diff --git a/doc/todo/wishlist:_Have_a_preview_of_download_or_upload_size/comment_3_29a154699339bf040af0ee8aa24034f1._comment b/doc/todo/wishlist:_Have_a_preview_of_download_or_upload_size/comment_3_29a154699339bf040af0ee8aa24034f1._comment
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f0c040173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/todo/wishlist:_Have_a_preview_of_download_or_upload_size/comment_3_29a154699339bf040af0ee8aa24034f1._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnHRhCe3qwVKQ8_NOGGSYJnAMW6FFyKbOc"
+ nickname="Holger"
+ subject="comment 3"
+ date="2013-07-02T04:05:06Z"
+ content="""
+What do you think of the following simpler variant:
+    % git annex size myfile1.zip
+    myfile1.zip is 1329 MB
+    % git annex size mydir/
+    mydir contains 2803 files totaling 328 GB.
+If you're worried about running over the tree twice, it may be a good idea to store the size of a subtree along with the other metadata.