convert importfeed to youtube-dl
Fully working, including --fast/--relaxed. Note that, while git-annex addurl --relaxed is not going to check youtube-dl, I kept git annex importfeed --relaxed checking it. Thinking is that, let's not break people's importfeed cron jobs, and importfeed does not typically have to check a large number of new items, so it's ok if it's a little bit slower when used with youtube playlist feeds. importfeed's behavior is also improved (?) when a feed has links in it to non-media files. Before, those were skipped. Now, the content of the link is downloaded. This had to be done, because trying to use youtube-dl is slow, and if those were skipped, it would have to check every time importfeed was run. While this behavior change may not be desirable for some feeds, that intersperse links to web pages with enclosures, it will be desirable for other feeds, that have non-enclosure directy links to media files. Remove old quvi modules. This commit was sponsored by Øyvind Andersen Holm.
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 85 additions and 273 deletions
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ import Types.LockCache
import Types.DesktopNotify
import Types.CleanupActions
import qualified Database.Keys.Handle as Keys
import Utility.Quvi (QuviVersion)
import Utility.InodeCache
import Utility.Url
@ -134,7 +133,6 @@ data AnnexState = AnnexState
, errcounter :: Integer
, unusedkeys :: Maybe (S.Set Key)
, tempurls :: M.Map Key URLString
, quviversion :: Maybe QuviVersion
, existinghooks :: M.Map Git.Hook.Hook Bool
, desktopnotify :: DesktopNotify
, workers :: [Either AnnexState (Async AnnexState)]
@ -190,7 +188,6 @@ newState c r = do
, errcounter = 0
, unusedkeys = Nothing
, tempurls = M.empty
, quviversion = Nothing
, existinghooks = M.empty
, desktopnotify = mempty
, workers = []
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
{- quvi options for git-annex
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Annex.Quvi where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import Utility.Quvi
import Utility.Url
withQuviOptions :: forall a. Query a -> [QuviParams] -> URLString -> Annex a
withQuviOptions a ps url = do
v <- quviVersion
opts <- return []
liftIO $ a v (concatMap (\mkp -> mkp v) ps ++ opts) url
quviSupported :: URLString -> Annex Bool
quviSupported u = liftIO . flip supported u =<< quviVersion
quviVersion :: Annex QuviVersion
quviVersion = go =<< Annex.getState Annex.quviversion
go (Just v) = return v
go Nothing = do
v <- liftIO probeVersion
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.quviversion = Just v }
return v
@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ buildFlags = filter (not . null)
-- Always enabled now, but users may be used to seeing these flags
-- listed.
, "Feeds"
, "Quvi"
-- Not a complete list, let alone a listing transitive deps, but only
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ git-annex (6.20171125) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
does not allow doing so without hitting the network, which would make
this no faster than addurl --fast. Use addurl --fast instead if you
want embedded media to be downloaded.
* importfeed now downloads things linked to by feeds, even when they are
not media files.
-- Joey Hess <> Tue, 28 Nov 2017 13:48:44 -0400
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ downloadRemoteFile r relaxed uri file sz = checkCanAdd file $ do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
ifM (Annex.getState <||> pure relaxed)
( do
cleanup (Remote.uuid r) loguri file urlkey Nothing
addWorkTree (Remote.uuid r) loguri file urlkey Nothing
return (Just urlkey)
, do
-- Set temporary url for the urlkey
@ -214,46 +214,6 @@ performWeb o url file urlinfo = ifAnnexed file addurl geturl
addurl = addUrlChecked (relaxedOption o) url webUUID $ \k -> return $
(Url.urlExists urlinfo, Url.urlSize urlinfo == keySize k)
performQuvi :: Bool -> URLString -> URLString -> FilePath -> CommandPerform
performQuvi relaxed pageurl videourl file = ifAnnexed file addurl geturl
quviurl = setDownloader pageurl QuviDownloader
addurl key = next $ do
cleanup webUUID quviurl file key Nothing
return True
geturl = next $ isJust <$> addUrlFileQuvi relaxed quviurl videourl file
addUrlFileQuvi :: Bool -> URLString -> URLString -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key)
addUrlFileQuvi relaxed quviurl videourl file = checkCanAdd file $ do
let key = Backend.URL.fromUrl quviurl Nothing
ifM (pure relaxed <||> Annex.getState
( do
cleanup webUUID quviurl file key Nothing
return (Just key)
, do
{- Get the size, and use that to check
