Improve detection of inability to check free disk space.
Don't check if configure indicated checks won't work. This should fix a FTBFS on mipsel, where configure correctly detects the checks won't work, while garbage is returned for disk space info at git-annex runtime. It also means that, when built via cabal, disk space checks are not enabled, unfortunatly.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 44 additions and 14 deletions
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import Utility.DataUnits
import Utility.CopyFile
import Config
import Annex.Exception
import qualified Build.SysConfig
{- Checks if a given key's content is currently present. -}
inAnnex :: Key -> Annex Bool
@ -178,13 +179,14 @@ checkDiskSpace' :: Integer -> Key -> Annex ()
checkDiskSpace' adjustment key = do
g <- gitRepo
r <- getConfig g "diskreserve" ""
sanitycheck r
let reserve = fromMaybe megabyte $ readSize dataUnits r
stats <- liftIO $ getFileSystemStats (gitAnnexDir g)
sanitycheck r stats
case (stats, keySize key) of
(Nothing, _) -> return ()
(_, Nothing) -> return ()
(Just (FileSystemStats { fsStatBytesAvailable = have }), Just need) ->
case (cancheck, stats, keySize key) of
(False, _, _) -> return ()
(_, Nothing, _) -> return ()
(_, _, Nothing) -> return ()
(_, Just (FileSystemStats { fsStatBytesAvailable = have }), Just need) ->
when (need + reserve > have + adjustment) $
needmorespace (need + reserve - have - adjustment)
@ -195,8 +197,8 @@ checkDiskSpace' adjustment key = do
roughSize storageUnits True n ++
" more" ++ forcemsg
forcemsg = " (use --force to override this check or adjust annex.diskreserve)"
sanitycheck r stats
| not (null r) && isNothing stats = do
sanitycheck r
| not (null r) && not cancheck = do
unlessM (Annex.getState Annex.force) $
error $ "You have configured a diskreserve of "
++ r ++
@ -204,6 +206,7 @@ checkDiskSpace' adjustment key = do
++ forcemsg
return ()
| otherwise = return ()
cancheck = Build.SysConfig.statfs_sanity_checked == Just True
{- Moves a file into .git/annex/objects/
@ -10,8 +10,12 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Build.TestConfig
import Utility.SafeCommand
tests :: [TestCase]
tests =
tests :: Bool -> [TestCase]
tests True = cabaltests ++ common
tests False = common
common :: [TestCase]
common =
[ TestCase "version" getVersion
, TestCase "git" $ requireCmd "git" "git --version >/dev/null"
, TestCase "git version" getGitVersion
@ -28,6 +32,11 @@ tests =
, TestCase "ssh connection caching" getSshConnectionCaching
] ++ shaTestCases [1, 256, 512, 224, 384]
cabaltests :: [TestCase]
cabaltests =
[ TestCase "StatFS" testStatFSDummy
shaTestCases :: [Int] -> [TestCase]
shaTestCases l = map make l
where make n =
@ -72,6 +81,10 @@ getSshConnectionCaching :: Test
getSshConnectionCaching = Config "sshconnectioncaching" . BoolConfig <$>
boolSystem "sh" [Param "-c", Param "ssh -o ControlPersist=yes -V >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"]
testStatFSDummy :: Test
testStatFSDummy =
return $ Config "statfs_sanity_checked" $ MaybeBoolConfig Nothing
{- Set up cabal file with version. -}
cabalSetup :: IO ()
cabalSetup = do
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ type ConfigKey = String
data ConfigValue =
BoolConfig Bool |
StringConfig String |
MaybeStringConfig (Maybe String)
MaybeStringConfig (Maybe String) |
MaybeBoolConfig (Maybe Bool)
data Config = Config ConfigKey ConfigValue
type Test = IO Config
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ instance Show ConfigValue where
show (BoolConfig b) = show b
show (StringConfig s) = show s
show (MaybeStringConfig s) = show s
show (MaybeBoolConfig s) = show s
instance Show Config where
show (Config key value) = unlines
@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ instance Show Config where
valuetype (BoolConfig _) = "Bool"
valuetype (StringConfig _) = "String"
valuetype (MaybeStringConfig _) = "Maybe String"
valuetype (MaybeBoolConfig _) = "Maybe Bool"
writeSysConfig :: [Config] -> IO ()
writeSysConfig config = writeFile "Build/SysConfig.hs" body
@ -109,6 +112,9 @@ testEnd (Config _ (BoolConfig False)) = status "no"
testEnd (Config _ (StringConfig s)) = status s
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeStringConfig (Just s))) = status s
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeStringConfig Nothing)) = status "not available"
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeBoolConfig (Just True))) = status "yes"
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeBoolConfig (Just False))) = status "no"
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeBoolConfig Nothing)) = status "unknown"
status :: String -> IO ()
status s = putStrLn $ ' ':s
@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ import qualified Build.Configure as Configure
main = defaultMainWithHooks simpleUserHooks { preConf = configure }
configure _ _ = do
|||| Configure.tests
|||| $ Configure.tests True
return (Nothing, [])
@ -8,14 +8,16 @@ import Utility.StatFS
tests :: [TestCase]
tests = [ TestCase "StatFS" testStatFS
] ++ Configure.tests
] ++ Configure.tests False
{- This test cannot be included in Build.Configure due to needing
- Utility/StatFS.hs to be built. -}
- Utility/StatFS.hs to be built, which it is not when "cabal configure"
- is run. -}
testStatFS :: Test
testStatFS = do
s <- getFileSystemStats "."
return $ Config "statfs_sane" $ BoolConfig $ isJust s
return $ Config "statfs_sanity_checked" $
MaybeBoolConfig $ Just $ isJust s
main :: IO ()
main = tests
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
git-annex (3.20120316) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Improve detection of inability to check free disk space.
-- Joey Hess <> Wed, 21 Mar 2012 21:19:16 -0400
git-annex (3.20120315) unstable; urgency=low
* fsck: Fix up any broken links and misplaced content caused by the
Add table
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