color unreachable nodes
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 40 additions and 20 deletions
@ -51,11 +51,12 @@ start = do
- displayed as a node, and each of its remotes is represented as an edge
- pointing at the node for the remote. -}
drawMap :: [Git.Repo] -> (M.Map UUID String) -> String
drawMap rs umap = Dot.graph $ repos ++ others
drawMap rs umap = Dot.graph $ others ++ repos
repos = map (node umap rs) rs
others = map uuidnode (M.keys umap)
uuidnode u = Dot.graphNode u $ M.findWithDefault "" u umap
uuidnode u = unreachable $
Dot.graphNode u $ M.findWithDefault "" u umap
hostname :: Git.Repo -> String
hostname r
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ repoName umap r
Just n -> n
Nothing -> "unknown"
{- A unique id for the node. Uses the annex.uuid if available. -}
{- A unique id for the node for a repo. Uses the annex.uuid if available. -}
nodeId :: Git.Repo -> String
nodeId r =
case (getUncachedUUID r) of
@ -90,8 +91,11 @@ node :: (M.Map UUID String) -> [Git.Repo] -> Git.Repo -> String
node umap fullinfo r = unlines $ n:edges
n = Dot.subGraph (hostname r) (basehostname r) $
Dot.graphNode (nodeId r) (repoName umap r)
decorate $ Dot.graphNode (nodeId r) (repoName umap r)
edges = map (edge umap fullinfo r) (Git.remotes r)
| Git.configMap r == M.empty = unreachable
| otherwise = reachable
{- An edge between two repos. The second repo is a remote of the first. -}
edge :: (M.Map UUID String) -> [Git.Repo] -> Git.Repo -> Git.Repo -> String
@ -115,6 +119,11 @@ edge umap fullinfo from to =
then Nothing
else Just n
unreachable :: String -> String
unreachable s = Dot.fillColor "red" s
reachable :: String -> String
reachable s = Dot.fillColor "white" s
{- Recursively searches out remotes starting with the specified repo. -}
spider :: Git.Repo -> Annex [Git.Repo]
spider r = spider' [r] []
@ -9,39 +9,50 @@ module Dot where -- import qualified
{- generates a graph description from a list of lines -}
graph :: [String] -> String
graph s = unlines $ [header] ++ s ++ [footer]
graph s = unlines $ [header] ++ map formatLine s ++ [footer]
header = "digraph map {"
footer= "}"
{- a node in the graph -}
graphNode :: String -> String -> String
graphNode nodeid desc = lineLabeled desc $ quote nodeid
graphNode nodeid desc = label desc $ quote nodeid
{- an edge between two nodes -}
graphEdge :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> String
graphEdge fromid toid d =
case d of
Nothing -> line edge
Just desc -> lineLabeled desc edge
graphEdge fromid toid desc =
case desc of
Nothing -> edge
Just d -> label d edge
edge = quote fromid ++ " -> " ++ quote toid
quote :: String -> String
quote s = "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
{- adds a label to a node or edge -}
label :: String -> String -> String
label l s = attr "label" l s
line :: String -> String
line s = "\t" ++ s ++ ";"
{- adds an attribute to a node or edge
- (can be called multiple times for multiple attributes) -}
attr :: String -> String -> String -> String
attr a v s = s ++ " [ " ++ a ++ "=" ++ quote v ++ " ]"
{- a line with a label -}
lineLabeled :: String -> String -> String
lineLabeled label s = line $ s ++ " [ label=" ++ quote label ++ " ]"
{- fills a node with a color -}
fillColor :: String -> String -> String
fillColor color s = attr "fillcolor" color $ attr "style" "filled" $ s
{- apply to graphNode to put the node in a labeled box -}
subGraph :: String -> String -> String -> String
subGraph subid label s = line $
"subgraph " ++ name ++ "{\n" ++ setlabel ++ "\n" ++ s ++ "\n}"
subGraph subid l s =
"subgraph " ++ name ++ "{\n\t" ++ setlabel ++ "\n\t\t" ++ s ++ "\n\t}"
-- the "cluster_" makes dot draw a box
name = quote ("cluster_" ++ subid)
setlabel = line $ "label=" ++ quote label
setlabel = formatLine $ "label=" ++ quote l
formatLine :: String -> String
formatLine s = "\t" ++ s ++ ";"
quote :: String -> String
quote s = "\"" ++ s' ++ "\""
s' = filter (/= '"') s
Add table
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