- disk space. However, the size info is not
- retained, because the size of a video stream
- might change and we want to be able to download
- it later. -}
urlinfo <- Url.withUrlOptions (Url.getUrlInfo videourl)
let sizedkey = addSizeUrlKey urlinfo key
checkDiskSpaceToGet sizedkey Nothing $ do
tmp <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation key
ok <- Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download afile $
|||| webUUID key afile Transfer.forwardRetry $ \p -> do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir tmp)
downloadUrl key p [videourl] tmp
if ok
then do
cleanup webUUID quviurl file key (Just tmp)
return (Just key)
else return Nothing
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
addUrlChecked :: Bool -> URLString -> UUID -> (Key -> Annex (Bool, Bool)) -> Key -> CommandPerform
addUrlChecked relaxed url u checkexistssize key
| relaxed = do
@ -321,7 +281,7 @@ downloadWeb url urlinfo file =
pruneTmpWorkDirBefore tmp (liftIO . nukeFile)
let dest = takeFileName mediafile
showDestinationFile dest
cleanup webUUID mediaurl dest mediakey (Just mediafile)
addWorkTree webUUID mediaurl dest mediakey (Just mediafile)
return $ Right $ Just mediakey
Right Nothing -> Right <$> normalfinish tmp
Left msg -> return $ Left msg
@ -379,15 +339,16 @@ finishDownloadWith tmp u url file = do
case k of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (key, _) -> do
cleanup u url file key (Just tmp)
addWorkTree u url file key (Just tmp)
return (Just key)
{- Adds the url size to the Key. -}
addSizeUrlKey :: Url.UrlInfo -> Key -> Key
addSizeUrlKey urlinfo key = key { keySize = Url.urlSize urlinfo }
cleanup :: UUID -> URLString -> FilePath -> Key -> Maybe FilePath -> Annex ()
cleanup u url file key mtmp = case mtmp of
{- Adds worktree file to the repository. -}
addWorkTree :: UUID -> URLString -> FilePath -> Key -> Maybe FilePath -> Annex ()
addWorkTree u url file key mtmp = case mtmp of
Nothing -> go
Just tmp -> do
-- Move to final location for large file check.
@ -418,7 +379,7 @@ nodownload :: URLString -> Url.UrlInfo -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key)
nodownload url urlinfo file
| Url.urlExists urlinfo = do
let key = Backend.URL.fromUrl url (Url.urlSize urlinfo)
cleanup webUUID url file key Nothing
addWorkTree webUUID url file key Nothing
return (Just key)
| otherwise = do
warning $ "unable to access url: " ++ url
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ import Command.AddUrl (addUrlFile, downloadRemoteFile, parseRelaxedOption, parse
import Annex.Perms
import Annex.UUID
import Backend.URL (fromUrl)
import Annex.Quvi
import qualified Utility.Quvi as Quvi
import Command.AddUrl (addUrlFileQuvi)
import Annex.Content
import Annex.YoutubeDl
import Types.MetaData
import Logs.MetaData
import Annex.MetaData
import Command.AddUrl (addWorkTree)
cmd :: Command
cmd = notBareRepo $
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ data ToDownload = ToDownload
, location :: DownloadLocation
data DownloadLocation = Enclosure URLString | QuviLink URLString
data DownloadLocation = Enclosure URLString | MediaLink URLString
type ItemId = String
@ -141,14 +141,10 @@ findDownloads u = go =<< downloadFeed u
Just (enclosureurl, _, _) -> return $
Just $ ToDownload f u i $ Enclosure $
fromFeed enclosureurl
Nothing -> mkquvi f i
mkquvi f i = case getItemLink i of
Just link -> ifM (quviSupported $ fromFeed link)
( return $ Just $ ToDownload f u i $ QuviLink $
fromFeed link
, return Nothing
Nothing -> return Nothing
Nothing -> case getItemLink i of
Just link -> return $ Just $ ToDownload f u i $
MediaLink $ fromFeed link
Nothing -> return Nothing
{- Feeds change, so a feed download cannot be resumed. -}
downloadFeed :: URLString -> Annex (Maybe Feed)
@ -192,19 +188,18 @@ performDownload opts cache todownload = case location todownload of
then catMaybes kl
else []
QuviLink pageurl -> do
let quviurl = setDownloader pageurl QuviDownloader
checkknown quviurl $ do
mp <- withQuviOptions Quvi.query [Quvi.quiet, Quvi.httponly] pageurl
case mp of
Nothing -> return False
Just page -> case headMaybe $ Quvi.pageLinks page of
Nothing -> return False
Just link -> do
let videourl = Quvi.linkUrl link
checkknown videourl $
rundownload videourl ("." ++ fromMaybe "m" (Quvi.linkSuffix link)) $ \f ->
maybeToList <$> addUrlFileQuvi (relaxedOption opts) quviurl videourl f
MediaLink linkurl -> do
let mediaurl = setDownloader linkurl YoutubeDownloader
let mediakey = Backend.URL.fromUrl mediaurl Nothing
-- Old versions of git-annex that used quvi might have
-- used the quviurl for this, so check i/f it's known
-- to avoid adding it a second time.
