use the ~/.config/git-annex/program file to find command when running transfers
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 21 additions and 15 deletions
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Logs.Location
import Annex.Content
import qualified Remote
import Types.Key
import Locations.UserConfig
import System.Process (create_group)
@ -30,23 +31,23 @@ maxTransfers = 1
{- Dispatches transfers from the queue. -}
transfererThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> TransferSlots -> IO ()
transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue slots = go
transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue slots = go =<< readProgramFile
go = getNextTransfer transferqueue dstatus notrunning >>= handle
handle Nothing = go
handle (Just (t, info)) = do
go program = getNextTransfer transferqueue dstatus notrunning >>= handle program
handle program Nothing = go program
handle program (Just (t, info)) = do
ifM (runThreadState st $ shouldTransfer t info)
( do
debug thisThread [ "Transferring:" , show t ]
notifyTransfer dstatus
transferThread dstatus slots t info inTransferSlot
transferThread dstatus slots t info inTransferSlot program
, do
debug thisThread [ "Skipping unnecessary transfer:" , show t ]
-- getNextTransfer added t to the
-- daemonstatus's transfer map.
void $ removeTransfer dstatus t
go program
{- Skip transfers that are already running. -}
notrunning i = startedTime i == Nothing
@ -79,8 +80,8 @@ shouldTransfer t info
- the transfer info; the thread will also be killed when a transfer is
- stopped, to avoid it displaying any alert about the transfer having
- failed. -}
transferThread :: DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferSlots -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> TransferSlotRunner -> IO ()
transferThread dstatus slots t info runner = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) of
transferThread :: DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferSlots -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> TransferSlotRunner -> FilePath -> IO ()
transferThread dstatus slots t info runner program = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) of
(Nothing, _) -> noop
(_, Nothing) -> noop
(Just remote, Just file) -> do
@ -93,14 +94,13 @@ transferThread dstatus slots t info runner = case (transferRemote info, associat
transferprocess remote file = void $ do
(_, _, _, pid)
<- createProcess (proc command $ toCommand params)
<- createProcess (proc program $ toCommand params)
{ create_group = True }
status <- waitForProcess pid
addAlert dstatus $
makeAlertFiller (status == ExitSuccess) $
transferFileAlert direction file
command = "git-annex"
params =
[ Param "transferkey"
, Param $ key2file $ transferKey t
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Utility.DataUnits
import Types.Key
import qualified Remote
import qualified Git
import Locations.UserConfig
import Yesod
import Text.Hamlet
@ -211,6 +212,7 @@ startTransfer t = do
{ transferPid = Nothing }
liftIO $ Transferrer.transferThread
dstatus slots t info inImmediateTransferSlot
=<< readProgramFile
getCurrentTransfers :: Handler TransferMap
getCurrentTransfers = currentTransfers
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ autostart command = genDesktopEntry
(command ++ " assistant --autostart")
writeDesktop :: String -> IO ()
writeDesktop :: FilePath -> IO ()
writeDesktop command = do
destdir <- catchDefaultIO (getEnv "DESTDIR") ""
uid <- fromIntegral <$> getRealUserID
@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ autoStart = do
ifM (doesFileExist autostartfile)
( do
dirs <- lines <$> readFile autostartfile
programfile <- programFile
program <- catchDefaultIO (readFile programfile) "git-annex"
program <- readProgramFile
when (null dirs) nothing
forM_ dirs $ \d -> do
putStrLn $ "git-annex autostart in " ++ d
@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
module Locations.UserConfig where
import Common
import Utility.FreeDesktop
import System.FilePath
{- ~/.config/git-annex/file -}
userConfigFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
userConfigFile file = do
@ -24,3 +23,9 @@ autoStartFile = userConfigFile "autostart"
- has installed it to some aweful non-PATH location. -}
programFile :: IO FilePath
programFile = userConfigFile "program"
{- Returns a command to run for git-annex. -}
readProgramFile :: IO FilePath
readProgramFile = do
programfile <- programFile
catchDefaultIO (readFile programfile) "git-annex"
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