* add, addurl, import, importfeed: When in a v6 repository on a crippled filesystem, add files unlocked. * annex.addunlocked: New configuration setting, makes files always be added unlocked. (v6 only)
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 116 additions and 39 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex content ingestion
- Copyright 2010-2015 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2010-2016 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
@ -11,14 +11,17 @@ module Annex.Ingest (
) where
import Annex.Common
@ -29,6 +32,7 @@ import Annex.Content.Direct
import Annex.Perms
import Annex.Link
import Annex.MetaData
import Annex.Version
import Logs.Location
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.Queue
@ -111,11 +115,30 @@ lockDown' cfg file = ifM (pure (not (hardlinkFileTmp cfg)) <||> crippledFileSyst
, inodeCache = cache
{- Ingests a locked down file into the annex.
- The file may be added to the git repository as a locked or an unlocked
- file. When unlocked, the work tree file is left alone. When locked,
- the work tree file is deleted, in preparation for adding the symlink.
{- Ingests a locked down file into the annex. Updates the work tree and
- index. -}
ingestAdd :: Maybe LockedDown -> Annex (Maybe Key)
ingestAdd Nothing = return Nothing
ingestAdd ld@(Just (LockedDown cfg source)) = do
(mk, mic) <- ingest ld
case mk of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just k -> do
let f = keyFilename source
if lockingFile cfg
then do
liftIO $ nukeFile f
addLink f k mic
else ifM isDirect
( do
l <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLink f k
stageSymlink f =<< hashSymlink l
, stagePointerFile f =<< hashPointerFile k
return (Just k)
{- Ingests a locked down file into the annex. Does not update the working
- tree or the index.
ingest :: Maybe LockedDown -> Annex (Maybe Key, Maybe InodeCache)
ingest Nothing = return (Nothing, Nothing)
@ -141,7 +164,6 @@ ingest (Just (LockedDown cfg source)) = withTSDelta $ \delta -> do
golocked key mcache s = do
catchNonAsync (moveAnnex key $ contentLocation source)
(restoreFile (keyFilename source) key)
liftIO $ nukeFile $ keyFilename source
populateAssociatedFiles key source
success key mcache s
@ -295,3 +317,50 @@ forceParams = ifM (Annex.getState Annex.force)
( return [Param "-f"]
, return []
{- Whether a file should be added unlocked or not. Default is to not,
- unless symlinks are not supported. annex.addunlocked can override that. -}
addUnlocked :: Annex Bool
addUnlocked = isDirect <||>
(versionSupportsUnlockedPointers <&&>
((not . coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig) <||>
(annexAddUnlocked <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
{- Adds a file to the work tree for the key, and stages it in the index.
- The content of the key may be provided in a temp file, which will be
- moved into place. -}
addAnnexedFile :: FilePath -> Key -> Maybe FilePath -> Annex ()
addAnnexedFile file key mtmp = ifM (addUnlocked <&&> not <$> isDirect)
( do
stagePointerFile file =<< hashPointerFile key
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile key =<< inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
case mtmp of
Just tmp -> do
moveAnnex key tmp
Nothing -> ifM (inAnnex key)
( linkunlocked
, writepointer
, do
addLink file key Nothing
whenM isDirect $ do
void $ addAssociatedFile key file
case mtmp of
Just tmp -> do
{- For moveAnnex to work in direct mode, the
- symlink must already exist, so flush the queue. -}
whenM isDirect $
moveAnnex key tmp
Nothing -> return ()
writepointer = liftIO $ writeFile file (formatPointer key)
linkunlocked = do
r <- linkFromAnnex key file
case r of
LinkAnnexFailed -> writepointer
_ -> return ()
@ -12,12 +12,10 @@ import Annex.Ingest
import Logs.Location
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Content.Direct
import Annex.Link
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.Queue
import qualified Database.Keys
import Config
import Utility.InodeCache
import Annex.FileMatcher
import Annex.Version
@ -99,48 +97,42 @@ start file = ifAnnexed file addpresent add
( do
ms <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus file
case ms of
Just s | isSymbolicLink s -> fixup key
Just s | isSymbolicLink s -> fixuplink key
_ -> ifM (sameInodeCache file =<< Database.Keys.getInodeCaches key)
( stop, add )
, ifM isDirect
( do
ms <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus file
case ms of
Just s | isSymbolicLink s -> fixup key
Just s | isSymbolicLink s -> fixuplink key
_ -> ifM (goodContent key file)
( stop , add )
, fixup key
, fixuplink key
fixup key = do
fixuplink key = do
-- the annexed symlink is present but not yet added to git
showStart "add" file
liftIO $ removeFile file
whenM isDirect $
void $ addAssociatedFile key file
next $ next $ cleanup file key Nothing =<< inAnnex key
next $ next $ do
addLink file key Nothing
cleanup key =<< inAnnex key
perform :: FilePath -> CommandPerform
perform file = do
