numcopies cleanup, part 2
This includes several bug fixes.
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 104 additions and 77 deletions
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ data AnnexState = AnnexState
, checkignorehandle :: Maybe (Maybe CheckIgnoreHandle)
, forcebackend :: Maybe String
, globalnumcopies :: Maybe NumCopies
, forcenumcopies :: Maybe NumCopies
, limit :: Matcher (MatchInfo -> Annex Bool)
, uuidmap :: Maybe UUIDMap
, preferredcontentmap :: Maybe PreferredContentMap
@ -131,6 +132,7 @@ newState c r = AnnexState
, checkignorehandle = Nothing
, forcebackend = Nothing
, globalnumcopies = Nothing
, forcenumcopies = Nothing
, limit = Left []
, uuidmap = Nothing
, preferredcontentmap = Nothing
@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ handleDropsFrom locs rs reason fromhere key (Just afile) knownpresentremote runn
getcopies fs = do
(untrusted, have) <- trustPartition UnTrusted locs
numcopies <- maximum
<$> mapM (getNumCopies <=< getFileNumCopies) fs
numcopies <- maximum <$> mapM getFileNumCopies fs
return (NumCopies (length have), numcopies, S.fromList untrusted)
{- Check that we have enough copies still to drop the content.
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ handleDropsFrom locs rs reason fromhere key (Just afile) knownpresentremote runn
checkdrop fs n@(have, numcopies, _untrusted) u a =
ifM (allM (wantDrop True u . Just) fs)
( ifM (safely $ runner $ a (Just numcopies))
( ifM (safely $ runner $ a numcopies)
( do
liftIO $ debugM "drop" $ unwords
[ "dropped"
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ prefsAForm def = PrefsForm
getPrefs :: Annex PrefsForm
getPrefs = PrefsForm
<$> (T.pack . roughSize storageUnits False . annexDiskReserve <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
<*> (fromNumCopies <$> (maybe deprecatedNumCopies return =<< getGlobalNumCopies))
<*> (fromNumCopies <$> getNumCopies)
<*> inAutoStartFile
<*> (annexAutoUpgrade <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
<*> (annexDebug <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ start from file (key, _) = checkDropAuto from file key $ \numcopies ->
then startLocal (Just file) numcopies key Nothing
else startRemote (Just file) numcopies key remote
startLocal :: AssociatedFile -> Maybe NumCopies -> Key -> Maybe Remote -> CommandStart
startLocal :: AssociatedFile -> NumCopies -> Key -> Maybe Remote -> CommandStart
startLocal afile numcopies key knownpresentremote = stopUnless (inAnnex key) $ do
showStart "drop" (fromMaybe (key2file key) afile)
next $ performLocal key numcopies knownpresentremote
startRemote :: AssociatedFile -> Maybe NumCopies -> Key -> Remote -> CommandStart
startRemote :: AssociatedFile -> NumCopies -> Key -> Remote -> CommandStart
startRemote afile numcopies key remote = do
showStart ("drop " ++ remote) (fromMaybe (key2file key) afile)
next $ performRemote key numcopies remote
performLocal :: Key -> Maybe NumCopies -> Maybe Remote -> CommandPerform
performLocal :: Key -> NumCopies -> Maybe Remote -> CommandPerform
performLocal key numcopies knownpresentremote = lockContent key $ do
(remotes, trusteduuids) <- Remote.keyPossibilitiesTrusted key
let trusteduuids' = case knownpresentremote of
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ performLocal key numcopies knownpresentremote = lockContent key $ do
removeAnnex key
next $ cleanupLocal key
performRemote :: Key -> Maybe NumCopies -> Remote -> CommandPerform
performRemote :: Key -> NumCopies -> Remote -> CommandPerform
performRemote key numcopies remote = lockContent key $ do
-- Filter the remote it's being dropped from out of the lists of
-- places assumed to have the key, and places to check.
