add flags, and change to subcommand style

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2010-10-14 21:10:59 -04:00
parent 4c3ad80f32
commit 29039fdf97
7 changed files with 59 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ module Annex (
) where
import Control.Monad.State
@ -18,7 +21,11 @@ import qualified BackendTypes as Backend
new :: Git.Repo -> IO AnnexState
new g = do
let s = Backend.AnnexState { Backend.repo = g, Backend.backends = [] }
let s = Backend.AnnexState {
Backend.repo = g,
Backend.backends = [],
Backend.flags = []
(_,s') <- s (prep g)
return s'
@ -49,3 +56,12 @@ backendsChange b = do
state <- get
put state { Backend.backends = b }
return ()
flagIsSet :: Flag -> Annex Bool
flagIsSet flag = do
state <- get
return $ elem flag $ Backend.flags state
flagsChange :: [Flag] -> Annex ()
flagsChange b = do
state <- get
put state { Backend.flags = b }
return ()

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@ -9,11 +9,16 @@ import Control.Monad.State (StateT)
import Data.String.Utils
import qualified GitRepo as Git
-- command-line flags
data Flag = Force
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
-- git-annex's runtime state type doesn't really belong here,
-- but it uses Backend, so has to be here to avoid a depends loop.
data AnnexState = AnnexState {
repo :: Git.Repo,
backends :: [Backend]
backends :: [Backend],
flags :: [Flag]
} deriving (Show)
-- git-annex's monad

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex command line -}
module Commands (argvToActions) where
module Commands (parseCmd) where
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
@ -21,30 +21,34 @@ import Types
import Core
import qualified Remotes
options :: [OptDescr (String -> Annex ())]
options =
[ Option ['a'] ["add"] (NoArg addCmd) "add files to annex"
, Option ['p'] ["push"] (NoArg pushCmd) "push annex to repos"
, Option ['P'] ["pull"] (NoArg pullCmd) "pull annex from repos"
, Option ['w'] ["want"] (NoArg wantCmd) "request file contents"
, Option ['g'] ["get"] (NoArg getCmd) "transfer file contents"
, Option ['d'] ["drop"] (NoArg dropCmd) "indicate file contents not needed"
, Option ['u'] ["unannex"] (NoArg unannexCmd) "undo --add"
{- Parses command line and returns a list of actons to be run in the Annex
- monad. -}
argvToActions :: [String] -> IO [Annex ()]
argvToActions argv = do
case getOpt Permute options argv of
([],files,[]) -> return $ map defaultCmd files
-- one mode is normal case
(m:[],files,[]) -> return $ map m files
-- multiple modes is an error
(ms,files,[]) -> ioError (userError ("only one mode should be specified\n" ++ usageInfo header options))
-- error case
(_,files,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
where header = "Usage: git-annex [mode] file"
parseCmd :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [Annex ()])
parseCmd argv = do
(flags, nonopts) <- getopt
case (length nonopts) of
0 -> error header
_ -> do
let c = lookupCmd (nonopts !! 0)
if (0 == length c)
then return $ (flags, map defaultCmd nonopts)
else do
return $ (flags, map (snd $ c !! 0) $ drop 1 nonopts)
getopt = case getOpt Permute options argv of
(flags, nonopts, []) -> return (flags, nonopts)
(_, _, errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
lookupCmd cmd = filter (\(c, a) -> c == cmd) cmds
cmds = [ ("add", addCmd)
, ("push", pushCmd)
, ("pull", pullCmd)
, ("want", wantCmd)
, ("drop", dropCmd)
, ("unannex", unannexCmd)
header = "Usage: git-annex [" ++
(join "|" $ map fst cmds) ++ "] file ..."
options = [ Option ['f'] ["force"] (NoArg Force) "" ]
{- Default mode is to annex a file if it is not already, and otherwise
- get its content. -}

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@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ import qualified GitRepo as Git
import qualified Annex
{- Sets up a git repo for git-annex. -}
setup :: Annex ()
setup = do
startup :: [Flag] -> Annex ()
startup flags = do
Annex.flagsChange flags
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ gitAttributes g

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
* --push/--pull/--want
* recurse on directories
* how to handle git mv file?
* finish BackendChecksum

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@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ module Types (
) where
import BackendTypes

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@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ import qualified GitRepo as Git
main = do
args <- getArgs
actions <- argvToActions args
(flags, actions) <- parseCmd args
gitrepo <- Git.repoFromCwd
state <- new gitrepo
tryRun state $ [setup] ++ actions ++ [shutdown]
tryRun state $ [startup flags] ++ actions ++ [shutdown]
{- Runs a list of Annex actions. Catches exceptions, not stopping
- if some error out, and propigates an overall error status at the end.