metacata command can now operate on many files at once
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 65 additions and 48 deletions
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ import Types.UUID
import Types.FileMatcher
import Types.NumCopies
import Types.LockPool
import Types.MetaData
import qualified Utility.Matcher
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ data AnnexState = AnnexState
, lockpool :: LockPool
, flags :: M.Map String Bool
, fields :: M.Map String String
, modmeta :: [ModMeta]
, cleanup :: M.Map String (Annex ())
, inodeschanged :: Maybe Bool
, useragent :: Maybe String
@ -146,6 +148,7 @@ newState c r = AnnexState
, lockpool = M.empty
, flags = M.empty
, fields = M.empty
, modmeta = []
, cleanup = M.empty
, inodeschanged = Nothing
, useragent = Nothing
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
module Command.MetaData where
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex
import Command
import Logs.MetaData
import Types.MetaData
@ -15,27 +16,32 @@ import Types.MetaData
import qualified Data.Set as S
def :: [Command]
def = [command "metadata" (paramPair paramFile (paramRepeating "FIELD[+-]=VALUE")) seek
def = [withOptions [setOption] $ command "metadata" paramPaths seek
SectionUtility "sets metadata of a file"]
seek :: CommandSeek
seek = withWords start
start :: [String] -> CommandStart
start (file:settings) = ifAnnexed file
(error $ "not an annexed file, so cannot add metadata: " ++ file)
setOption :: Option
setOption = Option ['s'] ["set"] (ReqArg mkmod "field[+-]=value") "set metadata"
go (k, _b) = do
showStart "metadata" file
next $ perform k (map parse settings)
start _ = error "specify a file and the metadata to set"
mkmod p = case parseModMeta p of
Left e -> error e
Right modmeta -> Annex.changeState $
\s -> s { Annex.modmeta = modmeta:Annex.modmeta s }
perform :: Key -> [Action] -> CommandPerform
seek :: CommandSeek
seek ps = do
modmeta <- Annex.getState Annex.modmeta
withFilesInGit (whenAnnexed $ start modmeta) ps
start :: [ModMeta] -> FilePath -> (Key, Backend) -> CommandStart
start ms file (k, _) = do
showStart "metadata" file
next $ perform k ms
perform :: Key -> [ModMeta] -> CommandPerform
perform k [] = next $ cleanup k
perform k as = do
perform k ms = do
oldm <- getCurrentMetaData k
let m = foldr (apply oldm) newMetaData as
let m = foldl' unionMetaData newMetaData $ map (modMeta oldm) ms
addMetaData k m
next $ cleanup k
@ -46,27 +52,3 @@ cleanup k = do
return True
showmeta (f, vs) = map (\v -> fromMetaField f ++ "=" ++ fromMetaValue v) $ S.toList vs
data Action
= AddMeta MetaField MetaValue
| DelMeta MetaField MetaValue
| SetMeta MetaField MetaValue
parse :: String -> Action
parse p = case lastMaybe f of
Just '+' -> AddMeta (mkf f') v
Just '-' -> DelMeta (mkf f') v
_ -> SetMeta (mkf f) v
(f, sv) = separate (== '=') p
f' = beginning f
v = toMetaValue sv
mkf fld = fromMaybe (badfield fld) (toMetaField fld)
badfield fld = error $ "Illegal metadata field name, \"" ++ fld ++ "\""
apply :: MetaData -> Action -> MetaData -> MetaData
apply _ (AddMeta f v) m = updateMetaData f v m
apply _ (DelMeta f oldv) m = updateMetaData f (unsetMetaValue oldv) m
apply oldm (SetMeta f v) m = updateMetaData f v $
foldr (updateMetaData f) m $
map unsetMetaValue $ S.toList $ currentMetaDataValues f oldm
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ module Types.MetaData (
@ -27,8 +29,9 @@ module Types.MetaData (
) where
@ -180,6 +183,35 @@ removeEmptyFields (MetaData m) = MetaData $ M.filter (not . S.null) m
getAllMetaData :: MetaField -> MetaData -> S.Set MetaValue
getAllMetaData f (MetaData m) = fromMaybe S.empty (M.lookup f m)
{- Ways that existing metadata can be modified -}
data ModMeta
= AddMeta MetaField MetaValue
| DelMeta MetaField MetaValue
| SetMeta MetaField MetaValue -- removes any existing values
{- Applies a ModMeta, generating the new MetaData.
- Note that the new MetaData does not include all the
- values set in the input metadata. It only contains changed values. -}
modMeta :: MetaData -> ModMeta -> MetaData
modMeta _ (AddMeta f v) = updateMetaData f v newMetaData
modMeta _ (DelMeta f oldv) = updateMetaData f (unsetMetaValue oldv) newMetaData
modMeta m (SetMeta f v) = updateMetaData f v $
foldr (updateMetaData f) newMetaData $
map unsetMetaValue $ S.toList $ currentMetaDataValues f m
{- Parses field=value, field+=value, field-=value -}
parseModMeta :: String -> Either String ModMeta
parseModMeta p = case lastMaybe f of
Just '+' -> AddMeta <$> mkf f' <*> v
Just '-' -> DelMeta <$> mkf f' <*> v
_ -> SetMeta <$> mkf f <*> v
(f, sv) = separate (== '=') p
f' = beginning f
v = pure (toMetaValue sv)
mkf fld = maybe (Left $ badfield fld) Right (toMetaField fld)
badfield fld = "Illegal metadata field name, \"" ++ fld ++ "\""
{- Avoid putting too many fields in the map; extremely large maps make
- the seriaization test slow due to the sheer amount of data.
- It's unlikely that more than 100 fields of metadata will be used. -}
@ -695,22 +695,22 @@ subdirectories).
* `metadata file [field=value field+=value field-=value ...]`
* `metadata [path ...] [-s field=value -s field+=value -s field-=value ...]`
Each file can have any number of metadata fields attached to it,
which each in turn have any number of values. This sets metadata
for a file, or if run without any values, shows its current metadata.
for the specified file or files, or if run without any values, shows
the current metadata.
To set a field's value, removing any old value(s), use field=value.
To set a field's value, removing any old value(s), use -s field=value.
To add an additional value, use field+=value.
To add an additional value, use -s field+=value.
To remove a value, use field-=value.
To remove a value, use -s field-=value.
For example, to set some tags on a file:
git annex metadata annexscreencast.ogv tag+=video tag+=screencast
git annex metadata annexscreencast.ogv -s tag+=video -s tag+=screencast
* `migrate [path ...]`
Add table
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