git-annex log --received modifier option
Only counting received and not dropped makes this show the bandwidth of data coming into the repository, although only in a sense. Since git-annex branch updates only happen at the end of a command, and we don't know when a command started, it's only an approximation of the actual bandwidth. (A previous git-annex branch update made have happened in a different repository.) It would be possible to also add a --dropped option, but I don't know how useful that would be? Sponsored-by: Nicholas Golder-Manning on Patreon
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 53 additions and 25 deletions
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ git-annex (10.20230927) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* info: Added calculation of combined annex size of all repositories.
* log: Added options --sizesof, --sizes and --totalsizes that
display how the size of repositories changed over time.
* log: Added options --interval, --bytes, --received
to tune the output of the above added options.
-- Joey Hess <> Tue, 10 Oct 2023 13:17:31 -0400
@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ data LogOptions = LogOptions
, sizesOfOption :: Maybe (DeferredParse UUID)
, sizesOption :: Bool
, totalSizesOption :: Bool
, whenOption :: Maybe Duration
, intervalOption :: Maybe Duration
, receivedOption :: Bool
, rawDateOption :: Bool
, bytesOption :: Bool
, gourceOption :: Bool
@ -83,6 +84,10 @@ optParser desc = LogOptions
( long "interval" <> metavar paramTime
<> help "minimum time between displays of changed size"
<*> switch
( long "received"
<> help "display received data per interval rather than repository sizes"
<*> switch
( long "raw-date"
<> help "display seconds from unix epoch"
@ -295,7 +300,7 @@ sizeHistoryInfo mu o = do
uuidmap <- getuuidmap
zone <- liftIO getCurrentTimeZone
liftIO $ displayheader uuidmap
let dispst = (zone, False, epoch, Nothing)
let dispst = (zone, False, epoch, Nothing, mempty)
(l, cleanup) <- getlog
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ catObjectStream g $ \feeder closer reader -> do
@ -379,7 +384,9 @@ sizeHistoryInfo mu o = do
combinedlog = PLog.compactLog (oldlog ++ newlog)
combinedlocs = S.fromList (presentlocs combinedlog)
addedlocs = S.difference combinedlocs oldlocs
removedlocs = S.difference oldlocs combinedlocs
| receivedOption o = S.empty
| otherwise = S.difference oldlocs combinedlocs
addnew k sizemap locmap newlog =
( updatesize sizemap (ksz k) locs
@ -402,23 +409,36 @@ sizeHistoryInfo mu o = do
(M.elems uuidmap)
| otherwise = return ()
displaysizes (zone, displayedyet, prevt, prevoutput) trustlog uuidmap sizemap t
| t - prevt >= dt
&& (displayedyet || any (/= 0) sizes)
&& (prevoutput /= Just output) = do
displaysizes (zone, displayedyet, prevt, prevoutput, prevsizemap) trustlog uuidmap sizemap t
| t - prevt >= dt && changedoutput = do
displayts zone t output
return (zone, True, t, Just output)
| t < prevt = return (zone, displayedyet, t, Just output)
| otherwise = return (zone, displayedyet, prevt, Just output)
return (zone, True, t, Just output, sizemap')
| t < prevt = return (zone, displayedyet, t, Just output, prevsizemap)
| otherwise = return (zone, displayedyet, prevt, prevoutput, prevsizemap)
output = intercalate "," (map showsize sizes)
us = case mu of
Just u -> [u]
Nothing -> M.keys uuidmap
| totalSizesOption o = [sum (M.elems sizemap')]
| otherwise = map (\u -> fromMaybe 0 (M.lookup u sizemap')) us
dt = maybe 1 durationToPOSIXTime (whenOption o)
| totalSizesOption o = [sum (M.elems sizedisplaymap)]
| otherwise = map (\u -> fromMaybe 0 (M.lookup u sizedisplaymap)) us
dt = maybe 1 durationToPOSIXTime (intervalOption o)
| receivedOption o =
any (/= 0) sizes
|| prevoutput /= Just output
| otherwise =
(displayedyet || any (/= 0) sizes)
&& (prevoutput /= Just output)
| receivedOption o =
M.unionWith posminus sizemap' prevsizemap
| otherwise = sizemap'
posminus a b = max 0 (a - b)
-- A verison of sizemap where uuids that are currently dead
-- have 0 size.
@ -433,7 +453,7 @@ sizeHistoryInfo mu o = do
then rawTimeStamp t
else showTimeStamp zone "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" t
displayendsizes (zone , _, _, Just output) = do
displayendsizes (zone , _, _, Just output, _) = do
now <- getPOSIXTime
displayts zone now output
displayendsizes _ = return ()
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ false, information may not have been committed to the branch yet.
* `--sizesof=repository`
Displays a history of the total size of the annexed files in a repository
as it changed over time from the creation of the repository to the present.
over time from the creation of the repository to the present.
The repository can be "here" for the current repository, or the name of a
remote, or a repository description or uuid.
@ -65,10 +65,25 @@ false, information may not have been committed to the branch yet.
When using `--sizesof`, `--sizes`, and `--totalsizes`, this
controls the minimum interval between displays of the size.
The default is to display each recorded change to the size.
The default is to display each new recorded size.
The time is of the form "30d" or "1y".
* `--received`
Combine this option with `--sizesof` or `--sizes` to display
the amount of data received into repositories since the last
line was output.
* `--bytes`
Show sizes in bytes, disabling the default nicer units.
* `--raw-date`
Rather than the normal display of a date in the local time zone,
displays seconds since the unix epoch.
* `--since=date`, `--after=date`, `--until=date`, `--before=date`, `--max-count=N`
These options are passed through to `git log`, and can be used to limit
@ -79,15 +94,6 @@ false, information may not have been committed to the branch yet.
These options do not have an affect when using `--sizesof`, `--sizes`,
and `--totalsizes`.
* `--bytes`
Show sizes in bytes, disabling the default nicer units.
* `--raw-date`
Rather than the normal display of a date in the local time zone,
displays seconds since the unix epoch.
* `--gource`
Generates output suitable for the `gource` visualization program.
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