sim: better step

On each step, find all the actions that could be done, and pick one of them
to do.

Should detect stability, but that is broken.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2024-09-20 15:21:18 -04:00
parent 31679e3e9f
commit 19b966f0fd
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
3 changed files with 74 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -237,14 +237,6 @@ data SimAction
deriving (Show, Read)
runSimCommand :: SimCommand -> GetExistingRepoByName -> SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)
runSimCommand (CommandStep n) repobyname st
| n > 0 = case randomRepo st of
(Just (repo, u), st') ->
let (act, st'') = randomAction repo u st'
in runSimCommand (CommandAction act) repobyname st''
>>= runSimCommand (CommandStep (pred n)) repobyname
(Nothing, st') -> return st'
| otherwise = return st
runSimCommand cmd repobyname st =
case applySimCommand cmd st repobyname of
Left err -> giveup err
@ -365,7 +357,8 @@ applySimCommand' (CommandAddMulti n suffix minsz maxsz repos) st repobyname =
0 -> Right (Right st'')
n' -> applySimCommand' (CommandAddMulti n' suffix minsz maxsz repos) st'' repobyname
Right (Left _) -> error "applySimCommand' CommandAddMulti"
applySimCommand' (CommandStep _) _ _ = error "applySimCommand' CommandStep"
applySimCommand' (CommandStep n) st _ =
Right $ Left $ handleStep n n st
applySimCommand' (CommandAction act) st _ =
case getSimActionComponents act st of
Left err -> Left err
@ -373,7 +366,9 @@ applySimCommand' (CommandAction act) st _ =
Right (Left (st', l)) -> Right $ Left $ go l st'
go [] st' = return st'
go (a:as) st' = a st' >>= go as
go (a:as) st' = do
(st'', _) <- a st'
go as st''
applySimCommand' (CommandSeed rngseed) st _ =
Right $ Right $ st
{ simRng = rngseed
@ -458,10 +453,50 @@ applySimCommand' (CommandRebalance b) st _ =
applySimCommand' (CommandComment _) st _ = Right $ Right st
applySimCommand' CommandBlank st _ = Right $ Right st
handleStep :: Int -> Int -> SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)
handleStep startn n st
| n > 0 = do
let (st', actions) = getcomponents [] st $
getactions [] (M.toList (simRepos st))
st'' <- runoneaction actions st'
handleStep startn (pred n) st''
| otherwise = return st
getactions c [] = c
getactions c ((repo, u):repos) =
case M.lookup u (simConnections st) of
Nothing -> getactions c repos
Just remotes ->
let c' = map (ActionSync repo)
(S.toList remotes)
in getactions (c'++c) repos
getcomponents c st' [] = (st', concat c)
getcomponents c st' (a:as) = case getSimActionComponents a st' of
Left _ -> getcomponents c st' as
Right (Right st'') -> getcomponents c st'' as
Right (Left (st'', cs)) -> getcomponents (cs:c) st'' as
runoneaction [] st' = do
showLongNote $ UnquotedString $
"Simulation has stabilized after "
++ show (n - startn)
++ " steps."
return st'
runoneaction actions st' = do
let (idx, st'') = simRandom st'
(randomR (0, length actions - 1))
let action = actions !! idx
let restactions = take idx actions ++ drop (idx+1) actions
action st'' >>= \case
(st''', False) -> runoneaction restactions st'''
(st''', True) -> return st'''
:: SimAction
-> SimState SimRepo
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)]) (SimState SimRepo))
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo, Bool)]) (SimState SimRepo))
getSimActionComponents (ActionGetWanted repo remote) st =
checkKnownRepo repo st $ \u ->
let go _remoteu f k _r st' = setPresentKey True u k u $
@ -537,7 +572,7 @@ getSimActionComponents (ActionSync repo remote) st =
:: [SimAction]
-> SimState SimRepo
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)]) (SimState SimRepo))
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo, Bool)]) (SimState SimRepo))
simActionSequence [] st = Right (Right st)
simActionSequence (a:as) st = case getSimActionComponents a st of
Left err -> Left err
@ -558,7 +593,7 @@ overFilesRemote
-> (Maybe Key -> AssociatedFile -> UUID -> Annex Bool)
-> (UUID -> RawFilePath -> Key -> RepoName -> SimState SimRepo -> SimState SimRepo)
-> SimState SimRepo
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)]) (SimState SimRepo))
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo, Bool)]) (SimState SimRepo))
overFilesRemote r u remote remotepred checkwant handlewanted st =
checkKnownRemote remote r u st $ \remoteu ->
Right (Left (st, map (go remoteu) $ M.toList $ simFiles st))
@ -567,13 +602,13 @@ overFilesRemote r u remote remotepred checkwant handlewanted st =
let af = AssociatedFile $ Just f
in liftIO $ runSimRepo u st' $ \rst ->
case M.lookup remoteu (simRepoState st') of
Nothing -> return st'
Nothing -> return (st', False)
Just rmtst
| not (checkremotepred remoteu rst k) -> return st'
| not (checkremotepred remoteu rmtst k) -> return st'
| not (checkremotepred remoteu rst k) -> return (st', False)
| not (checkremotepred remoteu rmtst k) -> return (st', False)
| otherwise -> ifM (checkwant (Just k) af remoteu)
( return $ handlewanted remoteu f k r st'
, return st'
( return (handlewanted remoteu f k r st', True)
, return (st', False)
checkremotepred remoteu rst k =
remotepred remoteu (getSimLocations rst k)
@ -607,7 +642,7 @@ simulateDropUnwanted
-> RepoName
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)]) (SimState SimRepo))
-> Either String (Either (SimState SimRepo, [SimState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo, Bool)]) (SimState SimRepo))
simulateDropUnwanted st u dropfromname dropfrom =
Right $ Left (st, map go $ M.toList $ simFiles st)
@ -616,9 +651,9 @@ simulateDropUnwanted st u dropfromname dropfrom =
in if present dropfrom rst k
then ifM (wantDrop NoLiveUpdate False (Just dropfrom) (Just k) af Nothing)
( return $ checkdrop rst k f st'
, return st'
, return (st', False)
else return st'
else return (st', False)
present ru rst k = ru `S.member` getSimLocations rst k
@ -628,9 +663,9 @@ simulateDropUnwanted st u dropfromname dropfrom =
verifiedcopies = mapMaybe (verifypresent k st') $
filter (/= dropfrom) $ S.toList $ getSimLocations rst k
in case safeDropAnalysis numcopies mincopies verifiedcopies Nothing of
UnsafeDrop -> st'
SafeDrop -> dodrop k f st'
SafeDropCheckTime -> dodrop k f st'
UnsafeDrop -> (st', False)
SafeDrop -> (dodrop k f st', True)
SafeDropCheckTime -> (dodrop k f st', True)
dodrop k f st' =
setPresentKey False dropfrom k u $
@ -699,29 +734,6 @@ randomRepo st
repolist = M.keys (simRepos st)
randomAction :: RepoName -> UUID -> SimState SimRepo -> (SimAction, SimState SimRepo)
randomAction repo u st = case M.lookup u (simConnections st) of
Just cs | not (S.null cs) ->
let (mkact, st') = simRandom st (randomR (0, length mkactions - 1))
(mkactions !!)
(remote, st'') = simRandom st' (randomR (0, S.size cs - 1))
(`S.elemAt` cs)
in (mkact repo remote, st'')
-- When there are no remotes, this is the only possible action.
_ -> (ActionDropUnwanted repo Nothing, st)
mkactions =
[ ActionPull
, ActionPush
, ActionSync
, ActionGetWanted
, \repo' remote -> ActionDropUnwanted repo' (Just remote)
, \repo' _remote -> ActionDropUnwanted repo' Nothing
, ActionSendWanted
, ActionGitPush
, ActionGitPull
randomWords :: Int -> StdGen -> ([Word8], StdGen)
randomWords = go []
@ -928,23 +940,24 @@ simulatedRepositoryDescription simreponame =
simulationDifferences :: Differences
simulationDifferences = mkDifferences $ S.singleton Simulation
runSimRepo :: UUID -> SimState SimRepo -> (SimRepoState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo)) -> IO (SimState SimRepo)
runSimRepo :: UUID -> SimState SimRepo -> (SimRepoState SimRepo -> Annex (SimState SimRepo, t)) -> IO (SimState SimRepo, t)
runSimRepo u st a = do
st' <- updateSimRepos st
case M.lookup u (simRepoState st') of
Just rst -> case simRepo rst of
Just sr -> do
(st'', strd) <- (simRepoAnnex sr) $
((st'', t), strd) <- (simRepoAnnex sr) $
doQuietAction (a rst)
let sr' = sr
{ simRepoAnnex = strd
return $ st''
let st''' = st''
{ simRepoState = M.adjust
(\rst' -> rst' { simRepo = Just sr' })
(simRepoState st'')
return (st''', t)
Nothing -> error $ "runSimRepo simRepo not set for " ++ fromUUID u
Nothing -> error $ "runSimRepo simRepoState not found for " ++ fromUUID u