let quviurl = setDownloader linkurl QuviDownloader
checkknown mediaurl $ checkknown quviurl $
ifM (Annex.getState <||> pure (relaxedOption opts))
( addmediafast linkurl mediaurl mediakey
, downloadmedia linkurl mediaurl mediakey
forced = Annex.getState Annex.force
@ -265,6 +260,44 @@ performDownload opts cache todownload = case location todownload of
( return Nothing
, tryanother
downloadmedia linkurl mediaurl mediakey = do
r <- withTmpWorkDir mediakey $ \workdir -> do
dl <- youtubeDl linkurl workdir
case dl of
Right (Just mediafile) -> do
let ext = case takeExtension mediafile of
[] -> ".m"
s -> s
ok <- rundownload linkurl ext $ \f -> do
addWorkTree webUUID mediaurl f mediakey (Just mediafile)
return [mediakey]
return (Right ok)
-- youtude-dl didn't support it, so
-- download it as if the link were
-- an enclosure.
Right Nothing -> Right <$>
performDownload opts cache todownload
{ location = Enclosure linkurl }
Left msg -> return (Left msg)
case r of
Left msg -> do
warning msg
return False
Right b -> return b
addmediafast linkurl mediaurl mediakey =
youtubeDlSupported linkurl >>= \case
Right True ->
rundownload linkurl ".m" $ \f -> do
addWorkTree webUUID mediaurl f mediakey Nothing
return [mediakey]
Right False ->
performDownload opts cache todownload
{ location = Enclosure linkurl }
Left msg -> do
warning msg
return False
defaultTemplate :: String
defaultTemplate = "${feedtitle}/${itemtitle}${extension}"
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
{- querying quvi (import qualified)
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <>
- License: BSD-2-clause
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Utility.Quvi where
import Common
import Utility.Url
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Network.URI (uriAuthority, uriRegName)
import Data.Char
data QuviVersion
= Quvi04
| Quvi09
| NoQuvi
deriving (Show)
data Page = Page
{ pageTitle :: String
, pageLinks :: [Link]
} deriving (Show)
data Link = Link
{ linkSuffix :: Maybe String
, linkUrl :: URLString
} deriving (Show)
{- JSON instances for quvi 0.4. -}
instance FromJSON Page where
parseJSON (Object v) = Page
<$> v .: "page_title"
<*> v .: "link"
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance FromJSON Link where
parseJSON (Object v) = Link
<$> v .:? "file_suffix"
<*> v .: "url"
parseJSON _ = mzero
{- "enum" format used by quvi 0.9 -}
parseEnum :: String -> Maybe Page
parseEnum s = Page
<*> ((:[]) <$>
( Link
get = flip M.lookup m
m = M.fromList $ map (separate (== '=')) $ lines s
probeVersion :: IO QuviVersion
probeVersion = catchDefaultIO NoQuvi $
examine <$> processTranscript "quvi" ["--version"] Nothing
examine (s, True)
| "quvi v0.4" `isInfixOf` s = Quvi04
| otherwise = Quvi09
examine _ = NoQuvi
type Query a = QuviVersion -> [CommandParam] -> URLString -> IO a
{- Throws an error when quvi is not installed. -}
forceQuery :: Query (Maybe Page)
forceQuery v ps url = query' v ps url `catchNonAsync` onerr
onerr e = ifM (inPath "quvi")
( giveup ("quvi failed: " ++ show e)
, giveup "quvi is not installed"
{- Returns Nothing if the page is not a video page, or quvi is not
- installed. -}
query :: Query (Maybe Page)
query v ps url = flip catchNonAsync (const $ return Nothing) (query' v ps url)
query' :: Query (Maybe Page)
query' Quvi09 ps url = parseEnum
<$> readQuvi (toCommand $ [Param "dump", Param "-p", Param "enum"] ++ ps ++ [Param url])
query' Quvi04 ps url = do
let p = proc "quvi" (toCommand $ ps ++ [Param url])
decode . BL.fromStrict
<$> withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p B.hGetContents
query' NoQuvi _ _ = return Nothing
queryLinks :: Query [URLString]
queryLinks v ps url = maybe [] (map linkUrl . pageLinks) <$> query v ps url
{- Checks if quvi can still find a download link for an url.
