relayer receive loop is done

Receive loop looks right. Still need the send loop.

And, a complication is that some messages git-annex
sends need to be wrapped in REPLY_ASYNC, while others
do not. So will probably need to split externalSend
into two.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2020-08-12 15:54:30 -04:00
parent 06a4ab39fa
commit 15706e6991
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
4 changed files with 73 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ startExternal external =
(st, extensions) <- startExternal' external
if asyncExtensionEnabled extensions
then do
v <- liftIO $ runRelayToExternalAsync st
v <- liftIO $ runRelayToExternalAsync external st
st' <- liftIO $ relayToExternalAsync v
store (ExternalAsync v)
return st'
@ -625,9 +625,9 @@ startExternal external =
v@NoExternalAsync -> do
store v
fst <$> startExternal' external
v@(ExternalAsync ExternalAsyncRelay) -> do
v@(ExternalAsync relay) -> do
store v
liftIO $ relayToExternalAsync v
liftIO $ relayToExternalAsync relay
store = liftIO . atomically . putTMVar (externalAsync external)
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ startExternal' external = do
exwanted <- receiveMessage st external
(\resp -> case resp of
UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST -> result mempty
_ -> Nothing
(const Nothing)

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
module Remote.External.AsyncExtension where
import Common.Annex
import Common
import Remote.External.Types
import Control.Concurrent.Async
@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
relayToExternalAsync :: ExternalAsyncRelay -> IO ExternalState
relayToExternalAsync relay = do
n <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
v <- readTVar (asyncRelayLast relay)
v <- readTVar (asyncRelayLastId relay)
let !n = succ v
writeTVar (asyncRelayLast relay) n
writeTVar (asyncRelayLastId relay) n
return n
return $ asyncRelayExternalState n
asyncRelayExternalState relay n
-- | Starts a thread that will handle all communication with the external
-- process. The input ExternalState communicates directly with the external
-- process.
runRelayToExternalAsync :: ExternalState -> IO ExternalAsyncRelay
runRelayToExternalAsync st = do
startcomm <- runRelayToExternalAsync' st
runRelayToExternalAsync :: External -> ExternalState -> IO ExternalAsyncRelay
runRelayToExternalAsync external st = do
startcomm <- runRelayToExternalAsync' external st
pv <- atomically $ newTVar 1
return $ ExternalAsyncRelay
{ asyncRelayLastId = pv
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ runRelayToExternalAsync st = do
relaystate startcomm n = do
(sendh, receiveh, shutdownh) <- startcomm n
(sendh, receiveh, shutdownh) <- startcomm (ClientId n)
return $ ExternalState
{ externalSend = atomically . writeTBMChan sendh
, externalReceive = atomically . readTBMChan receiveh
, externalReceive = fmap join $ atomically $ readTBMChan receiveh
, externalShutdown = atomically . writeTBMChan shutdownh
-- These three TVars are shared amoung all
-- ExternalStates that use this relay; they're
@ -60,51 +60,71 @@ newtype ClientId = ClientId Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
:: ExternalState
:: External
-> ExternalState
-> IO (ClientId -> IO (TBMChan String, TBMChan (Maybe String), TBMChan Bool))
runRelayToExternalAsync' st = do
let startcomm n =
runRelayToExternalAsync' external st = do
let startcomm n = error "TODO"
sendt <- async sendloop
void $ async (receiveloop [] Nothing sendt)
newreqs <- newTVarIO []
void $ async (receiveloop newreqs M.empty sendt)
return startcomm
receiveloop newreqs currjid sendt = externalReceive st >>= \case
receiveloop newreqs jidmap sendt = externalReceive st >>= \case
Just l -> case parseMessage l :: Maybe AsyncMessage of
Just (START_ASYNC jid) -> case newreqs of
[] -> giveup "async special remote protocol error: unexpected START-ASYNC"
(c:newreqs') -> do
let !receiverjids' = M.insert jid c receiverjids
receiveloop newreqs' Nothing receiverjids' sendt
Just (END_ASYNC jid) -> do
let !receiverjids' = M.delete jid receiverjids
receiveloop newreqs (Just jid) receiverjids' sendt
Just (UPDATE_ASYNC jid) ->
receiveloop newreqs (Just jid) receiverjids sendt
Nothing -> case currjid of
Just jid ->
Nothing -> case newreqs of
[] -> giveup "async special remote protocol error: unexpected non-async message"
(c:_) -> do
case M.lookup c receivers of
Just c -> atomically $ writeTBMChan c l
Nothing -> return ()
receiveloop newreqs Nothing sendt
Just (RESULT_ASYNC msg) -> getnext newreqs >>= \case
Just c -> do
relayto c msg
receiveloop newreqs jidmap sendt
Nothing -> protoerr "unexpected RESULT-ASYNC"
Just (START_ASYNC jid msg) -> getnext newreqs >>= \case
Just c -> do
relayto c msg
let !jidmap' = M.insert jid c jidmap
receiveloop newreqs jidmap' sendt
Nothing -> protoerr "unexpected START-ASYNC"
Just (END_ASYNC jid msg) -> case M.lookup jid jidmap of
Just c -> do
relayto c msg
closerelayto c
let !jidmap' = M.delete jid jidmap
receiveloop newreqs jidmap' sendt
Nothing -> protoerr "END-ASYNC with unknown jobid"
Just (ASYNC jid msg) -> case M.lookup jid jidmap of
Just c -> do
relayto c msg
let !jidmap' = M.delete jid jidmap
receiveloop newreqs jidmap' sendt
Nothing -> protoerr "ASYNC with unknown jobid"
_ -> protoerr "unexpected non-async message"
Nothing -> do
-- Unable to receive anything more from the
-- process, so it's not usable any longer.
-- So close all chans, stop the process,
-- and avoid any new ExternalStates from being
-- created using it.
cancel sendt
atomically $ do
void $ tryTakeTMVar (externalAsync external)
putTMVar (externalAsync external)
forM_ (M.toList receivers) $
atomically . closeTBMChan
forM_ (M.toList senders) $
atomically . closeTBMChan
forM_ (M.elems jidmap) closerelayto
externalShutdown st True
cancel sendt
sendloop = do
error "TODO"
relayto (toq, _fromq) msg = atomically $ writeTBMChan toq msg
closerelayto (toq, fromq) = do
atomically $ closeTBMChan toq
atomically $ closeTBMChan fromq
getnext l = atomically $ readTVar l >>= \case
[] -> return Nothing
(c:rest) -> do
writeTVar l rest
return (Just c)
protoerr s = giveup ("async special remote protocol error: " ++ s)

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Remote.External.Types (
@ -14,8 +15,11 @@ module Remote.External.Types (
@ -27,6 +31,7 @@ module Remote.External.Types (
@ -91,7 +96,7 @@ type PID = Int
-- List of extensions to the protocol.
newtype ExtensionList = ExtensionList { fromExtensionList :: [String] }
deriving (Show)
deriving (Show, Monoid, Semigroup)
supportedExtensionList :: ExtensionList
supportedExtensionList = ExtensionList ["INFO", asyncExtension]

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@ -111,7 +111,9 @@ Here's the details about the additions to the protocol.
* `END-ASYNC JobId ReplyMsg`
Indicates that an async job is complete. The ReplyMsg indicates the result
of the job, and is anything that would be sent as a protocol reply in the
non-async protocol.
non-async protocol.
After this, the JobId is not in use, an indeed the same value could be
reused by a new `START-ASYNC` if desired.
This is the same as sending `START-ASYNC` immediately followed by
`END-ASYNC`. This is often used to respond to `PREPARE`, `LISTCONFIGS`,