registerurl, unregisterurl: Added --remote option

This serves two purposes. --remote=web bypasses other special remotes that
claim the url, same as addurl --raw. And, specifying some other remote
allows making sure that an url is claimed by the remote you expect,
which makes then using setpresentkey not be fragile.

Sponsored-By: the NIH-funded NICEMAN (ReproNim TR&D3) project
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2023-04-05 15:46:51 -04:00
parent c39d72ac78
commit 2b940f7725
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
14 changed files with 76 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ git-annex (10.20230330) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Fix laziness bug introduced in last release that breaks use
of --unlock-present and --hide-missing adjusted branches.
* Support user.useConfigOnly git config.
* registerurl, unregisterurl: Added --remote option.
-- Joey Hess <> Fri, 31 Mar 2023 12:48:54 -0400

View file

@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ parseAutoOption = switch
<> help "automatic mode"
parseRemoteOption :: RemoteName -> DeferredParse Remote
parseRemoteOption = DeferredParse
mkParseRemoteOption :: RemoteName -> DeferredParse Remote
mkParseRemoteOption = DeferredParse
. (fromJust <$$> Remote.byNameWithUUID)
. Just
@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ instance DeferredParseClass FromToOptions where
parseFromToOptions :: Parser FromToOptions
parseFromToOptions =
(FromRemote . parseRemoteOption <$> parseFromOption)
<|> (ToRemote . parseRemoteOption <$> parseToOption)
(FromRemote . mkParseRemoteOption <$> parseFromOption)
<|> (ToRemote . mkParseRemoteOption <$> parseToOption)
parseFromOption :: Parser RemoteName
parseFromOption = strOption
@ -162,6 +162,12 @@ parseToOption = strOption
<> completeRemotes
parseRemoteOption :: Parser RemoteName
parseRemoteOption = strOption
( long "remote" <> metavar paramRemote
<> completeRemotes
-- | From or to a remote, or both, or a special --to=here
data FromToHereOptions
= FromOrToRemote FromToOptions
@ -174,14 +180,14 @@ parseFromToHereOptions = go
<*> optional parseToOption
go (Just from) (Just to) = Just $ FromRemoteToRemote
(parseRemoteOption from)
(parseRemoteOption to)
(mkParseRemoteOption from)
(mkParseRemoteOption to)
go (Just from) Nothing = Just $ FromOrToRemote
(FromRemote $ parseRemoteOption from)
(FromRemote $ mkParseRemoteOption from)
go Nothing (Just to) = Just $ case to of
"here" -> ToHere
"." -> ToHere
_ -> FromOrToRemote $ ToRemote $ parseRemoteOption to
_ -> FromOrToRemote $ ToRemote $ mkParseRemoteOption to
go Nothing Nothing = Nothing
instance DeferredParseClass FromToHereOptions where

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ optParser desc = DropOptions
<*> parseBatchOption True
parseDropFromOption :: Parser (DeferredParse Remote)
parseDropFromOption = parseRemoteOption <$> strOption
parseDropFromOption = mkParseRemoteOption <$> strOption
( long "from" <> short 'f' <> metavar paramRemote
<> help "drop content from a remote"
<> completeRemotes

View file

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ data ExportOptions = ExportOptions
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser ExportOptions
optParser _ = ExportOptions
<$> (Git.Ref <$> parsetreeish)
<*> (parseRemoteOption <$> parseToOption)
<*> (mkParseRemoteOption <$> parseToOption)
<*> parsetracking
parsetreeish = argument str

View file

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ data IncrementalOpt
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser FsckOptions
optParser desc = FsckOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> optional (parseRemoteOption <$> strOption
<*> optional (mkParseRemoteOption <$> strOption
( long "from" <> short 'f' <> metavar paramRemote
<> help "check remote"
<> completeRemotes

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ data GetOptions = GetOptions
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser GetOptions
optParser desc = GetOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> optional (parseRemoteOption <$> parseFromOption)
<*> optional (mkParseRemoteOption <$> parseFromOption)
<*> parseAutoOption
<*> optional (parseIncompleteOption <|> parseKeyOptions <|> parseFailedTransfersOption)
<*> parseBatchOption True

View file

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ data ImportOptions
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser ImportOptions
optParser desc = do
ps <- cmdParams desc
mfromremote <- optional $ parseRemoteOption <$> parseFromOption
mfromremote <- optional $ mkParseRemoteOption <$> parseFromOption
content <- invertableSwitch "content" True
( help "do not get contents of imported files"

