog Just
showLog id . changeLog c uuid desc . fixBadUUID . parseLog Just
{- Temporarily here to fix badly formatted uuid logs generated by
- versions 3.20111105 and 3.20111025.
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ fixBadUUID :: Log String -> Log String
fixBadUUID = M.fromList . map fixup . M.toList
fixup (k, v)
| isbad = (fixeduuid, LogEntry (Date $ newertime v) fixedvalue)
| isbad = (fixeduuid, LogEntry (newertime v) fixedvalue)
| otherwise = (k, v)
kuuid = fromUUID k
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ fixBadUUID = M.fromList . map fixup . M.toList
fixedvalue = unwords $ kuuid: Prelude.init ws
-- For the fixed line to take precidence, it should be
-- slightly newer, but only slightly.
newertime (LogEntry (Date d) _) = d + minimumPOSIXTimeSlice
newertime (LogEntry Unknown _) = minimumPOSIXTimeSlice
newertime (LogEntry (VectorClock c) _) = VectorClock (c + minimumPOSIXTimeSlice)
newertime (LogEntry Unknown _) = VectorClock minimumPOSIXTimeSlice
minimumPOSIXTimeSlice = 0.000001
isuuid s = length s == 36 && length (splitc '-' s) == 5

View file

@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
module Logs.UUIDBased (
@ -29,10 +30,10 @@ module Logs.UUIDBased (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Common
import Types.UUID
import Annex.VectorClock
import Logs.MapLog
import Logs.TimeStamp
import Logs.Line
@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ type Log v = MapLog UUID v
showLog :: (v -> String) -> Log v -> String
showLog shower = unlines . map showpair . M.toList
showpair (k, LogEntry (Date p) v) =
unwords [fromUUID k, shower v, tskey ++ show p]
showpair (k, LogEntry (VectorClock c) v) =
unwords [fromUUID k, shower v, tskey ++ show c]
showpair (k, LogEntry Unknown v) =
unwords [fromUUID k, shower v]
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ parseLogWithUUID parser = M.fromListWith best . mapMaybe parse . splitLines
| otherwise = drop 1 $ beginning ws
pdate s = case parsePOSIXTime s of
Nothing -> Unknown
Just d -> Date d
Just d -> VectorClock d
showLogNew :: (v -> String) -> Log v -> String
showLogNew = showMapLog fromUUID
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ showLogNew = showMapLog fromUUID
parseLogNew :: (String -> Maybe v) -> String -> Log v
parseLogNew = parseMapLog (Just . toUUID)
changeLog :: POSIXTime -> UUID -> v -> Log v -> Log v
changeLog :: VectorClock -> UUID -> v -> Log v -> Log v
changeLog = changeMapLog
addLog :: UUID -> LogEntry v -> Log v -> Log v

View file

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ import qualified Annex.Init
import qualified Annex.CatFile
import qualified Annex.Path
import qualified Annex.AdjustedBranch
import qualified Annex.VectorClock
import qualified Annex.View
import qualified Annex.View.ViewedFile
import qualified Logs.View
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ properties = localOption (QuickCheckTests 1000) $ testGroup "QuickCheck"
, testProperty "prop_cost_sane" Config.Cost.prop_cost_sane
, testProperty "prop_matcher_sane" Utility.Matcher.prop_matcher_sane
, testProperty "prop_HmacSha1WithCipher_sane" Crypto.prop_HmacSha1WithCipher_sane
, testProperty "prop_TimeStamp_sane" Logs.MapLog.prop_TimeStamp_sane
, testProperty "prop_VectorClock_sane" Annex.VectorClock.prop_VectorClock_sane
, testProperty "prop_addMapLog_sane" Logs.MapLog.prop_addMapLog_sane
, testProperty "prop_verifiable_sane" Utility.Verifiable.prop_verifiable_sane
, testProperty "prop_segment_regressionTest" Utility.Misc.prop_segment_regressionTest

View file

@ -1467,6 +1467,19 @@ These environment variables are used by git-annex when set:
Usually it's better to configure any desired options through your
~/.ssh/config file, or by setting `annex.ssh-options`.
Normally git-annex timestamps lines in the log files committed to the
git-annex branch. Setting this environment variable to a number
will make git-annex use that rather than the current number of seconds
since the UNIX epoch. Note that decimal seconds are supported.
This is only provided for advanced users who either have a better way to
tell which commit is current than the local clock, or who need to avoid
embedding timestamps for policy reasons. Misuse of this environment
variable can confuse git-annex's book-keeping, sometimes in ways that
`git annex fsck` is unable to repair.
Some special remotes use additional environment variables
for authentication etc. For example, `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`
and `GIT_ANNEX_P2P_AUTHTOKEN`. See special remote documentation.

View file

@ -536,6 +536,7 @@ Executable git-annex