@ -98,14 +98,12 @@ cleanupRemote key remote ok = do
{- Checks specified remotes to verify that enough copies of a key exist to
- allow it to be safely removed (with no data loss). Can be provided with
- some locations where the key is known/assumed to be present. -}
canDropKey :: Key -> Maybe NumCopies -> [UUID] -> [Remote] -> [UUID] -> Annex Bool
canDropKey key numcopiesM have check skip = do
canDropKey :: Key -> NumCopies -> [UUID] -> [Remote] -> [UUID] -> Annex Bool
canDropKey key numcopies have check skip = do
force <- Annex.getState Annex.force
if force || numcopiesM == Just (NumCopies 0)
if force || numcopies == NumCopies 0
then return True
else do
need <- getNumCopies numcopiesM
findCopies key need skip have check
else findCopies key numcopies skip have check
findCopies :: Key -> NumCopies -> [UUID] -> [UUID] -> [Remote] -> Annex Bool
findCopies key need skip = helper [] []
@ -142,22 +140,18 @@ notEnoughCopies key need have skip bad = do
hint = showLongNote "(Use --force to override this check, or adjust numcopies.)"
{- In auto mode, only runs the action if there are enough
- copies on other semitrusted repositories.
- Passes any numcopies attribute of the file on to the action as an
- optimisation. -}
checkDropAuto :: Maybe Remote -> FilePath -> Key -> (Maybe NumCopies -> CommandStart) -> CommandStart
- copies on other semitrusted repositories. -}
checkDropAuto :: Maybe Remote -> FilePath -> Key -> (NumCopies -> CommandStart) -> CommandStart
checkDropAuto mremote file key a = do
numcopiesattr <- getFileNumCopies file
Annex.getState >>= auto numcopiesattr
numcopies <- getFileNumCopies file
Annex.getState >>= auto numcopies
auto numcopiesattr False = a numcopiesattr
auto numcopiesattr True = do
needed <- getNumCopies numcopiesattr
auto numcopies False = a numcopies
auto numcopies True = do
locs <- Remote.keyLocations key
uuid <- getUUID
let remoteuuid = fromMaybe uuid $ Remote.uuid <$> mremote
locs' <- trustExclude UnTrusted $ filter (/= remoteuuid) locs
if NumCopies (length locs') >= needed
then a numcopiesattr
if NumCopies (length locs') >= numcopies
then a numcopies
else stop
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import qualified Remote
import qualified Git
import qualified Option
import Command.Unused (withUnusedMaps, UnusedMaps(..), startUnused)
import Logs.NumCopies
def :: [Command]
def = [withOptions [Command.Drop.fromOption] $
@ -22,18 +23,20 @@ def = [withOptions [Command.Drop.fromOption] $
seek SectionMaintenance "drop unused file content"]
seek :: CommandSeek
seek = withUnusedMaps start
seek ps = do
numcopies <- getNumCopies
withUnusedMaps (start numcopies) ps
start :: UnusedMaps -> Int -> CommandStart
start = startUnused "dropunused" perform (performOther gitAnnexBadLocation) (performOther gitAnnexTmpLocation)
start :: NumCopies -> UnusedMaps -> Int -> CommandStart
start numcopies = startUnused "dropunused" (perform numcopies) (performOther gitAnnexBadLocation) (performOther gitAnnexTmpLocation)
perform :: Key -> CommandPerform
perform key = maybe droplocal dropremote =<< Remote.byNameWithUUID =<< from
perform :: NumCopies -> Key -> CommandPerform
perform numcopies key = maybe droplocal dropremote =<< Remote.byNameWithUUID =<< from
dropremote r = do
showAction $ "from " ++ r
Command.Drop.performRemote key Nothing r
droplocal = Command.Drop.performLocal key Nothing Nothing
Command.Drop.performRemote key numcopies r
droplocal = Command.Drop.performLocal key numcopies Nothing
from = Annex.getField $ Command.Drop.fromOption
performOther :: (Key -> Git.Repo -> FilePath) -> Key -> CommandPerform
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ start from inc file (key, backend) = do
go = runFsck inc file key
perform :: Key -> FilePath -> Backend -> Maybe NumCopies -> Annex Bool
perform :: Key -> FilePath -> Backend -> NumCopies -> Annex Bool
perform key file backend numcopies = check
-- order matters
[ fixLink key file
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ perform key file backend numcopies = check
{- To fsck a remote, the content is retrieved to a tmp file,
- and checked locally. -}