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Command
import Logs.Web
import Command.FromKey (keyOpt, keyOpt')
import qualified Remote
import Annex.UUID
cmd :: Command
cmd = withAnnexOptions [jsonOptions] $ command "registerurl"
@ -21,24 +22,26 @@ cmd = withAnnexOptions [jsonOptions] $ command "registerurl"
data RegisterUrlOptions = RegisterUrlOptions
{ keyUrlPairs :: CmdParams
, batchOption :: BatchMode
, remoteOption :: Maybe (DeferredParse Remote)
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser RegisterUrlOptions
optParser desc = RegisterUrlOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> parseBatchOption False
<*> optional (mkParseRemoteOption <$> parseRemoteOption)
seek :: RegisterUrlOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = case (batchOption o, keyUrlPairs o) of
(Batch fmt, _) -> seekBatch setUrlPresent o fmt
-- older way of enabling batch input, does not support BatchNull
(NoBatch, []) -> seekBatch setUrlPresent o (BatchFormat BatchLine (BatchKeys False))
(NoBatch, ps) -> commandAction (start setUrlPresent ps)
(NoBatch, ps) -> commandAction (start setUrlPresent o ps)
seekBatch :: (Key -> URLString -> Annex ()) -> RegisterUrlOptions -> BatchFormat -> CommandSeek
seekBatch a o fmt = batchOnly Nothing (keyUrlPairs o) $
batchInput fmt (pure . parsebatch) $
batchCommandAction . start' a
batchCommandAction . start' a o
parsebatch l =
let (keyname, u) = separate (== ' ') l
@ -48,21 +51,29 @@ seekBatch a o fmt = batchOnly Nothing (keyUrlPairs o) $
Left e -> Left e
Right k -> Right (k, u)
start :: (Key -> URLString -> Annex ()) -> [String] -> CommandStart
start a (keyname:url:[]) = start' a (si, (keyOpt keyname, url))
start :: (Key -> URLString -> Annex ()) -> RegisterUrlOptions -> [String] -> CommandStart
start a o (keyname:url:[]) = start' a o (si, (keyOpt keyname, url))
si = SeekInput [keyname, url]
start _ _ = giveup "specify a key and an url"
start _ _ _ = giveup "specify a key and an url"
start' :: (Key -> URLString -> Annex ()) -> (SeekInput, (Key, URLString)) -> CommandStart
start' a (si, (key, url)) =
start' :: (Key -> URLString -> Annex ()) -> RegisterUrlOptions -> (SeekInput, (Key, URLString)) -> CommandStart
start' a o (si, (key, url)) =
starting "registerurl" ai si $
perform a key url
perform a o key url
ai = ActionItemOther (Just url)
perform :: (Key -> URLString -> Annex ()) -> Key -> URLString -> CommandPerform
perform a key url = do
r <- Remote.claimingUrl url
a key (setDownloader' url r)
next $ return True
perform :: (Key -> URLString -> Annex ()) -> RegisterUrlOptions -> Key -> URLString -> CommandPerform
perform a o key url = do
needremote <- maybe (pure Nothing) (Just <$$> getParsed) (remoteOption o)
r <- case needremote of
Just nr | Remote.uuid nr == webUUID -> pure nr
_ -> Remote.claimingUrl url
case needremote of
Just nr | nr /= r -> do
showNote $ "The url " ++ url ++ " is claimed by remote " ++ r
next $ return False
_ -> do
a key (setDownloader' url r)
next $ return True

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ cmd = withAnnexOptions [jsonOptions] $ command "unregisterurl"
seek :: RegisterUrlOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = case (batchOption o, keyUrlPairs o) of
(Batch fmt, _) -> seekBatch unregisterUrl o fmt
(NoBatch, ps) -> commandAction (start unregisterUrl ps)
(NoBatch, ps) -> commandAction (start unregisterUrl o ps)
unregisterUrl :: Key -> String -> Annex ()
unregisterUrl key url = do

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ So, you can then use registerurl with --remote=$uuid, check that it
succeeded, and then use setpresentkey to mark it present on that uuid.
Without the fragility you complained of.
Update: The --remote parameter is implemented now.
(Could registerurl with --remote update location tracking itself? Maybe,
but I'd worry about a scenario like in the previous comment.)

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@ -17,8 +17,19 @@ Normally the key is a git-annex formatted key. However, to make it easier
to use this to add urls, if the key cannot be parsed as a key, and is a
valid url, an URL key is constructed from the url.
Registering an url makes content be treated as being present in the web
special remote, unless some other special remote claims the url.
* `--remote=name|uuid`
Indicate that the url is expected to be claimed by the specified remote.
If some other remote claims the url instead, registering it will fail.
Note that `--remote=web` will prevent any other remote from claiming
the url.
* `--batch`
In batch input mode, lines are read from stdin, and each line

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@ -19,6 +19,14 @@ parsed as a key, and is a valid url, an URL key is constructed from the url.
* `--remote=name|uuid`
Indicate that the url is expected to be claimed by the specified remote.
If some other remote claims the url instead, unregistering it will fail.
Note that `--remote=web` will prevent any other remote from claiming
the url.
* `--batch`
In batch input mode, lines are read from stdin, and each line

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@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ If a remote can handle some urls (e.g. regular http) which annex can handle as w
[[!meta author=yoh]]
[[!tag projects/repronim]]
> [[fixed|done]] --[[Joey]]

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 4"""
Implemented --remote for registerurl and unregisterurl. Including the --remote=web
special case.