Revert "avoid double work in git-annex init"

This reverts commit 0f10f208a7.

The implementation of this turns out to be unsafe; it can lead to a keys
db deadlock. scanAnnexedFiles injects a call to inAnnex into
reconcileStaged, but inAnnex sometimes needs to read from the keys db,
which will try to re-open it when it's in the process of being opened.
The exclusive lock of gitAnnexKeysDbLock will then deadlock.

This needs to be done in some other way...
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2021-06-08 09:11:24 -04:00
parent c831a562f5
commit 2cb7b7b336
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
2 changed files with 38 additions and 54 deletions

View file

@ -69,30 +69,28 @@ ifAnnexed :: RawFilePath -> (Key -> Annex a) -> Annex a -> Annex a
ifAnnexed file yes no = maybe no yes =<< lookupKey file
{- Find all annexed files and update the keys database for them.
- This is expensive, and so normally the associated files are updated
- incrementally when changes are noticed. So, this only needs to be done
- when initializing/upgrading a repository.
- Also, the content for an unlocked file may already be present as
- an annex object. If so, populate the pointer file with it.
- But if worktree file does not have a pointer file's content, it is left
- as-is.
- Normally the keys database is updated incrementally when changes are
- noticed. For an initial scan, this is faster than that incremental
- update.
scanAnnexedFiles :: Annex ()
scanAnnexedFiles = whenM (inRepo Git.Ref.headExists <&&> not <$> isBareRepo) $
Database.Keys.runWriter' (Just reconciler) (const noop)
reconciler dbh = do
scanAnnexedFiles = whenM (inRepo Git.Ref.headExists <&&> not <$> isBareRepo) $ do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ Database.Keys.SQL.dropAllAssociatedFiles dbh
Database.Keys.runWriter $
liftIO . Database.Keys.SQL.dropAllAssociatedFiles
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ Git.LsTree.lsTree
(Git.LsTree.LsTreeLong True)
catObjectStreamLsTree l want g (go dbh)
catObjectStreamLsTree l want g go
liftIO $ void cleanup
-- Want to process symlinks, and regular files.
want i = case Git.Types.toTreeItemType (Git.LsTree.mode i) of
Just Git.Types.TreeSymlink -> Just (i, False)
@ -105,16 +103,17 @@ scanAnnexedFiles = whenM (inRepo Git.Ref.headExists <&&> not <$> isBareRepo) $
Just n | n < maxPointerSz -> Just (i, True)
_ -> Nothing
go dbh getnext = liftIO getnext >>= \case
go getnext = liftIO getnext >>= \case
Just ((i, isregfile), Just c) -> do
maybe noop (add i isregfile dbh)
maybe noop (add i isregfile)
(parseLinkTargetOrPointer (L.toStrict c))
go dbh getnext
go getnext
_ -> return ()
add i isregfile dbh k = do
add i isregfile k = do
let tf = Git.LsTree.file i
liftIO $ Database.Keys.SQL.addAssociatedFileFast k tf dbh
Database.Keys.runWriter $
liftIO . Database.Keys.SQL.addAssociatedFileFast k tf
whenM (pure isregfile <&&> inAnnex k) $ do
f <- fromRepo $ fromTopFilePath tf
liftIO (isPointerFile f) >>= \case