- If quvi is not installed, returns False. -}
check :: Query Bool
check v ps url = maybe False (not . null . pageLinks) <$> query v ps url
{- Checks if an url is supported by quvi, as quickly as possible
- (without hitting it if possible), and without outputting
- anything. Also returns False if quvi is not installed. -}
supported :: QuviVersion -> URLString -> IO Bool
supported NoQuvi _ = return False
supported Quvi04 url = boolSystem "quvi"
[ Param "--verbosity", Param "mute"
, Param "--support"
, Param url
{- Use quvi-info to see if the url's domain is supported.
- If so, have to do a online verification of the url. -}
supported Quvi09 url = (firstlevel <&&> secondlevel)
`catchNonAsync` (\_ -> return False)
firstlevel = case uriAuthority =<< parseURIRelaxed url of
Nothing -> return False
Just auth -> do
let domain = map toLower $ uriRegName auth
let basedomain = intercalate "." $ reverse $ take 2 $ reverse $ splitc '.' domain
any (\h -> domain `isSuffixOf` h || basedomain `isSuffixOf` h)
. map (map toLower) <$> listdomains Quvi09
secondlevel = snd <$> processTranscript "quvi"
(toCommand [Param "dump", Param "-o", Param url]) Nothing
listdomains :: QuviVersion -> IO [String]
listdomains Quvi09 = concatMap (splitc ',')
. concatMap (drop 1 . words)
. filter ("domains: " `isPrefixOf`) . lines
<$> readQuvi (toCommand [Param "info", Param "-p", Param "domains"])
listdomains _ = return []
type QuviParams = QuviVersion -> [CommandParam]
{- Disables progress, but not information output. -}
quiet :: QuviParams
-- Cannot use quiet as it now disables informational output.
-- No way to disable progress.
quiet Quvi09 = [Param "--verbosity", Param "verbose"]
quiet Quvi04 = [Param "--verbosity", Param "quiet"]
quiet NoQuvi = []
{- Only return http results, not streaming protocols. -}
httponly :: QuviParams
-- No way to do it with 0.9?
httponly Quvi04 = [Param "-c", Param "http"]
httponly _ = [] -- No way to do it with 0.9?
readQuvi :: [String] -> IO String
readQuvi ps = withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p $ \h -> do
r <- hGetContentsStrict h
hClose h
return r
p = proc "quvi" ps
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ git annex importfeed `[url ...]`
Imports the contents of podcast feeds. Only downloads files whose
Imports the contents of podcasts and other feeds. Only downloads files whose
content has not already been added to the repository before, so you can
delete, rename, etc the resulting files and repeated runs won't duplicate
@ -37,6 +37,23 @@ To make the import process add metadata to the imported files from the feed,
These options behave the same as when using [[git-annex-addurl]](1).
* `--fast`
Avoid immediately downloading urls. The url is still checked
(via HEAD) to verify that it exists, and to get its size if possible.
* `--relaxed`
Don't immediately download urls, and avoid storing the size of the
url's content. This makes git-annex accept whatever content is there
at a future point.
* `--raw`
Prevent special handling of urls by youtube-dl, bittorrent, and other
special remotes. This will for example, make importfeed
download a .torrent file and not the contents it points to.
@ -531,7 +531,6 @@ Executable git-annex
@ -1035,7 +1034,6 @@ Executable git-annex
Add table
Reference in a new issue