remove hashPointerFile'
no longer needed now that hashPointerFile uses a long-running git hash-object handle
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 19 additions and 27 deletions
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import Git.FilePath
import qualified Git.LockFile
import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.Link
import Git.HashObject
import Annex.AutoMerge
import Annex.Content
import qualified Database.Keys
@ -55,18 +54,18 @@ reverseAdjustment HideMissingAdjustment = ShowMissingAdjustment
reverseAdjustment ShowMissingAdjustment = HideMissingAdjustment
{- How to perform various adjustments to a TreeItem. -}
adjustTreeItem :: Adjustment -> HashObjectHandle -> TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem)
adjustTreeItem UnlockAdjustment h ti@(TreeItem f m s)
adjustTreeItem :: Adjustment -> TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem)
adjustTreeItem UnlockAdjustment ti@(TreeItem f m s)
| toBlobType m == Just SymlinkBlob = do
mk <- catKey s
case mk of
Just k -> do
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile k f
Just . TreeItem f (fromBlobType FileBlob)
<$> hashPointerFile' h k
<$> hashPointerFile k
Nothing -> return (Just ti)
| otherwise = return (Just ti)
adjustTreeItem LockAdjustment h ti@(TreeItem f m s)
adjustTreeItem LockAdjustment ti@(TreeItem f m s)
| toBlobType m /= Just SymlinkBlob = do
mk <- catKey s
case mk of
@ -75,10 +74,10 @@ adjustTreeItem LockAdjustment h ti@(TreeItem f m s)
fromTopFilePath f r
linktarget <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLink absf k
Just . TreeItem f (fromBlobType SymlinkBlob)
<$> hashSymlink' h linktarget
<$> hashSymlink linktarget
Nothing -> return (Just ti)
| otherwise = return (Just ti)
adjustTreeItem HideMissingAdjustment h ti@(TreeItem _ _ s) = do
adjustTreeItem HideMissingAdjustment ti@(TreeItem _ _ s) = do
mk <- catKey s
case mk of
Just k -> ifM (inAnnex k)
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ adjustTreeItem HideMissingAdjustment h ti@(TreeItem _ _ s) = do
, return Nothing
Nothing -> return (Just ti)
adjustTreeItem ShowMissingAdjustment _ ti = return (Just ti)
adjustTreeItem ShowMissingAdjustment ti = return (Just ti)
type OrigBranch = Branch
type AdjBranch = Branch
@ -163,10 +162,8 @@ adjust adj orig = do
adjustTree :: Adjustment -> Ref -> Annex Sha
adjustTree adj orig = do
h <- inRepo hashObjectStart
let toadj = adjustTreeItem adj h
let toadj = adjustTreeItem adj
treesha <- Git.Tree.adjustTree toadj [] [] orig =<< Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ hashObjectStop h
return treesha
type CommitsPrevented = Git.LockFile.LockHandle
@ -262,9 +259,7 @@ propigateAdjustedCommits' origbranch (adj, currbranch) _commitsprevented = do
cv <- catCommit currbranch
case cv of
Just currcommit -> do
h <- inRepo hashObjectStart
v <- newcommits >>= go h origsha False
liftIO $ hashObjectStop h
v <- newcommits >>= go origsha False
case v of
Left e -> do
warning e
@ -278,21 +273,21 @@ propigateAdjustedCommits' origbranch (adj, currbranch) _commitsprevented = do
-- Get commits oldest first, so they can be processed
-- in order made.
[Param "--reverse"]
go _ parent _ [] = do
go parent _ [] = do
inRepo $ Git.Branch.update origbranch parent
return (Right parent)
go h parent pastadjcommit (sha:l) = do
go parent pastadjcommit (sha:l) = do
mc <- catCommit sha
case mc of
Just c
| commitMessage c == adjustedBranchCommitMessage ->
go h parent True l
go parent True l
| pastadjcommit -> do
v <- reverseAdjustedCommit h parent adj (sha, c) origbranch
v <- reverseAdjustedCommit parent adj (sha, c) origbranch
case v of
Left e -> return (Left e)
Right commit -> go h commit pastadjcommit l
_ -> go h parent pastadjcommit l
Right commit -> go commit pastadjcommit l
_ -> go parent pastadjcommit l
rebase currcommit newparent = do
-- Reuse the current adjusted tree,
-- and reparent it on top of the new
@ -309,8 +304,8 @@ propigateAdjustedCommits' origbranch (adj, currbranch) _commitsprevented = do
- Note that the commit message, and the author and committer metadata are
- copied over. However, any gpg signature will be lost, and any other
- headers are not copied either. -}
reverseAdjustedCommit :: HashObjectHandle -> Sha -> Adjustment -> (Sha, Commit) -> OrigBranch -> Annex (Either String Sha)
reverseAdjustedCommit h newparent adj (csha, c) origbranch
reverseAdjustedCommit :: Sha -> Adjustment -> (Sha, Commit) -> OrigBranch -> Annex (Either String Sha)
reverseAdjustedCommit newparent adj (csha, c) origbranch
-- commitDiff does not support merge commits
| length (commitParent c) > 1 = return $
Left $ "unable to propigate merge commit " ++ show csha ++ " back to " ++ show origbranch
@ -319,7 +314,7 @@ reverseAdjustedCommit h newparent adj (csha, c) origbranch
let (adds, others) = partition (\dti -> Git.DiffTree.srcsha dti == nullSha) diff
let (removes, changes) = partition (\dti -> Git.DiffTree.dstsha dti == nullSha) others
adds' <- catMaybes <$>
mapM (adjustTreeItem reverseadj h) (map diffTreeToTreeItem adds)
mapM (adjustTreeItem reverseadj) (map diffTreeToTreeItem adds)
treesha <- Git.Tree.adjustTree
(propchanges changes)
@ -338,7 +333,7 @@ reverseAdjustedCommit h newparent adj (csha, c) origbranch
propchanges changes ti@(TreeItem f _ _) =
case M.lookup f m of
Nothing -> return (Just ti) -- not changed
Just change -> adjustTreeItem reverseadj h change
Just change -> adjustTreeItem reverseadj change
m = M.fromList $ map (\i@(TreeItem f' _ _) -> (f', i)) $
map diffTreeToTreeItem changes
@ -117,9 +117,6 @@ stageSymlink file sha =
hashPointerFile :: Key -> Annex Sha
hashPointerFile key = hashBlob (formatPointer key)
hashPointerFile' :: Git.HashObject.HashObjectHandle -> Key -> Annex Sha
hashPointerFile' h = liftIO . Git.HashObject.hashBlob h . formatPointer
{- Stages a pointer file, using a Sha of its content -}
stagePointerFile :: FilePath -> Sha -> Annex ()
stagePointerFile file sha =
Add table
Reference in a new issue