View file

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ module Database.Keys (
) where
import qualified Database.Keys.SQL as SQL
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ runReader a = do
v <- a (SQL.ReadHandle qh)
return (v, st)
go DbClosed = do
st' <- openDb True Nothing DbClosed
st' <- openDb True DbClosed
v <- case st' of
(DbOpen qh) -> a (SQL.ReadHandle qh)
_ -> return mempty
@ -88,15 +87,7 @@ runReaderIO a = runReader (liftIO . a)
- The database is created if it doesn't exist yet. -}
runWriter :: (SQL.WriteHandle -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()
runWriter = runWriter' Nothing
runWriterIO :: (SQL.WriteHandle -> IO ()) -> Annex ()
runWriterIO a = runWriter (liftIO . a)
{- When a reconcile action is passed, it is run by reconcileStaged instead
- of its usual scan, and must update the database in the same way. -}
runWriter' :: Maybe (SQL.WriteHandle -> Annex ()) -> (SQL.WriteHandle -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()
runWriter' reconciler a = do
runWriter a = do
h <- Annex.getRead Annex.keysdbhandle
withDbState h go
@ -104,12 +95,15 @@ runWriter' reconciler a = do
v <- a (SQL.WriteHandle qh)
return (v, st)
go st = do
st' <- openDb False reconciler st
st' <- openDb False st
v <- case st' of
DbOpen qh -> a (SQL.WriteHandle qh)
_ -> error "internal"
return (v, st')
runWriterIO :: (SQL.WriteHandle -> IO ()) -> Annex ()
runWriterIO a = runWriter (liftIO . a)
{- Opens the database, creating it if it doesn't exist yet.
- Multiple readers and writers can have the database open at the same
@ -118,10 +112,10 @@ runWriter' reconciler a = do
- the database doesn't exist yet, one caller wins the lock and
- can create it undisturbed.
openDb :: Bool -> (Maybe (SQL.WriteHandle -> Annex ())) -> DbState -> Annex DbState
openDb _ _ st@(DbOpen _) = return st
openDb False _ DbUnavailable = return DbUnavailable
openDb forwrite reconciler _ = catchPermissionDenied permerr $ withExclusiveLock gitAnnexKeysDbLock $ do
openDb :: Bool -> DbState -> Annex DbState
openDb _ st@(DbOpen _) = return st
openDb False DbUnavailable = return DbUnavailable
openDb forwrite _ = catchPermissionDenied permerr $ withExclusiveLock gitAnnexKeysDbLock $ do
dbdir <- fromRepo gitAnnexKeysDb
let db = dbdir P.</> "db"
dbexists <- liftIO $ R.doesPathExist db
@ -139,7 +133,7 @@ openDb forwrite reconciler _ = catchPermissionDenied permerr $ withExclusiveLock
open db = do
qh <- liftIO $ H.openDbQueue H.MultiWriter db SQL.containedTable
reconcileStaged qh reconciler
reconcileStaged qh
return $ DbOpen qh
{- Closes the database if it was open. Any writes will be flushed to it.
@ -229,8 +223,8 @@ isInodeKnown i s = or <$> runReaderIO ((:[]) <$$> SQL.isInodeKnown i s)
- So when using getAssociatedFiles, have to make sure the file still
- is an associated file.
reconcileStaged :: H.DbQueue -> Maybe (SQL.WriteHandle -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()
reconcileStaged qh mreconciler = do
reconcileStaged :: H.DbQueue -> Annex ()
reconcileStaged qh = do
gitindex <- inRepo currentIndexFile
indexcache <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo gitAnnexKeysDbIndexCache
withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache gitindex) >>= \case
@ -252,21 +246,12 @@ reconcileStaged qh mreconciler = do
go cur indexcache (Just newtree) = do
oldtree <- getoldtree
when (oldtree /= newtree) $ do
case mreconciler of
Just reconciler ->
reconciler (SQL.WriteHandle qh)
Nothing -> noop
g <- Annex.gitRepo
void $ catstream $ \mdfeeder -> do
case mreconciler of
Nothing -> void $ updatetodiff g
void $ catstream $ \mdfeeder ->
void $ updatetodiff g
(Just (fromRef oldtree))
(fromRef newtree)
(procdiff mdfeeder)
Just _ -> void $ updatetodiff g
Nothing "--staged"
(procdiff mdfeeder)
liftIO $ writeFile indexcache $ showInodeCache cur
-- Storing the tree in a ref makes sure it does not
-- get garbage collected, and is available to diff