performRemote :: Key -> FilePath -> Backend -> Maybe NumCopies -> Remote -> Annex Bool
performRemote :: Key -> FilePath -> Backend -> NumCopies -> Remote -> Annex Bool
performRemote key file backend numcopies remote =
dispatch =<< Remote.hasKey remote key
@ -369,15 +369,14 @@ checkBackendOr' bad backend key file postcheck =
, return True
checkKeyNumCopies :: Key -> FilePath -> Maybe NumCopies -> Annex Bool
checkKeyNumCopies :: Key -> FilePath -> NumCopies -> Annex Bool
checkKeyNumCopies key file numcopies = do
needed <- getNumCopies numcopies
(untrustedlocations, safelocations) <- trustPartition UnTrusted =<< Remote.keyLocations key
let present = NumCopies (length safelocations)
if present < needed
if present < numcopies
then do
ppuuids <- Remote.prettyPrintUUIDs "untrusted" untrustedlocations
warning $ missingNote file present needed ppuuids
warning $ missingNote file present numcopies ppuuids
return False
else return True
@ -28,17 +28,15 @@ seek ps = do
to <- getOptionField toOption Remote.byNameWithUUID
from <- getOptionField fromOption Remote.byNameWithUUID
(startKey Nothing to from Nothing)
(startKey to from Nothing)
(withFilesInGit $ whenAnnexed $ start to from)
start :: Maybe Remote -> Maybe Remote -> FilePath -> (Key, Backend) -> CommandStart
start to from file (key, _backend) = do
numcopies <- getFileNumCopies file
startKey numcopies to from (Just file) key
start to from file (key, _backend) = startKey to from (Just file) key
startKey :: Maybe NumCopies -> Maybe Remote -> Maybe Remote -> Maybe FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
startKey numcopies to from afile key = do
startKey :: Maybe Remote -> Maybe Remote -> Maybe FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
startKey to from afile key = do
case (from, to) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> error "specify either --from or --to"
@ -50,7 +48,9 @@ startKey numcopies to from afile key = do
error "--auto is not supported for mirror"
mirrorto r = ifM (inAnnex key)
( Command.Move.toStart r False afile key
, Command.Drop.startRemote afile numcopies key r
, do
numcopies <- getnumcopies
Command.Drop.startRemote afile numcopies key r
mirrorfrom r = do
haskey <- Remote.hasKey r key
@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ startKey numcopies to from afile key = do
Left _ -> stop
Right True -> Command.Get.start' (return True) Nothing key afile
Right False -> ifM (inAnnex key)
( Command.Drop.startLocal afile numcopies key Nothing
( do
numcopies <- getnumcopies
Command.Drop.startLocal afile numcopies key Nothing
, stop
getnumcopies = maybe getNumCopies getFileNumCopies afile
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ startGet = next $ next $ do
Just n -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ show $ fromNumCopies n
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "global numcopies is not set"
old <- annexNumCopies <$> Annex.getGitConfig
old <- deprecatedNumCopies
case old of
Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "(default is 1)"
Just n -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "(deprecated git config annex.numcopies is set to " ++ show n ++ " locally)"
Just n -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "(deprecated git config annex.numcopies is set to " ++ show (fromNumCopies n) ++ " locally)"
return True
startSet :: Int -> CommandStart
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ options = Option.common ++
trustArg t = ReqArg (Remote.forceTrust t) paramRemote
setnumcopies v = maybe noop
(\n -> Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.globalnumcopies = Just $ NumCopies n })
(\n -> Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.forcenumcopies = Just $ NumCopies n })
(readish v)
setuseragent v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.useragent = Just v }
setgitconfig v = inRepo ( v)
@ -13,9 +13,11 @@ module Logs.NumCopies (
) where
import Common.Annex
@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ instance SingleValueSerializable NumCopies where
setGlobalNumCopies :: NumCopies -> Annex ()
