This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 46 additions and 34 deletions
@ -143,3 +143,36 @@ defaultChunkSize = 32 * k - chunkOverhead
k = 1024
chunkOverhead = 2 * sizeOf (undefined :: Int) -- GHC specific
{- Parses the String looking for a command's progress output, and returns
- Maybe the number of bytes rsynced so far, and any any remainder of the
- string that could be an incomplete progress output. That remainder
- should be prepended to future output, and fed back in. This interface
- allows the command's output to be read in any desired size chunk, or
- even one character at a time.
type ProgressParser = String -> (Maybe BytesProcessed, String)
{- Runs a command and runs a ProgressParser on its output, in order
- to update the meter. The command's output is also sent to stdout. -}
commandMeter :: ProgressParser -> MeterUpdate -> FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
commandMeter progressparser meterupdate cmd params = liftIO $ catchBoolIO $
withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p $
feedprogress zeroBytesProcessed []
p = proc cmd (toCommand params)
feedprogress prev buf h = do
s <- hGetSomeString h 80
if null s
then return True
else do
putStr s
hFlush stdout
let (mbytes, buf') = progressparser (buf++s)
case mbytes of
Nothing -> feedprogress prev buf' h
(Just bytes) -> do
when (bytes /= prev) $
meterupdate bytes
feedprogress bytes buf' h
@ -60,31 +60,6 @@ rsyncParamsFixup = map fixup
fixup (File f) = File (toCygPath f)
fixup p = p
{- Runs rsync, but intercepts its progress output and updates a meter.
- The progress output is also output to stdout.
- The params must enable rsync's --progress mode for this to work.
rsyncProgress :: MeterUpdate -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
rsyncProgress meterupdate params = catchBoolIO $
withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p (feedprogress 0 [])
p = proc "rsync" (toCommand $ rsyncParamsFixup params)
feedprogress prev buf h = do
s <- hGetSomeString h 80
if null s
then return True
else do
putStr s
hFlush stdout
let (mbytes, buf') = parseRsyncProgress (buf++s)
case mbytes of
Nothing -> feedprogress prev buf' h
(Just bytes) -> do
when (bytes /= prev) $
meterupdate $ toBytesProcessed bytes
feedprogress bytes buf' h
{- Checks if an rsync url involves the remote shell (ssh or rsh).
- Use of such urls with rsync requires additional shell
- escaping. -}
@ -106,14 +81,15 @@ rsyncUrlIsPath s
| rsyncUrlIsShell s = False
| otherwise = ':' `notElem` s
{- Parses the String looking for rsync progress output, and returns
- Maybe the number of bytes rsynced so far, and any any remainder of the
- string that could be an incomplete progress output. That remainder
- should be prepended to future output, and fed back in. This interface
- allows the output to be read in any desired size chunk, or even one
- character at a time.
{- Runs rsync, but intercepts its progress output and updates a meter.
- The progress output is also output to stdout.
- Strategy: Look for chunks prefixed with \r (rsync writes a \r before
- The params must enable rsync's --progress mode for this to work.
rsyncProgress :: MeterUpdate -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
rsyncProgress meterupdate = commandMeter parseRsyncProgress meterupdate "rsync"
{- Strategy: Look for chunks prefixed with \r (rsync writes a \r before
- the first progress output, and each thereafter). The first number
- after the \r is the number of bytes processed. After the number,
- there must appear some whitespace, or we didn't get the whole number,
@ -122,20 +98,23 @@ rsyncUrlIsPath s
- In some locales, the number will have one or more commas in the middle
- of it.
parseRsyncProgress :: String -> (Maybe Integer, String)
parseRsyncProgress :: ProgressParser
parseRsyncProgress = go [] . reverse . progresschunks
go remainder [] = (Nothing, remainder)
go remainder (x:xs) = case parsebytes (findbytesstart x) of
Nothing -> go (delim:x++remainder) xs
Just b -> (Just b, remainder)
Just b -> (Just (toBytesProcessed b), remainder)
delim = '\r'
{- Find chunks that each start with delim.
- The first chunk doesn't start with it
- (it's empty when delim is at the start of the string). -}
progresschunks = drop 1 . split [delim]
findbytesstart s = dropWhile isSpace s
parsebytes :: String -> Maybe Integer
parsebytes s = case break isSpace s of
([], _) -> Nothing
(_, []) -> Nothing
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