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@ -183,8 +183,12 @@ as passed to "git annex sim" while a simulation is running.
Run the simulation forward by this many steps.
On each step of the simulation, a simulated repository is selected
at random, and a random action is performed in it.
On each step of the simulation, one file is either transferred
or dropped, according to the preferred content and other configuration.
If there are no more files that can be either transferred or dropped
according to the current configuration, a message will be displayed
to indicate that the simulation has stabilized.
* `action repo getwanted remote`

View file

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ Planned schedule of work:
* Currently working in [[todo/proving_preferred_content_behavior]]
* bug sim step does not detect stabalization. Seems to keep getting files
that are already in a repo.
* sim: For size balanced preferred content to work, getLiveRepoSizes
needs to reflect keys that were added/dropped from the repository by
earlier stages of the sim. That is not currently done, because
@ -78,11 +81,6 @@ Planned schedule of work:
clients having direct connections to the nodes, but not the same when
there are more than 2 clients connected to the 2 gateways.
* sim: Make an action that considers every action that preferred content
allows to happen, and picks random actions to perform. When there are no
more actions that preferred content allows, the simulation has reached a
stable point and it can stop.
* sim: Detect instability. This can be done by examining the history,
if a file is added or removed from the same repository repeatedly,
there is probably instability, although it may be an instability that