lockingfile <- not <$> isDirect
lockingfile <- not <$> addUnlocked
let cfg = LockDownConfig
{ lockingFile = lockingfile
, hardlinkFileTmp = True
lockDown cfg file >>= ingest >>= go
lockDown cfg file >>= ingestAdd >>= finish
go (Just key, cache) = next $ cleanup file key cache True
go (Nothing, _) = stop
finish (Just key) = next $ cleanup key True
finish Nothing = stop
cleanup :: FilePath -> Key -> Maybe InodeCache -> Bool -> CommandCleanup
cleanup file key mcache hascontent = do
cleanup :: Key -> Bool -> CommandCleanup
cleanup key hascontent = do
maybeShowJSON [("key", key2file key)]
ifM (isDirect <&&> pure hascontent)
( do
l <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLink file key
stageSymlink file =<< hashSymlink l
, addLink file key mcache
when hascontent $
logStatus key InfoPresent
return True
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import Network.URI
import Command
import Backend
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.Queue
import qualified Annex.Url as Url
import qualified Backend.URL
import qualified Remote
@ -24,8 +23,6 @@ import Annex.UUID
import Logs.Web
import Types.KeySource
import Types.UrlContents
import Config
import Annex.Content.Direct
import Annex.FileMatcher
import Logs.Location
import Utility.Metered
@ -363,13 +360,7 @@ cleanup u url file key mtmp = case mtmp of
when (isJust mtmp) $
logStatus key InfoPresent
setUrlPresent u key url
addLink file key Nothing
whenM isDirect $ do
void $ addAssociatedFile key file
{- For moveAnnex to work in direct mode, the symlink
- must already exist, so flush the queue. -}
maybe noop (moveAnnex key) mtmp
addAnnexedFile file key mtmp
nodownload :: URLString -> Url.UrlInfo -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key)
nodownload url urlinfo file
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ data GitConfig = GitConfig
, annexVerify :: Bool
, annexPidLock :: Bool
, annexPidLockTimeout :: Seconds
, annexAddUnlocked :: Bool
, coreSymlinks :: Bool
, coreSharedRepository :: SharedRepository
, gcryptId :: Maybe String
@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ extractGitConfig r = GitConfig
, annexPidLock = getbool (annex "pidlock") False
, annexPidLockTimeout = Seconds $ fromMaybe 300 $
getmayberead (annex "pidlocktimeout")
, annexAddUnlocked = getbool (annex "addunlocked") False
, coreSymlinks = getbool "core.symlinks" True
, coreSharedRepository = getSharedRepository r
, gcryptId = getmaybe "core.gcrypt-id"
@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ git-annex (6.20160212) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* When initializing a v6 repo on a crippled filesystem, don't force it
into direct mode.
* Windows: Fix v6 unlocked files to actually work.
* add, addurl, import, importfeed: When in a v6 repository on a crippled
filesystem, add files unlocked.
* annex.addunlocked: New configuration setting, makes files always be
added unlocked. (v6 only)
* Improve format of v6 unlocked pointer files to support keys containing
-- Joey Hess <> Fri, 12 Feb 2016 14:03:46 -0400
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ to the git repository, instead of to the annex.
Large files are added to the annex in locked form, which prevents further
modification of their content unless unlocked by [[git-annex-unlock]](1).
(This is not the case however when a repository is in direct mode.)
(This is not the case however when a repository is in a filesystem not
supporting symlinks, or is in direct mode.)
To add a file to the annex in unlocked form, `git add` can be used instead
(that only works when the repository has annex.version 6 or higher).
@ -823,6 +823,15 @@ Here are all the supported configuration settings.
should be checked into git by `git annex add`. Defaults to true;
set to false to instead make small files be skipped.
* `annex.addunlocked`
Set to true to make commands like `git-annex add` that add files to the
repository add them in unlocked form. The default is to add files in
locked form. This only has effect in version 6 repositories.
When a repository has core.symlinks set to false, it implicitly
sets annex.addunlocked to true.
* `annex.numcopies`
This is a deprecated setting. You should instead use the
@ -88,6 +88,13 @@ git-annex converts between the content of the big file and a pointer file,
which is what gets committed to git. All the regular git-annex commands
(get, drop, etc) can be used on unlocked files too.
[[!template id=note text="""
By default, git-annex commands will add files in locked mode,
unless used on a filesystem that does not support symlinks, when unlocked
mode is used. To make them always use unlocked mode, run:
`git config annex.addunlocked true`
A v6 repository can contain both locked and unlocked files. You can switch
a file back and forth using the `git annex lock` and `git annex unlock`
commands. This changes what's stored in git between a git-annex symlink
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