git-remote-annex: avoid bundle object leakage in push race or interrupted push
Locally record the manifest before uploading it or any bundles, and read it on the next push. Any bundles from the push that are not included in the currently being pushed manifest will get added to the outManifest, and so eventually get deleted. This deals with an interrupted push that is not resumed and instead something else is pushed. And it deals with a push race that overwrites the manifest. Of course, this can't help if one of those situations is followed by the local repo being deleted. But that's equivilant to doing a git-annex copy of a new annexed file to a special remote and then deleting the special repo w/o pushing. In either case the special remote ends up with a object in it that git-annex doesn't know about.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 62 additions and 32 deletions
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Annex.Common
import Types.GitRemoteAnnex
import qualified Annex
import qualified Remote
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.CurrentRepo
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Git.Branch
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ import Types.BranchState
import Types.Difference
import Types.Crypto
import Git.Types
import Logs.File
import Logs.Difference
import Annex.Init
import Annex.UUID
@ -267,10 +269,12 @@ fullPush st rmt refs = guardPush st $ do
oldmanifest <- maybe (downloadManifestWhenPresent rmt) pure
(manifestCache st)
let bs = map Git.Bundle.fullBundleSpec refs
bundlekey <- generateAndUploadGitBundle rmt bs oldmanifest
(bundlekey, uploadbundle) <- generateGitBundle rmt bs oldmanifest
let manifest = mkManifest [bundlekey]
(inManifest oldmanifest ++ outManifest oldmanifest)
uploadManifest rmt manifest
manifest' <- startPush rmt manifest
uploadManifest rmt manifest'
return (True, st { manifestCache = Nothing })
guardPush :: State -> Annex (Bool, State) -> Annex (Bool, State)
@ -287,8 +291,11 @@ incrementalPush :: State -> Remote -> M.Map Ref Sha -> M.Map Ref Sha -> Annex (B
incrementalPush st rmt oldtrackingrefs newtrackingrefs = guardPush st $ do
oldmanifest <- maybe (downloadManifestWhenPresent rmt) pure (manifestCache st)
bs <- calc [] (M.toList newtrackingrefs)
bundlekey <- generateAndUploadGitBundle rmt bs oldmanifest
uploadManifest rmt (oldmanifest <> mkManifest [bundlekey] [])
(bundlekey, uploadbundle) <- generateGitBundle rmt bs oldmanifest
let manifest = oldmanifest <> mkManifest [bundlekey] []
manifest' <- startPush rmt manifest
uploadManifest rmt manifest'
return (True, st { manifestCache = Nothing })
calc c [] = return (reverse c)
@ -356,8 +363,10 @@ pushEmpty st rmt = guardPush st $ do
(manifestCache st)
let manifest = mkManifest mempty
(inManifest oldmanifest ++ outManifest oldmanifest)
manifest' <- dropOldKeys rmt manifest
uploadManifest rmt manifest'
(manifest', manifestwriter) <- startPush' rmt manifest
manifest'' <- dropOldKeys rmt manifest'
manifestwriter manifest''
uploadManifest rmt manifest''
return (True, st { manifestCache = Nothing })
data RefSpec = RefSpec
@ -678,6 +687,38 @@ uploadManifest rmt manifest = do
unlinkAnnex mk
return ok
{- A manifest file is cached here before it or the bundles listed in it
- is uploaded to the special remote.
- This prevents forgetting which bundles were uploaded when a push gets
- interrupted before updating the manifest on the remote, or when a race
- causes the uploaded manigest to be overwritten.
lastPushedManifestFile :: UUID -> Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
lastPushedManifestFile u r = gitAnnexDir r P.</> "git-remote-annex"
P.</> fromUUID u P.</> "manifest"
{- Call before uploading anything. The returned manifest has added
- to it any bundle keys that were in the lastPushedManifestFile
- and that are not in the new manifest. -}
startPush :: Remote -> Manifest -> Annex Manifest
startPush rmt manifest = do
(manifest', writer) <- startPush' rmt manifest
writer manifest'
return manifest'
startPush' :: Remote -> Manifest -> Annex (Manifest, Manifest -> Annex ())
startPush' rmt manifest = do
f <- fromRepo (lastPushedManifestFile (Remote.uuid rmt))
oldmanifest <- liftIO $
fromRight mempty . parseManifest
<$> B.readFile (fromRawFilePath f)
`catchNonAsync` (const (pure mempty))
let manifest' = manifest <> mkManifest []
(inManifest oldmanifest ++ outManifest oldmanifest)
let writer = writeLogFile f . decodeBS . formatManifest
return (manifest', writer)
-- Drops the outManifest keys. Returns a version of the manifest with
-- any outManifest keys that were successfully dropped removed from it.
@ -767,30 +808,34 @@ uploadGitObject rmt k = getKeyExportLocations rmt k >>= \case
_ -> noRetry
-- Generates a git bundle, ingests it into the local objects directory,
-- and uploads its key to the special remote.
-- and returns an action that uploads its key to the special remote.
-- If the key is already present in the provided manifest, avoids
-- uploading it.
-- ingesting or uploading it.
-- On failure, an exception is thrown, and nothing is added to the local
-- objects directory.
:: Remote
-> [Git.Bundle.BundleSpec]
-> Manifest
-> Annex Key
generateAndUploadGitBundle rmt bs manifest =
-> Annex (Key, Annex ())
generateGitBundle rmt bs manifest =
withTmpFile "GITBUNDLE" $ \tmp tmph -> do
liftIO $ hClose tmph
inRepo $ Git.Bundle.create tmp bs
bundlekey <- genGitBundleKey (Remote.uuid rmt)
(toRawFilePath tmp) nullMeterUpdate
unless (bundlekey `elem` (inManifest manifest)) $ do
unlessM (moveAnnex bundlekey (AssociatedFile Nothing) (toRawFilePath tmp)) $
giveup "Unable to push"
uploadGitObject rmt bundlekey
`onException` unlinkAnnex bundlekey
return bundlekey
if (bundlekey `notElem` inManifest manifest)
then do
unlessM (moveAnnex bundlekey (AssociatedFile Nothing) (toRawFilePath tmp)) $
giveup "Unable to push"
return (bundlekey, uploadaction bundlekey)
else return (bundlekey, noop)
uploadaction bundlekey =
uploadGitObject rmt bundlekey
`onException` unlinkAnnex bundlekey
dropKey :: Remote -> Key -> Annex Bool
dropKey rmt k = tryNonAsync (dropKey' rmt k) >>= \case
@ -36,18 +36,3 @@ This is implememented and working. Remaining todo list for it:
special remote.
Supporting something like this would be good.
* A push race can overwrite a manifest that had a GITBUNDLE added to it,
and so lose track of a GITBUNDLE. That will never get deleted.
Could git-annex detect this after the fact and clean it up? Eg,
if it caches the last manifest it uploaded, the next time it downloads
the manifest it can check if there are bundle files in the cached
manifest that are not in the new one, that still exist in the remote.
If so, it can add those to the outManifest, to get dropped later.
This wouldn't fix the case where a push race happens and then the repo
whose manifest was overwritten gets deleted. But this is similar to
adding a file to the annex, copying it to the special remote, and then
deleting the repo w/o sending the git-annex branch anywhere, which leaves
a dangling object too. So don't worry about that.
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