pairing works!!
Finally. Last bug fixes here: Send PairResp with same UUID in the PairReq. Fix off-by-one in code that filters out our own pairing messages. Also reworked the pairing alerts, which are still slightly buggy.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 51 additions and 40 deletions
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ data AlertName
= FileAlert TenseChunk
| SanityCheckFixAlert
| WarningAlert String
| PairRequestReceivedAlert String
| PairAlert String
deriving (Eq)
{- The first alert is the new alert, the second is an old alert.
@ -293,18 +293,27 @@ pairingAlert button = baseActivityAlert
, alertButton = Just button
pairRequestReceivedAlert :: String -> String -> AlertButton -> Alert
pairRequestReceivedAlert repo msg button = Alert
pairRequestReceivedAlert :: String -> AlertButton -> Alert
pairRequestReceivedAlert repo button = Alert
{ alertClass = Message
, alertHeader = Nothing
, alertMessageRender = tenseWords
, alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack msg]
, alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack $ repo ++ " is sending a pair request."]
, alertBlockDisplay = False
, alertPriority = High
, alertClosable = True
, alertIcon = Just InfoIcon
, alertName = Just $ PairRequestReceivedAlert repo
, alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ const id
, alertName = Just $ PairAlert repo
, alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
, alertButton = Just button
pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert :: String -> AlertButton -> Alert
pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert repo button = baseActivityAlert
{ alertData = ["Pair request with", UnTensed (T.pack repo), Tensed "in progress" "complete"]
, alertPriority = High
, alertName = Just $ PairAlert repo
, alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
, alertButton = Just button
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ data PairingInProgress = PairingInProgress
, inProgressPairData :: PairData
, inProgressPairStage :: PairStage
deriving (Show)
data SomeAddr = IPv4Addr HostAddress | IPv6Addr HostAddress6
deriving (Ord, Eq, Read, Show)
@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ multicastPairMsg repeats secret pairdata stage = go M.empty repeats
threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 2)
go cache' $ pred <$> n
sendinterface cache i = void $ catchMaybeIO $
withSocketsDo $ bracket
(multicastSender (multicastAddress i) pairingPort)
(sClose . fst)
(\(sock, addr) -> do
withSocketsDo $ bracket setup cleanup use
setup = multicastSender (multicastAddress i) pairingPort
cleanup (sock, _) = sClose sock -- FIXME does not work
use (sock, addr) = do
setInterface sock (showAddr i)
maybe noop (\s -> void $ sendTo sock s addr)
(M.lookup i cache)
updatecache cache [] = cache
updatecache cache (i:is)
| M.member i cache = updatecache cache is
@ -106,3 +106,19 @@ activeNetworkAddresses :: IO [SomeAddr]
activeNetworkAddresses = filter (not . all (`elem` "0.:") . showAddr)
. concat . map (\ni -> [toSomeAddr $ ipv4 ni, toSomeAddr $ ipv6 ni])
<$> getNetworkInterfaces
{- A human-visible description of the repository being paired with.
- Note that the repository's description is not shown to the user, because
- it could be something like "my repo", which is confusing when pairing
- with someone else's repo. However, this has the same format as the
- default decription of a repo. -}
pairRepo :: PairMsg -> String
pairRepo msg = concat
[ remoteUserName d
, "@"
, fromMaybe (showAddr $ pairMsgAddr msg) (remoteHostName d)
, ":"
, remoteDirectory d
d = pairMsgData msg
@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ data SshKeyPair = SshKeyPair
, sshPrivKey :: String
instance Show SshKeyPair where
show = sshPubKey
type SshPubKey = String
{- ssh -ofoo=bar command-line option -}
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.Alert
import Utility.Tense
import Network.Multicast
import Network.Socket
@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ pairListenerThread st dstatus scanremotes urlrenderer = thread $ withSocketsDo $
sane <- checkSane msg
(pip, verified) <- verificationCheck m
=<< (pairingInProgress <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus)
let wrongstage = maybe False (\p -> pairMsgStage m < inProgressPairStage p) pip
let wrongstage = maybe False (\p -> pairMsgStage m <= inProgressPairStage p) pip
case (wrongstage, sane, pairMsgStage m) of
-- ignore our own messages, and
-- out of order messages
@ -107,32 +106,13 @@ pairReqReceived True _ _ _ = noop -- ignore our own PairReq
pairReqReceived False dstatus urlrenderer msg = do
url <- renderUrl urlrenderer (FinishPairR msg) []
void $ addAlert dstatus $ pairRequestReceivedAlert repo
(repo ++ " is sending a pair request.") $
{ buttonUrl = url
, buttonLabel = T.pack "Respond"
, buttonAction = Just onclick
, buttonAction = Nothing
pairdata = pairMsgData msg
repo = concat
[ remoteUserName pairdata
, "@"
, fromMaybe (showAddr $ pairMsgAddr msg)
(remoteHostName pairdata)
, ":"
, (remoteDirectory pairdata)
{- Remove the button when it's clicked, and change the
- alert to be in progress. This alert cannot be entirely
- removed since more pair request messages are coming in
- and would re-add it. -}
onclick i = updateAlert dstatus i $ \alert -> Just $ alert
{ alertButton = Nothing
, alertClass = Activity
, alertIcon = Just ActivityIcon
, alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack $ "pair request with " ++ repo ++ " in progress"]
repo = pairRepo msg
{- When a verified PairAck is seen, a host is ready to pair with us, and has
- already configured our ssh key. Stop sending PairReqs, finish the pairing,
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent
{- Starts sending out pair requests. -}
getStartPairR :: Handler RepHtml
getStartPairR = promptSecret Nothing $ startPairing PairReq noop
getStartPairR = promptSecret Nothing $ startPairing PairReq noop pairingAlert Nothing
getStartPairR = noPairing
@ -54,11 +54,13 @@ getFinishPairR :: PairMsg -> Handler RepHtml
getFinishPairR msg = promptSecret (Just msg) $ \_ secret -> do
liftIO $ setup
startPairing PairAck cleanup "" secret
startPairing PairAck cleanup alert uuid "" secret
alert = pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert $ pairRepo msg
setup = setupAuthorizedKeys msg
cleanup = removeAuthorizedKeys False $
remoteSshPubKey $ pairMsgData msg
uuid = Just $ pairUUID $ pairMsgData msg
getFinishPairR _ = noPairing
@ -83,8 +85,8 @@ getInprogressPairR _ = noPairing
- Redirects to the pairing in progress page.
startPairing :: PairStage -> IO () -> Text -> Secret -> Widget
startPairing stage oncancel displaysecret secret = do
startPairing :: PairStage -> IO () -> (AlertButton -> Alert) -> Maybe UUID -> Text -> Secret -> Widget
startPairing stage oncancel alert muuid displaysecret secret = do
keypair <- liftIO $ genSshKeyPair
dstatus <- daemonStatus <$> lift getYesod
urlrender <- lift getUrlRender
@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ startPairing stage oncancel displaysecret secret = do
<*> liftIO getUserName
<*> (fromJust . relDir <$> lift getYesod)
<*> pure (sshPubKey keypair)
<*> liftIO genUUID
<*> liftIO (maybe genUUID return muuid)
liftIO $ do
let sender = multicastPairMsg Nothing secret pairdata
let pip = PairingInProgress secret Nothing keypair pairdata stage
@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ startPairing stage oncancel displaysecret secret = do
killThread tid
alertDuring dstatus (pairingAlert selfdestruct) $ do
alertDuring dstatus (alert selfdestruct) $ do
_ <- E.try (sender stage) :: IO (Either E.SomeException ())
return ()
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