setGlobalNumCopies = setLog numcopiesLog
{- Cached for speed. -}
{- Value configured in the numcopies log. Cached for speed. -}
getGlobalNumCopies :: Annex (Maybe NumCopies)
getGlobalNumCopies = maybe globalNumCopiesLoad (return . Just)
=<< Annex.getState Annex.globalnumcopies
@ -45,33 +47,57 @@ globalNumCopiesLoad = do
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.globalnumcopies = v }
return v
{- Numcopies value for a file, from .gitattributes or global,
- but not the deprecated git config. -}
getFileNumCopies :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe NumCopies)
getFileNumCopies file = do
global <- getGlobalNumCopies
case global of
Just n -> return $ Just n
Nothing -> (NumCopies <$$> readish)
<$> checkAttr "annex.numcopies" file
defaultNumCopies :: NumCopies
defaultNumCopies = NumCopies 1
deprecatedNumCopies :: Annex NumCopies
deprecatedNumCopies = NumCopies . fromMaybe 1 . annexNumCopies
<$> Annex.getGitConfig
fromSources :: [Annex (Maybe NumCopies)] -> Annex NumCopies
fromSources = fromMaybe defaultNumCopies <$$> getM id
{- Checks if numcopies are satisfied by running a comparison
{- The git config annex.numcopies is deprecated. -}
deprecatedNumCopies :: Annex (Maybe NumCopies)
deprecatedNumCopies = annexNumCopies <$> Annex.getGitConfig
{- Value forced on the command line by --numcopies. -}
getForcedNumCopies :: Annex (Maybe NumCopies)
getForcedNumCopies = Annex.getState Annex.forcenumcopies
{- Numcopies value from any of the non-.gitattributes configuration
- sources. -}
getNumCopies :: Annex NumCopies
getNumCopies = fromSources
[ getForcedNumCopies
, getGlobalNumCopies
, deprecatedNumCopies
{- Numcopies value for a file, from any configuration source, including the
- deprecated git config. -}
getFileNumCopies :: FilePath -> Annex NumCopies
getFileNumCopies f = fromSources
[ getForcedNumCopies
, getFileNumCopies' f
, deprecatedNumCopies
{- This is the globally visible numcopies value for a file. So it does
- not include local configuration in the git config or command line
- options. -}
getGlobalFileNumCopies :: FilePath -> Annex NumCopies
getGlobalFileNumCopies f = fromSources
[ getFileNumCopies' f
getFileNumCopies' :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe NumCopies)
getFileNumCopies' file = maybe getGlobalNumCopies (return . Just) =<< getattr
getattr = (NumCopies <$$> readish)
<$> checkAttr "annex.numcopies" file
{- Checks if numcopies are satisfied for a file by running a comparison
- between the number of (not untrusted) copies that are
- belived to exist, and the configured value.
- Includes the deprecated annex.numcopies git config if
- nothing else specifies a numcopies value. -}
- belived to exist, and the configured value. -}
numCopiesCheck :: FilePath -> Key -> (Int -> Int -> v) -> Annex v
numCopiesCheck file key vs = do
numcopiesattr <- getFileNumCopies file
NumCopies needed <- getNumCopies numcopiesattr
NumCopies needed <- getFileNumCopies file
have <- trustExclude UnTrusted =<< Remote.keyLocations key
return $ length have `vs` needed
getNumCopies :: Maybe NumCopies -> Annex NumCopies
getNumCopies (Just v) = return v
getNumCopies Nothing = deprecatedNumCopies
@ -19,12 +19,13 @@ import Utility.DataUnits
import Config.Cost
import Types.Distribution
import Types.Availability
import Types.NumCopies
{- Main git-annex settings. Each setting corresponds to a git-config key
- such as -}
data GitConfig = GitConfig
{ annexVersion :: Maybe String
, annexNumCopies :: Maybe Int
, annexNumCopies :: Maybe NumCopies
, annexDiskReserve :: Integer
, annexDirect :: Bool
, annexBackends :: [String]
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ data GitConfig = GitConfig
extractGitConfig :: Git.Repo -> GitConfig
extractGitConfig r = GitConfig
{ annexVersion = notempty $ getmaybe (annex "version")
, annexNumCopies = getmayberead (annex "numcopies")
, annexNumCopies = NumCopies <$> getmayberead (annex "numcopies")
, annexDiskReserve = fromMaybe onemegabyte $
readSize dataUnits =<< getmaybe (annex "diskreserve")
, annexDirect = getbool (annex "direct") False
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